EiPPPPv ' * V \ 4 > . ^ f FRANKLINTON Our Regular C Items of Interest < and Near Our Siste CLOSES ON ?Advertise in this department. ?Nu 'scribe for the Franklin Time* ? Look after your premises and keep them clean. ?The bottling works lost a fine horse Saturday night. ?Several of our people went over to Louisburg Monday. ?Calvin Brown has gone to Vanghan for a few days. ?April seems to follow suit with March a? to rain and cold weather. ? Uoflio Allen has accepted a sit u u n with I. H. Kearney in the lep.or shop. ? It. A. Pruitt is on the road in the interest of the Krauklinton Bottling Works. Quite a number attended the A & M.?Wake Forest ball game, at W'ulln It'. ? v.-O t Q.itllfilutr . ? With a clean town you will be assured good health. Keen a ciose watcu on your premises. ? Robert Collins is moving into the house on Main street formerly occupied by Mr. Black. ? I lis many friends will be glad to hear that Billy Morris, since the * s-cond operation at Rex Hospital, is doing nicely at last reports. ?Tlte people of Franklinton and vicinity are again reminded that they are especially invited to send in items of interest to this department. ?Miss Oza Cooke, who has been in the hospital in Richmond for several days, we are glad to inform her many and relatives is considered out of danger now and getting on nicely. ? We had a runaway ou our streets Mcday. The horse hitched to the Sterling delivery wagon be came frightened and run away mash ! ing the wagon tip pretty badly. Tom, the driver, escaped unhurt. ?Tom Lindsey will give one of his most interesting entertainments in the Auditorium Friday night at the Graded School. You will miss a treat if you fail to hear him. The admission will be 35, 25 and 15 cts. Doors open 7:30, entertainment begins at 8o'clock. ?At the home of its father Mr. B. J. Blacklev on last Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock little Sarah passed , into the great beyond. She was only nineteen months old. The funeral took place on Saturday amid a number of friends and relatives of the family. Pr sonals C. T. Harper, of Middlesex, is visiting bis people in town. _ Mins Martha Harris returned to m4?t*Wli Masy'a Monday. Harry Blacknall and wife, of Kit$ trell, were visitors in town Sunday. * Jj. P. Mitchell, of Portsmouth, Va., spent Sunday with his people here. D. B. Kearney, of A. & M. College, spent part of lost week at home, Mrs. J. B. Cheatham and little r . ?' son returned to Atlanta, Ga., Monday. W. H. Byrum and wife went to Raleigh Tuesday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Clements. Prof. "Ned" Joyner, of Blind Institute Raleigh, who has been home a few days, returned Tuesday. Miss Ella Arbaghast, of Buena Vista, Va., who has been visiting in Florida, is a guest of Mrs. Merrill, at the Hotel: Miss Jean Ward, of Peace Inaii?* tute, spent part of la?t week at home, aooompanied by her friend, Miss Ida Williams, of Elm City. Honor Boll. The following compote the Honor Boll of the Franklin ton (traded School for March: First Grade?Maty Exam Rose, Graee Wester, Rcbeeea Pearee, Claire Keor NEWS ITEMS lorrespondent Gathered From in r Town Each Week WEDNESDAY ney, Richard Henderson, Charlie Morton, Duncan Mortoo, Justice Weeter. Second Grade?Leonard Staunton, Minr Raid Daniel, Worth Barley Allen Third Grade?Fannie Belle BC^fkin^ Myrtle Rowe, Janie Pearc*, Berth? Morris, Vassa Brown, Annie Grey Lancaster, Elizabeth Ward. Fourth Grade?Lizzie Boy kin, Mary Lowry, Zelma Weeter, Sallie Fugleman. Lizzie Wilder. J. D. Kearney. Fifth Grade?Minnie Ransdell, Percy Lowry, Bert Wilder, Scott Norman, Edwin Rose. Sixth Grade?Lucy Bello Blackley, Annie Mae Wilder, Lillie White, Buchannon Wester. Seventh Grade?Ransom Harris Sidney High. Eighth Grade?Janie Ethridge, Lena Ethridge, Rebecca Wester, Claud Cooper Hugh McGhee, William Rose, Julian Wilder. Ninth Grade?Ethel Perry. Tenth Grade?Maggie High, Addie Mitchiner. IT GROWS HAIR. Hon Ar? Facts Wa Want You to Prov? at Our Risk. Marvelous as it uJky seem. Rexall **98" Hair Toaic has\grewn hair on beads that were once uM. Of course, in none of these cases! were the bail roots dead, ner hod thArcalp taken on a glazeds shiny appeorukce. ltexall "$3" Hair iToAlc acts sclentifically. dams-tag /the lgerme which are nsnally nwponilble If or baldness. It penetrates toWhf roots of the hair, stimulating andvndurishsig them. Il is a most pleasanfSolletl uecesslty, if delicately porf unreel, nhd prill not gun] or permanently suin thNhair. We want you to getIVa bottle ol Rexall **93" Hair Vonic iidW it Of directed. Tf it does not rpliev^^calr irritation, renjove dandipff. preVaal the hair from fulling out kind promote an increased growth of Lair, and it every way give entire (satisfaction simply come back and tell as. and with out question or formality te will haik back to yeu every penny Wou paid ui for it. Tw* sizes. GOc. an<^$1.00. Sole only at our store?The Rexall Store The 'Scogszin Drug)Co. Hearts are the trump cards in life, aud the ticket we must present at the door of heaven. The heait is the book-keeper of our actions. How do vou keep it? Is it clean and pure enough for public inspection, or is it scaried over with bad th'.nghtR aud worse deeds? Ah, keep thy heart diligently, for out of it are the issues of life. FOR HALE R. C. & S. C. Rhode Island red. Barred Plymouth Rock. Columbian Wyandotte, Indian Game, L$ht~?ramah, Anconia, (the great layer,) 'Black LangBhar Houdrn, 17 eggs $1. White P.kin and Indian reuner ducks (eggs, 13 fcr $1, mixed duck eggs 50c. i W. t Kearney, Frank inton, N. C. WHY HESITATE? An Offer That Invotves No Risk Fo completely relieve I constipation, m matter bow chronic it may be, tba we offer to fnrnlsti it free of all cos If It falls. 1 '. Constipation Is < rased by weaknes! of tho nerves ttod nnscles of the larjt Intestines ok <lesc< iding colon. To ex pect a cureNvon mst therefore torn np and strength* i those organs am restore them to b althler activity. We want yo? tt try Rexall Orderlle on onr guarantee. They are eaten Ilk candy, and are irtlcularly Ideal to children. They ct directly on tb nerves and musses of the bowels They have n neutral action on the oth er organs or glands. They do not pnrg or eanse any Inconvenience whatevei They will positively overcome chronl or habitual constipation and the myr lad* of associate or dependent cbronl ailments. Try Rexall Orderlies at on risk. Two sizes. 10c. and 2Sc. Soli only, at onr store?The Rexall Store The Scoggin Drug Co. Something New For ^R^akiklintor A new and np-tc^ka shaving parto ran by White naffer Whit men. Located in thel stohk roem eoi ner ot Mason and Front stnats, oceti pied iaat yaar by Cait D, T7S?ard Everything new pud work guaranteed Try us. 1 Yours to eervV Hall 4 Woodlisv P. 8. We also take/off warts an moles without pam. No acsr left. - * J . k. or7. ?' ... x " ? _ <? NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXEOU TION. North Carolina?Franklin County. In Superior Court. K. P. Hill I W. T. Freeman. / By virtue of anAexecution directed to the undesigned/ from the Superior Court iu Franklin county in the above entitled action, f will, on Monday the 1st, tb^of May-leil ai 12 o'olock m. at the court hot ie door of said county sell to theNhigh at bidder for caetr to satisfy said, ej ecution. all the right . title and intcWa t which the said W. T. Freeman the\ defendant has In the following desc tfred real estate lying and situated in Harris township Franklin county, and adXining the lands of Pat Hagwoo atrl others and 'buundeO 'ulluwV tuwit: Begin ning at a rock a the l\e of Pat Hago wood lands, al o corner lor Mrs. Willis . Horton, runnii g along I lWto.n line s. "3 d. 30 e 6.25 n. to a rocih thence n. 14 d. e. 7.40ch. to a rock, n. ^?(d. e. 4. 36 ch. to a smi II pine, n.3d. e.\I1.35 ch") to a rock near a branch, s. 88d\e 8 0 eh. to a hickot f, s 3d. 45 w 13.45 ch. to a rock near a I ranch, s 84d. 30 e \18 ch. to a rock i i a line of fence, s Id. at 3.70 ch. along ence. s. 88d. 45 e 4.0 ch. , to a branch, s 16d. 15 e. 3.40 ch up branch to larg poplars, s 8d. 30 e 3.45 ch. to rock in iranch, s 88d. 15' w 6.18 ch. to a rock, : i. 77d. 30' w. 23.18 ch. to a rock in hedgi n. 4d. e 6.18 ch. along hedge to place of beginning containing 40.28 acres- ' his March 22nd 1919. W M. Boons. Sheriff. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Franklin county, made in the special proceedings entitled, J. R. Collie, administrator of Jacob Evans, deceased, V. Susan Evans, widow, and James Evans, Henry Manly and wife, Mary Manly, Joe Stone and wife, Alalare Stone, joe Fogg and wife, Neomah .Fogg, and John Q. Evans, heirs at law, the undersigned Commissioner will on Monday the first day of Mav, it bein/ the first Monday iu said month, at about the hour of noon,\sell at bublic auction, at the court hou&e door in the town of Louisburg, Franklin/ county, N. C., to the highest bidtter a or cash a certain lot or parcel of near the town ot Louisburg, Fran laid county, North Carolina, bounded onue North by the lot i of Alex Dunston, \pgi the East by the lot of Starling \ ajboro, on the South by the lot of J. P. fimberlake, and on the West by the lot of Henry Williamson, containing 3 3-5 acres, more or ! less, and being on the lot of land 1 whereon the said Jacob Evans resided at the time of his death. This I 31st day ot March, 1911. , W. ii. Yarborough, Jr:, Com'r. K NOTICE OF SUMMONS \tJorth Carolina, Franklin clunty, in 1 theTStigerior court, Amanda Rvans vs ?illiam"Evans. The defendant above named will take notice that ah action I entitled as above has been conynenced ! in the Superior court of Frlnklin counI ty by said plaintiff for divorce from tbe bonds of matrimony existing between her and Baid defe^lant; /and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appeal at the next ~ term of the Superloredurt of the Bald i county, to be held on tie sixth Monday ; after the first Mondawfin March, 1911, it being the 17th day ot April, 1911, at 1 the court- house in LAiisburg in said > countv, and answer demur to tbe i omplaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 20 day of March, 1911. J. J. BARKOW, C. S. C. 1 W. H. Yarborough, Jr., Attorney for l plaintiff. LAND SALE. , By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by W. H. Priyett ana wife, M.Y. I Privett to J. M. Ellington and recorded in book AOS, pagd 450, Registry of Franklin qojnty default hitruig been i made in theyaymwit of the inaebtedI ness thereby siteufed, 1 will on Saturday, the 15th day ofc April, 1911, at the courthouse door Jlh^Louisburg, sell at public auction t<j thiNugheatbidder for cash the following described parcel of land in Barri townshim Franklin county, North Carolina, to-wrt: Beginning at I the bridge where the Louisborg roatf crosses Little \liiver, thence along sad road s. 36 d W100 ft.; thence s. 61 d f/ 2077 ft. to the X roadthence alone#oungsville road s 29 1-4. f IVI icnvinproa^a TOL^e^O*0 850 ft. to the beginning, containing fifty acres. This the 14th day of March, 1911. J. M. Ellington, Mortgagee. Bickett & White, Attvs. \SOUTHERN! RAILWAY/' DIRECT LINE TO A .L POINTS NORTH, ^SOUTH, ZAST ANDWEJT Very Low Khnnd Trip Rajes, to all PrinclThrongh Pullman t\ Atlantn. teayee Ral eiah at 4:05 p. m.. arYitis Atlanta 6:25 a. in., make* close Conner M,,n for and arriviii Montgomery followln JSdsy alter tearing Raleigh, 11 a. n, Mol.ili All p. m? New Orleans 8:60 p. m BlrtnUghgDi 12:16 noon. : Metnpbl* 8:06 p. m., OtnuaeVity 11:20 a. m. second day. and cf onectinkfor all other points. This car alscfmake* cSmneetion at salisbnry lordt Lonfc and otfaW wsstern points. . / > Tbroogh pdrlor Ar for AshrilV I ears I floldsboro at 0:40 aim, Raleigh 8:8!fVn>? arriyss Ae"-erille T:|0 p m., making Vloss _ connection with tbjl'arolina Special snrTar. riyiog H- dnnatl if a. M lollowing day af. J** "lib do*? connection f* for all points Nyrlli and -North W?s?. 6 Pnlhnaa for Winston 8*Ism tears* Raleigh L at 2:80 aAm. arTfire* Greensboro llflsn k "fkhf* close connection at Orssnsboro for sdl points Nort/. Booth. last and Wast * y k hanflsd on train No. Ill Waring I GOiOfwOTO f fl p OB* . Tor farther Information writ* or tall oa ?| * W. H PABNEI.L. T. P. A. I -**- ' BaWMk.N.0. ; V " V;. .. ' ' . lH\ m / is made eloecia] I of all k'nds a look well and wear we I 11 t" )\ s^ods. porch furniture, ga I withstand exposure! and W the label tells how. | 11 It's a surface to be painted, jliameled " any way there's an Aalpae Quali (/ H McKINNE BI Schulz If you are in the market fo] interest to see us before yc leading makes in the United ing no chances in buying/oi r\ I ^T1 ijk [im Our line of Furniture is con ed a cordial invitation to c; buy or not. Our undertak: complete and placed at y< you to see us before you bt W. E. White F V '' " 1 ' '/ ' ' ' 'v -T' ; 4" ' -/ wyr*int - ^Carriage Yoir can do it yourself and at little ixpenseL It's easy to give it a beauti, hard, ujrilliant, varnish-gloss finish ick or richi appropriate colors. IE QUALITY UAGE PAINT (Neal's) ily to gjive |o buggies, carriages and tough, durable, glossy finish that will 11. Aij ideal finish for settees, flower rden tfbols, arid all surfaces that must hard (isage. -Ready to brush on and , stained, varnished, or finished In ty Kind to fit the purpose. tOTHERS CO. ''' Pianos l r a piano it will be to your >u buy. This is one of the I States and you are ta.k le. iplete and you are extendall ahd see it whether you in*: department is always Dur services. Xt will pay ty. arpitare Coippapy

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