. Ent***4ine(* "" v At the hospitable home ef Mr. J. R J' Shearin,Ripe Vale-Miss HtrrlaShearii intertwined a few friends u honor o her guaala. Mia? Bertha, Huffamn, o The contest, "Flowwr Weddi ng,' was paiticipated ia by alt. and^vf humor and merrr glee was In erTdenCi upon each face. Mr. Cade Hayea, ol Louisburg, wen the first prise, whiel he gracefully precepted so the jqjest o ,. "r the &4L k^ir. cited to the briltifecly HgtMed jfclniry room, where a meet d?Be?uP aala< course was seryed, followed by jelly j cream, cake and fruits. : The table ww artistically deoefkted with; ?reygbee4 and simulated enow and crjtatalf whidl presented a most attractive appearance ' I Retirofl to Ibwperlartbay W?re fij en a rare treat of beautiful sciehtmi ' ZSsOmJ^i&JbSi ' of the sye. hp^.g^s werMng tha the time et teare-takiftg was at "hand 1 So amid, pjeqf coegrfnulationa fiaft ex press iocs 1of ' appreciated enjoyment i they bad^ ibetr kia4- ganial boat am J gentle fibsteas a grateful adieu ' AJ^ygp/o! (a She Was Smothering. ^ Reekford, Ale,?Mra. M, C.: J*ap I ohal, of thie place, eats: ' I waj i taken with nerVooa proatration, sn : had haadaohe, Wckaohe, pains ir my tight side, ami smothering spells I called in"j>hysiclaii8 to treat rnj c?iee,'beVwft1ioift*^eTia^. "ftnally ] tried Cardai, and Bgfcve perfect satisfaction. I recommend 1V40 ever J sick woman/' Areiyou wsea^J"tinafe^jmmense 3ale by its remarkable cmreaf?colds. It can always be dep. ndc~s ^ a*s?* **4nJn?> J 1 naahtha Shawn In TM With t Co4~*^ - 8s? f : Iffflp^s&^aiM m? tfc^' 1^-'' wW ^ w h tMr *>aalt?* fw sWwhwtns. 1 Sattha aaa* rtrUUMtaw.it. hat. aw. ? afcMlart wfek tWinty sift .M r llraa okM; aa afitl ?J|p >lljj 1 aertJIaan Imi af thaae WW aahaa t ti4 Mt?ra4 iw4 >H waff' ^fe??a p?t m tpk* tfcw tank wfc?re tk? P Wllk tmnl ?OT?r cakM< MiiiUNB. f Of mwn Hi# mtmI Mr4l??i w ?< at j >? m*m4 iH HW, k?( II VM Mt an til Ijurj tfcat ckn parck ml> a ' t?ntnt1i% Mai < W t*? r*4 p?11 pcno^tl jawHUk^^lia ' remainder. Latar tba ffrck 4k*?ar?rl c * iw?*e?*??' e enowlnj; a* ?V ? #f a laaiary. * '** *ry*i ift #! "a* rathar with tha aSrar aan. *ha aaaaa "j W*>a atiiMawM *? >*V (aatla.i ' a at Mai aiaaahat waaH Mm athaaa 1 ilTT'-frwr y*( ?"K*r. riaaiilafl' a^" Taatl|tt1aa af aha aaaaaaaaa afar p thia HtMattlM tha sawVaaa aha aaahliaa dC aff Manb Ippaa wklaal aaa 41??aHT. aaia aplaaa a< tha aaa aaaata waaa t. lhae ra.'aaH aa rha Maa aaaOlnaa. Thaaa wara at aaa^ iiwr w aha 1 pWti whtah pvaaaydj *at HI a Ika I a* (ha aaaaaaaaaa ahawa* I 'rana at aaaaar aa tha aaaaalta at eaaiaal with tha aaa a aula wara ahawa ' a?d racaaalaa*.?CMaaja Trthaaa. a- -.* : - . iviniiwv^vr '. * r| THE WARM MEATH. Why It Caaaaa Wat Gala Tha a a(lI Part I \? hy Cl.a.d LI pa WbaaMabraathaaautaaatalrtNB Ue Uuolw Oweeh tha wUa awaa moutfc tfes breath has che mim teu> pern tuft a a tfc* Mr tH.0 difTMr F? auJ frequently ea a cold day w* wlrin i our flngera bj breaching ee (bass. If. ;{ bovrevsr. ir* Mass the broach rigor | ously from the utoath the temperature * of the breath appoara to bo meeb low | or then when breathed gently sod with t open mouth sod Is decidedly cooling 1 in its effect* writes J. Ger^on Ogden j In. Popular Mechanics. ,Q . ? i ! The latter fact Is due to the well i kDown principle established by Lord i| Kelvin, that ? compressed gas upou | expanding will sbsorb best. The J i breath, compressed by being forced to t pass through the small orifice made ' l?y the puckered lips. immediately oxi panda upon being admitted to the -ontl.er sir and to do so must tsks up heat.J ' j This is also ths identical principle I | involved In the manufacture of artlj ficia! ice. Ammonia gas Is first comi pressed Into a liquid and then liber- I I ated into a network of tubes surround; in? large sheet Iron boxes filled with | distilled water, The liqukL fcmmonla. i set free at one end of..{t^(q^*ysten). | I begins at pure ra.4?p{)bqfti? by j the time it has lite I ?eV< Jwirnert. io eh.nge a M.jnW " ?. i. tHth -spider named i uTbsquero. Natives gather from oak trees a branch covered with this spider's nests and hang It up Id the bouse. The spiders begin on the flies by whole oaic Hotquern ora? are very nay. pretty and old maldish. A. lot of tiay beetles make their home therein with the spider*. The beetles* live on fly leg*. the crumbs unci scraps from the monquero's table, and pay for their bed and board by keeping the web house perfectly clean and reflDed. eating every thing anji dropping no litter in . the .Mexican" j>rofeaiionaI gentleman'* house. Mrs. Mosquero is a very quiet, orderly lady who oarer wanders from t bet own fireside; if strays from her . own back ^yard, "but when a fly calls round she gets very busy with her 1 spider knives and saws.?New York l 'A " *f Covers of Sports., ' V- liglo-flaxons loVa sport No %?a tier Id* what part pf the world they . are found the spirit Is strong among . them. Wherever the restless AngloSaxon dominates the love of sport Is dominant The Americans are?at least the moat of theru^?descendants of this virile race, and nowhere la the f love of sport so much exhibited' as in this country Our people are patrons of borteiVclnff. of bgjitbAU. vl golf, of i football, of all out of door sports as noother people. The English are great j sportsmen, but not to the extent that Americans are. for the reatou that the ' opportunities are greater here.?Nash vllle American. 5 ____________. ?. > Bad Addfafc'' Hj. - IMapdr-y^g^iim trtklog only hundred* I U>B maklngwoosauda * Frland? I'd aettle that. If I were you | ra marry bar. |A year paaaea.i frtrod ?My graclon*. yon look aeedy: W bat'a happened? Manager- I took your adt rice and married tbe prima donna, and e new aba won't alng at all. 't do not wlrt t- to otbara f HL --i )f\| JfljS * _ . ' 0 . . r . ? f ? V "/" -fj Sandy Creek Items i - ' Bad madeand mad i? ? ver y corn momjd^^^."r-peojrt? rganhted a Sunday ^ohool al Srady Cr?ek"'jjS^'sa a d ay with i large emagtajtaw Wait ow heal bright proapeata *?r a good aohool Wea*?;gi?ii W) note that Eddit *>t deed good. The boxea, ailed with all kinds of good! 6a, were/ aold (01 good prioee and , (he ddjnand fin thdft was gi^Sf all tlireugb; the sale atytrpj?ll>eh,Jbif Jbdye and jgirls arranged a taut whioh ?aa greatly enjoyed. The fish oond Waa also i aouroe of great amusement asd war gredtlv enjoyed. The exarciset ae a whole were tine and reflects much credit upon thoae who had them in charge. Quite a nice little sum waa realised, which were for the benefit *>fthe iehnol. I. T. Z. sheehfor sale li , i'O sheep, inehMng several registered slirop&hirea, fakmle. . , ; ' h.g. ailkn '- per ?>.i nil ii| in WlOtyGRAPHS I hare opeaed? photograph gallery under tent oarNAIWStreet in Louisburg for fifteen dwwMpYjll be glad to have you call inintffee ?y wc^k. All work done promptly and at most reasonable yrices. Gi\e me> call ctfujym alston . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Marina Perry, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to eraibit the same to me on or before Febwiary 17th 1912 or this notioe wi\ be plead in bar of their recovery AM peions indebted to said estate will pleAe make immediate payment Thia Feb\afy 17th, 1911. J. R. QPIXIE, Adm r of Manna Perry Dec'd W. U. Yarborough, Jr}UVtt'y. CO I Q | & O * <3 \ 03 1 ^ a F' 1\ M n fcs Vi^r eg 3 /n, ? m ? 5 jg ^7 } s! ^ .s \T^, 1 5 \a' If.' I fi 3 pjt *2 - . * HB 'ce ? 0 1 I M-f -g Q " n ? 11 feff I JO. ^ I <"' /.. .. '. >'* v> >' .* , ? > . ' gj< V.^-- f. | - ' ' ' * . . V- / ^ fm- VM* Attention lioi ' ?~ri in craMo 'vpol targe, pia atapa bias serge u>d frwmTS to 26 per sent lower tka* Urge eitgr'l M oeneve such footgear | X ' jy ** buy here Hp. yX/h We especially cjJtyour atfceotiofrtolo.ir Hi which with' quality and. workmenihip ceksldar for the price. You wilt find our stock o J dry f S9ods in all lioea nnd your careful inspection 1 Yours do CANOLER-GRC . i - ' " ' ' . ..-i | ' ' ' 'i; . , / ????? ' ' ' | In Our |Sew - <1 I' yJ i-'tl.J We ^ave noW movei furniture, coffins, ca our new store room ? where we shall be g our friends and cUsl see us. Wetpropoi more extensile stool er before and When ; thing in our lii e we please you. I on't fc our new quarl ers o ,-y - *, i > ji. i ->Jid and that you a re int Jtii Mir , ana see us. .. i.ir / t [ i "1 '.-..I-.,!. ^ j ? _ - , * <*? jv.-rssra?*" ;;,!, O&Jfc-teljlj f> y|( II intrnl ' -i);!"! , , .. . "sr5"' . , . . uiij : ' rr / ? -ic. J'l "if lifciH i* 2J?lf OV V;rri .V T ,lv .IfflOl M.? ,tl?? ?* >t ?M?-SO r a . !:.(*. >v/i ik.ij.7 It'iatlqa ow onluMMi: -?itJ w nm Joi '? - . <..- < " : ' lil_Ji__li_j l-i ii mndvf lnw.1 'Jul V? Mb'* Jib '{In" ioi iuo liJiw toe ' 4 I * >11-.' M ?' ? ? J.3IKMT! tUUt i.'1-jfeM "iHff.'.iiin ill) .noil i|II|k||i a u)HHihiii iurr(? u?t .itstMmU B 1 B F LOUISBURG, ,Y , " N * ... " v . -"W. : l ' -"i usckeepcr ?nni? ' rugi at octual cost. It ifl our umm*r and ws make thia offer to rtunity te supply youraelf paw. \'f 1 ... jes Coat Suits fhncy novelty materials at price* I'.ujO III Price* i apK < p - ' tit ;for Sjtrjng 'Rl \i/e did no?" . jTJ iossilJe at the > i 1 ^ have outdone Wfj - ' fry styles with lg':"1 service?just u) w-.-.111 roods complete in:the new spring h s asked. Serve . " ::qp 1 iwell"coT| 1.- " ~ " XTT.-iwjj^-l :j\ ,:y^z Quarters | i '? ;ti ' HB ? iiv HI I our stock of skets, etc., to I on Main street y Lad to have all ' homers call to 3e to carry a i now than evyou need any- I can suit and ? >rcret we are I in Main street jDTfcfWttJB ^ rited call in ' kn.Ki ; ntl l -'H a. I --<> ? > . y\ \ j "... 'i v v twl - ' uiv: Y& rifcoil *o aflfi lint n lOisji ' 1 &n!b$4ft lie in *i94j?yo J ma ? B?? ??__Jl ' i