* *-1 . o'^ip wi? ? ?:? ::?* f.! i A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOt AND MAI VOL. xt^il O c? l/ll hi O GENERAL NEWS HEWS. J STATE AND NATIONAL 1 HAPPENINGS. r Gathered From Our Many Exchanges and Condensed For i Bu?y Refers '?. t The drug stores of Washington 1 are giving away tobnoeo seed in or ? der to gel tbe tat mere ef Beaufort j oounty to plant a orop this year. I , ; Prof R. L. Flowers, . slTripity ? Cfcllega, ia in Washington for the purpose ef inviting dhe. President to i attend the eommeneement at Trinity Qoilege. j 1 Petitions are being circulated to ' form, a new county out of portions c of Linadlft' Aid Gaston counties, * with Stanley Gseten eounty.^.aa the ooais^eHgV f l'-\ A primary will be held in Greensboro Aprji 34 jto. nominate three commissioners under the commit- < aionform of government and a judge < of the munieipat eonrt. "' 1 The Burhngton News says W- T. 1 Pavne, ofjGAham, killed the biggest hog it ever heard of. It weighed 705 pounds, and the News re marts, "was as big as a horse.y The Wake coiintj hoard of commissioners has: passed an order to ' the effect that no license for a cir;cu?to exhibit; in Raleigh sbailjfe * issued during October; this being * for tbeproteotiofl of the Stafe Fair. S After a spirited discussion ex- ? tending far into the afternoon, * the - pill ato-"-create piedmont m * ' . : v> X county out of portions' of Got). ford, Randolph and Davidson, with Iligl) Point ps county sept was de;, featei, inrthfl House Thursday ity A vote oF,df io 4^' * Tlvef'SdniiWS committee On ednca- f tion lias decided to report favorably c the bill to establish farm life schools by providing $2,500 statq pid to every county raising & like amount for building and equipment and providing for its maintenance. Thirty-five of the - flirty-fiVe Applicants before the Supreme Court were announced Thursday as having passed ' successful' examinations Mst Monday and licenses to ^practice law have been issued to them. None of the three negroes who applied were ? successful. i Charlotte people have bought the i'-U -AD ;Ja?> _--J x aiLtJinun opinion jjruperij ue?r Shelby embracing 100 acres valuable land. Xhe property was sold under a decree of court by commia- ' Burner Mar Gardner. The property la sillliiwa Mil liiB OuuHitsn ami?y j and has a hotel on it. ? After a new census taking of Hen- ^ dersonville, made by air public Bpir- j ited citizens Thursday there was j found to be 3,705 living there in-f, ij stead of 2,818 .as (he government census gave. Many people were j found who never saw the enamerator for tlw igovenunpo^ hot were ' eager tdget tfh the fiat. The Win*ton Septinel says; It is ( rumored that tfce - Southern- -Power j Company is seriously ; considering > cutting out Davidson county from e their interurban line and going by , way of Winston-Salem for the reason that the right-of-way through Davidson county is costing more g than the company is willing to stand, j #Wabrb 'fias ' not experienced c so disastrous Afire itr in any years as ( the one which destroyed property 1 to the amount of nearly $100,000 1 Friday morning. One-half of one of a the beat business bleoke is in a mass of smoldering ruins, and two of the largest business establishments lost ^ , inanAnce. ~ . j They are selling s' new kind of j liaacX-J^l^^ljhsM^yrfa^ jinglng ? L fall was locked up the other night i and bis neighbors in the oellt ad- < ? - I -T^TT "^TWr- T* s--wv t. T: ;r * >" ".j? - - r "- - - SMhftiAi4Mb-V I , , .. j ..,. ,..!, 1 ' I'l I jf' MAGER ''''"" '."H" :r III | .1 I ,. .J~L._ I?I?_ L _ oining declare that he aang from tine at night until fohr the next Borning without etopping. Even hie ia an improvement 4a lighting iquor.?Greeaabero Recprd. Philip Mills, the ntgro wife-murlerer from Transylvania county, >aid the death penalty in the elearie chrir in the atate's prison at ,0-80 o'clock Friday morning, in he preaenoe of the thirty epeotetors rhieh the lair allows. It was the eoond time the death dealing ap>lianoes of the North Carolina prison isve been used and there was not i hitch in the terrible affair. !Cliff HH Crop Liens. .We hayt),ijpst a imply ted a large ot cf short form crop lains and have hem new on sale at tliia office. Our mstomers who nee this lain will find hem- here from new on. j ?555HSffS_, Banks to Close. We are reqaeiited to state that the Banks in Bonisburg will be closs in next Wednesday, February 22nd, observe Washington's birthday. Ml those baving business with them vtU bear this ia mind and call on bent before hand, j' ?;! Valentine Party. On. Monday afternoon from three five : o'clock at the home of his ather W. B. Cooke, on Bash nreet ittle William gave a delightiul Valinline party to his 'little friends in tifin fkf hi* wvonfh Kirth. lay. /The occasion was one of ;reat enjoyment to" the little ones, ind a stood ntimber was present Uany gumes were plsvod and a geiiwal good'time was giren the little >nea. s Incorporated. The Ayodck TJrng Co^ .tlid new Irug firm Uigtijhas been recently irganir.ed here, was incorporated ast week for 110,000. Those lamed in the incorporation are 6. [i. Aycock, W. If. Bojne, f Government employees. Theae igofes certainly evidence the steady, lealthy growth of Loniahnrg, the 'knockers" to the contrary notwitb , tending. Increase In Box Rent R&tee. . fFh?f Poetoffiae Department saoan ineyeaWpf bor regit latek Tom 46 to 60 cents, beginning IprHl. The Tinas hope* that ih11taies at an early day. The presint boxes, sons of which us somi i ' ' - . ' ?~ ' wwww .... i'iiiii.i ' ? j ? J Jnsfutqml _ ?2? , I -ill IMOl w4iiim:c< 'r;-. j . I-V i; ;"* '* I ,bc JKLI, fo1- -i'1 i . ! THE COUHTY, THE 8 ,, 11, , ,i,,k . i j ---wa LOUISBURG.N. C.. FRIDAY. 1 paralively now and of tbe heat make, T bare been grossly abused. We [* woald be glad to aee the office eqnip- yj ped from top to bottom with hand? ' < some new boxes. - DiaerimiMjjOn- 101 "by the postraaater in the assignment TJ of boxea and the rigid1-enforcement of the laws for *beir protection ,||r. woald put an end to their abuse. The postal laws preside both- fine , and imprisonment for injury to or interference frith poatofiicc look boxes, and the Department offeTS a ^ reward of 1200.00 to any person famishing sufficient evidence to con vict in the Federal Court. The ^ imposition of these penalliee would, deter the vicioita and cause others Ti not ts employ as messengers ignorant ?nd irresponsible person;, with1 Vi the. consequent injury to property and interferenee with other mail. J( Comes to Loulsburg. Mr. Allen Lee, of Dubn, has ac- ,C septed a position as registered pharmacist with the Bsasley-Alston e< Drug Op., and entered upon his , duties yesterday. Mr. Lee eomes ,f highly reoommended and we extend <1 to biw a hearty welcome to our town. v .j . ^ . . { The Minstrel Show. > Tl?e Minstrel show to be given in a the Opera House tonight by local w talent will be for the benefit 'of the | M. (S. Ua.vis Memorial building at the College.- The programme prsin- ? ises to give one of the beatedteoiin- , menu of its hind that htM been-egen' here in some time and ,thp > ajLvjdce sale is the largest, possibly, Over- j?1 know in Louisburg this early. The 8< seats are on sale at the -BeAdty A1** , ton Drug Co., and tW* admisaon W will be 25, S5 Kid 50' ^hts. .Let; h everybody go ont and lend their assistance to this worthy cSnse. ti ' ' *"' ' , " t: Lewis West Caught. ... Lewis \Vest, the negro desperado who killed deputy Mumford and wtgaded offioer GlavSr, at Wilson a ' few weeks ago, was captured by 81 Policeman Dnnlap, of Maxtou on ^ Friuay of last week. The following C iB a statement given the News-Ob- el server by Polioeman Dnnlap eon- 'f cerning the captures n "I arrested Lewis West, about nine o'clock Friday night in the store and restaurant of Charles Brewington, at Maxton. A few minutes befory that a little negro . boy, Ernest Wilkinson, had co-ie to me and told me that a big negro was trying to pawn-a pistol for a <( dollar, and ?b pistols had been stolen . T7* I . LiX saw - *1 uu reuruary nrst in J&ftXtOl) "When Officer We?n w** shot I thought at t first that this might be the man. I j harried to Brewington's store, the M&rS VSy MIIStfTH?' 1 I "As I entered the store I saw a tall heavy built negro.at the counter v his back partly toward me. I had b out my eolt'a automatic and before p he could move I had him by the. left A arm swinging him around, my pistol b pressed close to his heart. 'Move a o muscle and I'll shoot your heart out. g Up with your hands,' I called out b His right arra rooved aa 'rf he was to reach for bis hip poo Ice t. 'Up ft with yourjbahtle or I'll Shoot, I had at my pistol jammed against his body, c< and jiitt then there came in Mr. A. tlj. Mokinnon,' While I kept my lr pistol on the big negro I asked M r. McKiniion and a negro boy, Erneat oi WUkineoO, to go through his hlothes ? They did so, the negro keeping his c< hands up .as I kept pressing my pistol to him and telling him thstif he t* ihbyed he a dead '"V oi Mr. MoKionoa and. the boy:'re k Heyed hlm at hir'^WngJ^^t^. ' nine pietrlsL Colt's aatometio, Smith r and about t, quart ef cartridges. '<1j j b inside the h?at*e< H He denied bavtng' 'in ^urnford se htf left the bouse. kh>?a??be itseSahdt "ol by Chief of Pollii 6lt>Wf??%Htolson. & He gave the names ef a number of i? his gang." v*.. ts't i.... 11" 'L ' -- [ ai HI. *T<"TTT1T'Vf arlWWBp IL J.J.. . _ - TOW H~Jlor/:r:..i/.;.Uir I mbt nfM- ?s h-M-Ui;.ir 'fv.-.U if g Ti if " ., i-i ? TATE, THE UHIOH. j >,i ii'i', '.1 1 ' i* FEBRUARY 17. IBM. ii i ) i ?? HI MOVING PEOPLEG< itBg .5ft*, *004 : iTA'Zirn ; SEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND tbl OUT OF TOWN Sill J A? ,t.v ?> '' ",J "I'llit ?dJ | n lose Who Have Visited Loolsburg thv Faat Week?Those "d Who Have Gone Elsewhere Tot Business or Pleasure. on W m. fitilo^went to Raleigh Tuesij. . fo1 .1),'F. MeKinne went to Richmond j ib past week. B. JTj poller went to Richmond gD is past weok. 00 It. Yv'Mo Aden west, to Richmond 'e.lheadaj. H M re. H. A. Pago, of Aberdean, ia aiiinfcher people here.- "ok Mrs. B. C. High visited friends in aloigh the past weak. . I" J. lj.Reid, of Kittrell, wnt a viei>r toLouiaburg Tasedaf. ** Mrs. P. It, Hntohingson, of Wil N >n, ia viiifnSg at Mr. W. H. Ruffln's. ^ TiVfcJft; Bessiej and O. Y. Yarboro g6 out to, Richmond on business Toss *y\. tb Mrs. Ernest Martin, of Raleigh, isited at Mr. J. 3. Hayes the past it reek.. . " Mr- R- M.' Beasley" and family ent to Apex to visit bis people this eek ' Vi h : V .TJHi : ri , < Miss Margaret Faucett, of. Hal- ta igb, spent Sunday Jrith Miss E. K. "C hipp. m Mayor J. R. Collieretarned home Qj 'ora Kaleigh. Tuesday night. He a[ -pons 'the condition of hiB little >ti, JW, Somewhat improved. Hi MVTledgepeth arid j; M. Beas>jr, of the University, visited iiou- St HWrg'trie (past week.' The many W detjffTet" "Hedged were very glad >?ee hhn tooktngro well. ? fr . " ' ' '--.tv: fc At The College. The Bright-Jewel Band, a Mia onary society composed of the nailer young girls of the Methobiat v" hnroh gave a dime concert at the ^ ollege on last Monday night. The ^ atartianment was good arid quite a , irge number was present to witess the exercises. - T< Twenty^flrst Anniversary. t' .ft . , ... it,. ? i The editor of the Times acknowlIgea the receipt of the following ivitatiori:' The Sea (lift and Neithean Sociees of Louiaburg. College desire yon > be prasent at the oelebration of iejr I wenty-tirst Anniversary " iiday evening,'February the twenr-fourlh 1 nineteen hundred and 10 leven at eight o'clodlt. ! ' r# The Legislature- 01 Only a few measures hare been th efore the General Assembly the b< aat week of a general character, so iinong them however was the near, iti eer bill yvhich waB carried to put it tb ut after July 1st. OthsF bills of af eneral importance were discussed th ut no definite action was taken. We give below a fevy extracts p? oin the legislative reports oon- B srning Franklin and adjoining tp junties: . '. > u.1'1 .1., Petitions were presented at fol>wb: 1 . . ( ; 1, 4.: House?Connor: Frotp citizens , jr [ Nash county asking' for a part of p< ash to' be annexed to Wilson tb Jttnty. ~Z* . . ... bt Senate^i/Thiprne of N*sb: Fro- yt ist against repeal of aot abolishing na 0 Tfcijpnfwejgjiefl at WhiyiBills introduced lb'- past week; , 0-1 Senate?bv "fiEoldeh: Siting'to fai'd erection'at" Louie 2C Org of a' iiionuihent lo"tiie'memory Pthe dWkfeifliirate MltfiSA!'' t^ome ig| itWe' T 3u: ?, !? r1"k.,?ciu,u?ft,^niy. of * a 5tJ jitty-'iisO'provide additional1 efet- at al aasiaUnee for the governor. Thorns: To provide ends of the 32 .! ... ^ . 1. JxTTTT- 1 .J'!!.. " Sm --.-or- { *.'*. ' f * ?- :*? **-? eenrille graded schools. k House?Derin: To incorporate a town of Stem. ,. !h Derin; To enforce the Granville ni ontj game. 1**. Devin: Te emend the lierisal, 11 sling to qounQtim. J 1 Derin: To preserre certain ree- ai la io Granrille county.- '. Taylor. To amend the toad law ai r Vanoe eoupty.:,. Cornwall: To atneod the charter Bailey'a in Kaah eonnty. Cornwall: To repeal the fifth trap d net law of 1945 relating to N ash . uaty. .. . r?s? . >:. Passed final reading in tke ouee? { T Provide good reads is Louie- j irg township,'Franklin eewnty. , ^ To create a new township of Oak g svel in Noah eonnty. Pansed second reading in the Sen- ^ - " h Authorise read commissioners of ^ aahrille township road district/to nd messy on apprcrred t sal estate j eoritf.,, I ,, w(i J The following bttl^fas ratified by , a Senate? .. j' To sroendlterisal- to abolish andard-keeper for Tansa county. yC E / Town Bays Horsss. The town of Loaisburg purchased io fin* fire horses the past week, to ^ ke the place of the one recently ild and to do the hailing for the " wn. These are very pietiy speciens of horse flesh and ttie decision ! the "fathers" in the purchase was J 1 economical and wise one. y ' 'con^pjl"^ i ?< t There will he a free qqgpert given t .-Hickory Kock Academy on Wed- I Mday night, Febraary. 22nd. jAf- 11 it the Concert there will be re- J eshments to sell. Proceeds, are ir the benefit of the school. The J tblie is cordially invited, > 1 ' The Markets. j The Tobacco Market ; has been ^ >ry quiet the past week owing, to ^ te small amount brought in for sale, yweverthe prices remain good,on 1 grades. The cotton market is a little off the i?t few days and was said here isterday for fonrteea cents. -V/r '((fJ <(] Other products haliT^hod and the a imand is steady and strobg. h city e The city "Dads", mift in special y eeion on Friday night,of lest week 8 td held quite an interesting meet- to g, although the larger part of a imr work was regular routine. * w Among the most important mat- J rg trangaoted wag the order in-, "1 jruoting Chief 'of Poliae High to o turn to the proprietor* Of the ii gr.i pool mem the unused pnrtuin _ri their license money and to order 8 le place dosed. It will bev- rsmem- tl sred that this place has been a e lures of trouble to the town since o 9 establishment, and the action of tl ,e Board hag not only met with the 1 iproval of thg white people, .but n better colored people aa well, ,|1 After many discussions on the t< irt of the severa} membsra the ei oard adjourned to its neict regular o Wtiog. , ?; oo . n. AI ^ ? .,i, Appointments,!,,. tl I will be at the following places' * I the dates mentioned for i the p'ur- 61 ige of talking to the members of 61 a Farmers Union upon matters of h isiness. Sets that every member of u' inr local is present on . the date ?r imed: ! ?? Prosbect,'Friday, February 17th,, 01 ^o'clhifkioi^'d at ilaplevtfle,, ht ^ 80 n Jen soneiietp.-* ntnvn'l .tedtia si ifefijiolh, llohtifay night, V&tirha V * ttrw; """ 11 ? Mt OlivW/ ?ttekday, FebruaiyUti Isti'atJ Wo'olook and M Pope's M W jnimstln hn.'i ns/wlo .tfaso tnxluoq ffiol ileq list. Iliw .tlsvliDsqnei bib ~e 1 Oak Level, Wedn^sday,-"Fe>MH/a yi ?jl "Kt1^ 7^^?^ Fat 'k f Mew Hope, Thursday, February e ird, at 13 o'clock, and at Paaroa'a g J 'X'l ' ? J 1" I'I" i ii }' ~ B&CRIPTION PER *BAH NBBBRR 62 ??g ihool house at night at 7:3? '' Pine Ridge, Friday, / February Ith, at 12 o'clock-and at Bern at ght at 7:30j t-,.,yf, jyj ? Seven Paths, Saturday, February )th, at 12 o'clock. u Uateeville, Meuday night,. Febra y 2Ttbi at 7:86 , ' " Bab Rbok, Tueeday night, Febru y 28th, at T:90l"*': ''' J. B. Ftiide'saiit, > : cwi >? >Bhsinee4 Agent. -i,j - .1 i. Pi :in. . 'yS , Important, j r,.?. . / The members ot McKinnie Camp r.' b.C.Y. lumlier 162V are t>r7 . ently requested to meet IP the ourt iionae, Louiabnrg, JfTC-, on hursdar, the 9th daynfMarch, at 1 o'clock. The ipft'aal duet moat ~~:A .wLe S*kIjjll'l At* e**Ait - ? o poiu uu iuav ub/. au \jonr#arate soldisrs are requested td-unite itb us./ind ill those wbU1 wish > attend the Annual Re-union to eheld (Bit year at Little11 Hook, irk., will giva their names, so that roper arrangements may be tnade or their entertainment. , By erder of idoit'dUl itfcil . [ H, C. Kiiarit, Comd'r. mi P. ?,At.en??,'Lieotw A. ^. SraeTnan, Spo'j^ , _ low Japan Prepared to Lick .. I . '; J : *. hOlfilQC ;M . yd The truth u, that .the, Japanese rom caropfollowers to coromandera-chief were preparejST foj\wnr and _ he Uuspiatjs were ?ot?.|. From the av that Russia. aided by France . * l ')/>.. il Jll-ioTniuii , \ nd Germany, forced Japan to cede ayisN'L UnjAis HI! , SOII/iors laok to. China some of the traits of -.1 BUI .1 ..'I It should also be obsetveftithat fben the war same on tfie Japanese rere not only in a state of preparedess so far as battleships and rmy' drill and mdfiitacins ' of war ,ere conoerned, but they were also \ repared in the- vi'sif hiartir et prop- ' 1 medical attendee*;' '"When oaT American soldiers! want with ibafter inte Cuba, the army Was ut srly without a proper- mddkwi corps nd equipment, and ib? deatftirate 'as disgrace fall j b ig t), but the first apanese who fellthe falu were takep at once tq t^e best t Japanese suraeonaand cared-, for , r iTl cj indi-iini, 1 i the most approved of modern lilitarr hospitals.*^ "'jl^o Slides' frank cotchman to raii^i'ltyMllVr^Hd in lie light Of the Official stat&tics I ould say nothmg m'palliatlofi'bfi'the npleasant allusion to AmeHea.When he war with Russia ended, diaron 'akaki, Surgeon-(Senersbof the Japese Army, boasted that he rose in re Spanipji Amerjcpr^ , ^a(r,."four>en tnen died frojn preventable disases to one mat killed on the, field f battls," the 'Japanese had . lost , . ii;bn6lZ7Jo:Hia.,ttlr frorti bttlleti'. 'Cfififaiterisfloally, le JaJ)trfehe'' httd ''tfyt' vtdrked'out ay dt tifd principles'^!' hiddical seined sanitation, w?Hich nabled them to make th& retBdfkaL? raoord.-bnt thfly,Ms^owed ) their >ual facility la, taking; |thsr white ian'e inventions and getting; as meh or more?mora in this case? "'iff ..liowutpliotl bisnosT ,, at, of them than be gets himself. (U hoo'iiiJ? : , iruo union . he Japanese record t showipo in , . loh amasing fashion ' what a wisely [retitbd1 hkiliih 'htgWn^fcrvtaiy ae- VtapliktiS'W WOk tt/'reftl ertifietin^n b ot rt*tl''1a"^fiao?tWn-1 wkfclplahaKor ItMagpffpMttqyj &([ ??Pi frn KtfkTm ?kb%n?flut^1[ $reg(,#|Ms hosld spend ffnJW*1* >r this work as st. prsssnt.?Clsrnos Poe, in Raleigh (N, 0.) Proressivs Farmer. - . ik taB