? FRANKLIN TIMES S. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager L - <?.. -' - -l?i . PS YXAH, . *1.00 ill ... "1 ^ias? vox run. ,f> Friday. March 24, 1911. 1*11 kick is Dotbiug like good roads and a hood issu>. is the proper way t9 bqM thero. The Commission form of government lost o?t it) Uftleigh Monday by a Vote ot $86 to 43"> Tue beat tlnhg now for tl'.e peo pie ot Lonisburg township is for th? Road Trustees to decide lor a bond issue. It is not the cost of the mobilization of the army in Texas that is being questioned, but?was it necessary? Lets have bonds and build our roads. The law savs we cannot be taxed anymore than we are at present. Thank goodness! Colonel Roosevelt is close to the seat of w&r, so we feul sure that there will be something doing in the way of news. The New York Herald says that the Administration will increase the army in Texas to 40,000 men in preparation for a crisis." What crisis? Was President Taft looking for a new political issue foi his party when he sprung the Mexicau game? If so, be has made an issne that he may regret. W itti a bon 1 issue we can build our roads and use then while we are paying for them; with no more cost than we are now at. What about it Mr- Voter. Tue canned beef, trust will now have a chance to get in its deadly work among the boys in Texas. General Miles should begin an early investigation. The war departmant is continuing the Manouvres on the border ot Mexico. And there is a possibility of the National Guard being sent t^sre for practice. Ik Kaleigh on Tbureday night ot last week, after attempting to shoot two other gentlemen, Mr. H. H. Powell, a hotel man of Sanford, < killed himself by shooting a ballet through his brain. Ths Democrats in four out of five of the greater cities of Maine have elected their candidates for mayor at the spring election. This indicates that Maine is in the Democratic column to slay. Is WH rill nnt want ambitious men to use our army for a plaything the best way to prevent it is to cat it down tq a peace footing. 1'he army now consists of 82,044 men, when 40,000 is am pfiTto guard all proper interests. Mb. W. M, Hubs,' formerly Clerk of ttj^ "Snperior Court of Wake county died suddenly on Wednesday morning at 12:18, He waa verv popular, ami Raleigh aod Wake county have lost a zealous and painstaking official. "How does Champ Clark stand on the annexation of Mexico?" aaks the Washington Post. We have no in aide information from Mr. Clark tc impart to the Post, but we sbonli aay that Cbamp won't ataod for it at all; be will promptly sit upon it k W? acknowledge the receipt oft nice llUle booklet on Metal Shingles, publiabed by the Oortright Metal Roofing Co, 50 N. 28rd Street Philadelphia, Pa., which contains a goo< ' amount of valuable information an< 'good reading. Every readeryof tb< Twin can get this one year free by writing the above company anc , makiDg auoh request. Yon will pro j ,- gt by reading their advorliaement it anothMT oolamn. fit*' v" ./ |^:. ;V t ' J Tuk Democratic majority ef tin .[legislatures of New York and Colo ruda are still trying to elect -United i plates Senators, and the insurgent ,j Ui'vub)loans of Iowa are in the same ti*. G?t together, hoys, the votes | of your senators >'i)| so an be j needed. i Tuk order o." the cattle tick quarantine department of the govsrnmen' ' exempting certain counties in the South frotu quarantine regulations 1 Was no doubt intended to mean only [general quarantine" regulations uml J not to effect uuy private or individual quarantine. Bookkb Washington was in court this week in'New York about | iDsulting a white lady. From the [ reports it seems that he made the i insult and got a good clubbing j by the womans husband Booker I denies eeeing a woman at all and jiad I the man arrested for assault. Thk Supreme Court having decided that the corporation tax is con-: stitutional, we shall now know where to-get enough taxes to pay for the Mexican "manouvres"; for if the present small tax can be collected the corporations can be raado to disgorge under a higher tax. "Diaz believes in Taft"; TafP" believes in Wood, the Chief of Staff. Whom firiAn ITnftr. Sm?rufnpv of State, believe in? The American people will make up their minds whom they believe in later. In the meantime, the President is at An*, gusta, Georgia, playing golf -with Rockefeller. Secretary of War Dickinson scouts the idea ot war with Mexico, and declares there "can be uo excuse for intervention unless the Mexican government proves negligent in proi tecting the persons and property of | foreign residents." But then the i ideas of the Secretary of War do not seem to agree with those of President Taft and General Wood, the Chief of Staff. * Sir Edward Grey, trte~'foreign I secretary of Great Rntian, declared in the House of Commons that *'unI less the mischief was brought borne I to men's feelings as well as to their I minds, the growth of armaments j must in the Ipng run break down civilization." What is the nse of I talking peace and making greater J and greater preparations for war? I and that applies to ^ie United I States as well to other nations. MANEUVERS IN 1846 AND 1911 History is liable to repeat itself if encouragement is encamped from ! the right quarter. In 1846 General i Zacharv Taylor encamped on the Mexican border with 8,200 regulars, | called an "army of observation." Now ; we uave an army or <su,uuu regular* officially described aa to "maneuver", in about the same locality. Zaohary Taylor became president as the result of bis "ubservstious". Vv ho will become president as the result of the Ta't-Wood maneuvers* Echo answers, who? WOMAN'S VOTE RESTRICTED. Those Kansas legislators have cations ideas about the extent of the comprehenson of women on political matters. They have passed a bill to submit to the Deonle a nmttn'a wot. frage amendment on local officer*, bat the Hoaae refused to include a vote for PreaideDtial elector*, although the Senate had agreed to it Why a woman who la judged capable of voting for a governor in not considered equal to voting for a , president is one of the aoicfbe testa of woman'* capability that only Kan aaa could exhibit republican leaders independent. The big suck at the White Houae had no effect on the Republican majority of lhe United State* Senate, : for in spite of it they refused to vote on the Canadian Reciprocity bill; , bat at iaat they oonaented te the . tariff commiaaion bill which i* an ex[ penaive and naeleaa measure intended to hamper the Democrat* in the new i Congress in their efforts for tariff reform. Then ia the closing minutes -L 1' . t I of the last day of Congress the It | publican leaders m the House, p. j haps iu consequence of a sugtteslh I trom the Senate, defeated the l're.1 drill's pet measure. Cedar Bock Items. (Crowded out last week.) J The farmers around here are gt 1 ting bust breaking their land. On ' of our neighbors has hurued his plat beds for tobacco. Cedar Hock school will do* | March llilh and the children ar | l.'.,l;;,.tf f.ju'.?l (nr n liins time, .1 j they are expecting to have an etttei I tain rent. Sidney and Hortott Barnette, u Alert, spent Saturday night ate Sunday with their brother, G. \V Buruette. C \V. Gupton has heen sick will LaCrippe, but is much better. \Ve are certainly having som ugly weather. Miss Mamie Fisher was a pleasau I M? ' > ?- o - i vm.ci a. .iiki. \i. u . liuuiujup .huu day afternoon. Misa Annie Gupton visited Mis Lela Wpod Sunday afternoon. Miss. Annie Gupton entertained host of her friends Monday night Atnohg those present were Messn H&rrv Swanson. Robert Wont Qrover Inscoe, Will Tally, >Vi Wester and Josh Tally./Miss? Mary Wester, Moilie Tally and Sal lie Gray Wood. Arthur Fisher was in Louisbur SaturdayxJtf business. ^rbroian Harris and Simp Fine passed through Sunday on their wa to (Jastalia. W e are having a very nice Suit day school at Cedar Kock. Quite crowd attended last Sunday to joi the Philathea class which is quit a success. Best wishes to the dear old Fkank us Timks. >, Black Eyeu Daisy. If yon have trbqblq in getting rid c your cold vou mayadow that you ar not t eating it. property. There is n reason why a cold shbulcr^hang on fc weeks and it will not If you take. Chan ber ain's Cough Kemady. For sale b all dealers. ^ STILL IN^MJSINESS and have purchased thw^arm.-rs Ware house and will run ths coining season Meadows shasjos FOR dkljE An extra lot of BiggJ Prolific See Corn for sale chcajt rook first priz in Franklintun itowjjgnhi last year making 97 buahhls n one >acre. Thi seed will be taked from this une acr? \ J. H. CaSKADY 1 R. F. D. 3 X^jFranklinUuvil. C r?? Fresh Seed?Cabbage, melons, bee and other seeds l>y flteight. Beasle Alston Drug Company.'. F&R SALE?One'Xo. p Deal and Cc I California Separakqi and Smuttei second-hand. aboutSaiod as new j Leonard Walker, WafrentTajns, N. ( | 25 cts Talcum powd? for 15c per cai I and 15c cake soap, thrfe for 25c at I P Hicks. ^ I Pratts Food for pbsif cows and horse at LP Hicks K. >?New Stock Chattanooga *^low? an p-ints at CP Hickd NOTICE OF ERECTION SAND CREEK TOWNSHIP.. Notice is hereby given that, in ai eordance witb the provisions of an ac of the General assembly of North Cor* lina, public laws of 1909, chapter 23"aq act to provhjc good roads in Franl lln county, andupon petition of mor than the requisite number of freehold ers of said township the Board of Con mlssioners for the county of Frankli do hereby order aaelection to be hel on Tuesday, the E8th. day of Uarcl 1911, at which thertp shall, be submitte to the voter* of ?aady Creek townshi the question of tie levy of a ..pecii tax of thirty cents <*i the one hundre dollars worth of property and ninet cents (htthe poll anhually for the pui pose of providing gbod roads in sai township finder the terms and provil ions of said chapter E34 of the publi laws of 19O0.^\^ T E. M. GuptonN# thereby appoints registrar, and W. Pkf>eonard sod J. 1 Pleasants ate appointed poll-holders f< said election. The doftne place sha be at the store of J. B. Jooe* at Lanri in said township, and the seine shall k held sad conducted a is provMed in th general election laws Those voting f< the tax levy shall de| osit a ballof^po which there shall be rritten or priifH "for goad roads" nd those votin acainst the levy of a id tax shall depot i a ballot on which 1 lere shall be wrl ten or printed,"agaii it good roads." No new regis t rati n of voters Is n quired, bat any on. who has becoir qualified to vote in c id township sln< the last registration or any ose wh was at that time qui tilled but did m register, is notified o register for ssi election. The regi tration books wi be kept open for eh registration i the residence of sail E. M. (tupton ft the time required I 'Taw. By order t the Board of Comn ssioners. t. 8. ( ollie. Chairman. j no. b. v arbor igjb, Clerk * I 'f * * v , Farmers and You cannot suecc ^ * If I only Makfi Our Hnnt Vauh U?r.L- W ?:? 1 * ?... - vv.1 ^??n. ?T-cr pjiv nut*rui i ntei 'THE FARMERS AN " LOUIS 8 O] |. C. B. Cheatham, Pres. . . F. N. Ege M. S. Clifton UNDER SUPERVISION OF TH K j FI ITS TO YO > X > TO PAY i I .. ''Aycock [ f ^ Before makii ? X DrugsS. Dri I Thts store is under the it G. L. Aycock, S. P. Boiii ^ will find them always oa wants. We are now rem - PRESC for you and it is needless A . fact that all our drum a new stock. Our supply < d tainable and we arepead e / want. Call to see is wh , at home at our stone. ; I / v.. ?| AYCOCK /DF) I LOUISE r| ROOMS RECENTLY VACATED B * Independent Com Vance Guai n d mtammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmm \ HEf'NDEF^ t Manufacturers and imnOr I BRANDSI/F II Brftiies Best * Farmers Uni le >r Fish Brand, t o BRANDS F f \ Sterling Colton G is Hot Staff, for oottoi Modern plant, improved machinery. Fertilisers mad Superintendent. Analysis on every sa 5 ? VANCE ( MANUFACTURERS AND IMPOI " * - fcj ? ? - l :" T-'' ' .?. : ' \ , ' -( ; *-?!,>W- '.'* Merchants Bank JljDU AEE A Jk FREE 4 r MAN A\ ' , r WHEN YOU HAVE ' t 0 money % la IN THE ??BANK " .. ?*? * U of life without money. Hav^vou ever said to yourself lhad $1,000 nowi 'Ist^consistent with safety 4 per cenV compounded quarte u> MrRr.wflMTc wa am J sj \ DHIN l\ Bil?G, N. C. FIUCERS q. rt<*>, Vice-I'res. R. y. McAden, Caahli^. i, Assistant Cashier. e v state of north Carolina * wWWwWWWWwWWwWWW^WWWWWW ?UR INTEREST] I \ VlSIjt TO THE X )rug Company \ air ypur purchases in legists Sundries, X i/Seeds, Etc. 7 T 0 Management of your friends fi^and Clayton High, and you i l\nd to administer to your ly toHpok after your RIPTIONS - to call y^ur attention to the re fresh, as have an entire * >f garden seeaSs the as". ? o y to furnish yausany variety you en in town and yna'.te yourself A ir friends v~y ' J !UG COMPANY | ?' tURG, N C ? Y THE W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. ______? . i5r' .-" petative - Progressive ^Company SON, N. C. v , , ters of High Grade Fertilizers OR TOBACCO v\' - 84-4 on 9-8-8 tF obaeco manure 8-8-8 "OR COTTON irower - 8-2-2 ' > a - ? - 8-2-2 ... ' * -t " e from highest grade materials. Experienced ohemiste and ok bearing our name, guaranteed, none better. GUANO CO. " ERS HENDERSON, N. C.

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