""'H ? ?' J Suffi^esttTe Questions." (C oil till aed tram fout ih page.) sage. Ei. x:4. . (2.) Verm* 31 38?How much aid are picture*, paintings, rr statuary of thi saints, or high class mosio, to the spiritual worship of the unseen God? Jan. 15. Asa's Good Keign in Judali. 2 Chron. xv:l-5. Golden Text?He ye strong, therefore, and let not yonr hands be weak: for your work shall bo rewarded. 2 Chron* xt:7. XiU. Verse?3 What is the effect ofl education, and true religion upon the natioa ? Jan. 22. Omri and Ahab Lead Israel Into Greater Sin. I Kings XV1.T6-38. Golden Text. Hightenusness exslteth a nation but tin is a reproach to auy people. Pro*. xiv:34. (4.) Versea 17-20?.What reason is there to believe "that God soine times brings about civil war when he wishes to destroy a nation, br to reform its abuses? Jan. 29. Jehoslisphat's Good Reign in Jndah. 2 Chron. xrii 113. Golden Text?Seek ye, first the kingdom of God and his righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt. v:33. (5.) Verses 1-4?What advantage was it to Jehoshaphat in being the son of &_good father and the succes sor of a good king? Feb. 5. Elijah, the Prophet, Appears in Israel. Kings 17. Got den Text?They that seek the Lord klliatl Tii?? it on.' on r TI. i n ?-r I'? xxxivtlO. (6.) Verse 1?\Vha?, it anv reason is there to suppose that the spirit of prophecy is a thing of the past ? Feb. 112. Elizah's Victory Over the Prophets of Baal. 1 Kings xviii:l-2, 17-50 Golden Text? Choose you t lis day whom ye will serve. Josh. xxiv:15. (7 ) Verse 21?9. hy did not Ahab slay Elijah when he had him in his power and seeing he had been hunting hits for thus purpose? Feb. 19. Elijah's Flight and Heturn. 1 Kings xvtii:51?xix:21. Golden Text?They that wait upon the l.ord shall renew their strength. Isaiah xl 31. (3.) Verses 3-4?Why is a good | man more liable to be tripped by I tlie Uevii when be has been having, unusual success than at any other] time? Feb. 26. Elijah Meets Ahab in J Naboth's Vineyard. 1 Kings 21. j Golden Text-r-Take heed and he- j ware of covetousness. Luke xii:15.1 (9.j Verses 17 24 ? What hope is| there that any who persist lu u rung doing, will be able t? escape the legitimate penalty? March 5. Elijah Goes up by a Whirlwind Into Heaven. 2 Kings iifl-18. (Jolden Text?Enoch walked with God, and lie was not, for God took him. Gen. v:24. ? ^iu.j verse i ? vv nere is neaven? is it a place or a condition or both? Why? (This question must be answered in ?ri" ing by members of the club.) March 19. Elisha the Prophet Restores a Child to Life, 2 Kings iv:8 37. Golden Text?The gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Rotn. vi:23. (11.) Verses 9-11?If a woman of godly character frequently entertains a man of God, in these days, what effect does it have upon |the neighbors, and why is it so? .e March 19. "Defeat Through Drunkenness. (Temperance Lea son.) 1 Kings xx:12 21. Golden Text ?It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes strong drink. Prov. ?' xxxi:4. (12.) Verses 14 16?What proportion of drinking men attain distinction, or hold the love and confidence of the community ? Lesson for Sunday, April 2, 1911. Slisah Heals Naaman, the Syrian. U King* 6. Cat tot sad Scad is tkb Mice. Send the Franklin Times from BOW to v 19 the etooe of the Bible Question Club' Contest, for the pries of 11.60 eneloeed. Count mo a member of - ? - . 1 meal METo The People 1 Good Water Grou W? with to say that wafeava thoropffhly r bains: nrw from the water wheel \ ci, We, matter. hQwN?g_ a _ can grind it for yfoh in not keep you waiting fTyou want sure anouffh home/made water when you coaie to towa and lav us shaw yen ALLEN B Tom ?re Invited i OPENING 5 and 10 fCc Friday, Marcb 1 < Great in spy epecisl values. I am goiny things will naturally go first. Don't for find me on the corner neit to the TIM! J. H. JOl REPORT OF th? roBurrion or th e FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Fj LOUISBURG, N. C., at the clow of busines* March T, 1911. RESOURCES: I-oana and diMviunr* 9 127,959.82 Overdrafts 3.884.34 U. S Honda to secure circulation 25,000 00 at i Premiums or L*. S Bond* 1.003.91 Banking house, fcruiture and fix!nr.* 9,62?.89 Loi Ihi* from National hank* (iW;t Ov< r?**rTP nifcnisl \ lO.W2rt.00 Jta Due froir -proved rwr?f aft* 2,7I*4.7" J-'u Check* and oth*?f cash item* 7 726 10 Oei Fractional* (?t?r rurrvuJy, Dn iiifkrl* uu?] cent* / 534.96 Cai Specie / 4.710 45 fln Letfnt tender note*. ? 9.663.00 si|i Redemption fund with w. S. r Treasurer (fi per ret* * of Sa rircul itiaji.) ? 1 25C 00 I TiftlL / $19.^.068 84 VIABILITIES: Capital atock p\d tu / $ 25.000 00 n Surplus fund X^ f ' , I2.0O0.0I) p Undivided profit*Xe*?X?xp?*OM*s and taxes paid \l 292.34 nf National hank iirdeaqfttstandin;; 25.000.00 Hr Drricend" un; aid IX 429.00 Individual dt-porits luliWt to cii.ck I X 88 791.35 * Demand certificate* tf deposit 84,274.06 ' Certified Checks [ X 35 00 ," Cashier's checks oontanriirK \ 247.09 ^ BUI payable, includfatf certificates P af deposit for m.tley borrowed ^0.000.00 * Total. | $198,008 84 Stat* of Worth cIbolwa.I ^ ?T I lonntY or r rarfcnn, f **. I I, lt.G. Allen.Premdent of the above named ' bank, do solemnly' swear that the above statement is true to the beat of my knowl- ?c edjr> and belief. B. G. Allki, President Sn been bed and sworn to before me thia 15 , J day of March 1911 10 Tbos. B. Wilder, N. p. Cerroct At teat: P. H. 1MB.? T. T. Terrell. Wed. H. Rnftlo, i Direatora. i I ~ i" REPORT OF / run cmrnmow er the Q BANK OF YOUNGSVILLE, YOUNGSVILLE. N. C.. 1 th. ?1im of Lomdm. March 7. 1?U at RESOURCES. U Loaba and diarotfit. * 34.S03.7l ^ Orordcafta J 3,834.77 J. Banking-house, in nil tare and vl flxtortm I S5o.no Demand fcoane I 355 52 ? Doe from b^nkaiaod bankera 10.927.95 Caah ivrne \ J 2 00 a Gold coin >1 405.00 Silver coin K 995.10 K't Total. I \ f 49,854.05 Liabilities. Capital atock laid la \ f 5,000 00 Surplna fond f \ 5,000 00 Cc Udoiviiled prJflta Uaa eWrent Hi expanaaa ait] taxaa paid\ 516.80 Billa payable# , \ 7,000.00 D? Time certificate of depoait \ 8,978 25 Deposit* an Beet to check \ 38,078.08 & Cashiers cbeihe outstanding \ 197 40 Cl Totil fNa9.S54.05 llATE or pom C/HOLIIi,\ \ a. Count/ of Franklin. j aa. \ t. V.?. Blddfefe, Caabiar of 4ha ahora namad baak, do aoJMaal/ imr that th. abora itatooMt fa tnj. to tha (Mat of a, f' kaoalofga aad brtW. kl W. Hi an Ma. Caakfor. Sabaaribad aad aaora to bdon ats, tbla 14th dar Of Mar. 1911. , If * Wiaaroa, ?. r. Coaaaar- imar. C< i C Madtta l\'ZL 1 ' " 1 AL meal! Who Appreciate md Corn Heal. emodeled our water mill, every part hare a capacity ef 500 baahela a day. turn you bring we a few minutes and giouud meal bring your ceru along u what We ?tn do for you Meal" ROS CO. to attend the i sale >nk rth at 10 a. m. C to have a crowd and the big get the date and hour you will IS office. HNSON REPORT OF TIIB COKDITIOJ* OF IRMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, at LOOlSBURG, N. C., the close Vf basinwk March 7, 1011. . VESOUMCES: boh and difuvnpt*. SI02.'32.60 ! prdrrtft* retired ?r?l ur.seenrrd lO.JlW 42 nking house I 3,300.00 rniture and (Kturea 3,031.48 mand Loans 1 3.130.00 efrom hanks and haukrp* 12.G19 13 h items 1 5,383 39 Id co n 1 1,203.00 rcr coin, inclurljnK all minor oincurrency 1 3,743.32 tiobfrWmnli notes and other :. 8. notefcv^ 1 10.653 00 Total >si $156,907.34 LIABILITIES: pital stock paid it n. $ 50,000.00 divided profits lees current xtv*ri???8 and taxis paid^v 1,093.20 ridenda nnpnid \ 5.00 tes and bills redislounted ("00.00 11b payable \ r!S(lOll.OO posit* subject to ebVek 6U.W8?(W mnnd certificates oralepotits 7,511.2o vinps de(iOMt? '\ s 14.806.20 i* to bank* and builders 820.55 shier's checks outstanding 820.90 rtifled checks \. * 8.00 Total \ $156,907 84 ATE o NORTH CAROLINA! Coonlt-j of Franklin, V m. [, R. T. McAden, CashieAi of the abore med bank do solemnly awear that the ' ove statement is true t?> toe best nf my owledfte and belief. ti. X. McAden. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before roe*, this Ih dsy of March 1911. M. S. Clifton, If. P. Amrr: J W.King W. H f feasant, Jr " C. T. Stokes Dissctors REPORT OF thb condition of tub ITIZENS BANK ' OF FRANKUNTON, T*~ at u frankliNton, n. c., the close of business Match 7, 1911 RESOURCES, j ' >an* and discounts $ 78,815.78 rerdrafts, secured f 558.10 rerd rafts, nnsecnred f 2,409 85 urth Carolina State Bondar 5,000.00 3 mi tn re and fix tares / 1X88.89 H? frAnt K.xV> ...I K?.-l L a OJ1 .ft ah itenia / 490.00 Id coin / 970.1)01 laar coin, including all aninor coin cnbneney / 1,425.39; etional barf notea a ml other tl. 8. noten\ / 8,578.00 Total. V I S 97,827.55 LIAUITIES. ipital atoek pnid lA. $ 15,000.00 divided proflta la* fWnao and taxaa paid / \ 7.386.90 rpoeita robject toiheek \ 89,946.08 ITinfta Depoaita / \ 84.489 68 lahlar'a chacka odtatandinn \ 788.78 HI Had Chacka / \ 187.28 Total. I 1^7,827.55 rarn o? NoaraJbiRoLina, I \ Connty of raikHD. / aa.\ ' J#7*r, Caahlar of thVnbova iiaad bank, drf aoleaoly a a ear that the ore atatamm* la traa to the hart ok av lowladxpe aodJbetlrf \ 7 *? F. Joram. CaahlaX Rabaerfbed and aworn to before aa, th\ Ith day of March 1911. \ J. B. Moaaee, If. p. * luaiv-lrnar E. 4. Cheatham B W Ballard >. ?. VM9a , ' \ " ' ...A .. . .. .e'^V ' ' v e> *" ' %VV >r'\ T* ' - * ...v." SPRING MILLI i T Monday; ^ ==a~-==^L YOITAR.E C0RPIi4LLY \ At T il.5 . _T lX< Spring and CandlerWE WILL ALJo MAKE ALL NEW JIl K F< AND ME-SJALINE JIl BR.OlDER.IEJ AMD BAN JEE THE PR.E1TY JP? ! j Yours CANDLER-C In Our Np V 1 1% We have now n -furniture, coffins our new store r where we shall our friends and see us. We pi more extensive 1 Jf a ? ci ueiure ciiiu. w thing in our line please^ you. Do our neto quarte and that yoiyar _ and see us. yC jiLOUISBt , / * / , NERY OPENING | and Tuesday, and 2k, 1911 ?M "??? ? # INVITED TO BE~PRE^SENT 1 SHOWING or THE ?r> Styles in . Summer Hats Crowell Co. : a compute .shoeing or ;?ULARI>.S/\MARQUE.SETTE .K.S WITH AbL OVER EMD.S TO MATCH. XoME AND LING GOOD.S. 9 to Serve rowellcoTI w.I _ ^ 1 A r mm** mA ^ ^ w yuai lerc | . loved our stock of 3, caskets, etc., to oom on tt[ain street be glad to have all customers call to ropose to carry a stock now than evheiyyou need ,any yfe can sui^ and n't forget we are at rs on Main street e invited to call in Y - *: Furniture Co l JRG, N. c. ? -r t 1 ' ' &