''**< *} , *i / ? ~pj J can see the oui it's a < perhaps ' n - source jj ' age an< the nee i _ .. - ?the mo: appearance plant in tl for the pre are sure to The J J tells what . McKir FRANK0NK Our Regu Items of Interc and Near Our f ft ncpc i v_lwjlj ' ?Electric lights! That is ? we want and we begin t<> see way. _? ?Don't forget to subscribe the Franklin Times if you d take it. ?The spring term of Miss I W hit field's school, at Eatesv eln.es Inper Acme Ability goods fo get the best thati^can be mac \cme Quality Text-Book Acme/Quality Paint, En^n pt BROS. ( )N NEWS ITEMS^ lar Correspondent :st Gathered From in iister Town Each Week ON WEDNESDAY - That fnl accident from the kick of a horse oar on Taesday. We are glad to state however the last reports say he ii for resting well. * on 1 ?Ondy Preddy has taken a position with, our popular merchant late Col. W\ L. McGhee. 'he, ?W. D. Morris was taken to Raleigh Mnmlat hi1 Mi E. W. Mow, top j and Dr. J. H. Harris, to undergo ar igh- j examination at Rex Hospital. It was decided that an operation woe the j necessary, which he will undergo ir ap. I a few days. ?In spite of bad weather a num. the her of ladies were on the schoo IJ,. grounds Monday to witness the setting ont of trees. Dr. A. R. W in ston, Rer. G. P. Ilarrill and Mr. I.B a , Williams, with the High School boyi did splendid work. The ladies exl)ai) tend their thanks. jnlj. ?The "city dads" should taki Home action to correct the cr jwding lied ar?u?d the postoffici on Saturday's."? This custom hai >u8e 1 grown to such an extent that it hai become a nuisance and when il ^ reaches the point where passers by ladies included, have to get off th< side walk to passfsome action shoulc he'd be taken to put a stop to it. mm- ^____ HI. Prsonais rent rees J. Ward went to Hamlet Monj the d?7 I James Holden went to Raleigt old /atarday. 'hen Hiss Ella Harris spent Sunday ai > im- John Mitohner'a Will MeQhee, of Hirnlet, is at Sn. home on a ristt. v ' , ' \ ? ---1 I ; LT H< y a touch of erfamel t >rtunitics for brighte hat needs/ protectioi he floor or woodv nacre,/the farm wag matter what it is Acme Quality paint in this viciHky for \CME 4 n. t nn m a ?/t * IN 1 d AjN J :he most satisfactory in largest paint and /varnish >r that purposed and you on Paints and Finishes id, Stain jor Varnish to R. L. Conyers and wife went u>. hi Raleigh last Saturday. ^1 W. A Massev, of Youngsville, was T on our streets Monday. 'e M. F. Allen, of Raleigh, visited'"81 his people here Sunday. Will Dunn, of Wake Forest, paid a flying trip to our town Monday.""*" p Mrs. T. C. Harrison, of Weldon, ^ arrived Tuesday to visit relatives in Q. and near town. , . - le J. J. Barrow and wife and F. S. g Baliard, Louisburg, spent Monday jr with B. W. Ballard. m Mrs. J. J. Barrow and Mies Julia w Barrow, of Louisburg, spent Monday S t at B. XV. Ballard's. Dr.'Battle Bullock of Hester, wax in the citv Monday visiting his father. Mai. B. F. Bullock. PJ = ?MUffMaila Pinhei, uf Wamntun, ? and .Miss Lena Parker of Raleigh, J (I were visitors at B. W. Ballard's last week. ^ I V Calvin Brown, went to Millbrook, * P Monday to till a vacancy in the teleI graph office of the Seaboard for a few Bt days. ^ Mrs. Cowles, of Columbia, S. C., and Mrs. Herne, of Albemarle, are , ' _. . , * . at , | visiting at lj. O J irie s, on Main . | street. . Mrs. Marks and daughter, Mrs. >; Kelly, of Moncure, who have been | p , j visiting at W. H. Bvnum, left for , their home Sunday. in t Charity Begins at Home. g t By request we publish the follow, ing which is true and timely ad- di i vice: ' w I "As the streets are so very clean 0{ we wish to ask the people of the town and pnblic in general1 to see q that tbeir premises are kept clean t before and after the Sanitary Com- N ' mittee visits them, which Will be in b the nesr future.' ,j, - -oi Mrs. Mary Thomers6n Dead. ? ' Mrs. Mary Thoroerson. who lived 6 miles from town, died last Sat or- to 1 day iporning at half past 4 o'clock, at 8ha was bnriad Sunday at the family [ Uj ytpzM / .' "fr' ' * ?- i 51116/ here, a brusbful :ning and beautif; a from th6 rava /ork thay has be on or me lawn < that- kas becom< enstmel, stain c mui D FINIS use, how much wiJlM: on. It not only onabl exactly what you wai you to refinish the rnS home that do not recj expert?the jobs that botherwith. Ask us for Louisbur arying around near Gray Rock Mtrch in Granville county. Mrs. boiiifcnon was 72 years old and aves a nusbar.d and tour children id a host of rrjonds and relatives. Mrs. Mary E. Penny Dead. Mrs. Marv E. Penny, rvyfe of l)r enny, of Wake county, aifed last fednesday night, March 8th, afSH) clock. She was 66 years old and aves a husband and six children, he was buried at the family bury* ig ground near her home Thursday lorning and the funeral -services ere conducted by Iter. R. W. tephenson, of Raleigh. List of Letters. Remaining in the Frankhnton ostoffice uncalled for. Allio liryant, Mrs. Collin Freeman? une Joyner, Carrie Jones, Alexaner Jones, II. II. Killin, Mrs. Pattie lay, Jesse Pippin, Frsnk Pippin, linnie Soivev. ltna? _ r j uiiuiiu^dj *?j rw. attie K. Yarborough, T/osie Winon, Wm. T. Wigging, Airs. Loses /illiamston. These letters will b6 eld for two weeks, if not called for, ill be sent to the Dead Letter office Washington, D. C. for official dieositioD, ? W. P. Eowsbds, P. M. ellghtful Chafing Dish Party, At her home on last Friday evenig, Miss Frances Winston enterlined the eighth grade from the raded school. The drawing room, parlor and ining room were thrown open here ensned a most exciting game I progressive "Hearts." Ihe prize winners were Hugh Metes and Miss Blackley. In the dining loom Misses Kesris, ellie Conway, Mattie and Kate allarjj and Mrs. A. P. Wiston precis st the Chafing Dishes. A delioua coarse of refreshments was rred. Tthe young people then adjourned the parlor where, with Miss Winon at the piano, they entered baartr lo singing some "good old songs" ?....? J . ' Brig of varnish yonder?< ying the home. Per ges of the weather; icome worn and sh: swing that has ceasec s marred and unsi&h ? >r varnish that will e: r ;hes >e required and how it sho es you to tell your painter c it, but makes it easy for vny surfaces about the Luke the skill of the g gg. a painter would not f JJ&SA a copf^It's Free. g, N. C\W . \ \ , \ \ i which every one kuew Several i Low I chorouses by the boys alone prK> ell! r(!H presentative of a cause opposite to \\ 4Jagsars? Eacli act was lollowed ? closely with many questions. Those jjeet present were Mrs^ G. P. Harrill, l Misses Frances Winston, Nellie ConI way, Grace Ward, Matlie and Kate Ballard and Mrs. J . B. Cheatham. ,' ______ has : Honor Roll. oofil1 The following is the honor roll for 17th Franklinton Graded school for the horn month of Feoruary. Pi First Grade?Louise Cannady, urda I Marguerite White, Graoe Wester, ftn<' Henry Gupton, Clarence Cooke, Kd- W ward Fsrye, Richard Henderson, read Charlie Morton, Duncan Morton, Edward Champion. -?Second Grade?Mary Reid Daniel, Worth Allen, Lee Ethridge, Renoher Kittle. "* V' "t-r Third Grade?Janie Pearce, Fannie Bell Bookin, Bertna Morris Myr- A 1 tie Royre, Annie Gnpten, Bryant men. Morton, Claude Frye. n?r.? ' ' pled 1 Fourth Grade?Zelma Wester Ever; Mary Lowry, Jeff Davis Kearney, 7171 Louie Rose. ' . -' F|flh Grade?. Edwin Rose, Psroy moler k I'M ll|p ' everyone ?; m t, w haps it s ; X-- f' perhaps a ibby, or_^ i to be a tly from | sactly fit I I I I u'id be put b >r decorator ji ixtli Grade?I.allie Blackler, wford Kearney, Annie Wester, H lie .Mae Wilder. H jventb Grade?Fleming Mor. Sidney High. H iglith Grade?Ruth Hlackley, H a Ethridge, Rebecca Weater, H ;h McGhee. Claude Cooper, inlli Grade?Ida Conyera. H enth Grade?Lena Gill, Aduie H thincr Through Road Items I he farmers of this section are it busy getting ready for their >R. They are hoping to make er crops this year, also wish for H tter price. H Gllie Tharrington and his sister, H KWXmiTTs7 ^1'""* 'I1" l1nv Mr' B t Nelms last Sunday, he Jay Bird hand made music at H Falkner's Thursday night Inst H :h was enjoyed by all that were H ent. H ias Isabel! Hicks has returned i near Castalia where she has i teaching school, here has been right much imenient around Laurel since I'cv. Harper has been there. He repaired all the houses and will mence a singing school March, All are glad to see him back n agaih. H ster Tl.?~ uif/ion spent last Saty afternoon at J. q. Foster's reports a pleasant time. ishing the Timbs and its happY^^^f, vth much success. ,4Blwe Eykh" omething New I >i\^Franklinton I lew and uLto-datu aha vine P?',,.?r I by Vaite men for White H Located In the store room cort Mason And Front atreete, occu last yea/W Capt D. T. Ward. rthing devAand work guaranteed. 3. We alto takKnff?warta and I > without pain. No Mar Uft.