PPW,WU>'IU. ' "r 1 iff ' PROTECT. THE HEALTH OF YOURSELF AND FAMILY Pope's Herb is prepared to' pr??v i.i?* h dependable household tvn., as ?i upon the principle of purity of insuring freedom from diseas* . s j a medicine for maladies sucl a . u i matism. Liver Complaints, Curs a-j tion, Fever and Ague, Female ders, Indigestion, LumbarK v Derang ements, Catarrh, Sick a \ vous Headaches, loss of Ap? tiu .. at ailments arising from iuactivi > Liver and Kidm?ys. It is a purelvUIerbs, Barksar< h Compouud It is put up in ci v . e coated tablets ipleasing and t?? take, (or can b^dissolved in wki i J. C. Ateade of _hayu!tsvHlc, j Ma.ssaye: >-4 *4E Rsnlrsnfcg. Headiislio>v NYurum. . ? Nervousirais ana extreme .'a' i tried manV remedies with- ut i Four mantm^go I grateful ft - - 1 duced me to wtitelto Pope Moui u ? . . Washington, J)7NcA for a box ?. i * ? Herb Compound Twlets. the % r ia. t ' dose of two tabletsnave me < I used not quite a $l.(f)Vx and 1 .i ntirely cured of the i&in\n n?> '???* ..J 1 have no more headaihe. , > Dr. J. V. HcnneMy, oNqrominent j Physician and 5urmn of A', i y in part Bays: 1 |? "As a Blood Purifiw. Liv? r. ! " ud.System regulator 1 prvscrv e j Medicine Co's of* Waslingti i. I' . Herb Compound as I h?o ?ior - -ho past 30 years, and I hai? fsT'I ' be a great remedy, w?Ich s- . u, m eyer flu's. There"are t'Yjgat u? ters front users of Pope's! H?-r t: u have been benefitted and Icur. u \ s H1 proper use. Pope's Hi A) '\ d Tablets are put up 200 in il box. s.x mouth's treatment," and \4ib t - ' ?r poot-pmid on receipt of $l.A. E?^ x |. contains a printed guaranYv g 1,1 US to refuno thft niirnhnao remedy fails to benefit, alsoVui: tions. Guaranteedby the Pope JfeliciM To., H, Inc., under the Pure Food and t/rugs Ac*: June SO, 1906 No. Si9Sn o FOR TERMS TO AGENTS UNOCCUPIED TERRITCJ a ADDRESS > ? POPE MEDICNE' CO-, IIMC Pope Building, W?aW-gion Dc J,, - i> Bible Study Tor Eyeryb u y The International Hr.-e Ihhle j. Question Club ia affording ilie op. ^ portunity and stimulus .for ?very- ^ body, either at home or ? c, ?ses, to study the International Sunday School Lessons. The Adult ! ole Class Movement has hrouu ' gether thousands of men wlo, * udy 0 the Bible in classes e> try Sun ay, but the I. P. B. Q..,t . with us tiiog. e gestive Questions," lays out f n t eni j v a most fascinating l Suggestive Quest tins On the Sumiay .school L sson by j Rev. Dr. Linscott for the Inter- I national I rtss Bible Quest.u, tin CoRReiyAt lai /. ? V S Linrott, * < A 1*1(11. llTH. 1^11 k ifj h ?< \ n f ti t-Kin^f i:X . li* i II ' X ? Kill' Ktlll I f Urn a i; i? ' t v r li c, t ill*-. lit 1! I- IV ;M II (1) V-,*.; Mil - v\ t*r ?r* i?V*? i a ? f - "H r 'i (?.) S\ I ?x - r tv , * hai nr< v ml (8) H
  • r< u*r-? (.4 ) W r * ". i ??. u y O *>?? IX*'' * ? .|| ? 'ti ^n*? * ?| ? t 'l?li - | (*S.) in i J oliil- i'? tI. tj r p'i**u .'i H i* i ' li ' ' : > *? r- j11,|) .*? (6*) Will t-rt* v? r e- | r t ? er u * ife t au xv?t*. o*r i*t*. v ? ?-. * til*- x.'ic f CTOp? . t * ? (9) Are clairvoyants, cNirm iei?ia, Mini others who claim fimiltn .tte'" noted f"i th*-ir spirituality? (10.) Verse* 13-14 ? Why d? il?8'?s allow himself to he shut up in )oth*o if he knew all the Kiue ??i vria a as doing? (11) What Reason, if an , is here tn hehe\(. that God sometimes lane tr. g-t his children into a tipht f dangerous place? (12.) Which good man at the nd of life is the better off, the one rbo ha- nad a constant fight with ppostng forces all through life or he one who has had an eaaj.^timej I wby? (This t)Ur(niutl must be j nswered in writing bv members of he club.) (13 ) Verse 15?Was the fear liRplayed by Elista's servants nat tral and free from all blame? Why? (14 ) Why, or whv not, should a' Christian be blamed if his^Reart rembles in the presence of grave lifticulties? ' ^ s.' (15.) Verse 16?Would any man iver fear if be knew the fall mind >f Gnd, and was hie true follower? (16.) Verse 17?Where is the ipirit world? (17.) What reason is there for he belief that we are surrounded by loiritnal intelligences? (18.) Is there any reason to think hat oar spiritual visions can be cnl lvaied to see, and our ears to hear, he spirits by whom we are encom?assed?. (19.) Verse 18?Did God smite ho entire army with blind ness/<5r >hly the officers? (20.) Verse Did/idisha lie o the Syrians? ' (21.) WhatX'a lie? (22.) Wis Elisha justified in deseiving^fhe Syrians? /(5^8.) Verses 20-23?When we lave onr enemv in our power should we do to him as he had tiied to do JO US? (24.) What is the best waj to treat an enemy when he is in onr power? Lesson for Sunday, April 16th, 1911. Joash, the Boy King, Crowned in Jadah. 2 Kings xi:l-20. B chichester sptu* diamond . brand ASaCcmd ?s?a15s siTSisis' nsi as rmtbr imMn pari ranrded ma Hi <.IiIViTv*'??t< Reliable. Sold by all druggists ZS2, everywhere svs i E? ZEMA < URED. I Simple Disappear, Complexion C'earetl Over Night. IN w York,- Thousands are taking ' .^vantage of the generous offer made Woodwonh Co., 1161 Broadwav, N York City requesting an experi 1*1 package,\of Lemola the ne* - iiseovery. wlich is mailed free ol II ?i to all who vrite for it. It alone i is illcient to clej r the complexion ovi ht^nd rid tl e face of pimples in ' houha On the first application 1 t mola tnbJtcl ins: will stop. It has I c d thousands filleted with eczema, 1 I era. Rashes Etchings Irritations, Ac >es. Scalines i nosCruating of skins, t ' >Ci. in. of infants chilavqn and adults, h s irood for th^ preservation! and purj iti? ? i.?n of the ikin, scaljvSi^ir and |: ds for the pr ?venti n of the^slqg^ ri?: of the pore i the usual cause of pi nn cs.^bUtckhe^ ds, redenss and rough "ur*?s scald, wou ids, sores, chappings [ as wvll as the toilttte and nursery. 1 . , WANTED ?Wom^n aid girls to make ! *n ns underweansJVork light and eh an. Wages pauTi^hile learning, -'in .it hands make goocl wages. A. W. i t k tj.in, Supt, RaieighAN^Cl^ CONlSOL SAI RAMO.S TYPEWI C. D. WEEK.2 AN THE JOHN 3. RAMO.S T Stock c.f Typewrit Office P Tit*- following are specials, if interee pnly last until the s 1 RlickensderferTypewriter |15 00 1 Williams typewriter 10 00 1 No 2 Remington tyj^writer 10 00 1 Wellington typewrite* 25 00 1 Fox typewriter \ 32 50 1 Densmore typewriter, rebuilt, 37 60 2 New Century, typewriter^ each 35 00 1 N" 10 Smith Premier \ 50 00 1 No 5 Underwood A 49 50 1 set of Edisons business phonographs, c shaving machines, also 1 dozen, cy inder 1 set Dictaphones, same outfit, regular t ribbons for all makes 60c. t# carbon pa Prices on office furniture quoted upoi approved bankable taper. Order at one JOHN S. 1 Princess Building WILMING The Big L L New goods have bee daily and if its to v have just what ymi > that our salving you of clotb^or article pu gpdds for the same \ \ Qur low cut shoes are sow ready fo here in all of the newest leatheis in tow | calf. The styles are many anchyarie't t j certainly interest you. Come early^bi in| Specials for 12Jc indian linon or 40 inch lawn 10c; 1 school turnouts all colors 4Jc; 6<*jfcrda 10c lace 5c. ? CASH I? I sell for cash) it trade with me. EC ---$> ? ; . '. ?' II |i ' " . * v 71W? HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM It Is An Internal DUcaN And Re talrf An Internal Remedy. u The cause of rheumatism and kindred diseases Is an excess of uric acid In th? blood. To cure this terrible disease thL acid must be expelled and the system s< regulated that no more Acid will t> formed In excessive quantities. Bheuma tlam is an internal disease and require! an internal remedy. .KUBBINQ wit) Oilp and Liniments WflLL NOT CUHH affprds onlv temporary relief at best i caases yoiAto delay/the proper treat l ment. and aUows tbfe malady to get ( firmer hold on you. AJnlments may eaa< the pain, bul they will no more cur* Rheumatism ftianAalnt will change th< fiber of rottenlwodd. Science has latYlast discovered a pefc feet and comx|a|fe cure, which Is called Rhcumaclde. Tested In hundreds of cases, t It h&a effected Mie most marvelous cures; ^we believe It will cure you. RheumacKU gets at the joints from the Inside, sweeps the poisons out of the "system, toneslij the stomach, regulates the Uver and kidneys and makes you well all over, Rheumaclde strikes the root of the disease and removes Its cause. This splem did remedy Is sold by druggists and ucmi-13 gvuerauy at wc. ana fi a bottle. In Tablet form at 25c. and 50c. a packago. Write to Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md. Booklet free. Tablets sent by mail. .(dated LE UTER CO., INC. TRU.STE|X' D YP^WRITER AGENCY'^ r^rs, Supplies and uVniture ted write u8 at once as these pricoa tock is disposed of 1 Nod bnderwood, long carriage 68 75 1 No 6 Remington, rebuilt 47 50 1 No 7 Remington, rebuilt 49 26 1 No 1 Viktor, (elite) 62 60 8-NoT Victors (pica) 66 00 1 No 2 Victors (elite) 70 Ofi 1 No 2 Victor (pica) 75 OC 3 No 2 Victors (pica) 84 5C onslsting of dictating, transcribing and I. Regular price $210, our price $162.5C >rlce $210, our price $190. $1 and 75c per (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. I repuest. Terms?Express C O D or e from KAJKLUS TON, N. C. Box 54 !ngii.T4ig>iSiign!8iigi?T?igi?^?v dBngfrdBnifrigngi ittlc Store n rebelling us almost v^f\v we are sure we tvant and remembei it ittle on each yard rcliased means more ip iney r vFhis Week. Tt a best 7cta icos 6c; cheese cloth fo 6 jc apron chMhs,' unmatchable he; 74 t ECONOMY ; is economical tc - * \ ' ?? jERTON .. ? ^ Vjk ^ - ' -V ' \ Vw ' V* >.?: . : m wmmh ^ pi ^ They never need rcpclrnjjicvc^^ccd any attention in f^.-.i except an I I occasional coat cf paint. TL'/ro Fi^nroof?Ctormprccf r.nd suitable I ^ , | /or all land? o? build!:^, ITfuiJicWtlvtrulcd information apply to | _ ; . M. r. hOLCK, Loubburg, N.C # 1 CONDENSEDSTATEMENT THE ClTIZEfNS BANK Henderson n. c. RESOURCES I LIABILITIES Uiuns and discounts ?37 f ,^?id ia . 1100.000.00 Overdrafts Slrplus and paofiU 77,074.79 WCiperyBt.bonda.... .... ?.??,00 u0 to Banlcs 1,647.60 " Stock and bonds .... .. ( ishiers checks outstanding 2,140.12 Bank,ng house fur. afid fix . , ^fied checks 403.00 Insurance department 3,833.43 ^ interest due depos'a. 274.60 Cash on hands and in "'her _ . ,ep(iSs 65,336.39 banks 121,0,7.95 \ m' Total. ,.7 1734,876.40 TotmN^ 3784.876.4* honoraiile history Eor 22 years the Citizens Bank, of Henoerson, has minister&d to the wants of cltents, through-good iimes and through hard times, doing its best always to render substantias and efficient service. [Its reputation of solidity and progreaBiveness has attracted a powerful clientele. It will keep on growing bigger and stronger, under the policies which have brought it to its present position. ? ? First National \ BANK OXFORD, N C / j Capital ...\. |100,000.OO i Surplus and Profits ' /S. SO.OOIMW^^ | Deposits . /Si 60IM) |