1^?Lw?i?i?? Pr ofession al Card < QR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING. Surgeon Doutlnf) Office in Ford Building, Main and Nash street. Louisburg. N. C. Hours:? to 4:30. Phone No. 40. ^ jjn. H. A. NEWELL, v ^ " t PHYSICIAN Louieburg. N. C. -'hone No. 150 TjMlA NIC LINTON HOTEL Frnnkliuton. N, C. R. A Speed, Propt etor. U?>od Llverr in con lection IJIC. C U. BANKS | DENTAL SURG JON ii i. w r _ otti'V in E^ickn Building, '? '? Street. , ; p II. COXjjKE at|tornet-at-] aw jLonisbarg, N. J. Over C?opc(r Jt Pleasant* : tore. Prompt attention'girkn nil legal hue oe?e entrutttud to me -~j j---! r~r JUL J. E. iM ALONE PUY: ICIAN nyd SU IGKON Louisburg. N. OIH riu rear bf Bonnie y-Alet >u Drug Store. mi. 8. P. BURT PHYSICIAN A ad S "HO BON \ .ouiaburg, N. C. Office o*?r 1 . S. ?l Tv. K Allen'a Store mi. " F yarboroi gh PHYSII1AN mill S iUHEO.M ?. LDuiuliurc;. ' . C. Office in Varbilrt>?^!i A iiokert building. Night calle nniiMHrtnJ f on T. W. Kirkett'* residence, |?honoT74. jg b. masseLburg ATT'.* B VET AT LV.r , Louiiburg, N C. Nfill prictiee in ?III thi? cou1V1 o? the Stute Office in Egerton Building HAYWOOD RUFFW ATTORNEY AT I1AW i " Loninlnrg, N. CA Will practice in nil rourtu of Franklin and adjoining couurie4 alno in tie Supreme Court en I in rho Urflted State* District und Circuit Court. Offiie oyer Fireb National Hunk. | \ Til II. WILDER 1 | ATTOUNEV AT LAW Lonteburar, N. C. Office on Main utroetin Cooper b lilding. gPRUILL A HuLdAn ATTORNEYS IT LAW Louieburg .'Yi. C. Will attend the court* of V ranklii , Vance. Ornnvill*. War re, and 1. counftieM. al*<? the Supreme Com t wrth 'arolinn. Prompt attaution given to cfcllectu in die in Spiuill building. \ V j T.W. Bickett. r\b. f Idla LouiaLnrg, N. I. "ranldiot ?u. V. jglCKFJTT A. WHITE N \ LAWYERS \ Louie burg, N. \ The eettlernent o? eet?*tee tor exeinil nr. Admini-d ratora and Onardiaue i* mad i a *|m>c* ialty, an-' bonds Required by Ir v ?eii be eecured in ne office. \ Office in Yarhorongh & lliekri i f I.Vilditig Main street I \ . X M. PERSON / \ Ari'UKaKI A l' liA HI \ Louiaburir. N. C J \ ' Practice in all courts Office on t1>iiu Street (' \ e TO H. YARBOROUGH, Ar^ * ATTORNEY AT l/AW \s e Louisbiirir, N. I' B i t All Ic?ta1 busine** infcm*t??l to m? receive 11 prompt attention. office# in Egp.r*6n f Building. i " #? 1^- F. noui K / p CONTRACTOR nmbtJITII.TlER- / j] l.nuiflnitix, n. C, Trad I na: air?nt for all kicfa of buiMirfr nup- C, pliea. artistic Mantle* and Tilery ^frchltec- t< tnral design* nubrnit.tftd/ J 0 DR F^OF^D I DEN|IST. f a Frankliutfn. If. C., ti _ _jzz__.? c n Joseph Yarborough tajlor j A. T/XNeal ; BuildtiigX I I am prepared to /ojyoor. pressing, * oleanine and tallorfcgj at very reason- ci able rates. All w*k gnaranteen. Givd e( me a trial and 1 mil please yon. tl & M V SUNDAY SCHOOL. .esson I.?Second Quarter, For April 2, 1911. rHE INTERNATIONAL SERIES.' Text of tho Lesson, II Kings v, 1*14. Memory Verses, 13, 14?Golden Text, ! Its. xlv, 22?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. It Is a most interesting and profitable itudy to search out iri the Old Testanent all the people and the events vhleh the Lord Jesus mentioned in Ilia :eaehing and to remember that Jesus i >f the New Testament Is none other has the Lord Ood of the prophets, srhose goings rorth hA44 Dfifl Iiuurtrf->ld, from the days ef eternity (Mic. v, 2, margin). In Luke It, 27, He menlew bath Naaman and Elisha. nud of course that inelndes the little maid >f Israel and all the other people aud neldeuts ef tha story. In chapter It, S. we read of a great woman, and ^iow it is a great ma^ tnd heaarable, a deliverer and mighty man of falor, but a leper. He was a rreat man In the eyes of his fellows, but had he lived in Israel he would lave had to live without tho eainp. Leprosy Is a wonderful type of sin, ind, it matters not how great a man may be in other men's eyes, if he is Hi unsaved sinner he is a child of wrath, dead in sins, without Christ ind without God (Eph. ii, 1, .7, 12), and those who die in that condition are forever shut out (Rev. xxi, 8, 27). In is seemingly strange ways ns the Lord urougnt neming to rsaaman He still < wins sinners to Himself. lie may use i captive maid, humble servants, waters of Jordan, etc.. but He is always seeking to save the lostr not willing that any should~p?rish (II Pet. ill. 9). The little captive maid stolen away from her home might have so hated her captors as to wish them evil and he glad that Naaman was a leper, but she evidently had the spirit of Him who taught to love our enemies and to be subject even to perverse people [Matt, v, 44; I Pet. il, 18). So she pitied Tfaaman and told of the prophet I in Samaria, of whom she knew or had ! heard many wonderful things. From the slowness of believers to tell of the fiord Jesus and His wonderful redemption the world has a right to conclude that they hare nothing wonderful to tell. The result of the little maid's testimony was that the king of Syria sent N'aaman to the king of Israel with a letter and a lot of silver and gold and raiment, asking from the king health for his servant. There was a double . mistake in sending to the king In- , stead of the prophet and in supposing , that money could purchase heaven's yifts. The maid had spoken of the 1 prophet in Samaria, not the king, and ' * true prophet Is a spokesman for Hod. But royalty can only deal with royalty and. as a ruie, has no use for poor men even If they arc prophets. Such pride .must be laid low before Hod can help such people. The king of Israel thought that the ;ing of Syria was seeking a quarrel with him In raaklug, such a request, tbd-hc rent his clothes. Elisbh, hearng of it, said to the king, "Let blm ome now to me, and he shall know hat there Is a prophet in Israel.** So S'aaman came in all his pomp and pride to the door of the house of ^ 31 is ha, thinking that the prophet would nake a display of his ,pqwcr/nnd In lorno ^trikinc wnv hirti I -Vhen the prophet did no? deign even t o come to the door, but sent n mes- c icngcr, saying, "Go nnd wash in Jor- J Inn seven times, nnd thy flesh shall [ roine ngnin to thee, and thou shalt >e clean," Naaman was so angry that t le turned and went away in a rage. t When we remember ^that even Abra- c lam's thoughts brought him4 trouble j Gen. xx. 11) and Mary's supposing c ;ave her three days of sorrow (Luke 1; lf 44-4G) we do not wonder so much 11 t the result of Naaman's thoughts. * ilmple faith in God and prompt obedi- f nee is the only safe way. Servants j, ometimes have more sense than their r aasters, and so it proved in this c.asc, ^ or, as they reasoned with Nan in an hat he would gladly have done some reat thing, then why not do this aim- f le thing? lie went and did us Elisha ad said, and his flesh became frs the lesh of a little child, nnd he was clean. ? There wah no special value or efficay In the waters of Jordan, but it was o Njmman a lesson in humility nnd g bedfence and submission to the true lod. In the matter of salvation for he sinner there Is only one way, one 7 ame. one sacrifice, one nww?lnna l^innri nd be who disdains it cannot bo sav(3. Naaman, being healed, returned *! :> Elisha with a good confession, "Be- 1 old, now I know that there is no * rod In all the earth but In Israel" (15), u nd he would fain have rewarded the ? rophet. How grand Is the dignity of ^ tie soul that can tprn down earth's b liver and gold and say to such as li faaman, "As the Lord liveth-before ^ rhom I stand I will receive none." tompare Gen. xiv, 22-23; Dau^, v, 17. ee also the rich young ruler who was J lid by our Lord to give all that he had ^ i the poor (Luke xyiil, 22) und then \v illow Jesus, thus revealing to him Is own heart, and that his possessions S rere his god, and that ho was break- C lg the first commandment. I expect iat Judas Iscariot was troubled by ^ nr Lord's words to the rich ruler, and re are quite certain that Gehazi was doubled by Eftsfia's rejection of Naainn's wealth. Consider the result of 0 is covetouaness (verso 27) and re- fl letibber the words of our Lord In Luke II, 16, "Take heed and beware of w ivetousnees, for a. man's life consist- J1 di not . in the abundance of the ^ dngs which he posseeseth." " ? 4" ' . . ' . 5 , - -S- , lv.; > *> ? i . ... .v* No doubt Poftti ouster-General Riloiicovk \toiild? if he could ? do)il>l'* the j?o?*t:?ge on nil infturgMfit Kepuhfarilll HHWr? .Hid WtfH/.iues ?nd t" iiwrcii political emergency in wlucii His part* is eiii?u f. d he w??ti 1 i ( !:fti>l?T *i favor if ?n \nitb would vll lum I. .v.ntr-vuppresij tl i? Do ocr i'i* i-r s*. "Why sWfer w th distressing, nerve-racaing Neuralgia when Noah's Uinimcnt will relieve you. \ Quiets the ni rve\ and scatters the conges ion.\ One trial wil convmce you. Noah's Liniin nt penVrates; requires but lit le rubbing. Here's the Prooh "I Buffered about f ve yean wlt\ neuralgia and pain in ny side. TheXpain was so severe I coul I not sleep. I Yried Noah's Liniment, an 1 the first application made mo feel b ?tter than in m&iy years. I would not >e without a botNo oi Noah's Liniment n the house. Mr\ Martha A. See, Ric mond, Va." \ "My wife suffero* for several years with neuralgia and toothache. She used about half a bottle of Noah'u Liniment and got immediate elief. J. S. Fisher, Policeman, Hodges, S. C." | Nonh's Liniment is the. best remedy 'or Xthe"ma 11 S :latlca. Lamo Back. Stiff Joints and M jscles, Sore Throat, Colds, Strains, Spfalns, Cuts. Bruises. Colic, Cramps,/ jikL Neuralgia, Tooth-I ^ CITt^T^. ache and all/ T * 1* t Nerve, Bone and/ UJ^ . Muscle Aches ana Pains. The gen- 'ih uine has Noah's fW?/iV Ark on every Uyay package. 25 cts. Sold by dealers in 1[|T 1 E Ha medicine. Sampie by mail tree. Noah Remedy Co., Richmond, Va. Of course yQU want thf best seed rish potatoes. YouSwill find them at ihe right price at BenatewAlston Drug FREE?Call and see howto get a 25c package Morris Dixie, Aor*\catlle and poultry powder. Beat^ey-Alston Drug Company. J D M1NI STR ATOR' S~ NOTI CE. Having qualified as administrator of he estate of Marina Berry, deceased, ate of Fran Win count/ notice is Tierejy given to ak persorfs holding claims igainst said estate ty exhibit the same jo me on or before February 17th 1912 >r this notice w\ll be plead in bar of heir recovery All persons indebted to {aid estate will plpase make immediate jayment This February 17th, 1911. J>>R. Collie, Adm'r of Marina Perry Dec'd N. II. Yarboroueh, JvAtt'yT.AMn CATV By virtue of the power of sale con^ s ained in a certain mortgage deed executed bv J A. Turner)and wife, B. H. rurner to Wmi B?ley/and recorder in , >ook 142, page 287, registry ofXFrank- Jt in county, default having Jrffen made " n tne payment o/ thv4ndebtedness hereby secured, 1/ wtfr on Saturday, he 18th day of }larch. 1911, at the court house door itarLouisburg, sell at mblic auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described parcel of . and in the town of Louisburg. Frank- . in county, State of N C. Situated- on he north side of Nash street, between* ? lie lot of Paul Griffin and the Carlisle t tome lot, and being the lot conveyed I iy J K Carlile and wife to J A Turner, efcrence to which deed is hereby made This 14th day of February, 1911. Wra. Bailky. for Farmers & Merchants Bank lickett & White, Attys. The above sale was postponed until londay, April 3rd, 1911. itate of North Carolina, I Department of State, f CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION o All to Whom These Presents May _ Come?Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satisfacion, by duly authenticated record of he proceedings for the voluntary dis- p olution thereof by the unanimous eonent of all tha sff>/?mnMora tl ? v,vvnuuiuvio, UOUUOIICU i my office, that the B. W. Ballard jl? Company, a corporation of this State, 9' hose principal offiee 1s situated in the ' ownrof Franklinfon, County of Frank- 0 n, f tate of Jforth Carolina, B. \V. 88 lalla d the a^ent therein and in charge here if, upon whom process may be erve 1, yfa complied with the requirelent j/t Chapter 21, Kevisal of 1905, htitMi "Corporation," preliminary to ? he issuing of this Certificate of Dissoition : Now, Therefore. I, .1. Bryan Grimes, ecreta y of State of the State of North gi arolina, do hereby certify that the bj rid corpioration did, on the 1st day of re larch, 1911, file in my offioe a duly ex- at suted and attested consent in .writing til i the dissolution of said corporation, he xecuted by all the stockholders there- M f, which said consent and- the record tr f the proceedings aforesaid are now on nc le in my said office as provided by law. to In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereto Pi st my hand and affixed my official seal, J. t Raleigh, this 1st day of March, A. D. be 111. it J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State. Tl / . F w? That there is mc | Analysis is proven coi |y obtained every year fi & TheyWe made from K actualXfield experime K - requfrv, and not R formulating. J . ? j Evqry ingnfcdieiU j| selected V>r ityplai^P Work to aVj ajrthe fro\ ~"|| 'plant fertilWed vSth 1 || / regular fi^rX sj^outin H ( AslyyouryWealer J| \ see th/ the/trade-m |a When you m be thi?\^? \ (\ you are setting the I ROYSTE^ Fish Fert I F. S. ^OYSTER G 6 I? FACTORIES AN! . N/RFOER. VA. tarbor IV ll ^BALTIMORE, MD. MACOh U/y * COLUMBUS. GA. horses ?^' t? Just received a fresh car i Sound and \ J / c I^mcc now on hand|fifty head for next'-weeAc. Come and ;ave an ofti^r as I am going West January tw4nty-eighth to ; dont suit, aftd. even if the pricejdon'tj suit^lon't take it. ash, however wilk^ake a note. 7 \ / N. / Tust received a car load of ull stock of harness. Yo k. p. If you need a horse or mule for God's sal there may be a chance for me to make a I NOTICE. ' | . Having qualified as administaator of .%??..T??T? lien Denton, deceased, this is to no-; ? fy all persona^boldinarlaims against lid estate O^prcpent them to the_un- \ reigned on\of befmre March 17th,! 112, or this nklice ^fli be plead in bar V V T*|gt their recovery- Al( persons owing \\/ gllgr-%, lid estate wfll cotrfe forward at once WW 1111 ffl id mate settlement. This March 17th, * " %*! dl. JoHNTuckkr, Admr. NOTICE Thp Mfltfl In accordance with the power of sale 11V 1'IUIUI yen in a certain Mortgage Deed made r Haywood Williams which is of ? cord in Franklin county in Book 174 _ . page IB; the undersigned wil sell to IV e highest bidder for cash at the court use door in Louisburg^ N. C.. oil Through me in Septei ondav, Marclwiwtb, mi, Mac certain i910 the Mutual Lifo i act of land Acon^mtng ft 1-B acre of ?<>? wooo >ar GentreyillK lying on tMa Warren- 1 n road adjoiniij^he lands \of Lewis For information in ;rry, hlnah Alston, R. H. fy-illin and T. New. Th^ property fs well tim- n _ _ r :red and haa a comfortable hOuae on If U I AVI ill This February 23rd, 1911. ' ?% r . I /II LUI A. B.Thomas and Wife, Mtg. ??? loa. B. Wilder, Atty. WW'TWWWi \ I froqr ready -reference /fj food value, and has its m , per time, therefore the IfI [ ^OYSTER good; Is fed 'j ' for Royater goods and M you know that |j genuine and original '/jft iUAN^SCOMPANY, % I. GA SPARTANBURG. C. q, % MONTGOMERY, AwA. & Mules of young mules/and horse WellBroke r iee them next week and if you don't find what you want bay 100 head, and will buy you just what you want and if x_ I will take all the risk and-sell on timo, but rather have the ~ wagons and buggies and a ur Mend HILL ce don't buy until J can whisper to you little and yon savQ a little. , -I . \ iUtXk r ?T? ?3i i?i iSt tZ* ?T??T? ?T? ?T? ?T? ?? ?T? The Lajfce tn H./ Waddell oiXLomsburg Too\oui J policy in r\ I I 5 P/*/l ^ ai Luc / insurance company lEVy -? /ORK nbOr 190$ and paid one promiu\of $82.50. On August 15, throtJtfdrie paid tbiyfclaim amounndg to $5016,36, being facs an months dividend $16,36. \ full regardin^ythe Mutual Life Pohgies, se or vrite t /AGENT Louisbufg, N. C./' ww5wS5555Ei5S5Tw55H5Ei55555w55^ 7 ~~ ",T.7 ^~~lr / ' v -iL -v V.. " *. . WkL ? *> *? . - - ? U- ...

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