I ' 1^ Professional Card jQR. ARTHUR HVNES FLEMING, Surgeou ; Dentist, Office in Ford Building Main and Nub street. Louisbur*. N. a 1 Hours: 9 to 4:00. Phone No. 40. ?JR. H. A. NEWELL, :phybician Loaisbnrif. N. C. , Phone No. 156 j; JlfUNKLlNTON HOSTEL PrankUntpn. N. C. P> R. A. Speed, [Proprietor. "E Good Llverv In connection T^K. C. H. BANKS-' 7 DENTAL 3DBHB0N "I L uisbu ?, N. C. Office in Hioks Bui ding, Muin Street. p H. COOKE ATTORNE VAT-LAWj Louisbn aT, N. C.* Over Cooper A Pleas rats Store. Prompt attention given all leg tl business entrusted to me r X \ jjR J. E. SALONI PHY8IMAN ? d SCRQEON rt I-oAjibu u. N. I\ x. n Offl -e in r-DAr o( Bdael, v-Alnton Drag Store, y1, JJR. 8. P. BDRT\ M PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 5 ; I.onishnrA.\N p. Office over P. 8. A id K. Allen's Store R. F. YARBO joudfl g PHYSl' lAN en<| 80 RQEON k Louisbn rg. N. C. Office la Yarborough c Bickett building, p Night calls answered frfcm T. W. Bickett a u: residence, phone 74. I A Jg B. MASSENBCRffl ATTORNEY AT LA# ? Louiaburg, N. C. R Will practice in all theeoarfca ol the Stute mi ^ Office in Egertou Building HAYWOOD RDPfFIN . v ATTORNEY A*! LAW b< Loniaburg, Nl C. 81 Will practice in all courts if Franklin and ^ ' .adjoining couutiea. also In the Supreme 1\ Court and in the United Stages District and $( Circuit Court. Office oyer iFirafc National Bank. ' \ * \ la rn b. wilder \ T ? bi attorney at LAW w Loniaburg, N. C.\ Office on Main atreet in Coopc? building. RUILL a HOLDEN \ ATTORNEYS AT LAW w Louiaburg. N. C7 kl Will attend the courts * rankl o, Yance, -Granville, Warren and cou tiea, alao . the Supreme Couit ?orth Carolina. Prompt attention giveu to collect oiin iftie in Hpruill building. ah T. W. Bickett, R. B. White fa Louiaburg, N. C. Franklin ton. N. ec glCKETT A; WHITE al LAWYER8 Louiaburg, N. The settlement ot e8t ?n be _ secured in ne office, Office in Yarborough A Hickcti l.nfldiug Main street : T ? M. PER80N \ ATTOBNBY AT LAW A Loolsburg. N. C \ Practice in all courta. Office on Main Street nr ? ? -4? 1 YABBORQUtfH; Jr. \ ATTORNEY AT LAW \ Louishurg, N. (!. 1 All legal business intimated le. Appjy at once to v G. tf. Mitchneh ( Franklinton, N. C., R. F. D. 2. 11 1000 OEBAR POSTS ? Wanted; One Wpusan^ceaatspoats, 8 . et long wanted. \yrR. G. Allen ? o oseph Yarborough: TAij-OR J n A. V; Neal ; Buildiiig 2 n am'fprepared to doSyour pressing, ? eaning and tailoring; at very reason- a tie rates. All work (fuaranteen. Give ei e a trial and I will please you. ? > j (J n ireatClubbing Offer I e: al e are glad to announce that we have B1 st closed a great clubbing offer with The Raleigh Daily Times " hereby w\ ean.offer our readers that ilendid Stdte paper and two of the a at magaziifea on a special offer. A Offer le RaTeigh-Ofljly Times 12 50 J* raiybody's Majftraiue 1 50 J he Delineator \ "X, 1 00 eJ anklin Times \ 100 j3 \ 46 00 hi All For $4.50 I Reading for every \nember of the ime for one whole year for only 94,50 ^ you do not care for thi magazine we c) ill giye you special clubbing offer di i The Times With ourpaper for only tl .00 All orders and money must be hi lit to j HE FRANKLIN TIMES S LOUISBTTRG, NO SUNDAY-SCHOOL. .e8son IX.?First Quarter, For Feb. 26, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. r?xt of the Lesson, I King* xxl, 11-20. Memory Vorse*, 17-19?Golden Text, Luke xii, 15?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearn*. In our last lesson Elijah was commlstoned to anoint Ellshn as prophet In its stead. lie found him plowing with he twelfth of twelve yoke of oxen and ast his mantle upon him. Elisha iade farewell to bis father and mother, repared n feast for the people, cookng the flesh of a yoke of oxen with the Qstruments of the oxen, thus burning he bridge behind him, and went after Clijah and ministered unto him (chaper xlx, 19-21), and we shall see a se[uel to such whole heartedness in our lext lesson. The ptory of. chapter xx we shall w^efor a lesson on March 19; thereorewty^jftss it by for the present, and Slijah doesndt appear In it In the lesson of today we come to a tory of the greatest possible cruel leartlcssness on the part of Ahab and ezebel, with a prediction of the doom ?f each from the Lord through Elijah, vhich was, like all the Lord's prediclons, literally fulfilled. A man called Naboth had a vineyard lard by the palace of Ahab, which | he king coveted, as he said, for a garlen of herbs because it was near his touse. The king offered him the worth if it in money or a better vineyard in ts stead, but Naboth refused to let the :Ing have it saying, "The Lord forbid t me that I should give the inheritance if my fathers unto thee" (verse 3). It s refreshing to meet a man who seeks 10 favors from and has no fear of ven a king. What a contrast to Naboth is this des- | ilcable king, who, because he cannot " lave what he wants, goes home and o bed, turns away his face and will tot eat! How contemptibly small some Teat men are, and how noble are some u lowly circumstances! A vineyard q aakes me think of the vine'of John :v, and Naboth's clinging to the vineard which was the inheritance of his athers is in striking contrast to the eadiness with which many preachers nd teachers of today give up all that heir fathers held dear concerning the rue vine. May we prove ourselves biding branches in the vine and jealusly guard the vineyard from all evil nes, even though it cost out life or our osltion to do this. , The garden of herbs for which the lng said that he wanted the vineyard rings to.mind the saying concerning vildoers and workers of iniquity in *salm xxxvll, 1-2, "They shall soon be ut down like the grass and wither as he green herb." In Jezebel we see those who, like lerodias, do not scruple to take off he earth any one who happens to be a their way, true children of the devil, rho has the power of death and was a ourderer from the beginning (Heb. ii, 4; John vill. 44). "I will give thee the ineyard of Naboth the Jezfeelite" rerse 7) were her words to Ahab, as t she owned it and Naboth, too, and ould do as she pleased. Her true lord nd master, the devil, once said to the iOrd .Tesus as he showed Him all the Ingdoms of the world and the glory f them, "All these things will I give KAA 1# H kill Him. which he finally did. | c 80 Jezebel proceeded forthwith to 1 ill Naboth. which she did by means of j wo sons of Belial, who lied, like their i ither, and others who did her bidding. | fraid not to, I suppose, lest they, too, | light lose their lives at the bands of * iis murderess. Note tbeir false accu- I itions of Naboth. "He blasphemed * rod and the king." What an awful 1 ssociation of the living and true God rlth one who represented the devil, nd yet when Jesus Christ was on arth, God manifest in the flesh, his uemles told Him that He had a devil Tohn vii, 20: viii, 52; x. 20). They also tised up false witnesses against Him rho laid to His charge things that Ce knew not (Ps. xxxv, 11). We are till in an enemy's country and cannot ipect better treatment than our Masir received and must remember that 11 who live godly in Christ Jesus shall lffer persecution (II Tim. Ill, 12). ~With what seeming triumph Jezebel tys to Ahab: "Arise, take possession f the vineyard of Naboth, * * * for i a both is not alive, but dead" (verse " 5). But the word of the Lord came ?ain to Elijah with a message for hab and Jezebel: "Thus salth the ord: In the place where dogs licked le blood of Naboth shall dogs lick ly blood, even thine. * * * The Dgs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Bzreel" (verses 19-23). And so it lit ally came to pass (22-38; II Kings ^ 36). Whatsoever a man soweth that shall e also reap. Her sins have reached ito heaven, and God hath remembered sr Inquities. How muck she hath lorifled herself and lived dellciously. 1 much torment and sorrow give her Nil. vl. 7; Rev. viii, 6-7). What an ?itaph upon these two, "Ahab, who d Mil himself to work wickedness in ? le .tight of the Lord, whom Jezebel is wife stirred up" (verse 26). How lt from peaceful the manner of their >ath, but what about their condition rer since? The words of Luke xvi, 1-26; Rev. xlv, 10, 11, are fearfully iggestive. ' 4r' . a idafaiy XIJELV;. ; ' ' : / " " ; * The On&n^Roys Mr. Royster believed^that Manufacturer of Fertilizers Wl v above other considerations^ 1 idea Twenty-seven years ak< to-day; the result has been\ Factories to supply the demand F. S. ROYSTER GUAN< (FACTORIES AND SALES NORFOLK. VA. TARBORO. N? O. COLUMBIA MAOON.QA. COLUMBUS, OA. MORTBOM Horses & Just received a fresh'car of 3 Sound ^nd _ y/ \ / I have now on hand|fifty head for next week. /Come and see th iave an order aa I am going West January twenty-eighth to bur-iO : dont suit, and even if the price don't suit, don'I take it. I will i ash, however will take a note. f Fust received a car load of wa ?ull stockiof harness/ Your K./P. I If you need a hone or mule for God's sake don' there may be a ?ia*ice for me to make a little a CALL ON US 1 Job Ptj rhe Frankli LOU ISBU R<^,\ trade-mark ter Fertilizers. : success awaited the ho^WQuid place quality "his was^Mtv-Qoyster's > and this is his fclea that it requires Eight tor Royster Fertilizers. s. c. ?Kartanburo, s. o? IKftY. ALA. NBALTIMORC. MO. II A _ _ < /iviuies raying mules and horse 'ell Broke T \ -A em next week and if you don't find what you waat 0 head, ancTVwill buy you just what you want and if take all the rMc and sell on time, but rather have the igons and orgies and a friend J\. 4 MILL ' t buy until I can whisper to you nd yoa save a little. 6 DO YOUR IIUIKy in Times N. O*