FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager (Xii run, - - - *1.00 -*? *- months, ... *55 < UUKt MONTHS. - . HO Friday, March 3, 1911. Colonki. Hoosevei.t is us hariuJess as a sucking duck these days, if wo " may judge frdm Tiis Chicaeo ajiepch. The increased postage on magazines is sach a rotten measure thai it cannot be brought in the open, so it is smuggled into an appropriation bill, Cliamp Clark's determination to annex Canada as created quite an international disturbance; but other nations do not know Champ as well as we do. The passing of the Goulds it. either a gase of too much Wall 4 Street instead of good management of railroads, or too much ltockefeller ?perhaps both. The Bathtub Trust is being investigated by the Department of Justice; but the question of the public payiug interest on the watered stock ? of r; broads receives no attentiou. The "pauper labor'' cry of the protectionists cannot be applied to the products of Canada, where wages average as high as in the United States, and in the lumber industrv they are higher. Tub old hardshell standpatters are getting a good deal of comfortable terror out of their fear# that reciprocity is the opening wedge tor free trade and the death and burial of the protective system. v \ , in | ? mm The Boston Spiritualists say that they have heard from Professor James who is now residing, on a higher plane, and that all is well We wish that we could say as much about Congress from the legislative plane at Washington. UrwAKiJS'of^W?!) mill operatives in Waltham and Watertown, Massachusetts are idle, although the protective tariff is in full olast, and there is no reciprocity 01 free trade in effect, which the Republicans claim would bring about this calam ity. Universities run on modern plans and paying salaries to match the high coat of living are expensive institutions. Harvard tinds itself with a deficit of $50,000 for the past t ear. and the Drofessors of do litical economy arc more than ever in favor of tariff reform in consequence. grees? To be or not to be that's the q?eel ion!- President Taft, who is the only power that can force Congress to meet whether it wants to or not, does not want Congress on bis bands after March 4th, for it seems, he has already lost 20 pounds in weight sine - December 7lh. Tub Province of Quebec intends to adhere to the policy of restricting the exportation of palp wood, hoping thereby to become the center of the palp and paper industry of - . -v, the world. Qaebeo will find thsltbd world is a rather extensive territory, and there are some lively compete tors for the paper industry in the J7 United States. ' I ? Tna charge made by F. J. Lowe who represents the export merchant! , ?_ of New York City, that the export figures of the United States Bareat of Statistics are syatemtaically padded,-ia no news to those who kes) in touch with such matters. Th< export figures are not the only onei that have been moo keyed with. postal reforms. Whether it is true or not, the general impression ia that Jlitchoookls attempts to increase the post age on the advertising pagea of ttu magW'nea from one omt to foo oanta per pound ia a partisian plai ?, - - V to paniBh the progressive magr zinc* and kill off the Insurgent i"Ovi ment- Postmaster-General Hitch coolt la the head ot the partisan lit i publican machine and is expected t deliver ,'the goods" at the nation! convention which will renoininat President Taft, ;pui the postage pla is one of the means used to do it. A the stalwart and old guard luemboi of Congress are all united for Pres dent Tuft's renomitiation and ar bitterly opposed to the Insurgent) they are williug to see the Hitch coca J."'sn carf'e^ "u^ w'" 1 doing sd, As Mr. Hitchcock is so keen t reform the affairs of the Postoffic Department, why does he aid am abet the continuation of the conirac for "return cards"?tm?envelopes which it is claimed nets the contrac tor about one million dollars a yea in profits That is really a disco uu to large users of stamped envelope which the Government pays. Til contract for the priming of the re turn cards expires June 80, but al though the printers and newspaper are asking that this graft be discou tiuued by which the departiuen could save a vast sum, yet Boss Pen rose, chairman of the Senate committee on postal affairs and Postiuas rer-General Hitchcock act as thougl they have a financial interest in t[y renewal of the contract. liar they? I Valuable Frize For Bible Stut^y We call the attention of our read j ers to the "Suggestive. Lesson" il | this issue. They only need to b read to be appreciated, and if reai jca^ftilly, comparing the question with the Scripture upon which the; are based, they will not fail to ini press the reader with their great sig nificance. These questions are inspiring set nious, addresses, and newspaper ar ticks in hundreds of towns; the; are a stimulus and help thou sands of Bible Class Teachers ant students. The man on the street reads and discusses them with hi chum; they are read in the homes o the people and afford, intereetini subjects for profitable dissussinn Almost any one question will sug gest as much thought to the arer age reader; as would take a newspa pe column to express, and tilt thought will be his own. The questions arc not dry tomes they are ft?sh, interesting, and sug gestive, and on5 can learn fron them, by way of suggestion, mori than by reading an entire magazim devoted to the philosophy of every day. These questions cover the all round needs of human nature, whit they are a wonderful help in eluci dating, and enforcing the Bible lea son which they are based. Dnii't fail tn rooH ihnm | on, and be ready to start in. the eae j Bible contest which ia to commrnc in a few weeks, and thus yoa ma w' ro'n *"? of the beatrtifu gold medals. j See our announcement last wee! and those that are to follow. Sub scribe for the Tikes today, usin the attached coupon and get in lin with this popular Uible study move ment. | Cat tat ?sd Scad ts this (Hike. Send the f rank us Times from I now to .. 19 the j close of the Bible Question Club ' Contest, for the price of 91.50 en! closed. Count me a member of \ the local Club Name , Address A .. .. 'i! Card or Thanks' We wish V> elpress, through tli columns of the Times our lieart-fel thanks to our trieDds for their kint nessos during our wifes and mother illness and death. No words can et press our thanks and appreci^tioi for the favors and tender though fulness rendered. A. W- Jackson. Lola Jackson. ' John W. Sickelamith, Greensboro, Pi - hss three children, and like most chi . dren they frequently take cold. "W have tried several kinds of cough raed i Bunn News Itefks. ' The Buna Drug Company has 1- opened fof business. Tlie" building, >- which is a small one, it nicely fitted ? up and the drug store presents a very '1 attractive appearance. A complete e line, together with first rate soda u fountain, makes this a very desirable 8 addition to the business enterprise 8 of the place. Several new residences are being " erected and the plaoe is taking in r' the dimensions of a town. Ainoug those preparing to build are Robt. 11 White, John E. Alford, J. G. Bunn . pud B. C. Montgomery, o | " . Rev. J. \V. Patlon, Masonic leoe | < ' j I furer, has just completed a two t weeks stay with the Evening Star i A most enjoyable sermon '' was preached at the school bv Mr. I Patton during his-visit. 11 Miss Eva .Spruill, of Aabury Park, e ' N. J , is spending a few weeks w ith e I her aunt, Mrs. Robt. Wheless, / i. j , The school has been recently visUtedtby Prof. X. W. Walker, State s High School Inspector. Mr. Walker - expressed himself as^hichly pleased t with the condition o' the school and suggested that the school has grown - to such/an extent that a new and . modern building ts a necessity. As a ti result of Mr. Walker's suggestions s there has been considerable talk of e the advisability ot erecting such a building, and it now seems highly probable that a definite inure in that direction will be started this spring. Already there have been received u several offers of land and money for this purpose. 1 The Woman's Betterment Asso s ci tiioii gave a very delightful social y attair a few nights ago. At excellent speech was made by President - Madison, of the Collowliee Xoriual I Institute on"Educalion and Wealth." - Xtte music was of a high order, sev eral songs and instrumental pieces y being rendered. Miss Buell,. of - Buff aloe, X. Y., sister of .Mr. Guy J Huell, sang several beautiful sotigs s with a charm that has rarely been s heart! here. f A considerable sum of money was { raised by the Betterment Associa. tion and will ne used in itnprove ment of the school. DON'T EXPERIMENT. 'j . jYou Will Make No Mistake if I You follow This Advice. l Xever neglect your kidneys, a | If you have pain in the back, urts | nary disorders, <i zziness and nervous i ness, it's time to act and no time to experiment. The e are all symptoms - of kidney trouh e, and you should o seek a remedy rlnch ie known to cure the kidney . Doan's Kidne Pills is the remedy j to use. No nee to experiment. It r j has cured man) s'ubbprn cases in ^tbis vicinity. 1 I e Loui?bui* resiilemg demand y further proof limn that contained in tf tlie folre^ymx tejimopiaP Aim. lcfc^ert I Wiliams, If53=5f k Franklin St^&tfiky/Mount, N. C., i. Hay a: "I take pijpaf re in confirming g the public statepnt I gave in July r 1908 is which iltol^nf my oxperi ence with Dnafte K i<\ey Pills, as the relief they lave meNJiaa been ' lasting. I Hufmred nevernr from - dull, nagging biskachts and ^^iad distressing painl in my kidne)^, arms and limbic |I was quite restless at night and!the remedies that I took did not arm to have anv effect at all. Fnmlly I was induced to get I loan's Kilney Pills and it did not lake them lung to restore me | to good health." I I For sale by all healers. Price 50 cent*. Foster-Aflburn Co., Buffalo, I New York, soli agents for the ie United States. I t ' Uemember tip name?Doan's? 1 ' and take no otbp. j- aMljmtyiu J. !*is'esT*a'ey 1?L id psrs r?c*rdsS as last. Asfeet. Always KsiGSsk - SOLD BY ALA DRUGGISTS h| S3?, EVERYWHERE TESTKE B > 11 Farmers a YOU A T REA I BANK A If you earn $10,000 a year and spend $11,0 you will get ahead?ar Make Our Bank Your Bank. We pi THE FARMERS C. B. Cheatham, Pres. UNDER SUPERVISION jThe jAycock Drusr Company la ready for busings. We are busy ? receiving our stock ol drucs, niedi- 1 I silica iiu'i eunun?e. m e are pre- | u I pared to rill any prcscriuticn you'l may briny us All of odr .uedicines j are fresh, trie very kin! you will want to take or use if i'.oii are ill, l right from the manutac urers. We a, also have a full stock of garden j seeds and jnsh potatoei Our .Mr. G. L. Aycock is autho itv on the b seed business here and aas selected ! ? the best and most popi lar varieties ' known. Vour old fr; snd, Gaston In a Aycock and Sam Bo Idie are in | p charge.and wish to see ou all at our|sl store. \Ware not thr >ugh nrrang- j ing the buildidls^yet. \V e are prepared to serve your ? needs, \ In Drugs, MedicineX and Garden; Seeds. \ We are in the store (recently va- I cated by the W. E. V'hite furniture Coiupauv, on Mark et Stret^ op posite court house. Witch our adds in every issue of the ' "imes, it will pay you to read tbern. Respectfully yoaf friends, Aycock Dhvo Co. " Remember I am getting in new goods every day and will sell Cheaper than anybody, give me a trjal. i J\W King. ^ The damaged goods art going right along. Come quick andi ge\some of these rare bargains. j J/W. Kino. FtiR OALR A selected lot otdjpdga, or Soy, beans lor aale cheap UnI>Ja limited quanti- | ty left. Makes fine 1 W for stock. | McK :>?Ke Bbos. Co. for sa?bjor rent The Taylor resi<ienc? "?ji Cedar street, apply to j. W, Weaver. r. f. d. No. 4.i Louisburg, n. C. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . Having qualified as administrator of i dhe estate of Marina Ferry, deceased, n^e of Franklin ipounu-, notice is bereby\iven to all riprsoas holding claims agaunt said estate to/exhibit the same to me dlynr before February 17th 1912 or this nohice willVba plead in bar of I their recovCTK As persons indebted to | said estate wirVpleale make immediate | payment This Nwary 17th, 1911. J. JPtoLLlE, Adm'r of Martaa Perry Dec'd W. II. Yarboroueh, Jr/bWt'y. NOTICE N. By virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certai i mortgage deed made and executed by Mrs. Bettie Fuller to W. A. Benton, < i the 20th, day of February 1906, whi h is recorded in the Registry of Frank n county in book 142 at. page 366, T\?l sell at public auction at the CourCi >use door in the town of Louisburg, oi "Monday the 3rd, day of April, 1911, at 2oSh>ck, m, for cash, the following d< cribedsitract or parcel of land situate n DunnX. town ship, Franklin county, djoining thdSands | ol' Mrs. Martha Vltterson, Nanhi^ Alforci and others ana more particularly v described in said deei of mortgage, it | being the tract of l/nd on which the , late Mrs. Bettie Fuller resided during j ber life time, containing 501 acres as per commissioners report and | surve Tor* report recorded ordeta and1 d?orees No. 3 atpage 181 In Clerk of the Superior Court's cffice Franklin cOuntv, This the 3rd day of March, 11911^ . j W. A. Benton, Mortgagee. , , ? I ind Mercha ire a horse ik ld mill while ^|PENI ou^nmoneyin' sjjctyou will freeman " . \ 00 you w II fall behind.X It you earn ten d< id there s no other way t\do so. Get out ly liben I interest consistenowith safety .. !\nd mfejrch liOUISBU-G. N. C. \ OFFICERS \ F. p. JSgerton, Vice-Pres. \ M. S./Clifton, Assistant Cashier. OF I THE STATE OF / FOK RENT I tesirable 5 room cottage adjoining ' ' N fegerton and G llieks resience, city water' turnished tree. 191 leut cheap. Apply t<v Bn Mus Xl/fs Eolrton doc ... ? ? Mo I. P. Winston 1 / by f BOU las moved Rjs fetock to the Alston on adding, my cHastand, next to the j con easley-Alston firug Co. I have les* ought out the emtiV^ stock of W. 1*. j ary feal & Co , anp in\the lot there is lore shoes than you ckp shake a stick I t, going way dtwn in 'price". I have 1wo many different articles to mention ? 3 come on and! see | I Really, J. P.' WIN-SToN Here 1 Am Again Badly Disfigured But Still -in ' the Ring ' * \ -wwii N The biff fire in my tore on last Wednesday mornin necessitate my selling good mai y things way _ below cost, so the e will be a Great reduction on all dnnaged III goods for tl ie next I I ten days Come Quck KJ You Went a |i * Bargain. || I will sell for apoifcash all goods I that (jot wet the light of the fire I j I at greatly reducai price. 1 am I I gelling shoes at Jul below cost, I dry goods the salie, ladies hose 111 worth 15c at 8c, Granulated sugar I at 4 and 5 cental 10c bladder of I I HnuB at 5c, 2 pjfigs of tobaccrf 8c. 11 I have about BOO collars wcrth 111 15c I will sell at 5c each just to I I move them, so come at onee if I I you want a bargain. Dunlop I Flour at $4 15, Excelsior flour at I $4 26. Remember every thing is I cash when sold at reduced price. I J. W. KING ' iH All parties owing me will please I settle same at once, as mylois by I fire is heavy. ints Bank I A YOU )ING earn * 9 the BE *&* >llara a Waek and save part ot it of the tread mill , 4 per, cent, compounded quarterly IANTS BANK R. Y. Mc A Jon. Cashier, v . . . . V NORTH CAROLINA J0T1CE, MORTGAGEE'S SALE. 5y virtue of authority conferred in a vcr of su\e contained in a mortgage d executed to me on January, 20th ?n 0, by A M Brantley and wife Ida & intley ?nd fiulv registered, I shall at public auction at the court house ,r .ln kouisbiirg. Franklin county; on nday, March;, ioth 1911, at twelve lock, m tliat certain tract of land rate iti T6wns -township, Franklin inty and bounded on the North by !f,? i ?' V 5opkins t,n the west j 11 Murray, on the th by the land of R T llatchelor arid the east by the land of G T Tavlor fining twenty-fiye acres, more or ' llthTSU Sa'e CaSh Th'S Fehru" J. R. j. Finch, Mortgagee. J. D. Hardin, Atty. * W I s"nf e U w I 1 DO I St ' g 2. t B J Ma ? T * I m \ \ ** I si \ \ H OQ 1 O I B "ft ~9 A-l f? 161 I o i j ? p ift hQ I tr - ? ? l I (0 a I -

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