p "I HAD NERVOUS , DSYPEPSIA 8 YEARS" Mr. B. M. Medjio. of -Creed in ore. X. C., thus rcjutes his experience: l v. as down with nervous dyspepsia for eight years. 1 weighed l&o pounds and it reduced me te IIS.' I' cT>uld not touch solid footh 1 be4 Jievc It would have killed nie. I had to live on sweets and the lightest diet. Had severe nervous spells nearly evry day. 1>?^ tore could not even relieve me. I was so weak that for three months 1 was not aide to walk acro8? the room. I was persuaded to try Mrs. Joe Person's . Remedy and It cured me. Can cat anything, and as much as 1 want." A feeling of benviuess / in the stothaeh after eating, lagging appetite, nausea or Hickness or stomaeh, fdbtjuont vomiting, acute nnins. Irritable temper, nervcoticss. twitching of muscles, seise of danger ami great restlessness are/ nature's danger signals pointing to linnaln.-d digesti i If vnii-Ti?v> nn*n7 ?!??.. Irnn.lm,,.. ' I "d MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY? !t will re*toko natural- digest Ion by stimulating an iucipased flow of gastric Juice, , induce sound Sleep. / refreshing rest, and make you sound ana well. No matter of how long standing /our trouble. Mr- Joe Person's Remedy vail positively cure you. It will give you, hook the snap and vigor and ginger of othir days?make you feel line?give you niolitipn?make yeu "lit" la every way. / For twluty-tliref yeats this great remedy ^^hns heeu curing /thousands of people arflic ted with christlc Indigestion. Pyspepsla,' Sour Stotnadp, Nervousness, Rheuma tlsm. Catarrh, female Troubles. Blood Poison, and all ailments resulting from Impure, Impoverished or Poisoned Rlood. -' As a Tonic. Alterative. Blood Purifier Ann Nervine It never falls to give satisfaction, and U is especially valuable In eases of Nervous [Titration and Jn+ tornnIn. it Is wlilmul nr raual forerandown" eondlMons In l*>th men'find women. Mrs, Joe Person's Remedy Is sclent 111cali** oompounded from purely vegetable Ingredients of great medicinal properties. , Tt pn?!tlvo!v contain"* no opiate or rar^1 ? ?.!?*. no irtiiue vt rorasnnm or otn^r mmerol?notbtnc thrit Is In the least harmful. V T.ct ns send Ton crntefnl letter* from llrInsr witnesses w*k> imp'1-eon cured. #*H of ezternnl trouble. *r.f!aininnhdrt, ulceration or ltehlnj? humor. our *V.ash should T>p n*Pd with the Remedr. For sale by drucrfft?ts. or snpplN ill root on receipt of price. J1 00 per bottle;. S tir?t. tt??,< for $f..OD; l dozen by express prepaid for flbtfO. tr MRS, J(K 1 ERSON'S HUltOY CO , Kittreli, B. C. In git? side Items. 1 Crowded out las: weiFk.) I). \>. Macon h;rs i>;ro kded his . Store ?v dob h.i> added. ii.bv.il to its appearance. . ? l|ev. Mr. Ell"?* Hltal Id* regular api-omtiu t at C tint1; c nre'i last Suial;i\.. T. C. II itrs Mitd wife. and H. T. Hiw lov and wife visit- d ll*o I ome nf .1 K r.. i S-.iItird.it i !i : Suad;t\ Tl?- ?? j lo of Tri I'v have *>drch ;sed a tiic?* new oign i for the i?eii t-li* i!- cluueb. H- r? t;a Duke, of "K > n*. i v >itii-ii ii> sister, Mis. I?i y l)o?-ent, near 5 r*-. It" .. i a rive p.mnd ??r"I an i J. E. lit*a I is w caring smiles. Soitw to hear th*?t "?r s**o--| closes now soon. AVe re having some a?l teat her and sh*7 farmer* ait* cat- 1 ing the blue*. A. Jones was called a va. f r.m school aSt Tuesday ?:: account of illness iii to family. The above wa? wr??t- t" r last u'rel* lint ?-m* iT..vi-.lfl,l ..?>? I.J K. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Due to Bowel Disorders. A doctor's first question when consulted by a patient Is. "Are your bowels t ?!' ir;" He knows that 08 per rent o! iimess is attended with Inactive bowels and torpid liver, and that ~ j-tbis condition must be removed gently and thoroughly! before health can be * oreothing, strengthening. healing inflnence on the entire Intestinal tract They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence. excessive looseness, diarrhoea or other annoying effect. They are especially good for children, weak persons t or old folks. Two sizes, 25c. and 10c. Bold only nt our store?The Rexall Store. jgr^.. The Scoggin Drug Co. D01& Worry?Eat. Memphia,ITenn.?Mr?. Emma D. Loonev, of alia place, aaya: "I auf u. fered mieerylfor near'y eight vara, bat einoe taking Cardui, I am much strjtoger, andtl haven't miaaed a ain gle.maSh-vJ [ Binrdlv know how tc exprw niy gratitude." Don'i worry boat y o a i\ ataptoms?Cardui doean't tract tiwm. wth^ou need it strength. C*dui belimN.jn tt get it. Take C*dui, beoaaao ojbm Ionic tivd medkAea do not cm tail it? peculiar and sYoo-satnl ingredu nta, imported special y for iti ianufacture. Haift, a e-ninrv ol ucceaa, h-.a (temped vardui with thi teal of public approval - 1 >?? ing thii time,Carilai bad benefited a millioi women. Why not Jbu? Try it, to i ? J f ~ ? > t Suggestive Questions * On the Sunday School L sson by | Rev. Dr. Linscott for the Inter- * national Press Cible Question Club < Vrvrii'h: i*:i l'ii > /in'..'I. It. It. I ? Pill ' - '. - M? . AI'tlll L "J. 1011. F.lisha Ileal* N nam.in ll.e Syrian. 2 Kings o. 11 ill 11 n-T?i. 'i.ni'it mm' me, ni'nl j lie ve saved, all t lie ends of the ] earth: for 1 am (lud, and there is ; nolle else. Isaiah sir: "J'J. (I) Verse I?Wlni was Naainan ami what were bis characteristics? I ^2) Who was the King of S_i.ru anil Israel at this tiiue? (3) Is sickness as likely to coiue to a great, as to an ordinary man? 1 1*1 i i* a I ?!' ? . \"?-/ ' risco t ? livr4 Wll* iljtf t huh? nmid referred to, and what np*'parent calamity hul befallen fiery j (5.) Do real catamites ever hap- i 1 pen to real Christians? * (0.) Arc chiMren .as good, or oelter, judges of spiritual truth as? their seniors? ? [ i.) 1.4 spirt tid truth told second hand a* likely to ue efficacious as when told with first-i.:tiid knowl- ; edge's I (S.) Verses 5-7?Was the King j' .(f Syria actuated by seltish or br-j n-volent motives, or both, in send: | < l ig .Va.tuj.iu to be cured of his lep ' r s>? (9.) Is the motive of doing in j ! order to getting necessarily an im-l? ' pure one? (10 ) What reason had the Kiiigj of Israrl for being afraid when he; received ike letter from the King of j 3 Syria? ; (11. When is it right, and w lien J w*r K to to? (lo.) What is great generosity!] in giving to others generally a sign i i f1 (14.) \ erses ^ I'd.?Do gopd men 4 exercise their powers for helpfulness f ; to others with reluctance, or wihingl\, a d why is it so? | (15.) Did Eli*?h<, judged hv 1 Christian standards, act with sufficj ient courtesy in not going out to sneak personalis to such a noted man as Naaiuai.? Itf.) is.it right or wrong, andj wny, 10 snow in..re courtesy or j KCZKMA . CRK1> AiJUST Timple Disappear. Complexion ('ear- MWB J .V ?v York Cit; requesting at* expert ucu'.nt pnckaj e, of 'L'inob tl' ' tU* ' Rhcumntl.im nnd Blood DUfimes ' ' ?. * r t'ovrrv, which is ::? " ' r The c;uii,e of ibtmmitljLm Is excess tv tn Jllvhft wri^efnr ii 1' - lime urlc ttcld tlie blood. /To cure rheu' "r-.} . . ' v 0 >xr'u 101 11 . 11 . mathmi this acid must I+expelled from -Xdvi,eiit to near the oov.ip t X 0 v\- the system. 'IlhcuiiMtljnu Is an intcr> : i:f\t ami ri 1 the fur.* ?.l" pin:;i!,s i:i nal disease anh rctjufrcs an internal a '? \v li\irs ' )n tiie fir?at -un?i; i:um nedy. ltubblkg w/h oil* and Un?Vi YX?i. .1- ?!..' '* Ir ? meius may enaAhe />!?. Lut they wi.l I.o.noUtN^he tchinn will Stop. It r..i- no niore cure rneuJnutiom than pah;-, cured ihoU&Hld i ??lHtetod wifh t . ra, will change tho l?by of rotten wood. t\ Ut>. Rasl l*s Itchintrs triir.aions. Cures lihcuniaftl/m To Stay t ared. A, ,,s. Sealini ^.nd CruSting skms. JggS ?$S5 ca#/ s?:irc>. of ltifui is^srhikiren and adults, ed in hundreds of eases, It has effected It s Kood fort le preservation ami pur- marvelous cures. \ Ithoumacldo _ removes I'a-n of_tl o skjik ' ]'7 i^ii I thr rn?l n'ni iiit Ti'f Mm 'i.'iua.s 11'l UIU pre v en IIP n ol in clog-. system, tones up the stomach, regulates i.-itgot' I he p ires the Ajsual .u..e ui' the bowels uiitltA .'lean Wages p? d while ler.rnimr. Smart hands make g Jsl wages. *A. W. ^T?J!^nr'C Chapin, Supt, ltaici th/NvC. I ^ IT GUKEa consolidated C A I -ICf On U. 8 . RAMO.S TYPEWRITER CO.'rWC. C. D. W E E K .5, TRUSTEE AND THp -JOHN -S. -PvA.MO.5 TYPEWRITER AuENCY',5 Stock of Typ^\yrrbers, SuppI es and Office ^uWiture rhe. following are*fipeciais, if ijrttfrMtod v.riK u-? at onc?' is ibc-w i ric m only last until the stVrlc ?1 oi L hiickcnsderfer Typewriter Sl5 0ol, v\ -o ? I 1 Willn, typewriter 10 00 g?,VR !' Z ' ; VT t- & I No U. minion typewriter 10 01. } go Mominr on. who 4, oO WeUiDgtonUXVewntcr j i" ; 1,) V '' 'i.'," JiJ I Fox typewrftSe / A S3 50 J fr J* . Oonsmore tvp^tfitor, rchyil'. J17 50 7 7-' . "* ! i',a ! New CentanU^writ^Nh XflO *? ? X ? !?"/ ' '!'<' -- o! 1 So 10 Smith/Premier / / 5000 g? f, v . t < ! \ fij -n [ No Undei^ood AY -/ 49 ".J ~ % "',or# 8' "u ! set of Ellisons businessimted?r3t>Us, consisting of dictating. trunscriliin?r and shavim: machines, also ruenfen, ey inder* R'\*yular \ ritw $21 n. our ?u'? : $10*2.50 I set Dictaphones, same oUjfftt. regular price ?210. our price ?190. 31 and 7oc ribbons for all makes 60c. \33 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. Prices on office furniture .quoted upon; repuest. Terms?'Express C O D on ipproved bankable paper. Order at >nce fiom JOHN S. R KCOS Princess Building WILMINGTON, N. C. .Box ?4 j 7a ?Ta aT:>?<>TbTTi??? i .v &^5c?. *7* j ' 1 t The Big Liflk Stare New .goods "have been ft encjiiiiir us almost daily and if \ts to wt/av we are sure* wo. have just what^vou \wint and remember that out* saving yWi j little on each yard of cloth or article purchased means more goods for the spe nironey Our low cut ahoe3 are now ready *>r your inspection, you will find them here in all of the newest leatheis in town, white, velWd, craven^U and ooz< calf. The styles are many and varie*Jand the underpricKe on every pair will certainly interest you. Come early, biftig the whole family, ijV ages remembered Specials fic.!ion apply loMj F. liOUCK/\U>tiisburg, N.C. CONDENSE^ STATEMENT ' I TNf PITITTMC I . . < u> w y 3 a la I "M M I r\ \ HENDERSON N. C, r r' sH T . 1.UES0,rRCE\ ,r<,-AL,,, * LIABILITIES , Loans a..d discounts Capital stock paid in JlQP.000.00 Overdrafts \6,jE3.10 Surplus and profits 77,074.79 i^CKnl. nds XVfS'S? Due to Hanks 1,047.60 of"V ri iiv uig w'-'j Cashiers checks outstanding 2,140.12 Banking house fur. and tlx. Certified checks .. 403.00 I In.ur.nee department Accrued interest due depos's. 274.60 I hnX * Deposits 63.336.39 j '^Total' To'al 3734,876.40 .A Is IIONGKAEDE' 'HISTORY Eor 22 years the Citizens Balk, ot Henderson, rv^s ministered to the wants of cltcuts, through good iimes art! through hard timesXdoing its best alWays to H render substantial) aud efficient service. Its rgfjutatioivof solidity and progressivei>csslms attracted a poweiiftft clientele. It will keep bn growing bigger and I stronger, under the policies which have brought it to its present position. | ? K* vf if ^ ;? ^ ,? First National BJMMK OXFOHCh N C Capital / \ $100,000.00 Surplus unci I'rpfits I. ...... \ 30,000.00 Deposits / Ak 7)00,000.00 We want to do some business with the\u;ood people of Franklin C'onutv. We pay 4 per cony interest on time deposits. AVrite or call on us for anv information. Norfce our large capital And surplus."w. a: HUNT. Cashier ' 1 ... _ ? " | We Have just - Received Y -" '^L-T^usrsa*?* iTiaaM? $ A new lotyof China and i T will seti ill at most rea- Y j i sonable prices. } !-<'iiiember when \ou want anything for A your table wafhave\it on hand and will ^ X appreciate your trad?. Brantley G. Hicks Louisburg, N. C. ' ? ??? ?$??m*m + t m ? ~ Just ArrivedA Big Lot ot New -/Goods ' V-/ COME IN AND .SEEVE WHEN IN TOWN IF YOU j wijh to^save money ~ Watch this space for further announcements D. H. HilU repreaentlng/ur tailoring eaftAlishment. will be .t my store j yourHmuro and nave you money on / | \ * J. W- KING ' , I