y .,_h'.. / "'" '"IN BITTER AGONY HE PRAYED TO DIE" * Here 1* the record of one of the most wonderful cure* of Eczema that had ever come to our notice. We comiiieud It to all who lire suffering from thin distressing dUv ease, or have little chttdren uf dieted with It. eXlrs. llose Siouffd, of Greensboro, N. C\, writ*'.*. "About four years ago my little boy broke out with Eczema, and _s uttered tcrrlhlv for two long years, lie was sore fron. head to foot, the only parts of his body free from the trouble being the J minis of tils' bands and bottoms of his eet. lie could not walk, but crept on his hands and feet. He was In such agony , he wouol pray to die. He had been doctored by the best doctors, and I uever expected anything to' cure him. The only way he could get out was for me to put a pillow slip over his head, with holes for hie eyes, nose and mouth. Ills clothes had to be changed two and .three times a day. The Itching was almost unendurable, and at night he would Itch and scratch until Imilii l l"" MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. "We bought a bottle, and used" /it with finch gss!y watched her child suffering rh# torments of Eczema., to realize the gratitude she feel* toward Mrs. A Joe Person's Remedy and "Wnsh. \ J This rase demonstrate* bev?id all dotint that "this grc.it Remo\v will rare Eczema, and nil troubles rosultltu: froiA Impure, Inipoverhhed or Poisoned Even when Thc?fp afflictions have broidNb^ed to the stage known a? "chror.bv* |Mrs. Too Person'* Remedy wili effect \t(complete cure if used uo-onlhig to rcrotAfciendation. It Is a purely vegetable UompoM.nd. entirely free from harmful njiineral" Ingredients It Is the host ToiRr." Alterative. P.!e?-.<| Purifier and Nervinc^ver put on thr- marl-et. and for "run-down" eondl- j . tbmfi In br-tb men nnd_ wnm*n If stand* j . -without a rival Write for testimonials of pc.mle ar.ximis to tell how Mrs. Joe Person's rciiiodv e't-ed them when evervthlng rise, doctors Included, failed. In cases of external trouble.- inflammation, ulceration or itching humor, our Wash i should be used In connection with the Remedy. JCf 'lv drncelsts. or supplied on re- I ?r.|.i m |?ht, n.w por Pottle: 6 lottlo* i for 00: ! dozen express prepaid for *10.00, l?y MIS. JOE PEISOri REMEOT CI.. Klttnll B C. Alert Items. The farmers have sane to work again after the beautifu snow passed away, which fell on last Tuesday. Mies Susie Williams, of Ingleside, spent last Saturday and Sunday Misses Lessie and Sallie Foster',] of Laurel, * I Miss ASiile Faulkner spent last | Sunday night ami Monday night I with her cousins, Misses Annie and Essie Faulkner. Sain and Itov Tharrington, Thomas l'ernell, Johu llenry, Joe Hunt, Sam l'ernell Allie Ayeseue, Henry speed, Jimmie Carroll and L. A. Hale and daughter, Miss Leslie | Hale, were guests a Mr. C. F. Faulk-! ners last Thursday night. Mr. j Thomas l'ernell, Joe Hunt and Sam, Tharrington made music. Joseph i Faulkner, returned to Warrenton last Friday after spend- | ing a week at home, verv sick. With best w ishes to the Times j and its readers. Heo Wish. If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold vou may Ifaow that you are not t eating it proferly. There is ao reason why a cold Should hang on for weeks and it will imt if you take Chamber aiD'8 CougnTtlmadv- For sale bv II dealers. She Stayed In Bed. Ingram, Teras.?"Ever since I be came a woman,"-writes Mrs- E. M. ( vans, ot ttiisplace, UI Buffered fio u womanly troubles Last fall, I g.?tj so bad, I had to stay in bed for i r ! ly a week every month. Since I have taken Cardui, I feel better than 1 have fes years."?Yat "ban rely on Cardui. It acts on the womanly organs and helps the system to regain its normal state of heal-h, in a natural way. Prepared especially for women, it prevents womanly pains by acting-on the cause, and builds up womanly strength in a natural way. Purely vegetable. Mild, but certain in action. Try it. rfOft TO CURE RHEUMATISM It Is An Internal Disease And Requires Am Internal Remedy* The cause of rheumatism and kindred diseases is an excess of uric add in the blood. To cure this terrible disease this acid must be expelled and the system so regulated that no rooSe add will be formed In excessive quantities. Rheumatism Is an internal (lliase and requires an internal remedy. |RUBBINQ with Oils and Liniments WILL. NOT CURB, affords only temporary relief at best, causes jdi to delay ue proper treatment, and allows thej malady to fk A firmer hold on you. liniments may ease the pain, bat .they will no more cure Rheumatism than pamt will change the fiber of rottenvwood. ] Science has %t last discovered a perfect and complke cfn. which Is called Rheumadde. Teatedin hundreds of cases. It has effected the mist marvelous cures; we believe It will (Hie you. Rheumadde gets at the jo. nu Mm the inside, sweeps the poisons o\* of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you wen all over. Rhpumacide strikes the root of th# dis. ease and removes Its cause. This splendid remedy Is gold by druggists and dealers generally at 50c. and tl a bottle. La*Fablet form at Be. and 50c. a package. Writ* to Bobbttt Chemical Co., Baltimore. Hd. Booklet free. Tablets sent by malL ^ Pope's Items. Mrs, H. L Convert spent last week in Kulsigb, visiting lur sister, Mrs. Blanche Cox. Mrs. \V. A Kiuler spent Sunday ' with her Hon near I'oomoke. Bud Ilol len, of Vance, spent Sun lay yith Mrs. J. T. lloldel), pear Pope's. Oldrich Iloliues, of" near Louis- I burg, spent Sunday with C. K. Holmes. We I l>oys if you wish to have a jolly time come to our school and ink** a stroll down the good roads. We are glad* to stats that we have had hut little sickness ill this j I section this winter, only a few chills. | MV. T. 1?. Thomas has drawn off j ! his fish pond for tear jf malaria and jcLills. 1*. II.I*. IT IS CURABLE. I j I Dyspepsia may he completely eradi- ! | oated if properly treated \ye sell a| remedy that we positively guarantee will completely del love Indigestion or j I dyspepsia, or the medicine nsed during . I the trial will cojt the user nothing. | This remedy bassoon named Kexall i Dyspepsia Tablets. .Certainly no offer j j could be more fair, tad our offer I should be proof nobitlre that Itexnll I Dyspepsia Tablets pre a depcndablV| remedy. Inasmuch as the medicine will cost; you nothing if it doe^ not benefit you. i we urge you who are suffering with ; indigestion or dyspepsia to-try Rexall: Dyspepsia Tablets. A Co-cent box contains enough medicine for fifteen days* treatment. For chronic cases we hare two larger sizes. CO cents and 11.00. Remember you* can obtain Rexall Remedies only nt?The Rexall Store. The Booggin Drug CoJustice. "W. J. Dennis lost a fine mule last Weelc. Rev. D. T. Bunn filled his regular appointment at Midway Sunday. He prenched an able sermon to an attentive congregation. AsbUi V Dennis, accompanied by Dr. Newell, went to Baltimore Monday where he will take treatment of the head and nose in John Hopkins Hospital. B. B. Fgerton, ??f Laurel, was here Monday, laying off terraces for J. C. -Bowden. Sunday School was organized here Sunday W. II. Stalling*as Supeiintender.t and we have all prospects for a good school. Gatesville school closed last Friday with exercises that were a credit to both, students and their teacher. Miss Blonnie VVheless. ' B. When you have rheumatism in your foot or ins'ep aft-ly Chamberlain's Lihiment and yo^Jwill get quick relief. It costs but a qufcar. why suffer? For sale by all de?erK^_ Might Not Be Alive. McMinnvill*-, Tenn.?Mrs. Ociel Jett, of this id.?o-*, writes: "I dou't I believe I wmi' I be lividg today, if it hadn't been for t ardsi. I lay in bed for 27 daye, and thh doctor came every day, bat ha-i^id i*e no good. Finally, he adviied affsAieralion, but I wonld not?emarat; filtjaitgid took Cardui. Xow I amlg iing abeit^ the house, doing my worn, and even do roy washing. Oarlui worked wondera in my case. I am in better health than for 6ve yearn." Cardui ia a strengthening tonic for woinei, It relieves pain, tones up the nerves, builds strength. Try it. At your druggist's. YOU TAKE NO RISK. ! Our Reputation and Money Are Back of Thie Offcr. We pay for all the [ medicine used during the trial. If our remedy falls to completely relieve you .of constipation. We take all the risk. Ton are not obligated to da In any stay whatever, If yon accept our offer. Iconld anything be more fair for you j Is there any reason why yon should hesitate to put our clalma to a practical cast? The moat scientific, common sense treatment la Reran Orderlies, which arc eaten like candy. ' They are very prouou^fed. gentle land pleasant to action, and particularly agreeable In every way. They dd hot cm ate diarrhoea. nausea, flatnlc griping or any Inconvenience whatever. Rexall Orderlies arc particularly good far children, aged and delicate persona. We urge yon to try Rexall Older Has at our risk. Two rises. 10c. and 25c. Remember, yon -can get Rexall Remedies In this community oaly at our riort The Rexall Store. The Saoggta Drag Co. . /e- ; . * * 4 | 4 ECZEMA I URED. A a A Aaa*- 1 I'imple Disappear. Coruprexion Clear GOWANS1 0""*h 1^; - ? p A . I New York, Thousands are takinj Wing OT ELXternalSl advantage of the generous offer madt i iL c?a si 1 bv Tl?e Wood worth Co j, 1161 Broadway Is the on? standard prep* New York City requesting au experi a rut ion universally and u>emalMt?cka?e of JUmola the ne? . - ,i , , akindiacoWry. whicli/i* mailed free o enthusiastically endorsed chargo to all who write for it. It atom hv Doctor Drutfdiet I ?v- is sufficient t\clear tfie complexion ov uruftgist, Lay- er nig|lt and the tace of Pi?ipie5 i, man. tlUWAWS Cures a few houra. OKtHb fr-t upplicatfi Pneumonia, Croup, Colds, of the itcWjfe ?id atop, it hu Coughs- Plen .rJ.-YS -ll ll ?yrt'd thousands -HJicted with edema ??w ? ^uu ui& Teeters, Kaslies flftchings Irritations ailments caused from In- Acmes, Scaling at l\ru8ting of skins fl . ryj .. scalps, of infants, hilMren an consider it a pimples, blackheai s, redenss fuid rough v'VH'ti'rmi 1 num ami also tli tin ti uiliiu ut ul THE M Oft HA T DRUG CO., burns scald, uounfls, sores, chapping! Wholesale Druggists as W^H as the toilette and nursery. Columbia, S.C.;HuIj 11, lulu ^ BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IM THE HOME WANTED- Wome\in>l girls to make Ail Dr?Aiiat?. $i. 5o?. 25?. mens underwear. jyWork light and gowan medical co.. durham, n. c. clean. Wages paioSqhUo learning, GuarailMtf. and noaty rafaaHad by your OraUltl Smart hands make gdod whiles. A. W. i, Chapin, Supt, Kaieigh, N. u. CONSOLIDATED SALE ~ RAMoj TYPEWRITER. CO., INC. C. D. WEEK.S, TRUSTEE AND THE JOHN S. RAMoj TYPEWRITER AGENCY'^ Stock of Typewriters, Supplies and Office Furniture The following are specials, ^^YntereMe.i write us at once as these prioos onl^ last the st\vk is disposed of 1 ar) wnH^'?v!lrJ^Wri,er 1 >"> 3 Underwood, long carriage 53 75 1 W lliams y^wrfter 10 SO ! No 6 Remington, rebuilt 47 50 1 w ill Is 1 No 7 Remington, rebuilt 49 25 Fox " Sfr J?" 32 50 1 No 1 Victor' 62 50 1 No 2 Victor* ?, 70 00 l v iiiffi PrlE" no 1 No 2 Victor (pica) 75 00 i No 49 50 3 No 2 Victors (pica, 84 50 1 set of Edisons busiiifess\>lionograph3, consisting of dictating, transcribing and shaving machines?alto 1 dozen, cy inders Regular price $210, our price $162.50 1 s?*t Dictaphones, sanae outfit, regular price $210. our price $190. $1 and 75c ribbons for all makes 68q. J3 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. 1'rices on ctHee furniture quoted upon repuest. Terms?Express COD on approved bankable laper. Order at once from JOHN S. RAMOS Princess Building WILMINGTON, N. C. Box 54 ?t< >???ti a i7? *?? ia a ij5i iU it? a a ?t? ??? tt? >t? ?t? igi>??it my prices are cut so you can buy two instead off one dress. Louisburg now has but three dry goods stores. - \ / The Big Little Store re not the largest BUT . I have what you wank See the Goods and eompare quality and prices \ \ ? ?" arotbe convinced. 1 save you 10 to 16 ct? on every dollar purchase. New shftea ere Veil, g received each week, March let will bring Urge shipments of new low eut shoes, the newest styles mode by Ziegler, and Leodatd Shaw and Dean and you will be agreeably surprised at the new atyies and pretty shapes gotten out by God man. 1 R. Z- EGERTON : i - ': A BnjH J \ | 11'. |>iiTT1yry*T^^>]rr Ti**^' " They last a lifetime. The^y j Inexpensive ? Suitable for all further detailed information ap] CONDENSED TM P" PIT17I c b. V/ I I I&.I H EN tiERSl RESOURCES I.oans and discountsX. . t... $53j,452.1)4 r Overdrafts 1,128.10 <. N C4 per cent bonds . . 1?,000,00 ? Stock and bonds \ $,151.25 Banking bouse fur. and lix. . >*),782.73 r Insurance department fK^833.43 . Cash on hands and in other I banks Total fB4,87M^ iVISJ" HO!Srcj>:RA.I3 Eor 22 vears the Citizens Bonk, of" Hend cltent8, through good iimes apd through h render substantial! aud effici?it service, sivenesshas attracted a powerful clients stronger, under the policies which have bi ?.... First N N BAr OpfcFORC Capital . Surplus and Profits .V Deposits \ .. , We want to do son b busiDessV.il County. We pay 4 per cent interest^ * - " '" u? lor-ttiiy iniormation. Notice our larg W. A. HUN X We \B Justr^J X A new lot J6f T will sell ij ai X sonable price Remember wheb you A your table we have it I appreciate your trade. Brantley J Louisburg, Just fi ? A Big ]| New -I COME IN AND .SEE MEyW1 WI.SH TO EA Watch this spa announce D. H. Hill, representing cwr tailorin in a few days. Come in end let him take jrour spring suit. J J. w. re Fireproof?Stormproof? SJtinds of buildings. For Loui^burg, N.C- ^PSTATEMENT :ns %ank 3N N. C. +LIA BILITIES lapital stock paid in *100,000.00 iurptus and puofits 77,074.79 )uc to Hanks 1,047.60 lashiers chucks outstanding 2,140.12 lertified chucks 403.00 lecrued interest due depos's. 274.60 leposits 65,336.39 _ Total 9734,876.4# ' 5bE HISTORY lerson/iias ministered to the wants of lard times, doing its best always to Its reputation of solidity and progrese. It will keep on growing bigger and rought it to its present position. i'W'i'VW s? *2* lational JK ), N C ....... $100,000.00 30,000.00 500,000.00 :h the good people of Franklin in time deposits. Write or call cn ;e capital and surplus. T, Cashier ttMtM [ave i >ceived China and \most rea- I )S. Z want anything for W on hand and will A 3. Hicks ,'N. C. 1 T Arrived iOt 01 Goods hen in town if you ve money fee for further Bments ig establishment, will be i>t my store your measure and save you money on */ - ' - i KING