: ^ ? f " >r7 " - ' #% F A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND HA YOL. XVI. r BOARD ROAD TRUSTEES ; MET AMD_ ORGANIZED OH i # MONDAY. ' ' 1 MxecntlYi UOHlHHltSS Blacted, Who Mst and Or(canl?ad?The J New Road Law ? To Meat , Again First Monday la April, i Aooording to the requirement of ' the new road lew tor I.ouisborg i townehip the Board of Trusteee met 1 on Monday etternoon end perfected 1 their organisation. Alt mem be re i were preeent except one and the i following offioere were elected: < J. H. Ueeell, Chairman. i F. B. IfcXinne, Secretary. 1 J. H. Collie, Treasurer. < C. B. Cheatham, W- H. Allen and < E. A. Kemp, Exaouttre CominitU'. i As this meeting was called tor the 1 purpose of perfecting the organise- < "r?tifrn the Board then adjourned to I meet again at 19:80 o'clock on the . first Monday in April. Immediately after the > adjourn- ' meut of the Board of Trusters the ' Executive Committee met and or- 1 ganized by electing offioers as fjl. 1 lows: < C. B. Cheatham, Chairman. 1 F. B. McKinne, Secretary to tlie ' Board of Trustees, will be Secretary to Exeoutive Committee also. I No other business was attended ' to and the committee adjourned to 1 meet attain on the first Monday in April. I From the law, which follows, it 1 will lie Been that the object of this ' action is to place the work in the 1 hand of people in the .township, it 1 being a township affair, and to relivee 1 the Commissioners of this amount of work. They have done this work 1 exceedingly well in the past for which out people are very apprectative, but there is So doubt that the new system will prove a great improvement over the old on-. The law follows: An act to" provide good roads in Louisburg township,Franklin county. The General Aasembly o North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That F. B. McKinne, J. R. Collie, VV. H. Allen, John H. Uzzell, C. B. Cheatham, E. A. Kemp, , Herbert H. Harris, W. T. Wilder and A W. Wilson, Jr., are hereby constituted a Board of Trustees for - ' . 1- - l T ?. -1 . toe pilOllC roaufl Ul uuuisuury iiuwusnip in Franklin county. The first three Bhall hold the said position of trustees for si* years, the next three for four years, and thejast three for two years. At the expiration of the terms of any, their successors shall be elected for six yqars by the Hoard - ? of County ComroissiiJaers of Franklin county. All vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal from the said township shall be filled for the unexpired terra by the remain ing members of said hoard : Piovided, that the position of trustee shall not constitute an office within the" meaning of article seven section fourteen of the Constitution of North Caioliua. Seo. 2. That the said board of trustees and their successors shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name and style of * "The Board of Road Trustees of Louisburg Township," and by that name raav sue and be sued, make oontraots, acquire real and personal propertv, by gift, purchase, or de* vise; hold, exohange and sell the same, and exercise suoh other rights and privileges as are incident to other municipal corporations. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the said board of trustees to take control and management of the roads of said Louisburg township, and said trustees are hereby vested with all th? rights, and powers for such control and management as are now vested in end exercised by the board of oounty 'commissioners fox Franklin oounty : Provided, nothing in this sot shall be oonatrued to apply *? bridges over Tar river. See. 4. The beard of treetw - - : j ' RA> NAGER ihall annually elaet a chairman, Moratory and traaenrer. Tbe treasurer shall 4>ar? charge of all road Panda of the township, and may be reqnired to give bond in sufficient amount to cover funds coining into his hands. The board of trustees ihall annually eleot three of their number, who shall constitute and be known as the Executive Committee. This committee shall meat at tatad intervals, as may be directed by the trustees, shall have a rhair man end secretary, shall order and iaeae vouchers payment of general sxpensee connected with working roads and the pnrebase ot machinery tnd iraplemente which said vonehsre shall be signed hy the chairman tnd ssoretary of said committee and t record thereof kept; and the ooard ot trustees may delegate to said executive oommittee any and all of its povyers, exeept that ef issuing bonds. Sec. 5. The aatd board of truetees shall snnnslly elect a superintendent of roads for Louisburg township, who shsll be paid such compensation out of the road fnnd of said township as may be fixed by laid trustees, and who shall hold office for one year or until hta successor shall be elected and qualified : Provided, thai said auoerintendsnt may at anj time be removed by eatd board, after having been given ten daya notice and a hearing, when in the opinion of the board there exists goon and sufficient cause for such removal. It shall be the duty of said superintendent, subject to the approval of the board, to supervise, firect and have charge of Ihe maintenance and eonetructioiTof all public roads in Louishurg township, and he shall submit to said executive committee a monthly report concerning the work in progress and the mone\a expended, and such reports a* may he required of him. As a guarantee of the faithful/find honest discharge of the dunes of his office the said board mayre quire ol said eupcrintendenp-Huch bond as may be deemed^advisable. Sec. 6. jPne said board of trustees may^purchase auch machinery and/ifnpleraents as may bo needed Mir the proper working and construction of the roads, may employ a co#potent engineer or surveyor, a^d may exercise auch other powers and pi ivileges as may be needed for the carrying out of the purposes and provisons of this act: Provided, that no person shall be subject to road duty. S?c 7 That the superintendent of roads of Loaisburg township ie hereby authorized to enter upon any nnmiltivtad lend pear to or adjoining any public road of said townahip, to cut out and carry away timber, except trees or groves on improved land planted or left for shadt or ornament; to dig or cause to be dug and carry away any gravel, sand, clay or atone which may ,be necessary to oonatruct, improve 01 repair such road, and enter upon any lands adjoining or?tying neai such roads, in order to make suet drains or ditches through the same as he may deem necessary for the betterment of the road, and th< drains and ditches ao made shall not be obstructed by the occnpants oi such lands or any other person, and person obstructing such drain 01 ditch shall be guilty of- a misdemeanor ana fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not more tban thirty > days. II the owner of any land from whiol timber, atone, olay, gravel or sand were taken, as aforesaid, shall present an aeooent for the same througl said superintendent to said board o! executive oemmittee within thirtj days after the taking thereof, ii shall be the duty of Mid board t< pay for the same at a fair prioe; and in case of any disagreement aa to th< value, the superintendent of roadi shall appoint one freeholder, the per eon claiming the damages a seoond and these two a third, which aaic CKL1. THE COUNTY, THE LOU1SBURQ.N. C.. FRID three freeholders shall lasers said damages and report the same in writing to the superintendent of roads. Sec. 8. That said superintendent of roads, with the approval of the 1 trustees or executive committee, is tisrebv given discretionarv power to locate; re-locate or change any part of any public road in said to u nship, when in his judgment tho same wilj prove advantageous to public travel; that when any person on whose land the rew road is to be located claims damages therefor, and : within thirty days petitions said board of trustees for a jury to assess the damages, the said trustees shall, within not less than fifteen nor more than sixty days of the completion of said road, order a jury of three disinterested freeholders of Louisbnrg township, to be seleotcd and summoned by the Sheriff of Franklin county, as proylded by law, who shall give said land owner fortyeight honra notice of the time and place when and where the aaid jury will meet .to assess his damages; and said jury, in considering the question of damages, shalh-slso take into consideration tfrtoenefita to the owner of the lend, and if>such ( benefit# be considered equal to or | greater than the damages sustained, i the jury shall so declare-it and shall < report its finding in writing to said | ttastees for revision and confirms- 1 lion; Provided, that suoh owner may j appeal to the Superior Court of- ( Franklin county from the depidion ( of said trustees. yS i ^-.9ec. 9. That the said board of < road trustees shall Wand are hereby 1 authorized and/ton powered to issue 1 bonds of Mid Louisburg township, i to be sfyfed "Louisburg Township Bond's," lo an amount not to exceed ^fdrty thousand dollars, of such denomination and of such proportion i as raid board may deem advisable; 1 bearing interest from the date of issue thereof at a rate not exceeding ' six per cent per annum, with interest coupons attached, payable annually or semi-annually, as maybe deemed best, at such time or times and at suoh place or places as may be deemed advisable by said , board; said bonds to be signed by the chairman and secretary of said " board, and to be of such form and i i tenor and transferable in such way, and the principal thereof payable or, , redeemable at such time or times, i not exceed in a forty years from the dste thereof, and at such nlnce nr i places aa said board of trustees mav 1 determine. None of said bonds shall i be disposed of for a less price than < their par value, and the said bonds : may li? mailed at ftllflll time or tiling and in such amount or amounts as may be deemed best to meet the expenditures provided for in this act. ( The liability for the payment of said bonds, together with all interest that t may be due thereon, shall be at. . taohed to and imposed upon the t political division of Franklin county . Known as l.ouisbnrg township, as , constituted at the time of the ratifi* cation of this act, ) Seo. 10. That for the purpose of I providing for the payment of said t bonds and the interest thereon, and f for ihe construction, improvement | and maintenance of the roads of said f I township, the board of oounty com. misaioners shall, annually, and at . the time of levying the oounty taxes, [ lavy and lay a special tax on a'l per[ sons and property subject to taxal tion w:thin the limits of said Louis| burg township, of not less than fif, teen cents and not mora than twentyi five cents on the one hundred dolE laTS assessed valuation of property, j and not less than forty five cents and t not more than seventy-five cents on > each taxable poll. The taxes so | levied shall be oolleoted aa other t taxes are oolleoted, and paid to the i treasurer of said board of road trus. tees. , Sea 11. That all funds' derived I from the sale of any bonds by said Ja ipif B.mwwwmw WpsRFS 7 % ' r ' . N T STATE, THE UNION. AY. MARCH 17 1911. >oard of traateea shall be paid erar ol o the treaaorer of aaid beard of fc ruatees. end ahall be used tor the ti >urpoee of conatracliag and imprev- ai ng the public roada in aaid township, tl he pnrehaseJ fit lUBll iMaieiiul, tr pachitiery and implements and. fc he employment ef auch offioera ai ind labor aa may be found necessary r< n the carrying out of this work. See. 12. That in the working ind construction of roada either ecu.lot labor or hired labor, or both, " nav be used aa may be ordered by ^ laid board of truateea; and in the working of oouvicte on the public oa' order another election or elections p to be held in the manner and with n the same effect as above provided, ti at any tune within four years of ths t date of the first election whsn re- tl quested to do so by said board of trustees; Provided, further, thatt until the adoption of the powers, duties and provisions of ssctions nine and ten hereof by a majority of the qualified votera 01 said township at an election called and held under the terms and provisions of this ^ section, the method and manner of collection of the SDecial road tax now levied and collected in said township under the provisions of ^ sections twenty-one and twenty- ^ three of Chapter five hundred and eighty-one Laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninetv-nine of North Carolina, as adopted by said Louishnrg township, shall obtaio and be continued in force; and the, '' taxes so levied and colleoted shell ^ be applied and nsed nnder the other ^ provisions of this aot. ^ See. 16. That ell laws and olausea tl of law* in conflict with the provie- i ions of this sot, so far as tbey relate * to said Louisburg township, exoept f, as otherwiss provided in seeMen f< jjujg. s . oik ; ' ; V4 1MES a. SI ... . '* f this not, relating to Keeping in 1 iree section* twenty.oas end twenr-thrae ot Chapter fire hundred iui Wi Oerwlina, pneidiua ir a levy of a special road tax in lid I/ouisburg township, are hereby ipealed. See. 15. That this act shall be in >rce from and after ila ratification, j In the Ceneral Assembly read iree times and ratified this the 36th , ay of February, 1811. . W. C. KaWLAHD, j President of the Senate. W. C. Dowd, 1 peaker of the llonse of Kepreeeutatree. Examined and tonnd oorrect. . A. C. Snovr, S * For Committee. ' tat# of North Carolina, Department of^Hate, t Raleigh, March 7th, 1811. s I, J. Bryan Gffraae, 8eeretary of tate of tj?? State of North Caro- t na, d^bereby certify the foregoiag J a^/attaehed (eleven (11) sheets) i be a tree eepy from the records j, f this oAoe. , In witness whereof, I hare herento set my hand and affixed ray . Ificisl seal. Done in the office at Raleigh, this 8 th day of March, in the year of our ord, 1-011. J. Bryan Chimbs, Secretary of State. To Hold Rifle Practice. During the month of April teams presenting three regiments of the lorth Carolina National Goard will old target practice, rifle and reolver competition. In these teams rill be a commissioned officer and ine enlisted men from each coroatiy, : The meets will be held on the foliwimr dates First Regiment, April, 8; Second Regiment, one week iter; Third Regiment one week iter than Second Regiment. The 'hird Regiment will hold its meet l Raleigh at the new rifle range, rhile the Second Regiment meet will e at Goldsboro, and the First Regilent at Gastonia, each meet lasting iree dajs. Teachers Meeting. Quite a number of teachers gathred at t'is Graded School on Inst aturday to attend the teachers eating whicn was held in the Auitorium of the school. It was erected that Prof. K. II. Molntyre, f Raleigh, would be present and ddrese the ineetinc. bat he was etained on aeeeunt ot sickness- y 'he meeting was conducted bv Supt. t ?. B. White, in his usual easy and c iteresting Manner.?Hit talk to the = sachers was indeed instructive and iteresting and much enjoyed by all resent. This was the first time the leeting had been held in the AudiurSum of the Graded Schoel, and be teachers were well pjeasad with he new place of meeting. From Haplefllle. The "Old Maid Convention," prelented at the Academy last Friday light by the -young ladies of Mapleille was a biilliant success, it far elipsed anything that had ever been -resented here. One could hardly ealiae the actors were only amaBurs, they seemed so perfectly at ase. The costume?tar from modrn?and the unique arrangement of tie stage added greatly to the atraotiveness of the play. Muaio was andered by Meksrs. Wilson, Mit. hell and Pernell brothers, a band rell known in our section, they need o introduction, to say they were resent, meat, s we had excellent:; tuaio. The proceeds were for the enefit of Maple Spring church, "he young ladies and managers lank atl who aided them in making tiia occasion ene of snocaea gold enjyment, especially the musicians, rho so kindly much and reaaed to- accept aay compensation J ir their efforts. im ' : ' i % ' JBSCRIPTION $1.00 PBH YEAR = !. NUMBER 4 THE BUOYING >EOPLE HEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN 'heao Who Hay VUttart Ioul|? burg the Past Week?Tho^x Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. \ Miss Bessie Conn spent Sunday m lenderaon. j Dr. S. P. Bart and familv^sfient " Sunday in Rocky Mount. C. ?. Egerton, of Rrfteigb, visited lis people here thepost week.? Mies J osepMtie Tucker returned ft'ednesdafdrom a vieit to New tork,/^ .Mice Llllie Crudup. of Kittrell s visiting her sister, Mrs. R. P. Taylor. Mrs. Lassie Jones, of Durham, is netting her sister, Mrs. B. B. Masenburg. J. A. Turner and O. Y. Y arbor# eturned Wednesday frjm a trip te tocky Meant. Wm. Burroughs, of Dabney, visted his daughter, Mrs. T. D. Tyaek, Ka r>a?? esaaL mw j/auv neon. Mra. K. G. Gilmer, of Statesville, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clarmce Sttmpson. Mies Alma Pegram, at Henderson, pent Sunday in Louisburg, guest of iliss Lillie Hale. Miss Annie Davis Crudup, ot iVake Forest, is visiting lier sister, lira. Ii. P. Taylor. Miss Elizabeth Bagley, of Jackson, s visiting her sister, Miss Cora Bagey. at the College. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Seaman, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting her sis:er, Mrs. Wm. Bailey. Deputy Sheriff S. C. Holden went lo Goldsboro Wednesday to take an niuate to tee State hospital. Myron Pleasants, who has been iraployed in Henderson, has returnid to Louisburg to make his future lome. F. W. Wheless left Tuesday mornng for the northern markets, where re goes to purchase the spring itock of goods for his store. W aicb or bis announcement upon his reurn. Announce Spring Opening. In their advertisement in another lolumn it-will be noticed that the Jnndler-CrowelI Company announce heir opening of spring and summer nillinery t> take place on next ?i t?a? ? ? ?1 uuutioj OII'I urnuaj IllXi OAIOIIU ou a special invitation to come and >e present. Read their advertisenent. Mrs. Hall Returns. Mrs. Hall returned the past week rom the Northern market where she lurckased a large and up-to-date itock of ladies spring and summer nillinery, drv goods, etc., although Mrs. Malt s reputation in the capa:ity is well known we are infoimed ;hat she has selected a stock that ?iil hardly compare with any one of he past for the Big Racket. By reference to her advertisement in ano- * ;ber column you will notion an esjecial invitation to visit this store ind see what they have to offer. Mr. G. B. Ayoooke DeadOn Saturday last at his home near own Mr. G. D. Ayeocke, in his 63 rear, passed into the great beyond, le bad been siok for only a short vhile and his death was a shock to lis family and neighbors. He eaves a wife a fid fonr children who lave the sympathy of the entire iommunity. His remains were tenlorly laid to rest in the presence of i host of fi tends and relatives in the lemetery at Maple Springs church, if which be had been a member itnoe boyhood, on Suaday afternoon it 8:80 o'olock, Rev. M. Stamps, of jooitbwg, aonducting the esrviees. A Far bwd. 4 " . ' / fv, ' V ' 1 \V > - - ' i *s" - V -'