Hlipjllj.1, ,4J T*| . 111 1 ? FRANKL1NT0N Our Regular C< j- / Items of Interest G and Near Our Sister CLOSES ON > ?Business is not quits so dull as ! I it mty seem. ?Adverttse in this -department' 1 and Bee the results it will bring. j \ ?Let everybody pull together t and we will see our little town grow j' ? W. W. Green, of Hayesville r township, was on our streets Monday. ^ ?Glad to see t\ S. Williams, on ^ the street again after au attack of ^ la grippe. . ? ?The Palmist has returned. Now , the boys ean scrub up their hands , aniibe ready for their fortune. , ??Our correspondent is always ready , to receive your dollar on subscrip- I tion or tor a new subscriber. Call j ' .on him. t ? \V. H. Byrum has accepted the i agency for the Progressive Farinei ! and Gazette. He takes subscriptions I and collects for same. I ?S. C. Vann is having the old ' Joe Kearney burial place on Hills- ' boro street cleaned off and a new f I. L..:u A 1 icuuc uuuii aiuuuu qqiuo. ?Rev. J. W. Faiton, of the Chris- ? cian Church, passed through our 1 town Monday enroute to Louisburg, 1 where he delivered a lecture. ? The second entertainment . Of | the Lyceum course at the Graded School Auditorium Thursday night by Messrs. Walden, the Magician, and Heverly, the hand-cuff King, was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mr. Heverly certainly has the right name "The Hand cuff King." It is ? simply wonderful how he makes his escapes. His straight jacket act was also very good and the trunk aot was probably the best thiog seen here in several years and was worth twice the price of admission. The whole show was good and those staying away missed a treat. Personal B. Frank Lane was in town Monday. W. H. Harris went to Louisburg Tuesdav. - * E. P. Blackley went to Raleigh Tuesday. I Miss Grace Ward wan; to Kaleigh i Monday. 7 C. J. Ward left for Portsmouth J Monday. .E. O. Oakley returned to Greens- \ boro Tuesday. J Dr. J. H. Harris went to Ral- , eigh Monday. j Mr. E. A. Harris went to Warren- S ton Saturday Maj. C. L. McGhee went to Ral- j sigh Tuesday. I Will Wright went to ^ Louisbnrg Tugedav. J. V. Finlayson returned trom Portsmouth Monday night. Dr. Newell, of Louisbnrg, was a visitor to our town Monday. J. H. Cooke and I. H. Kearney Q went to Louisburg Monday. y Mrs. Joe Person returned to her e home at Charlotte Tuesday. a Jones Cooke, ot Youngsville, was a on our streets Monday evening. a S. E. Pearce and wife, of Youngs- ' ville, spent Monday in our town: n S. C. Duke and Garland Handling ' went to "Golden" Rock Sunday. ' A. B. T. Green, D E. Berkley and t *-G. L. Whitfield went to Raleigh # Monday. Our popular Attorney-General, a T. W. Bickett, was on our streets s Monday. . Leonard Henderson, who was home on a Twit, returned to Chapel g Hill Monday. J -Miss Parker, who baa been visit- 1 fng at Mr. B. W. Ballard's, returned to her home in Warren ton, Monday. Mrs. Bird, who has been rieWng her Meter, Mrs. J. 8. Robinson, re. \ tamed to bar boat# in Johaeton i ? NEWS ITEMS'' KTCspondent lathered From in Town Each Week VEDNESDAY - -ieut. R. M. Brown Resigns In the resignation of Second Lieutenant Rufus M. Brown last seek Company F. and the Nations iuard looses one of ita best officers ind men. Lieut. Brown has been i uember of the Guard for fifteer rears, having enlisted in 1895 as prirate. In 1901 he represented his ,'oropany in the competative drill it rialeigh and won the medal offered or the best drilled man in the ther state Guard and was promoted tc sergeant by Col. W. L. McGhee heu Caiitain of this Company, there in the ground. Sergeant Brown ;heu served his Company as right ;uide titl 1904 when he received the ippointuient of First Sergeant which losition he held until he was elected Second Lieutenant in 1905 which he has faithfully held nntil now II? las made a good officer and is held n verv high esteem by all who know lim. Officers and men of the ;uard would do well to take his service in the guard as a model and drive to do as he did. Take high deals and study the work to reach nem. H.b will be greatly mussed in4 will be remembered by his cumades. An election will probably be leld soon to till the vacancy. Raisin? Meat. The following is a list of hogs tilled by the cotton mill people in Jecember and JaBuary, handed us >y a friend, which shows the pro;ressiveness of these people in inakng their meat supply at home. The ist follows: >nuis Fowler 2 hogs weighing 529 lbs. .uther Harper 2 " 319 4ra J. W Harper 2 " 400 r. F. Bowsn 2 ? 3J7 feary Hall ? 1 " 267 I. T. Coo pelt 4 " 756 Ira. D. J. High 2 " 450 S. D. Hooker 2 " 645 1 re. Mary Cooper 1 ' " 300 J. Barrow 1 " 186 1. P. Fuller 2 " 448 luck Crews 1 * 260 leo. Barrow 2 ; 326 . E. Hight 2 " S48 Irs. W. P. Alley 1 " 315 . W. Fisher 2 " 455 ire. Myrtle High 1 " 258 Valter King 2 " 300 ). W Fowler 2 ' 480 I. I- Gupton " 4 " 1246 !. R. Howe 3 " 805 Talker Winston 1 " 216 3. S. Hendrix 1 ' 423 f. K. Moye 2 " 599 V. F. Harris 2 " 460 ' . I. Boykin . 4 " 1392 7. R. Kearney ' 5 " 872 H. C. B. Evans 4 " 780 Elijah Morton 1 " 159 Irs. L. Kearney 1 " 344 I. G. Wood 4 " 960 Irs Freeman 1 " 300 Ire. Jans Burnett 2 " 223 ,. W. McGhee 1 " 180 rernon Roberaon 1 " 187 . H. Harris 2 (9 mos. old) 39 Every Mdnth Near DeathFoster, Ark.v?Mrs Fannie Ellis, t Foster, says. "I was sick tor seven ears, and half the time could not tahd on my feel[ Every month, I ras verv near death. I tried Cardui nd in two month* I was cured, and m now stout and heal-hy. My riends all ask me ndw what cured re. My looks are a testimonial to lardui," No_matter how serious or mg-standing the trouBte, Cardui rill help'yen. It is a mild, vegesble, tonic remedy, especially adaptd to relieve and cure the common romsnly ailments. It relieves wornnly pains snd restores womanly trengtfn^r^^ardui^^^^^ HELP WAN ED 1 or 10 ha ads, yountfyne preferred, to rork In wagon facte y. Must be ober. former ezperisdu not necessary Ipply to Losubirg Wagon Co. FOR AALB, One pair o< rtslss, Weighing 1,060 wunds each, etoreiK aaf fifteen years .Id respectively wiirM) pair for fl?0. R F D 3, L^bL^'hlC. ' V*. V*'' .. : "( -I ,i !> ? ' v CUf' >-V-' * * ' f ' " . ADMINISTRATORS'S NOTICE Having qualified as the administrator c t c of Jas.'H Wood, deceased, late of Franklin county, thi#ia to notify all persons having cljamis vainst said estate to present thbss&jAe to the undersigned on or befuA^fthe 3rd day of February, 1912, oF tna notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to saiif estate will please make immediate *settleiuent. This Feb. 3rd., 1911 Ben F. Wood, Adm. C T A of Jas. H. Wood, deceased. W H Kuffin, Attorney. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND By v.rtue of a power of contained in that certain mortgage executed . by Haywood Lewis and wife to E. L. Harris, on the 1st day of October, 1908. I and duly recorded in the Registry of . Franklin county in book No. 169 at page 284, default having been mAde in the I payment of the indebtcdhess thereby secured, the undersigned will on Mondav, the 27?}iday of Fehmary, 1911, at l about the ho^r of noon,/at the court ( house door inXouisbnrg/ N. C., offer i for sale to the\ighest Jbidder, for cash that lot of land >n saidr mortgage conveyed and there described as follows: Adjoining the lands of T T Hunt, T B i ? Wilder and others,\bunded as follows: I On the north by Jo&Ne&l, on the east by T T Hunt, on /he aouth by John i Bullock, on the w/st by T B Wilder, \ ontaining two acfes, more or less, and being the lot soldrby E L. Harris to , said Haywood JLewis. This lot con- i tains a good dwelling and other im- i provemeuts aw is near to the the town i of Louisburyr This 27th day of January, 1911. ] b, L Harris, Mortgagee i to the use of E W Gupton, transferee, i Wm. H. Ruffin, Att\. 1 - ] FARMERS WAREHOUSE TO BE 1 SOLD FOR DIVISION. t '* In accordance with the power and the directions contained in a certain deed front S. S. Meadows, J. N. Harris, J. R. Collie and T. W. Bickett, executor , toW.H Waddell. to R. B. White, recorded in book 179 page 70, Registry of . Franklin county, I will on Thursday, J the 16th day of Febroafvy, 1911. at the | court house door in Louisburg, sell at f public auction for cash, the following j described parcel of land: Beginning at , a stake on the south side of Nash street , northeast corner of tie brick building, c known as the Farmers Warehouse: j thence along NasVstreet in a westerly |, direction to HucIm' rnrrm- on ? street: thenCe alongflughes line in a a southerly direction and at right angles to Nash street to Hughes corner on the south side of the alleyway, leading from Main street to Church street; ! thence along the boundary of the said alley wav in an easterly direction and I parallel to Nash Street to the point ' where the said alley way is intersected by the alley way leading from ,_Nash street; thence along the western boundary of said last mentioned alley way in a' northerly direction to the beginning; being the lot of land where the Farmers Warehouse is situate J This land will be sold subject to a deed of trust thereon, securing a debt of six thousand dollars ($6,000) with interest on said debt from May 1st, 1910, the said debt being evidenced by three notes of $2,000 each, due on the 1st day i of May 1911, 1912 and 1913 respectively. This January 16th, 1911. R. B. Whit*, Trustee. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF TIMBERED LAND. By virtue of an order ol resale, made by the Superior eourt of Franklin county in that special proceedings entitled Mrs. Kate While, C T Oheaves et al vs Julius Tantt Mrs. Rebeoca Pe"rry et al. the undersigned commissioners will, on Monday, theVith day lot March 1911 it being thA first Monday in March at about the hour of nbon, at the court house door in Louishwrg, offer for sale to the highest Bidder/at public auction, that tract of laial known as the Tom Rogers tract, in Budns township, Franklin county, adjoiiadg the lands of J. M. White and othersYand bounded as follows: On the N qAh by the lands of J. M. White, on the fast by the lands of the estate of Ajfiy Bell, on the South by Crooked Crfcek, a?d on the West by the lands of the estate of A. J. White, containing 61 acres, more or less. Terms of sale cash. This February 3rd, 1911. Wm H. Ruffin, W. M. Person Commissioners s E. A, ROGERS j Lou^Sfe N^ C. < Will malca^estim^teB on any job e Work GuCranteed.X Call or write jj when in need of anything in my ^ ine 2 ..Choice., j Cut = Flowers j Roses, Carnation and Violets. Wed- a ding and Funeral Flowers artistically I arranged at shoqt notice. Mail tele- ' arrsph and telephone orders promptly j filled by I a ? J. L. O'QDINN * CO. J Phones 149 * Raleigh, N. C. t \ J. P.\ WINSTON | Tothe Jront j 1000 pounds Urd, i750 pair thoes, 1000 ( 8hfrts, 100 hat*, jf cases bal ing powd- j nrs, horse coila^X pitch for es, plows I snd castings^160\ pounds ol' leather, j clothing aniMOOO otfWr things. Msts bought on/#, t. Kjkl ft Ce., and am [ selling sines St sad bLew cost. Corns on snd get 10 or 30 posmd of laid at eost J. A WINSTON v '>* i ? rV..>? ;*/. '* . ,-i' * ?&*. v 1 t T ' -'' ' * : w'\'H - . . ? '. V /'* /J '* Vv i': V *, dJflHHKi*' 'r*? ' "."V- Owing to a olmm:e^>f business all persons owing in0swr,ist settle at otne. All accounts ijftv ?i ttle-1 immediately will be given lawyer for collection. H. A. Niwill, M/ldr FOR SAL.K 1 will sell at .pubba auction at the court house sqaaMO'in Louisburg on Monday, Marcht?t|i, 1911, one good size well bred Jyst" eight yeara old. Will sell for caalf cstfor one-thiid cash and the balance/on time. isaac Frazier. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. " By virtue of a power of sale contained in that certain mortgage executed by John Bullock and wire to E L Harirs, on the first day of Ootober, 1908, and duly recorded in 'hs Registry of Franklin countv in book 1'9, page 288, default having been made in, the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned will i>n Monday, the 27th day of FebVpasy, 1911, at about the hour of noon,\At the court houae door, in Louisburg^offer for sale to the highest bidder, /or cash, that lot of land in said mo/tgage conveyed and there described as follows: Adjoining the lands of J. T. Runt, Lee Brodie and others, bounded a? follows: , On the north by Haywood Lewis, on ' the east by T T Hunt, on the South by Lee Brodie, and on the west by T B Wilder, containing one acre, more or , less, it being the lot sold by E. L. Harris to said John Bullock. This lot contains a good dwelling and other Improvements, and is near to the town of Louisburg. This 27th day of January, , 1911. I tp t t-t ? w a CI. AJ. iiAnuo, Diurigvgce ? the use of E, W. Gupton, transferee. Win. 11. Ruffin, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power and authority . ;iveu in a certain deal of trust execut I id by Jennie C Alstai, and her hus?nd, A. W. Alston Jo B. T. Hold n, rrustee, and recorded! in Franklin couny registry, book 1621 at page 465. I rill sell to the highest bidder for cash it public aucuon an the court house loor in LouisOUrg. an the 18th day of, February. 1'JllVit IE o'clock m the fob; owing town prOpfrty in Louisburg, 4. C.. viz: BegiWing on Nash street ' it the corner of tluL brick store occu- , lied by the Beasljywjston Drug Co , hence along the lne\f the said brick tore lot N. 32 EJ6 pe\s 10 links to the iawkins comer fe the bid Shaw line, hence along th/ old Shaw line S 58 2 1 pole 5 1-2 links to G.\W. Ford's orner in the hid Shaw line, thence long Ford's Ijrie S 32 W 6 poles 10 1 inks to Fordsfcoroer in Nash street, hence along Kagh street N 58 W 1 pole . i 1-2 links to the beginning. It being I he lot upon (which is situate the brick tore bouse occupied by the Alston Co. . luring 19101 This the 14th day of Jan. ' 911. B. T. HOLDEN, Trustee. " STORE ATSTALLINGS TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION. J By virtue of the pojver of sale conained in a certain mortgage deed from I M Stailings to J Tflnscoe, recorded n book 152, page/189, registry of I franklin county, defeult having been nade in" the pay meat of the debttherely secured, vie wiilaell at public aucion to the higbestaidder for cash on iaturday FebiVaifi 25th, 1911, and at he court house Mr in Louisburg that raluable lot and jure building situated it Stallmgs, in Cfedhr Rock township franklin county, pescrh?ed as follows: leginning in the tenter of the Louislurg and Nashville road, obence n 2 d 40 links to a stake in line with front lorch of store, tlence continuing n 2 d i 88 links to a stake, thence n 88 w 26 inks to a stake,/thence n 1 e.38 chains ' o a stake, thence n 88 w 98 links to a take, thence s2w 4.66 chains to cenre of road, thence along roads 88Je, 25 chains to beginning, containing one lalf acre more or less. This January 5, 1911. Bickbit & White, issigneea of mortgage to J T Inscoe. FOR SAJ*E. By virtue of power conferred upon ne by an order issuinr from the Su erior Court of Franklin County in a peciai proceeding thefein pending, enitled, R. E. Bryan ana wife, and r thers, Ex-parte," I iha 11, on Monday, he 6th, day of M&rcn 1911, sell at pub- * ic auction to the Highest bidder for ash, at the court hyise door in the own of "LouUburg, IN. C.? a certain . 1 act Of "UU1U BliAte in Pianhlia I Eounty, ancT- bounded as follows to wit: Begin at wive oaa and hickoi y pointra, B. T- Ballard's corner on the Tuckhoe Branch, \pd| run thence west 891-2 poles to awake, thence N 17. V. 10 poles to a state; then 8 76 W. 2 poles to centre oil the Nashville road, , white oak stump Ik the west side of he road; then alond fce various courses it the road S. 17 EJ 1\ poles; S. 15 1-2 5. 86 poles; S 14. H 84\poles 15 linka; 144. E. 18 poles, t lin\s, S 23. E 10 lolcs; S 18. E 16 piles l(\inks; S 53 1-2 E10 poles; S 66 E |6 polek 8 27 1-2 E 1 6 poles; 8 41 1-2H 13 pol% 9 links; S J 7. W 6 poles 10 laiks to Bbas Bridge vet Sandy Crew; thence Ylown said Ereek as it meammra to the Viouth of Euckahoe branchjthen up sail branch a it meanders 181 poles to th\ beginling. Containing three hundrad and wenty-seven (3a) acres, more or less. Also one otherftract of land situate n Kranklin counly, adjoining the shove, ind bounded aa follows: Begin in Vie entre of the itlwhville road, a white isk on the wesf side of the rOad, an\ 8 hence along sad road n 17 w. 20 1-4 . lolea, to a rocf and pointers; thence n 7 1-2 e 22 polis to a rock; thence a. 17 c i 26 poles toJa stake, corner for the I rat tract; fhence s 76 w 22 poles 5 o the place of beginning, containing hree and one-half acres more or leu. c The said aboye tracts of lend will be old for partition among the tenants In lommon, and subject the gontract. and imber deed for certain-timber on said audi, now on record m Franklin couny. The sales will also be made subnet to the confirmation of said ule by he oourt, An opportunity for a good Investment n real estate is offered in this tale. This Brd. day of Jansary 1911. Jambs A Kkllt, Com. Henderson, N. 0. A. C. Zoujcorraa, Att'y. ? Henderaon, M^C. J :"r%, ? Til t -Sstim 'it&tL ' ' I RAVE MOVED My Jewelry store from J. W. Hollhigsworths furniture store oti Maiu St. to the Spruill building on Court Street, where I will gieatly enlarge my stock and will be glad to have pay friends and customer* visit me. J. H. JOHNSON * ******* 3 W >iS | Wpy Spend 011 Yott Eari) I You might get.sick or be hurt. .JJe prepared for it, You might want to make an investment. Start now ^"'TaW^a mnn#v m mnko m?n?w <> ? You might be visited by thiever'or fire. An account with us prevents loss. You Iou will become independen^and overcome all the above by letting us keep jrour savinns. Try it awh^Je anyhow. The saving habit is a mighty good en. THE /CITIZENS BANK I HENDERSON N. C. | y I OLDEST - IN - AMERICA I Admitted^ Strongest in the World \ Such is The Mutual Life Insurance Company I NEw\- YORK I i"or information in full regardin;Vhe Mutual Life Policies, se or write I P. TAYLOR Louisburg, N. C. | The Big Little Store | Bas just received everything new and good for spring and summer wear. The spring ginghams have never been prettier, white goodi'are here, and ny prices are cut so you can buy two instead of one dress. Louisburg now has >ut three dry goods stores. / _ FheBig Little Btore is not the largest B [ have wliatAyou want. See the B Goods hnd compare quality " r i ? ana prices ind be oonvimed. I gave you 10 to 15 eta on every dollar purchase. New shoes (re being received each week, March 1st will bring large,ahipments of new low ut shoes, the newest styles mode by Ziegler, and Leodard Shaw and Dean and -on will be agreeably surprised at the new styles and pretty shapes gptten >ut by (iodman. R. Z- EGERTON I <"* i'-pr "

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