RIVERSIDE f \' Horses n E. S. E< We Carry Ei - A wholesale gro< handle and a littli and remember We Pay The! Did you ever figure freight in your first confident lots of pe< ling goods at cost t know it. jjjf MQir Pleasant Evening Rbubi catsd to Tired Motl the Home Circle i CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM We may Dot realize, perchance, v what home means to as until seas ] and mountains separate us from the , loved ones?perchance not until sick- c ness and misfortune come?per- t ohance not until the Dreaded Shad- f ow falls upon the threshold and the Raven oroaks above the bust of Pallas. But when some tie is snap- ^ ped and some link is broken aDd ^ some chair is vacant at the fireside then we realize that the cords wbioh Lbind us to the homestead are knot- " ted in the bosoms core and oenter? 8 then we realise that the poet sang C for us and sang for all the world 8 "'Mid pleasures and palaces tbo'I , may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no ' place like home. ' * * I TRIBUTE TO HIS MOTHER. "I owe a great deal to my mother. She was a seamstress, cook, washlady and never until late in life had a servant in the bouse. And yet she was a cultivated woman. She read Chan ning and kept up with the literature of the day. When I was a little tot she used to read good books to me. "Yon young women have every opportunity for literary oulture and you ought to avail yourselves of it At ought to be very proud with 9vney earned' so honorably, for mooey not earned Honorably will ' never do you any good." The above words were spoken by Mr. Carnegie, the iron-master, while talking to a large company of work ing girls in Ntw York city. And then this man of unlimited wealth eloeed by saying: "I shall never forget how proud I f daffi -ft1"- _ f '7 jgsto; > /'. ; tv. ' % . . .. - IndI ; ' We have \ '"% sale chea] them. W so come ai y/t )rd ?rp_ 3er should " " 9 bit more jFreight LQUI the item of wfJJAj cost, we are Dple are sel-*- ? ni md do not CLE' COLUMN. E nes.?R GolUmn Dedi-!! tiers as They Join at Eueniny Tide _____ n THE EDITORIAL PEN * fas when I got ray first wages of j 11.25 a week, and how I felt when I ??n wn;aAr4 (fcl CA _ 4.1 * fan lanou tu Vi'UW UB U ItJIOgrapU iperator. Tu take home that earn o my good mother gave me such a ^ enling of manly independence." tl * P God give ua happy homes?pure li tomes! They are humble enough; >ut it love be in them, they will keep e he ship of state anchored in serene |, ind peaceful waters. No blot will ? tain the flag. The laws jot the y lountry will be framed in wisdom ind upheld in honor. The statesaqp will be ateisdfast in thB The soldier will be valiant in the field. The sentinel upon the watch-tower '' rill be faithful in the hour of dan- ri jer; and all will be well with the re- ? lublic. * . . T II SOME All VICE TO WIVES. h Remember that you are married r 0 a man and not to a god: be pre- w tared for imperfections. g Anticipate the disoorer^ by your w lusband that you are "only a worn- tl in;" if vbu were not he would not o tare about you. o Onoe in a while let your husband tl lave the last word; it will gratify h 11m and be na particular loss to you. 01 Be reasonable; it ia a great deal to ti tsk uuder some circumstances, but ei lo try; reasonable women are rare? te rare, w Remember that servants are made S if the same material as yon are; a litis ooarser grained, perhaps but the lame in essentials. , Try and forget ?yourself- as to ? rour husband, forget that you mar- j9 ied him, and remember that be mar- 4 1 I ? * "j ? V f "" EPET advertised buggies ? for the past nine e have decided to t ad get one. ( ?r ? k REi Whnloc t n ISBURT., - I /E A CAR. OF APPLET, CAB *iEW YORK .STATE, CAfc EAPER GRADED OF MoUA. \CKAGE WANTED AND AT JNLOP PATENT J* Our Leaders led you. he will then probably do ie revelse. " Let him read the newspaper at le breakfast taole- it is unsociable) ut then it is only a trifle after all, nd lie likes itLet him know more than you do I nee in a while; it keeps Up his self ? aspect anu you will be none the rorse for admitting that you are not ctually infallible." Read something in the paper bedes fashion notes and sooiety col mas; have some knowledge of what i going on in foreign countries. Be a companion to your husband he is a wise man; and if he is not ry to make him become your oomanion. Raise bis standard; do not it him lower yours. Respect your husband's relations, .. . - specially ma motner?sue is not the ma hie mother because she is your lother-in-law; sbe loved him before ou did. * Homsl Homel- lo define ibis aim- _= le English word is to exhaust the ssouroes of metaphor. It is the harmed center of all existence. It i the golden axle-tree aronnd which IT industry? 11 thought?all feellg?rotates. "It is the casket of umanity's crown-jewels. It is the ive of love's sweet honeycomb for rhioh we hoard and hope and huner. It is the haven of retreat to 'hich we turn our footsteps when le labors of the day are over. It is ur blvonao on the mirch. It is ur well-spring in the desert. It is ie anchor whioh keeps our ships 'on drifting out to sea. It is the ampsss which keeps our rudders 'ue to heaven. It is the voice whioh alls to us auross the waters?growig louder and clearer and sweeter ith the deepening twilight: "Home __ weet Home!" * A orust of bread, a pitcher of 'ater, a thatched roof and love; there happiness for you, whether the ay be rainy or shiny. L -ess, v _ - n ' MpENT 5, wagons and horses for ty aay^. but still have ry ind giVe them away I B. N. V / , MS/CO. For' */ / - Early 1 Grocers ?ob!!!! i\ / - ouungt \lVorth Carolina Y Wc 6A<3I ANSI POTATOES JUJT OF/MoTRnS .SUGAR HoU.SE S.SES. CORNStYRUP IN ANY LOWER PRICESx. / in Ar( and EXCELSIOR which in Elour I for seee I . HULLINGSW We Have Just Ta All Wheeler ayf Wilson an 1 S rj/ *r Sewing Machine Bands andreccesBories. W t ire in a position to c commotUrion that can be vd. Rotary and yibrs stitch.VWe will show th * n in nahoKany birds e ter ySawed dak, drop h i!* vith 5 to 7 drawers, best^on earth, write us a i*aM and will brinjj voi likrf, pay when you wish. Pianos, organs, Mach / J J.W. riOLUNC ' LOUISBURC A \ .. . . x - . ? 1 . . " / . . 'jr* ' . ' * ' V"t 1 * i N? .:f... "* Mules l ' . ' . Williamson February Delivery lose , Early Ohio Irish s Red Bliss Earlyit Green Mountain > . tiave These Bought in Car Lots >ostook County Maine, are the best known I. 1 ORTH'SJ ken on The slia^Te Hb ?? a, Needlea 3 for 5 cents. Oil ixtend yoilthe most liberal acitinr shuttlW lock and chain ye maple epglish oak and quarIf ymi want one of these the i one for inspection, buy if you ines rriflRn* om .SWORTH a, N. C* A ' 1 ' . j w< 'r~t .. < . ,J