^^fWW^ppp^p||ppp^p|^jp| . 'P?u >? wmmm .1. PROTECT. < THE HEA LTH OF YOURSE LF AND RAMI LY Pope's Herb is prepared o provide a ! L dependable household ren fdy, based i upon the principle of Apuri y of blood insuring freedom lr mi dia ase. It is a medicine for tnaladieasuc a-, l^freumatisni. Liver Complanti , ConAm- j | tion, Fever and Ague, Ve nale IWSor-1 ders,. Indigestion, Lunui go, Kidney | Derangements, Catarrh, Blck and'Ner- ^ Ypus Headaches, loss of Adetite and all | ailments arising from inalivity of the | Liver and Kidneys. It is a purely Herbs, Bans and Roots ' Compound It is put up nh chocolate coated tablets pleasing laid easy to take, (or can be dissolved!id water.) * Mrs. J j C. Meade of] hmyattsville, _ a I. f .! uor krears I nave bu tiered with " Backachl. Headaches, lleuxklgia, and f< Nervousdeos and extreme (fatigue, I d tried infoy remedies frith Jut relief ? Four moifehs ago a gratJful friend in- ^ duced me V> write to Pcpe Midicine Co. Washington, D. C., forL box] of Pope's p Herb Compound Tablet!, the Ivery first 11 dose of twoYablets gave melrefief. I r used not quit\ a $1.00 lf>x and I am en- a tirely cured o\ the paid in mj back and have no more Yeadacne." I I Dr. J. V. H^nnesiy, a Prominent q Physician and SKrgeSt of Albany, N. n V. in part says: V I 1 "As a Blood Purffilr, Liycrl Kidney and System regulato* 1 prescilbe Pope Medicine Co's of WAhingtonA D. C. Herb Compound as Uhave done\for the d past *20 years, and I fiavA found it to h be a great remedy, I which seWom if s eyer fai's. There ale thouWandsW let- e tera from users of Impe's Herbs,\ that ^ have been benefitted and cured w its proper use. Pope* Herb Cmpaund Tablets. are put up feOO in a boV *teix J month's treatment/' and will b\ sent -C no.>t-naid on rpppitd. of 81.00. Kacb box n contains a printed guarantee binding y us to refund the mirchase price if ^the r remedy fads to bcliefit, atoo full dirW ^ tions. I ^ \ /, Guaranteed byjfie Pope Medicine Co.\ ,j Inc., under the Ifire Food and Drugs Ac\? June 30, l(f)6 No. 3U956. \" ?j> T q FOf* TERMiSTO AGENTS IN " UNOCCUPIED TERRITOR /, r C ADDRESS n POPE MEDICNE e CO., INC I Pope Huilding, Washington, D. C t" tl E. A. ROGERS 5 Tihwiprkcr " LouisbuVfc N. C. t! Will make estiniitekvpn any job ? Work Guaranteed, C'aTls???. write wl ill in no?d of janything in... joy p line \ v G * j. P. Winston j Has moved his stock the Alston ' 0 building, my old stand,\next to the j n Rooalov. A latnn Hriicr f A T have tl bought out the entire stotk>of W. P. | q Neal .& Co , and in the* lot\there is more shoes than you can ehakesa stick at, going way down in price. K have ^ two many different articles to mention J so come-on and see f ' ^ Really, \ ' eJ.'P. WINJTON I ' P Joseph Yarborough J; TAILOR |jj In A. fF. Neal ? Buftdiflg I I am preparda to dqj'yobf pressing, s< cleaning and tailorinaat very reason-! w able rates. 'Alliworlogtiaranteen. Give 11 me a trial and I Vill Jplease you. " T.ra * I o _ -W ti n . i_ i* _ i? ine riiDiic^ I have purchased the intermt of J. T). ol Hill in the firm of Garrettl & Hill and ai will continue the business at the same ai stand, where ti I will carry ft fullan'3 complete w line rf groceries all ?t thtNwhile o ^ 1 HAVE AUSO ^ITTED ? W UP AN UP-TdVATE * Fresh i? Meat Marker : And will be preparS at ill times to ,,, look after the trade in Louttourg. Phone T your orders to No, 187 and they will .. ? receive prompt attentloa. Nothing " but the best meats wiU bq handled, I dl will also pay the highest market price " for good beef cattle. Co tie to tee me, ai F. S. Garrett! r t';~ -;//vT < 5UNDAYJCH00L.; .esson XIII.?First Quarter, For 1 March 26, 1911. 1 HE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, r 1 *ext of tha Lesson, a C^mprehonsive I Quarterly Review?Golden Toxt, Pa. j cxliv, 15?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Lessox I.?The kingdom divided, 1 Lings xll, G-1C. Golden Text. Prov. Ill, 20, "He that wnlkcth with wise ten shall lw ulwiv hut a TWTTp! mum ut | ools shall be destroyed." The klngom was divided because of Solomon's Ins (chapter xl. 11), b\it shall In due line be rcupitcd as the Lord has purosed (Eeek. xxxvli, 21, 22). {lack of nd through and controlling and overtiling all the actions of all men, good nd bad, we must always seo God. Lkssox II,?Jeroboam makes Idols for srael to worship, I Kings xll, 25-33. iolden Text, Ex. xx. 4, "Thou shalt t ot make unto thee any graven image." 1 ilthough Jeroboam was well aware * hnt the Lord had given him these ten ? rlbes and would on condition of obe- J lenee establish his kingdom (xl, 31-38), ^ e conld not trust God. who had beeu fi o kind to htm. but deliberately listen- j d^to and acted upon the advice of tho evil and worshiped him. Lessox III.?Asa's good reign in Ju- 1 ah, II Chron. xv, 1-13. Golden Text, II 'hron. xv, 7, "Be ye strong therefore nd let not yonr hands be wei|l>, To^ our work shall be rewarded." How efreshing to find a man on whoso be- J alf the Lord can show Himself strong j ktI, 0). lie Is still looking for such. ( *he words that help me most in this t ?sson are xlv, 11, with the verse Just ] uoted and xv, 15, seeing and resting c a the Lord alone. \ Lesson IV.?Omri and Ahab lead Is* c nel Into greater sin, I Kings xvl, 23-33. J Iolden Text, Prov. xlv, 34, "Righteous- J ess exalteth a nation, but sin is a re- c roach to any people." The statements ? oncernlng these two arc that they ( ach did worse In the eyes of the Lord I ban any that were before them (verses J 5, 33). It would be difficult to find ' wo men more given over to the devil ban these two. Wesson V.?Johoshaphat's good reign t l Judah, II Chron. xvii, 1-13. Golden c 'ext. Matt, vl; 33, "Seek ye first the 1 ingdom of God and Ills righteousness, nd all these things shall be added unto oil." I am much helped by the prayer f this good king and by the words: "In bine hand is power and might. We ave no might, neither know we what c o do, but our eyes are upon Thee." ^ Lesson VI.?Elijah the prophet ap g ears in Israel, I Kings xvii, 1-16. s Iolden Text, Ps. XXXiv, 10, "They that t eek the Lord shall not want any good * bing." Now we see one of the grand- f st men that ever lived and yet a man 1 f like passions with us (Jas. v, 17). ^ [is great word is, "The Lord God of a srael liveth, before whom I stand" j evil. 1; xvlll, 15). They are the first 1 ords we ever hear from him. Note s be Lord's special care of him at ^ 'hcrith and Zarephath. ? Lesson VII. ? Elijah's victory over * le prophets of Baal, I Kings xvlil, * 5-39. Golden Text, Josh, xxlv, 15, ? Choose roil this rinr whom vo will 1. srve." See 850 men Against one man, fc at God was with the one man nnd gainst the 850, and a half minute rnyer to the llying and true God acsmpllshed what an all day crying and " leading of the 850 could not. Lessor VIII.?Elijah's flight and relrn, I Kings xlx. 1-1G. Golden Text, ^ sa. xl, 31. "They that wait upon the c -ord shall renew th^r strength." In 1 lis lesson we see the weakness of one fc f the best of God's servants, who was 1' ot afraid of Ahab nor of 850 false J rophets, but who ran for his life be- ^ tuae of tbe threat of a wicked woman. c ote the angel's ministry and the pa- p enco and loving kindnes., of God. c i.bason i.\.-Elijah "meets Ahab in li aboth's vineyard, I Kings xxl, 11-20. 1} olden Text, Luke xll, 15, "Take beed ' ad beware of covetousness." How ilflsh and cruel are people apt to be ^ ho live wholly unto themselves! They r lust have their way at any cost, no i tatter who may have to suffer or even le. But there will be a reckoning, nnd le Judge of all the earth will do right. E he Lord Jeans said, "Fear not them hich kill the body." Lesson X.?Elijah goes up by a whirllnd Into heaven, II Kings II, 1-18. S olden Text, Gen. v, 24, "Enoch wnlk1 with God, and he was not, for God ~ >ok him." The man who wanted to le never did die. So It may bo with >me of ua (I Cor. xv, 51). The ti :her notable features of this lesson t! LC iuv uovuiiuq oi rjiisnn w Kigali D id hid earnest desire for a double por- 8 on of his spirit. Note "They two " ent on." ^ Lessois XI.?Elisha the prophet re- ^ ores a child to life, II Kings iv, 25-37. |j olden Text, Rom. vi, 23, "The gift of E od is eternal life through Jesus Christ tl lr I.ord." The woman who enter- s lined Ellsha did not entertain an an- n Bl, but one to whom angels minis- ? red and who knew the I.ord, and thus ^ le ministered to the Lord Himself Jatt. x, 40, 41), who rewarded her S ith a son and also gave him back to C sr from the dead. ? Lesson 3'IL?Defeat through drunk- ^ iness, I Kings xx, 12-21. Golden J ext, Pror. rxxl, 4, "It la not for kings ? > drink wine nor for princes strong 0 rink." We might associate with this 0 eaon the drunken feast of Belshazzar fl id bla lords and alao the birthday parr of Herod, all ending with death. et os note verses IS, 28, and the * ord's daatre that Ahab and we and all hers might know Him. "A W iikAT;'is lower now than since i April 1908, and the low price ih not i Jiused by reciprocity with Canada, which the protectionists are tr\ ing | :o bl&nte for it, for the reciprocity il :reatv is sti'l-hunc up in the Senate, j iiul a Special session of Congress will he required to reach a vote on i t. jNO CURE! NO l'AY!! lie prepared for on emergency by having a Inttlu Oi NOAH'S COLIC RtV.ILV on lutnd. More ikiiiiials die from colic limn all other non-contagious disease? combined. Nino cut ot every encases wduld have be< n cured If NOAM'S QOLICRKMIDY hu i been given In time. Itf "H isn't a drench or\h i>o, 5 on th<* tongue, so i m- -bA* j pie that a woma \r lyfl-" iiL'Jllii : * child can glvoit. fib I1 fails to cure, viur tronev refundou If i ycur dealer can lot supply send 50 tail SV 1 Iv stamps and we will k If N1 H mall a bottle. 1 oah Kcn^?^V?,iNiiii>i;u:iaifl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having: qualifiedtas administrator of he estate of. Marina Perryf deceased, ate of Franklin cosnty, notice is here>y given to all perlpns mlding claims igainst said estate t? exmbit the same jo me on or before FVbcpary 17th 1912 >r this notice will be\mead in bar of ;heir recovery Ad potions indebted to ;aid estate will please make immediate jayment This February 17th. 1911. J. R. Collie, Adm r of Marina Perry Dec'd iV. H. Yarboroueh, Jr, Att'y. NOTICEBy virtue of the power conferred ipon me in a certain mortgage deed nade and executed byiMrs. ijettie FuTer to W. A. Benton, oil thf 20th, day >f February 1906, which p recorded in ihe Registry of Franklimoounty in book .42 at. page 365, I will Aeli at public luction at the Court HomI door in the own of Louisburg, on Alonday the 3rd, lay of April. 1911,'at rco'crock, m, for :ash, the following dofecribea tract or jarcel of land situate/in Dum's township, Franklin eountyYadjoiningfhe lands if Mrs. Martha Patterson, \ Nannie Uford and others apd more particularly lescribed in said deed of mortgage, it J >eing the tract of / land on whicUi the ate Mrs. Bettie Fuller resided curing ler life tirte, containing! 50 icres as per commissioners report! and iurve*ors report recorded ordes b \ and h orces No. 3 at page 181 in ClerlA of t he Superior Court's cfliee Franklin onnty. This the 3rd day of March, .911. W. A. Benton, Mortgagee. LAND SALE. By yirtue of tlie power of sale conaincd in a certaik deed of trust, executed on the 31st lay of October, 1907, >y C. S. Williams to R. B. White to ecure a certain indebtedness therein et out, default h i^Hjg been made in he payment o?s saiQv indebtedness, I vill on, Friday, ^ &*?h iJth, 1911 at 12 loon, at the Joyn r Dfcug^Store corner n the town of Franklintbq. *L C., sell it public auction t^ the ln^liekt bidder or cash that pariel of wrik lying ind being in said'town of Fr t dont suit, and even if the pricejdon'tj suit, don't take it.\ I will if ashv however will take a note. \ / Just received a car load of fall stock of harness. /Your \ K. / P. 1 If you'nec-l a horsejor^mule for^God's sake don't there may be a chance for me to make a little anc ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ____________ Having qualified aj the admtmstra or etc (if J as \i i W/od, deceased, lat- ? - if Franklin co(l\ty/this is to notify all j >ersons having c\jsns against said es ate to present tmsame to the under igned on or be F >\e the 3rd day of _ _ T|,.a ebruary, 1912,/r this notice will be 11/ dead in bar of MieirVecovcry. All per III lf-ll 1 ons inuHinca vm hhiu win picdor j m m m nako immediate settlement. This 'eb..3rd., 1911 Ben FaWood, Adm. CT^A of Jas. H. Wpod, deceased. | ~ Ul V H Ruffln, Attorney. \ notice/ Thp Mutual In ae.eordance with the power of sale I IIV I'lUlUUI I iyen in a certain Mortgage Deed made .y Haywood MVillianp which is of ????? ecord in Kranlctin co/nty in Bqtk 174 / . . __ . t page 35; the undersigned wil sell to |\l |" II he highest bidderaer cash at the court ouae door in LMBisbiirg, X. C., on Through me in September 19J londay, Maroh 27fb\1911, that certain i910 the Mutual Life throug/ ract of land corfUffiing 54 1-6 acres of Dollcy j.yKX). and ten moht ear Centreyille,/ylng\>n the Warren- _ T on road adjoining the hands of Lewis For information in ful/ree 'erry, Elijah Ajston, R. ll. Griffin and / . T. Neal Tie propertyV well tim- n T.vt A|y ered and has it comfortable house on II y I a VI III# t. This Febmary 23rd, 1911^ 1 * 1 n 1 LV/IV A. H.AHOMAI and Wife, Mtg. J Iffioe B. Wilder, Atty. A TRADE'M ARK / - CS.R * . RESTSTERED. * cr Fertilizers. ~ success awaited the - / o would place quality Sis was Mr. Royster's and this is his idea hat\ft requires Eight ror Royster Fertilizers. company^ 9.0. 8PABTANBURQ.8.0, BY, ALA. BALTIMORE. MO. ) v Mules oung mules and horse . r. ell Broke Zm s Bnl and if you don't find what you want II buy you just what you want and if Ke an mer.aK ana sell on time, but rather have the ?ons and buggies and a '^iend 41LL buy until rcan whisper to you 1 you save a fktle. The Late ft_l /4ft/ "'ft 4 ** ii. rvaaaeii ' Lpui^burg raok oirl policy in Life/insurance Company y-\ YORK B and paid ohe prornium of $82.50. On August 15, ue paia tbo dlaim amountidg to $5016,86, being face hs dividend 116,35. ardin? tlie Mutual Lifa Policiea, ae or writ* ' aSSF touisburg,-N. C. ii mi >! ?'*'? I# ill wnw 1 '' i \ ' <\ -JaWi ifH it ii#