?a??l II 11 More * \ Every day more and muru people arkreal their money in a home bank and pavink t 1% Worn from worry; the ease with which i^Bme and exrwnses; always have just th and every cent paid out, whether on aeci ~ other advantages, vuj material mlvniiliw you. If you have no bank account we coj with us. No matter how small, yppf acc< servative attention of our officers. THE '/FIRST N * LOUISBUFI UNDER SUPERVISION OI FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager | Friday, March 24, 1911. ' TAR DROPS. ; ?Myron Pleasants has taken a j , position with the Big Racket. I ?Mr. J. W. Kingja,anxioua for f the person, who has his black cat, to return same at once. ? Misses Mary anil Uettie Winston, ot Youngaville, visited Mrs. E L. Harris the past week. ?Don't forget what your wife told you to get down town, or you may get it when you get home. ?The . Lo^isburg Minstrels will -give an entertainment at Bunn on. Friday (tonight) night at 8 o'clock. ?Aaron Deitz has moved his stock of goods, to the store room next to J. P. Winston on Nash street. ?R. E. 4... Lancaster is preparing to build him a nice residence on the | now occupied by his old one on ^?Noble and Cedar streets. ?The woik on Franklin street between Main and Churcn is quite a help, but there are many more im provements .that should be made there. ?The Christie shows gave a performance in the Opera House here Wednesday night. They will another performance on uext Tuesday right. ?Sheriff W. M. Boone returned yeslerday from Raleigh with J. W. Pulley, who was brought back to stand trial in April court, for the murder of Henry Perry. < Thfl Lnniohnrrr SnK?/vl * team aud the Ingleside team played | i an interesting game of ball on the ) local diamond here Friday, the score I resulting 3 and 0 in favor of Louis- t burg. i ?The attention of our many f readers is called to the change of 1 advertisement of the Racket Store t in which they announce tbeir spring millinery opening to take plaoe on next Monday and Tuesday. . ?We are requested to state that t 4 regular meeting of theWoodmen of ? the World will be held in its I Forest on next Tuesday night, and j that owing to some important busi t ness being before the order all men- ( bers are especialy requested to attend ?Mr. S. P. Boddie .has been appointed a Justice of the Peace for Franklin oouhtv- He has many friends in this county who will learn with pleasure of thts appointment, and we feel snre he is fullv oapable of filling the same with equal justioe to' all. ?The'town has moved the place ^fefor filling the water wagon from the * front of the conrt house to the rear of the same. This is quite an improvement over the old method, esespecially since they have heen having to nso hydrants in . several parts of the town. ___?Miss Mary Steffy, of Baltimore, - , Md., arrived in the c'ty last Saturday to take charge of the Millinery Department of the Kaoket Store. She comes highly reo^mmended as , a "Pattern Hat Designer," and haB a ' national reputation of large experience and oan make good her profea- ' . ?ion, in the millinerr art. , I " ' .. \ " * * V v :f"'r T _ _ I naiir.iMmnvjirjinuri w ;>B>?p?T?wri People w~~~ izing the many advantages of.carryin| heir rills by check. The safety, thi \thej can keep accurate tab on thei e rig it change and a receipt for eacl Hint ^^purchaser There ares man; kii?h wnnlri liko to explftill tl dial! r ask you^to come in and start on< Hint will receive Uncareful and con ATlONAL BANK !G,|N. C. F U.IS. GOVERNMENT ?Tilie ntention of our readers ii sailed! to ti e new advertisement o rl. Taylor in this issue. Hp ii ?:ell known aiming our people and n in expert Imggv and wagon make ind repairer If you need a nev inggv or wagon, or need repairing rou will do well to read his adverisement riM see him before buyitij uiur. ?Work errata wealth; work a<-ti noney in motion; work eP&78 debts vork ia the vital powei in prosperit' ind that city, that community, anr ihat nation whoae people are idle ire poor, and poor in proportion t< he number that wo k and the tim< hey work. Heavens greatest earth y blessing to any people ia to givi ;hem honest, remunerative work. ? Mr. R. N. Williamson and J 2. (Monk) Masaenbttrg left the ,cit\ hts week for several days trip it fash countv and will make tboi leadquarters at Castalia. Mr. Wil iamaon went on huaineas for thi iivers'de Warehouse but. vou cotilt ell by the "Ros'on dipper or choco ate drop Derby" that Monk won hat he was going tor other purpog s ?Let us cultivate u public spiri ind talk less and work more. En lourags our local authorities ir making improvements. Speak up speak well, talk encoutagingly o: Dur town and its bright prospects. II s these many little consideration! that makes a town grow. Nature has showered upon us her choices vlessinge, and with perfect unit! ind effort for the good of oar com noa cause, great will be the result ?If young boys and girls conic >nly understand how happy itmakei heir parents when they ate doing .veil and conducting themselves like adies and gentlemen, it seems to ni hey would make a greater effor: han they do to avoid evil deedi ind acts. A greater part of the >1 casnres in this life, to parents, it round in the success and we'fare o heir children going out of theit a used by waywardness and mis teeds of sons and daughters. Do you knew that/of all the minor ail nents colds ate br far the most clan ;eious? It is apt the cold itself tha 'ou need to feaa. out the serious dis Bscs that It ottaJ leads to. Most o hese are known, as germ diseases 'neumonia and canfflunption are amonf hem. Why nut tane Chamberlain'i lough Remedy and oure your cole vhlle you can?/ For sate by all dealers HAS NO SUBSTITUTE i|H Absolutely Pure MAUMJilMnmiUTE ilifc'i M ifoiih ' * Laurel Items. 1_ I (Crowded out last week.) I As I don't often see any news -4r?in Laarrl, I will try to send in a ! few items to lit you all know we are still in the land of the living. -March seetns to bo doing Us part well these days. Miss Margie Speed, of Franklinton, is visiting her grandmother, ? Mrs. Mollie D. Speed. e Mies Isabella Hicks, who has been r teaching in Sash, returned home ^ Saturday. 1 J. M. Gupton left for Franklinton ? last week to take q position M Mana-1 i ger of the bottling works of tbat . place. ' We are glad to ribte tbat Mrs. H. U. Egerton is about well again. MiBB Geneva llines who has been teaching school here, left for her ^orne lust Friday. Miss Hines is a | epSodid teacher and loved by all tier scholars. She will be greatly missed in this community, but we hope to have her with us again the next term s Mrs. J, U. Foster visited Louisf burg the past week. ' N. W. Johns ju left for Naslf * county this week, where he will do ' some carpeuter work. Hie Sunday school at Mt. Zion is progressing rapidly with Kev. J. II. uar^er as Superintendent. " Miea Susie Williams spent last Saturday and Sunday with Misses ' Lessie and Sallie Foster. George Foster left last week for I Nash county where he has taken a position with Billy Sliearin. , The Poatoflice at Laurel has been , discontinued and some of onr people seem to be bothered very much about s their mail, howevei the most of us get our mail by R. F. D. No. 6. There will be an election held . hero the 28th ot this mouth for good 1 roans. I hope everybody will realr ize the need of good roads and come . out that day and caBt their vote ac, 'cotdingly. i With best wishes for the Times - and its readers. ? t When you havX rheumatism in your foot or insienr triply Chamberlain's - Liniment andAouVrill get quick relief. , It costs but J quarter. Why suffer? For sale by ml dealefa r Through Road Items. ^ There has been right much rain 5 for the past month, and it has been ' right bad for the farmers. Ellis Harris, Henry Hall and Miss Mamie Ball were visitors at Mrs. Enooh Tharrinjiton's Thursday night. Mr'. S. J. Person spent last Mont day in Louiaburg. | Bam Foster and Joe Hunt went to , | ?v imam rsieasoe's Saturday night, t "Turkey" Tharrington spent Sue g' day at T. L. Hunt's. i| Miss Lois llama is yisiting rela tives in Halifax. ' H. 1). Egerton held Sunday school at Mt. Zton last Sunday. Wishing the Times and its Editor much success. Blue Eyes. Those BadjSpells. [| Lebanon Jet?Mrs. Minnie Lamb, I j of this pUce, saji: "I believe I !j| aould,havrNH?< iad by now, had . | it not been for I ardui. I haven't j had one of those lack spells since I } commenced to u b tnVs medicine." Cardui is a specifi [medicine for the ills from which w mien suffer. Made from harmless, ve stable ingWiients, Cardui is a safe, r liable reined^ and has been successf 11 y used by \eak and ailing womeh for more thdu fifty years. Thousands of women have been helped back to health and happiness by itB use. Why not j profit by their experience? A trial will convince yon that Cardui is just what you need. Cat Oat and Stsd to this Office. i dend the Frank lis Times from now to >.19 the close of the Bible Question Club Contest, for the price of 91.50 enclosed. Count me a member bf the laical Club Name Address ... ' IIMMM.W.mWMMWIBS V i TAKE-V 7 HMgMBanBNMMMHnHMrt .V We dispense alwayss|jure fresh drugs for stale drugs and you e^n trust m/. ter to fill your prescriptionh^witb ipal have, nothing lata, nothing mh/e /? ^ - In Garden /S^ ? f - What Yo Our seeds are new.^fr^sh and guarant" prices on Irish Potatoes and large lot . toilet articles at little prices. Fine si profit shavijeg prices, as ws arc overs BEASLEY-ALST LOUISBUF if,;,,,,,,,,, ; ? f DIAMOND | Base - Ba We arp prepared Wf x ers of Franklin Coun | ^ Balls, Bats, MitS | Stockjnt Every piece guarante | !_ P. r ON THE CORNER PHON .wwwwww wwww I jttst 4. wc I FgRTH We would be glad to talk Z tilizers before you buy. * will carry during the sea: Z brands of fereilizers mad * 8-2-2 8:2 l-2:3 14 and 16 per cent Acia, I I CASH /OR I McKinrfe Bro 8 SATISFACTION OR \ mxwri3msa^m&-*si*si~rX.n ram* rwaib *.. / A.-. . u cyan- ^F : what the doctor in* -;. 1 you to ^F ed We H ave | W Watit * seii tru^to name & . Special low b of BeedsN. All the 1 i"' necessary iationery for\?rticuh>r ..-ople at tockert on statioSRD ABOUT III | yzpm r ; to you arcout your fer yWe have on hand and Z ston several of the best_ w e.VvVe handle m ^3-3\ 8-4-4- 7-3-5 1 Canit\ Soda and Cerealite * \CRED1T^ 1 s. Company I