i-V? 5> - . . . . ' % t * - >"#*? . -rF-*? WV& 0ti ' . DEATH OF MR. JULIUS B. JUDt'.j Prominent Young Business Man Five Years In Dallas Ti xas, Is,'No More. Mr. Julius Bell Jil'JJ ! .o-d of heart trouble March 11, at bis home 32?' Masten street, Dallas Texas. This sad an- ! > nouncement carrieil grief to many a heart for he hhd many warm fri nds * who loved him dearly. In connection with his brother. Mr. Claud D. Judd. he had been traveling for the Grand I Rapids Show Case Company, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, most of tlie time since they were boys, and ware among the best known and most successful bali'siiK-u tin > had.?-4-*?Jiiiiua JmU.. had been otr the road for a foar weeks' trip and came homo Friday morning, March 10. His heart (which had give:: ? him much trouble even before his father's death) troubled him more than usual on his last trio. He eoutinu^Ao complain of l?i3 hi-art. >o Statu rd3^t morning a phvsioian was called and he told .Miss Mary Judd her brother Julius would be all right Sunday, but he grew worse and died Saturday.. March 11.' about 2 o'clock, p. m. Mr. Judd for-j merly lived in Henderson, N C. He was the youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. j W. J. Judd, of Henderson. Dr. Judd . was for years a prominent and most beloved physician of Henderson and Mrs. Judd (who was Miss Augi sta Solomon of Franklin County) was a most excellent and highly educated j lady. Mr. Judd was a member of the j First Baptist church of Ilender-} son. 11c whs so honorable, gifted and j i taiemeu, it seems nara to see such a' splendid business man cut down before | he reaches the prime of life. The fun- 1 eral services were held Sunday at 4 p. I ai., at the home and were conducted by j < Rev. James Thornton Lodge. The ac- j x tive pall-bearers were: Jacob Metzler, I j Lawrence Pollock, J. Shade Selman, j Norman Craig, Edwin Hobby, John j Brown, Will Black ley, Percy Davis. Honorary pall-bearers were: Dr. t>J.i? Samuel Cooper, Dr. W. E Hoard, Dr. j J. 3. Norris. G Arnold Bailey, Frank : Strong, M. M. Phinney. Burial was in Oakland Cemetery, Dallas, Texas. The floral offerings were beautiful and many, and exquisite designs. A Loving Friend. Do you know that of all the minor ai'- . menu colds are b; far the most dan- 1 geious? It is not the cold itself that I you need to fear, but the serious dis eases that it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ diseasesPneumonia and consumption are among a them. Why not take Chamberlain's i Cough Remedy and cure >our cold t while you can? F'?r sale by all dealers. [ SOUTHERN!^ mi L a* AY DIREiT LINE TO .MX POINTS j ? 1 h NORTH, .SOUTH, !j EA.ST AND WE.ST ic! W Very Low Hound Trip tti'w. to all Priuci- . pal P.e*ort* I Through Pullman to Mluavi. If ?v?-* Ft * I eich at 4:0."? p. m.. ai rivf* Arlanra >>."25 n. t in.. leak*** close conui rt*??o for rn-1 arriv.n M-arpomery follow* ig d ith Hopp ?-titt for nil j?oint? Nyrh a <1 sorth \Y^*r. T"* Pullman for YVfnsto S.t 'em lenvrv Ruteiah j c nr 2:30 a. m.. arrive*' In?i^horo fi:3n a m. L? Ui.'?khie clone conoeeri ?n ??t Greensboro fr?r i v ullpoiti'8 North. s?t th. E ;nt uinl WohT I n - Ta^iiax irt hnnrtjert Ol^trnin No. 1 1 1 b-aTtfng { For further jnfonnnfion write or ra'l an T W. R TARNEI L T. I*. A " I * Ruleia .N.C. j To The \Public 1 c I have purchased the interest of .T. I>. p Hill in the firm < f Garrett & Hill and c will continue the justness at the same stand, where c I will carry a full and compete ji line of ? roceries all the while 1 \AVE >.L.Se PITTED1,* UFS^N U '-TO-DATE |; |||frresh _ . ; , McatWhirfcct And will be prepaed at alrstime* to look after the trad* in IxmisbiirKvPhone j your orders to Nol 187 and > tlieySwill receive prompt Attention. Nuthmit but the best meatslwiM be handled, f will also pay theTitefKgt market price lor good beef cattfc. Come to see me. F. S. \Garrett I MEAL ME To The People Good Water Gr \\V wish to sjty thai we have tno^\iv.l beinjr n^w from lis* water wheel up, ' No. nin'tci* how hi ti^st. Don1 ?n?l me on the cftefore you buy a buggy. I am prepai GIVE ME ^ mne h jrse. kjrpvrn as the Bill Bailey orse. weighiHtoout 1150, age unknown II r'gKT~ih e\ervres|>ect, $75. cash, al3 oneftiqrjf?, ige Vvears, scared of aujmobilegT^alright other way $200 fish, one one-*ho>s* wagon cheap, 100 usheU damaged com 50 cents per bushI, make? good feed when ground with ;tts, 2 p. A. REAVIS. N?>HCE OF SUM MONS North Carolina, Franklin county, in be Superior court. Amanda Evans vs ' iUium Evans/ Th defendant above amvi will take notice that an action ntitied as above has been commenced i the Superior court of Franklin couny hv said plaintiff for divorce from the onds of matrimony existing between ler and said dWfer.dantj and the said efendant will farther take notice tnat e is required to >appear at the next erm of the Supe?nr cJurt of the said ounty, to be held dp tie sixth Monday fter the tirst MonaWylin Maich, 1711, t being the 17th dayW April, 1911, at h^c??urt house in biuisburg in said oujfcfc^^and answer <* demur to the umi lainKin said aet.iJn or tho nlaintitF t ilt apply to^the courEfor the relief demanded in the complaint. This the -C tav of March,. 1 Ml. i i V. H. Yarborough, .Jr., Attorney fox plaintiff. LAND SALE. 1 By virtue of the i>owe~ of sale con ained in a certain mortgage deed exeby W. H. Pri^&tt and wife, M.Y 'rivett to J. 51. Ellington and recorded n book 150, pag? 450, Registry o! 'ranklin county < ;fault having beer nade in the payme t of the indebted less thereby secur d, I will on Saturday he 15tKS. Mortgagee. Bickett & White, AttysJ ~L A. \ ROGERS \{in worker , .: Loui^^N. C. Will make eatiraaae'B^OTKany jo Work Guarant-ed \ Call OTswril wt )u in no-d of anything in"-^ line' 1 IWnSDmEF^M . Q^DER ire not pleasedf^^mndo not have to tuk ir and get my prices/^N^Jie best buggy re k a specialty. ^4 yeare^qierience ii material for sale. :aylor i- t j i ?/<$r -S2 j j \ 200 lbs, ~ v?gjj| guano company s lj^?p[hen person,^ I T,. - ; % '' ' ' Y. - , :' V % _* fcf" . , : ----- - I , --Easter Hats -! ' F' ! i rl! if "All We Ask i; I . I ^ > Out- assortment is he largo i iaburg, showing hundreds *. | had elsewhere, bought froi 1 ufaeturers and at a lower pi ^ I where else * ? We are Head . - ' the New T1 ? Dress ^ | / Snowing a large assortmen j i 1 Si k and Linen Marqiiisettes \ / J tc match. New lot bf silk \ ' T vo hundred pieces of new I? a1 10c a yard, colord guara? ^ flxhiir goods. Gloves. iCollars /V \] I \bened. It will payfyou to " /^nJ ^YV^ecorfd R ( \ Ladies , in latent Kids, Velvet Sue ^ y guarantee our shoes or youi 'J ? . YOURS T r : .rJLi! -..; . .an'.c* - x^^~ias?vysaax3f?z 7 I L \J \ , KSHHKJ^KSES Ot^R FIRST CONSID] Your \ Success Means 0\ good fertilizers mean good t^tlqpsj^eans big demands next yt Nothing but th richest materials especially adapted to the gr and Corn, goes into the making of onr Brands. "A you there i* none better.'* V AJN (Jit: . (J- U A.J? HENDERSON. N- C Sold by McKinne Bros Co., Loui -i-'-* ?&&&* -rJiaMZsate- ; i ' *r i ' . . 1 'JIL ."'!! !.M. i . OR . Easter Wear0 \ o Comparison" ^ ' at and most complete in Lou- !| ?f shapes and styles not to he j n tlm Je&din? New York man- J rice than you can buy any- I quarters For all lings in Nice Goods t of "spot proff" foulard silks in all colors with trimmings mull and Japanese Silk at 25c dress ginghams just received iteed. New lot of Hair and i, Laces and Embroideries just get our prices before you buy. hipment of Oxfords demand tan just opened We r money is refunded. O SERVE ) ROW ELL GO.?,: IT..-V/.imaig'.'a&arr.vii-j; z* ::: DTIliWK?Q 11 1\ I UJlMJlASsJ A ^ l|h SRATIG^ ?- jyu jC ir SnnneRR Mllifv S^i CROP/S. GOOD | owth of Tobacco, Cottpn t!^ & trial will convince ^jjj^ isburg. N. SwIhiw ' // &J.- ..is**-.-" -... ' J >~