T*'' \ v "MY BLOOD IN ~ FINE CONDITION" Every sufferer from Blood Poison should read what Mrs. O. F. Medlln, of Weldou, X. C.. saya of her experience. "1 was a ' terrible sufferer from Blood Poison. If tbe*?: akin would be broken, the flesh would be- | come lutlamed. Itch and burn, and develop I Into cores. Before the birth of oue of my I children, my whole body became fearfully swollen, and I was in a serious condition , generally. 1 used Mrs. Joe Person's Rem- ; | edy and it cured me. My blood Is in fine i condition. I believe if It had not been for ' Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy I would have | died. Its value Is priceless." Away back in the days of M,06es U was said, "In the blood thereof is the life," i and never were truer words spoken. This I ital fluid is the essence of life and health, I and when it becomes Impure, Impovei* ?Inhnrt nr imlannril the rwinlt U rtrl.lHtv. weakness, loss of vitality, energy sum nre r itself. Without good blood, good health is impossible. MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY | is n sure specific for all troubles due to ; impure. Impoverished and pofeoned blood, such as Eczema, Old Sores, scrofula, and the long trnln of attendant/ailments, Including Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Stomach i Troubles, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Catarrh. Fennde Troubles, anxf general "run- i down conditions in both n*n and women. I ! It feeds theVblood, drives! out every ves- | tlge of poison,'tones up tf?o nervous sys- j torn, induces sdnnd and refreshing sleep, | and brings the Vntire l>dav back to Its : natural healthy rendition J Mrs. Joe Persons Remedy Is sclentiflcnllv prepared froVi purely vegetable ingredients. It positively fontalns no opiate ; or narcotic of anv kind, ao Iodide of. Potassium or other mineral?Jn-st a compound of | helpful herbs, nature*^ cjwn remedy fbr hu- , * man Ills J J As a Tonic. Alterative. Blood pnrlfler or Nervine. It has no equal. It quickly con- , I qnors Nervous Prostration and Insomnia. I We don't care how nhiny doctors have j said you couldn't bo cured?Mrs. Joe Per- , son's P. era edy will euro, you if you will o*:!y cIto It a chance. Write us fof tes- | t!monl?!s from people who expected long H ac > to 1k> dead, but are living today and' , glad to tell how this Remedv cured them. In cases of externa! trouble, lnflamm.n- ; ton. ulceration or itching humor, our W should be used with the Remedy. I'or sale by druggists, or supplied direct on receipt cf price. Jl.00 per bottle: 6 bot- , t!~< i'or St on- i dozen by express prepaid f..r m?. hy riHS. JOE FEKSOrS REMEDY CO.. KittrcR. R. C. 1 ? i' _ LAND SALE ' I1 By virtue of the Lower of saie'ci u- ' tainVd in a certain leed of trust, exe- ] cuted on the 31st da> "f October. 1 K.?7, by C. S. Williams th'R. K. Wh: e to secure a certain it*lebtetloe>s therein < set out, default havftie been ?n the payment of said indebtedness. I 1 will on, Friday, Maach 17th, 1911 at 12 noon, at the Joyner Druir Store corner * in the town of Franklinton. N. C.. sell 1 at public auction to tpe Inchest bi?:dvt t for cash that parcel of !&><d lyuiy and being insaid town of Fr uk int? 11. ? N. C. descriDfci^and dlfineu.as toil w>: . 4 Beginning in the^-M^A* tci.u ?-f Main Street, corner for L/pi^Ncal. thence westward!}* along Meal's tko13 to ; toI a stake: ther.ce ^ ah I Seal's line "?2 1-2 fvt A? Hi Sis. roi^ut ;1 th*nc.- east al jig Hills ? < r :??ni , fott ;o Main stre:'*: t&t-i-r*- south i 121T _.j. ftvc to *i.-' Lt'2:r..:tnc? hvr.i? toe !oi ' known as ;'.*., Aru.t.ry lot iv c.ctu; ;?d by I li Ktarney. Tliis February 14, 1911 !? R. B. White, Trustee. r, _ r COMMISSIONER-* SALE OF TIMBEREL) I.A.ND. ' I 4 I>\ virtu? : . an nhu r ol.rv-a.c, nuu.-j j * by the Suo.rior court of Frank!.r o.ur%' , ty in that special jj r* o-edu.-o Mrs. Kate W hit*. (_; T i. heaves . t al vs Julius Taut. Mrs., I] i becoa Pelr\ , t ai. \ the undersigned toi nnia;- o:: r> v.Jii, m Monday, trie 6th d ?y of March I9U ! it being the hist Monday in March at about the hour o r.o'?u, at the c art house door in I.oui? tirg, o:;er lor i-ule i to the.hiarhe.Nt bsdde at public a tic t .on, j j that tract of lai d U town us ;h" Tom Rogers iQud, in Dur. is township. Frank- f lin c-?unly^^w4j^^nln? the lard* of J. M. White and oUiereNMdbour.ucu as follows: On the Northlh^thr laiids of J. . M. White, on the eait by th^-Lmds of 11 the estate Of Amy Bell, on the "South j by Crooked Cr .ek, and ?>n tlie West by , the lands of the estate of A. J. White. - containing 64 acres, if ore or less. Terms of sale cast! This February ' ] 3rd. 1911. f ' Winl H. 'Ruffln. ' W. M. Person j1 ' Commissioners I FOR SALE By virtue of power conferred upon me by an order issuing from the Bu-! perior Court of Franklin County in a special proceeding therein pending, entitled, R. E. Bryan and wife, and h others, Ex-parte,r I shall, 011 Monday, | ? the Oth. day of March 1911, sell at put- lie auction lu lli Rlgmi UlUUer lor cash, at the court! house door in the,' < town of LouisburjL N. C., a certain!' tract of land situate in Franklin 11 Counts, and bounded as follows to wil::; Begin at white oal and hickoiy point- | era, B. T Ballard's aorner on the Tuck- . ahoe Branch, and \ run thence west ' 2s91-2 poles to a stlke, thence N 17. W. Its poles to a stake! then 8 70 W. 22 poles to centre of tie Nashville road, 1 a white oak stump on the west side of i the (tad; then along tts various courses of the Voad S. 17 E. Its poles; S. 151-2 E. 36polfea: S 14. E &4 (poles 15 links; 8 44. E. l^Sap es, 7 lilt s. S 23. E 10 . poles; S 18. IvVJ poles HI lints; S 53 1-2 E 10 poles; S 6f>Vl6 poke; 8 27 1-2 E 16 poles; S 41 1-2 Ertjf piles 9 links; S 27. W 0 poles 10 linkaHd Bass Bridge over Sandy Creek; thene down said Creek as it meanders to Ihevmouth of Tuckahoe branch, then ul sai<T>hranch I as It meanders 1S5 poles Vb the bbgijj-l ning. Containing three hundred aiulf.. ... twenty-seven (327) acres, more or less. Also one other tract of mod situate in Franklin county, adjoining theaijove, and bounded as follows: Bdgin in the centre of the Nashville roal a white oak on the west side of the Voad, and thence along said road n 17 V. 26 1-4 poles, to a ro<^t and pointers; | thence n 77 1-2 e 22 poles to a rock; thebce s. 17 e 26 poles to s stake, corner .for the first tract; thence h 76 w 21 poles ' to the place of beginning, containing three and one-balf acres more or less. The said above tracts of land will be sold for partition among the tenants in common, and subject the contract, and timber deed for certain timber on said lands, now on record in Franklin county. The sales will also be made subject to the confirmation of Said agle by the court. An opportunity for n good investment in real sstate is offered in this sale. This 23rd. day of January 1911. A.^C toUJCO rrM. Att'y. Hi ? * e \ Suggestive Questions On the Sunday School Lesson; by _Rev. Dr. Linscott for the Inter- j national Press Bible Question Club Coyyripht 1911 by Rtr T S Lincotjt. -&.*%). j I ^ J March 12th. 1911. Kli*ha, the Prcfjihet, Urstofes a Ch Id t > Life. 'J Kings iv:8-37. Gulden Text?The gift ot God ?s j etern: 1 life through Je?us Christ our Lord Koin. (1 ) Ycrsew8?What is the.reason ? that people in the towns and citie* are not us free in tender ng off hand hospiUility, to preachers, us they are in the country ? (2.) Alt pe pie in the country as frey*_ i:i tendering hospitality to preach' rs, as thr v used to be? Why? (3.) A ha* qualities did thi? woman pewichs to he ^called "a great woman?'* (4 ) When *? < ntertaiu a mart of C4 -d. in ner home, which gets ti e grtub r bent-tit, the entertainer or the entertained ? Why ? (5.) What was probably this wo." in.m'n motive in urging her hospitality upon Eiishit ? ^G.) Vers, s 9 11?What rule should govern a wife in consult ng !?er 11unbuild before inviting a man jf (i?mI to make his home at h**r I.OUSt ? i (,7 )-W*hat bent*tit would naturally ;??me to a .home by entertaining a nan of God ? (8 ) If a woman of godly character frequently entertains a man of 4od, in these da\s, what effect i?>es it have upon the neighbors? Why? (9) To wNtt extent should the ifsoei:t,!tion ot a god?y womah and i goqU man be governed by the r\tl surmising, of the gossips of the ;?inmiiniiv ? (lo.j VerM-a 1-13?Unler the drcutnstancrs it would not be good :;:?ie for Elisha to offer his .Jrbstees ; ioiiev, \.vt ^\k it tn good taste ami j vhat prompted' Eiisa!. to offer .o I! >}?eak for her to ti e King or to the j 'plain f the II -St? (II) is it 1 giuniate to desire t> n ?e inuouuced to the King, qgi:tbe|' resident, or into rich society ? .Why? j I (1*2.) How would \uu character-! s ze t!io refusal of this woman to be I ?r?.tight into the society of royalty j ind the rich ? (13.) Verses 14-17?Is it today | i calamity for a home to be child-j1 t-8^? \V |iy ? (14.) If by plan and preference there are no children in the home, bow does it affect the character of the husoand and" wife, the happiness | 3f the community ? (15.) What is the value of each child burn into an average home? What will you take for your baby?! (16.) What,, if any, difference is ( there in the character and disposition of children born in answer to prayer and children protest? (17.) Verses 18-24?When sickness or death comes to the home how much value is there in conferring with & man of God? (This question must be answered by members of the club n writing.) (18.) Verses 25-26?When is it right, if ever, for us to say one thing while we mean another? (19.) Verses 27-37?Would it THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Muchrfiicknese Dut to Bow.I Disorders. A doctor's first question when consulted by a patient la, "Are your bowSl?-j:eAlar r' He knowa that as per cent ofXUtoo** I* attended with' Inactive botdels and torpid liver, and that this contrition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health ran be restored. V Retail Orterlles are a positive, pleasant and safA romody for constipation and bowel dm?4er? In general. We aee^go certaln\ol' their great curative valne TTnKjjeVtiomise to return the purchaser's melto Igevery eaaa when they fall to prodtfetenttreAfitiafaotlon. Retail OrderlloAare satoa llKr candy. they act quietly^and hero a soothing. ttrengthowlag. 'pealing Influence on the entire inteetlofil tract Thay do not purge, gripe, caufip nausea, flatulence. excessive looeeoaee. diarrhoea or other annoying effect. Thay are eepedaily good for children. weak persona or old folks. Two slsaa, 3De. and 10c. Sold only at our store?The Retail Stove. The SoogRin Drag Oo. ".'j, .-v ihhhbhhehbhh - y; ^vW^WTTf;" W ' _ .. ? u ever be right or seeiniv, in these days, for a woman to act toward her Pastor as this woman did to Eiisah when she met hi in? ('20.) The restoration of this lad was miraculous, but what would be the dutv^aad^privilege of a man of Jiecftoday under Hinila: ciroumstatioea? Lesson for Sunday, March -9 1911. Defeat Through Drunkenness. 1 Kings xx:12 21. . Red Bud Items Will endeavor to send in a few items Jo let you know th;tf old 44Ued/ Hud** is noi dead yet. The farmers are very busy at.work on their farms as it will soon be planting time. Missi* Annie Pearce and Mamie Wool spent a part of h st week with Pat tie Lou Smith. MftL Wiiiis Wiiliau.H ui.d'chilih en, of Nash county, spent a |nrt of last week with her mother, Mr^- D W.I Gupion. M^sts Salhe and Eunice Mitchell spent last Friday night with M-iss Florence Lancaster, of Casta!ia. There will not be any preaching at Red Hud the second Sunday as the time has been changed to the to the fourth Sunday. Johnnie Andrews and wife, of Nash county, spent Sunday with his people near liere.. Right many of our people attended a dance nenr Castalia last Friday night. They report an en joy able time. With much success to the Times and its readers Kki.ly. [The above items were written for our last issue but were received after we had gone to press. ? Kdttor. ] Worth Weight In Gold. Abingdon, Va.?Meg. Jennie Met'nll, of tills |dro*, savs, "I had been j troubled with feimr 1- complaints, for over ten years. \ could not walk or stand on tnv fee:,Vind had oeen aluii'st conlined to lite house, for a long^Xme. I began to take Carilui, j the w otijh<t> toine, nmd now I v.itl walk any whehtl ivwit to go. C;.r-; 1 i is loth ns^styiohi. "in gold.") This is a high estimaWwgut a plain, j herb medicine, yet thhre atns^thou- j sands of women who Ymild glad?? r pay this price for a remedy to re ! lieve their suffering'. yanlui has! Ii Iped others. Why not Von? Try; it. Your druggists sells *, in .$1. 1 liotlles. \ Bailey. Mr. Levi Bailey died at his home near Oswego, N. C., on February 17, at the age of 75 years. Mr. Bailey whh a highly - respected citizen, al-j ways loyal to his countiv, a brave soldier and wonld t ilk oftcu of the war with his friends. He was a successful farmer, a good j man, always willing and ready to lend a helping hand to the needy. The funerai service was conducted , hy He*, timiling at'Ebengzei chwroh ' of which he was a member, where his remains were tenderly laid to rest* . He leaves a widow, five sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. May the Lord graciously bless the bereaved family. , M. B. T. The most common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach. Chamber- : lain'B Stomach and Liver Tablets cor-' rect these disorders and enable you to I sleep. For sale by all dealers. ? People who live in glass houses throw^ stones in the hope that somebody else's j will be smashed first ASTHMA AND CATARRH .CURED Expert Medical Scientists An nounce SWtliiig Results. Ob tained b^^enpine. New Vork?Thousands are taking advantage'Vf the Anerou* offer made by The Woodwnrthl Co., Dept. (J., 11B1 Broadway, N/O City, requesting an experimental package of Seupine, the great discovery fol iKt^ima, hay fe?er. Bronchitis and caArrhrwhich in mailed free of charge to al who wHte for it. It ie caring thousands of thjtgpet (tab born caaea. It makta no differaSaa how long you haye brent suffering or aevere the climatic condition, are wherV you live. Senpine will cure you. If you have experimented Wf i other treatment, and have filed to od a cure do not be discouraged y>"t %, id tor a trial of this wonderful! truly meritoua remedy which la a aoienUfle i Impound 255 dy mouianai. 1 .. } {GOWANsi KKingof Externals! Sells itself wherever ?| introduced. Imitators t have tried to imitate 'and substitution : i* been attempted. Bu; 1 once GtoWANS always J1 Gowanstfor inflammation >, and congestion. ! ft )||IM uAjiMhiiip hi mi hi |' I mend (jowanetPreparation for I Inflammation y^especia Uy of th,% throat and cheat, We have sold Qowans Preparation for many i years and never had a complaint. BVRLISGTOS DRUG CO., Burling ton , A" C. j BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Draitlata. SI, 50c. 2Se. COWAN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM, N. Q. Guarinlttd. and monty (?fuQd?J ty ycur Oru||lst NOTICE OK SALE By virtue of authority composed up-, on me as cotnmisiioner by a judgment of the Superior.cdurt of Franklin county entered at January term, ft) 11, in case entitled Kincli Richardson Co., vs. | A. J ^aHey and Mary C. Bartholomew, I I will on Monday the Oth day of .March I 1911, at about the! hour of noon sell to the highest bidder! for Cash, at public auction at the dourt house door in Louisburr, N. C., IfcinikUn county the folloWm^tkacribs# n?r.l estate, viz: (Jne tract or>t>aA,el of land in Cedar Rock Township, FrVqkliu county, beginning at a pine in Petarb*^ corner, thence east 37 poles to a rAck lhsW G C<?llin's line, thence west 59 poler^Nto a rock, thence north 04 polAs to a gultK^tump, thence north 64 poles to a gum slump*, thence north 2 d east 06 poles to the beginning cor tainina 58 acres more or less and known as the home place of said Mary C Bartholomew. This 4th dav of FoU 1011 Ben T. HoLpen, Com. 100 ACRES OF LAND TO BE SOLD. In accordance with an / order of the Superior court of Franklin county made in the social proceeding entitled Sue P Alford, adiux of L S /Alford, deceased vs B. N. Alford, ot/als. I will on Monday, ^arch 6. 19J1 at the court housa dook in Louis ?rg, C.. sell a* public auction to th</ highest bidder the following described tract of laud situate in Cypress cre&k township "Beginning Yt a stake, C M Vaughan'si corner; thYnce II 1 1-2 E. li.55 / chains to a siik?',| formerly a pine> stump, Yaughans cd ner iu Mrs. Yar/ borough's line; llienpe by old survey made from copyV" llr. Fuller's survey cf about thirty yVv* ag?>, S 87 degress e 11.10 chairYlto a stake now Mrs . Yarborough's coi'Htr thence n 3 de- j grees e 1 chain to Van elm: thence e 42.*>o chains to an lsli on little creek ihence s 8 decrees Al chain to the VV I K Davis corner, thAce w chains! to a pine stump: thwee s 5 degrees w j about 7 chains to a ltake__aud pointers i in Harris's line rhcnie in a new line n cS 1 2 d vv 1G chains to a stake south of | the creek, thence n 1 1-2 degrees e8.2"?| TliA?mi-io a~roek, thence n 88 1-2 de-i greesjw 10 chains to the beginning, j containing one hundred 1100) acres. The terms of the sale are one third j cash, re Maindcf in twelve months; with interest from date of sale at six per | cent. Feb 6, 1911. K. II. White, Com. FARMERS WAREHOUSE TO BE I SOUD FOR DIVISION. In accordance with the power and the directions contained in a certain deed from S. S. Meadows, J. N. Harris, J. It. Collie and x. W. Bickett, executor to W H Waifeell, to R. B. White, recorded in book\179 page 70, Registry of Franklin county, I will on Thursday, the 16th day "fy-'ebruaiy, 1911, at the/1 court * nouse uoor in lvoui^burg, well at public auction f<* cash, the following described parcel W land: Beginning at a stake on the soath side of Nash street northe^t corner 4f the brick building, known as the Farmers Warehouse: thence afong Nash*street in a westerly direction hi Hughes' corner on said street; thenV' along Hughes line in a southerly directionland at right angles to Nash streetNp laighes corner on the south side of the! alleyway, leading from Main streetyVo Church street; ti ence along the bovsdary of the said alley way in an easterly direction and paraliei to Nash StrhetNto the point where the said alley wpy is\jntersected by the alley way leackng from Xash street; thence along the westerrKboundary of said last mentioned alley way in a* northerly direction! to the beginning; being the lot of laid where the Farmers Warehouse is situate This land will be sold (subject to a deed of trust thereon, securing a debt of six thousand dollars ($6,0C0) with interest on said debt from May 1st, 1910, the said debt being evidenced by three notes of $'2,000 each, due on the 1st daj of May 1911, 1912 and 1913 respectively. This January 16th, 1911. . R. B. Whitk, Trustee. The above sale was postponed until Monday, March 6th, 1911, LAND SALK By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed exe. cuted by J. A. Turner and wife, B. H. Turner to Wm Bailey add recorded in book 142, page 287, registry of Franklin county, default hawing been made in tne payment of /he indebtedness thereby secured,. I will on Saturday, the 18th da* of Mfch, 1911, at the court house door in JLonisburg, sell at public auctioir to two highest bidder for cash the followjng/detcribed parcel of land in the town <f Louisburg. Franklin county, Stata if NO. Situated on she north side of Wash street, between tne lot of Paul Uifllln and the Carlisle home lot, and being the lot conveyed by J K Carlile and wife tb J A Turner, reference to which deed is hereby made ThU 14th day of February, 1911., Wm. WlLiT, for Farmers A Merchants Bank Bickett ft Whits, Attys. * ' . eg ; y ^ _ ajfo*'- ' *' ' - - : * " \. " " v'"^ '' ' :: O&i** Why SpenJill Yofl Earn You might get sick orN^e huut. Be prepared for it, You might want W make an investment. S'tart aowi Takes .money totmake money, you know. You might be visited bv thieveVXr fira. An accoun^Vnth us prevents loss. You You will become independent an?\vereotne all the sfcove by letting: us keep your savings. Try it awhile anmowV The saving haiit is a mighty good on. THE CITIZENS BANK HEijlDERSO^ n. c. mk oyywutfMy #'<S'rtiMySTA1 'iw4'**** w?ME 3? t i S - 'a ?%i???T<sTW>N?T??T?aT4?TtfrTBi9iB9ia9t?7iaVa In Connection with my Jewelry Business I Expect to Open a A~ Complete Line of 5 and 10 Cynts Goods I .have joined the Southern 5 ami. 10 ceiifrKnssociation, my toods are bouLlit ri??lit and I urn going :.o sell theru right^^oods are are arriving daily., liouK for mv ml in next weeks issue of the Timesi * ' ' J. H. JOHNSON FirstJ National 7\BANK OXFORD, N C rv.dt?i I \ ..N $100,000.00 Surplus anil Profits J. 30,000.00 Deposits I > 500,000.00 j\V? want to do hop.oj business with the good people of Franklin County. We pay 4 per qent interest on time deposits. NVi'ite or call on us for any information. Notice our large capita) and surplus. / TV. A. HUNT, Cashier i We/Have | f Just - Received ? 1A new lotf\pf China and will sell i; at^ most rea- T sonable prices. 4 , 1 Remember whet you wanK anything for > your table we hi ve it on haW and will ? appreciate your rade. . X > Brantley G. Hicks Louisburg, N. Ct ^ j Low Rates E. A. ROGERS VIA j ??Titrworker?z: Loufsburg, N. C. C3TT1 A A T~> -rv Will make estimates on any job ?LJvJ|e\ rv^Ll Work Guaranteed. Call or write / wl 3n in no^d of anything in my * TOI line ^tlant& Ga. To .. ACCOUNT OF # ,outhVJ rauut,_ The Punlir ? ? ? viPVIIV f I a |\ cjUm/^d r c C I have purchased the interest of J. D. r\ I Hill in the finnTof Garrett & Hill and ' \ \ I will continue the business at the same MARCH di-lOTH, 19 11 "tand, where T K I wiU carrW a full and complete' Account of tn southern Commercial rHie 01 groceries all Congress wlifcl marts in Atlanta, Ga., \ the while March 8th-10, *91 lAthe Seaboard has . J t authorized efceptiAially low round I HAVl, I ALoO FITTED tl trip rates froi* all pokita on its lines. .in amJiid w_ n . ? ? Tickcto acciunt tbis\meeting will be Al^NUr? TO? DATE on sale M.ircm5th-6th-7Vi and for trains Br t scheduled toIrrive In Atlanta morning IxCDCn ' of March 8tl| Tickets will be limited P * *>311 to return uifil March 20tlk w m I S_\m M t The KeabArd afford. excellent double |Vl6ut ll^drkpf daily^ervicito Atlanta, trjbui cons is- V 1*^1 ing of Pulfcan, sleeping cw excel- And will be/prepareAat all times to lent dlninif car service, also High back look after toe trade inXouiiburg. Phone seat vestidble coacbea. Call \n your your ordcrafto No. 187\and they will local ageni tor rates from yourwtation receive pfompt attention. Nothing lao Pullman reservations, or address but the best meats will bd^ handled I the undefsigned. \ will also ii?y the highest market Drlce ? -, f?r good Veef cattle. Come to see me. H. S. LEARD C / C f* u . - r.y j. uarrett ' C

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