. . gggg . . ' ?? I RIVERSIDE I ?mi ? ? Horses w IE. S. Fc _ We Carry E\ A wholesale groc handle and a little and remember We Pay The I Did you ever figure freight in your first confident lots of pec ; ling goods at cost e know it. > 4 ~~ THE HOME CIR Pleasant Evening Rever Gated to Tired Mot! the Home Circle ; CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM Habils_ of neatness, thrift, order c and economy should be among the first t lessons of life. Girls should never know that there is such a thing as ha- r bitual disorder. Comfortable system t and well-considered prudence are among 1 the gifts and graces that go to make i up the useful and beautiful woman, t a AQrAlnna woman can never he wholly c I attractive. The eye rests at once upon c some evidence of untidiness, and the charm is destroyed. Girls and boys, t too, lor that matter, should have the s ?imnorUaca nf Personal tiiliuuaa and-j neatness early impressed upon them. ( So matter where you go, you will J always find those who belittle your en- ^ deavors, those who ridicule your hon est efforts to success; those who prove great stumbling blocks to your progress, those who are continually predicting your failure; those who magnify your ' indiscretion; those who lie about you; * those who "put up jobs" on you; those 1 who discourage every effort you j make; thoBe who rejoice at your every failure, those who predict your inability j to prosper, those who are envious jealous and cruel. You cannot escape ' these people; they lurk in every town ' and city?ln every commnnity, and, . knowing this, there is then but one way to thrive, and that is to hustle. If you find not that which you seek in one spot seek elsewhere. If clouds hang ' Jflw and black, wait for them to roll by for the shining of the beautiful sun v TRat is behind. If your pains miscarry, 1 try again, do not be discouraged?hus ? TKUlt CHARACTER. What we are, not what we seem to ber-jMhe measure of our true worth. A base coin may be washed with pure metal and pass current for a time Without detection; but sooner or later the thin veneering will wear through, and the spurious inside will be revealed; ,o , pure coin may be covered with base aiioy, but though it tarrriah for a time, itjeannot change the value of what it ' 'l ;r>* , " * INDE " X Mules ... ' '* 1 / .' ~ ' >rd 'erything p ser should " 3 bit more f Freight . ^ x.v ^ ..m - WE HAVE the item of prom ne cost, we are ^ize^/Tc >ple are sel- .. md do not "V' CLE COLUMN.IS to a 'ies.?A Column Dedi-H tiers as They Join I copi at Evening Tide sins THE EDITORIAL PEN w . sym :onceals. So it is with human eharac- ?enJ ?o Sham airs and (Traces and assumed foei rirtues may win for a time and deceive he most penetrating, while virtue, oaded with calumnity, is shunned by ts kind; but sooner or later true worth rill assert itself and all the world will yy liscriminate between the gold and the owr iross. dea] Where gold is not, gold never can be Jtar 'ound. Where true character is not, no j,ea( ham or artifice can long support a sem- y;gl, >|Miwtflt ?? j ' mv The principle that true Wftftfi IB TBS captain who leads to victory in life's out >attles is one that should be early and on ronstantly taught by those having the sj,oi ;utelage of youth. pea 1" sins CHILDREN'S RIGHTS. jn(? In the home life never forget that the stai shildren have social rights, and the and :hie( among these is the right to laugh tion when they are happy, to cry when thev lov< ire unhappy, and to make a noise. A our lealthy child is always active. It must you lump and scream, fall down, cry when "T1 it gets hurt, and jump up only to re- Tht peat the same thing. But to keep it still mesas unhappl'ness and nearly, if ? not quite, death. Let them be gay This is their element. We always class children, birds and flowers together. And why ? Because they should be i rh? equally beautififl, innocent and happy, We should never rob childhood of its ideal loveliness. Even old people j, should be gay and happy and good; var too good to overcloud the children's Thi horizon with angry eyes and lowering brows, nor turn their merriment to ?re discord by continual fault-finding. Al- Br< low them all the freedom consistent 'r? with absolute stfety. Let them play ^ and be happy, bet teach them self con- jon trol. God's estimate of self control is sev this: He that is slow to anger is bet- T?' ter than the mighty and he that ruleth ^ his own spirit, than he who taketh a do city." Condemn your children only trii when they are really wrung, and then as gently as jtouible, bat be sure to jj* commend when they do right. A little by * V . . \ - \ ' ? i ' " ' V-. ' r V ' ' . r ' * or # aTrl \ Wholesale BURG, \ : 4 CAR or APPLE J, CA1 W YORK .STATE, CAR APER CRADE.S OF MoLA KA6E WANTED AND A7 NLOP PATENT Our Leader: se with a child goes a long ways. | ii Id may be very provoking but not > jlly bad. Attributing bad motives thoughtless child has ruined many tie lie. Just blame less and praise e and we shall have better children, ecially as most of their faults are ed from their parents we should cise the strictest charity for verily arity doth cover a multitude of 0 0 0 re all need to cultivate a depth of pathy, a broadness of mind and a tleness of heart, which will lead us 0 charity when a fellow creature > astray, for "let him who thinketh tandeth take heed lest he fall," "with what measure ye mete it 1 be measured to you again," as a vvvmnit ? 'hat is my country ? Well, it is my i little world where I live. It is the r little spot where my cottage ids. It is the sunshine over my I and the blue vault bounding my on. This is my country. Again, t of three hundred years, wrought = by hetoic hands and loving hearts American soil. It includes the :ks of battle and the pursuits of ce. We kneel at its sacred altars, ; its immortal songs. We see wavover it the beauteous banner of the s, the dear old flag that is always everywhere, the symbol of protecand hope and home. May this ! of country be the satisfaction of old men, and his strength of our th until le dawn of a brighter, whiter day in ever blessed us with its ray ay before whose purer light guilt and wrong shall flee away." JTHMA AND CATARRH CTOED tpert Medjcal fecit n fists An nounce Stirtling Results, Ob tained byt Senpine. lew Vork?"Aiousands are taking aditage of the generous offer made by s Wbe^wort* Co., Dept. O., 1101 ladway^Llr. City, requesting an lerimentaTMckage of Senpine, the at discovery Waasthma, hay fever, mchitis and gatAqb which is mailed e of charge lo all write for it. is curing thousands o?I|h most stub- ? n cases. It makes no dUNce. ee how g you have men suffering* how ere the climatic conditions arevNtare i live. Senpine will cure you. ^sf i hive expeamented with other stmenta and have failed to And a cure not be discouraged but send for a tl of this wonderful truly me ri to us nedy which is e beientlfle compound covered by a Professor of Vienna ivenlty, and is being recommended thousands. '* <**? ' ' ' * v "^ ?" . . - -. - *. . ?,:3 . ... * -' -VV 0 . *0 VJDENT e Buggies ? ' ' v*" * / I - B. N. W ttflft AA I For F< HVIS IU. I1E j Early Rc Cobblers Grocers sunlight /North Carolina \L - _ Wen iva&e and potatoes ju.st /or \otri.s -sugar hou.se fosesacorn .syrup in any lowerxrice^. and EXCELSIOR ^ > in Flour I for seed. .. HULLINGSW We have A IMBBB&- - ff ff?W ^ e have i more anio j^^^RSSBwj^^^H ^mM eycr. W ^BBn^QgK^^I you yoyf cal in/tru ?r catal< Coffins y^"<\ We are badly crowded fonf room and TK are closing out this line at /cost, if you ? need our services phone oi/call, best of H | service and goods. / Il |rRemembeywe Hg Have Moved if to Clifton Corner (ML J.W. HOLUNG LOUISBURG r- ' * '.X ' \ . ' ' ' *-W - - > ?. ""V. *.v. /,** ' .' ?'. ' WAREHOUSE TTV . ? - Wagons llliamsori I ebruary Delivery >se Early Ohio^Irish Reel Bliss Early Green Mountain lave These Bought in Car Lots >stook County Maine, are the best known MPT] just received new bed room _ 1 beds and ether new goods. Berved yoi113 years and are us >r y?ur S*rade and itor^induoements to offer than e a re Joe tier prepared to serve is lme than ever, we have ad>iamos and new makes ot Or^s and terms will be made to all can afford to have a musiment the way we are selling: grades and {prices, write 08 gue we can suit you. Caskets m ~ \ J? _ * SWORTH , N. C.