7 PROTECT. THE HEALTH OF YOURSELF AND FAMILY. Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a dependable household remedy, based upon the principle of purity of blood insuring freedom from disease. It is a medicine for maladies such as, Rheumatism. Liver Complaints, Constipation, Fever and Ague, Female Disorders, Indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney Derangements, Catarrh, Sick and Neryoua Headaches, loss of Apetite and all ailments arising from inactivity of the Livetsand. Kidneys. It is^a purely Herbs, Barks and Roots CompouWL It is put-up in chocolate J coated tJblets pleasing and easy to take, (or an be dissolved in water.) Mrs. J, \ Meade of Hayattsvxlle, Md. says: \ t "For yean I have suffered with Backache, Headaches, Neuralgia, and Nervousness laid extreme fatigue, I ^tneaanany"'rAneaits W'Utiuui relief" Fourmonths ag\a grateful friend inducecT"m4?- C\ for a box of Pope's Herb CompoumP^jgblets. the very first dose of two tableuwe me relief. I used not Quite a $l .(X7m^KMd 1 am entirely cured of the pan in m>4}ack and have no more headachA" Dr. J. V. Henncsey\a prominehi. Physician and Surgeon o\ Albany, N. ^ Y. in part says: \ "As a Blood Purifier. Liyter. Kidney and System regulator 1 prescribe Pope Medicine Co's of WashingtoK D. C. Herb Compound as I have doilWfor the past 20 years, and I have found. it to be a great remedy, which seldom if ever fai s. There are thousandsW letters from users of Pope's Herbs,\ that haye been benefitted and cured bV its proper use. Pope's Herb Compound Tablets are put up 200 in a box, 'iix month's treatment," and will be sent podt-paid on receipt of 31.00. Each bo^: contains a printed guarantee bindinjk Us to refund the purchase price if the remedy fails to benefit, also full direc- ^ tions. Guaranteed by the Pope Medicine Co., Inc., under the Pure Food and Drugs Ac+r June S0t 1906 No. 3*956. FOR TERMS TO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY, ADDRESS POPE MEDICNE CO.. INC Pope Building, Washington, D. C Through Road Items. Rev. G. M. Duke filled his regular appointment at Mt- Zion last Sunday. He preached a very interesting sermon. Misses Mamie Carroll and Lela Hale, ot Alert visited Mrs Ben Car roll Sunday. Frank Hicks and sister, Miss Isabella, were pleasant visitors at Mrs. Enoch Tharringtoo's W edneeday night and were accompanied home by Ellis Harris. Mrs. W. H. Tharriugton spent last Sunday in Henderson with her brother. Messrs. Bob Lewis, June Lancaster and John Lanier passed through last week enronte to the "mash." Everybody is invited to the big picnic at Laurel Easter. Pink Hyacinth. The farmers ate right busy plowing and getting ready to plant their oorn. Maurice Person is sick this week, but hope he will soon be well again. J. H. Hunt made a business trip to Kittrell last Saturday. Roeco Griffin and Bonn Walker, of Castalia, visited thL section re ueubiy. Miss Isabella Hicks has returned heme after spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. TTt Herman In Louisbarg. Johnnie Woodard, of Csstaha, was a visitor in the neighborhood last ' - Saturday and Sunday. Bllis Harris made music at Sam Tharrington's Wednesday night and it was enjoyed by all that were present. Alfred Gupton. of Perry's Mill was in the neighborhood last Saturday. ? Frank Hicks spent Sunday after neon at*William Tharrington's. Misses Lizzie and Carrie Bell, of ; .Alert, spent Saturday at H F Hants. Jim Journigan and wife, sntnt last Saturday and Sunday at Tom Hunts. With best wishes tor the Times and ita editor ?U-Hn> L" Constipation Viz gs many ailments in its train and is V>? primary cause of much sickness. Keep .your bowels regular " dprr ?~V"",'Ti" < " ?"" many of StwrHTmcEta t\ which wffmffi are snhjert Conatipaqtat iai a very simple i b;,' thing, ft may leamto aarieua consequences. Nature often needa a little TStotoSe^en rt^ftStS^ti'on? much distreaa and auWerin* may be avoided. 8oW by all defefa. r r Suggestive Questions ; On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the International Press Bible Question Club CitpyripO 1911 fry Krv T S Lincott. l>. V. April 16tu, 1911. Joasb, the Boy King Crowned in Judah. 2 Kings xi:l 20. Golden Text?Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek bnn with the whole Heart. Ps. 119:2. , (1 ) Verses I IT Who was Athalia; her parentage, position, character, etc? (2?) When a child turns out bad whose heredity and environment were as vile as thev cou-d be, how rmjch is he or she to he blamed? (d J""?Whose son was Joash? (4 ) VMuJ^Aj^hs Jehoiada? (5.) Who was -instrumental in laviug the child Joash . from the uutderous intent of Ids grandmother ttthalia, and how ?u it ilone? (6.) Verseae4-12 ?If an individ lal, a ompanv, or a nation is es tablished and carried on b\ unrigln soueuess what will >e the probable results? ^ (7.) Con you give front your (MM experience, or fr jui hiatorv, any fas stance where wiong actions have brought about right results, or can vou conceive of such a thing as possible? (8 ) When those who are in authority are usurper*, and when tinregular legal proc-seea fail to dlsposaeas them, what should the poo pie do? (9.) On what grounds do vou justify the high priest Jeh nada for planning the death of the reigning queen, and, by force, putting the bc\ Joash on the throne? (10) What can you say front this history in favor of the possibility of right environment overcoming in a child the worst kind of heredity? (This question must be answered in writing by the club.) (11.) What can you say for, or aga'ust, private.cn z n* carrying fire arms? (lti.) Verses 13 115 ? How did Ahali and Jezeltel, t'o father and mother of Athalia, die? (13.) What are the chances that those who practice violence will themselves receive violent treatment? (14.) Why, as a rule, is it im. poesible for us to get from others any different kind of treatment to ih-.t w hich we give them? (15.) Vjsrae 17?What are the chances for national success when both rulers and the people are serving the Lord? (Iff.) What is the probability for national greatness when the rulers and the people are corrupt? (17.) Verse 18?What relation does the success of a people bear to their religion?. (18.) How many centuries will the prosperity of thia country continue, if we foraake the pr cepta of Jaaua Christ? (19.) Veraea 19 20?Why ia it impossible for a really happy people to be turbulent ami revolutionary? (20.) What ia tfrff relation of the present day Christian church to the prosperity of the masses? Lesson for Sunday, April 23rd, 1911. -Joaah Repairs the Temple. 2 Kings xi:21?xii:16. When a dadicine must be given to yong childreitat should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is made from loak sugar, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor | sifhTnrr-tomaple Vjyrup, making it pleasant to taONltVas no superior for colds, croup siiiliTViii|iiuy liVlgfti flTT sale by all dealers. \ CHICHESTER SPILLS CKAMONdx/Q^^ BRAND Ool? metallic bom, Mated 4u flw(0) Ribbon. Tm no onu. M* EOLTBYALL DRJ66ISTS 35?, EVERYWHERE JSS3 * ; y G3&& '". WW" ECZEMA CURED. Pimple Disappear, Complexion Cta e1 Specials fo 12Jc indian linon or 40 inch lawn 10c; school turnouts all colors 4fcc; 600 yai 10c lace 5c. CASH I sell for cash, trade with me. 41. z.' E( ' $ sa : ?p ' - \ ^ i r a JUST . , 3 Kheumqade e* Rktnaatloi >md Blood DImw oi The cause of rheumatism la ^access ine uric acid In the blood. To curn-' rheumatlsm this acid must be expelled from the system. Rheumatism Is An Interlu nal disease and requires an Internal ion remedy. Rubbing with oUa and lint? ^ meats may ease the pain. IJut they will no more cure rhenmatlub than paint la, will change the flbdr ofsotten wood, na, Cares Kkeumatlim 'B6 Stay Cared. Science has dlscbvesCd a perfect and s' complete cure calldd /Iheumacide. Testta ed In hundreds of cases. It has effected jr- marvelous cures. /Rheumaclde removes _.i the cause, gets Af the Joints from the 1,u Inside, sweeps tM> poisons out of the >K- system, tones unfthe stomach, regulates of the bowels and Kidneys. Sold by drug h gists at 60c. ana H; in the tablet form fn. . at 25c. and bOcT by mall. Booklet free, of Bobbltt Ctemlcal Co.. Baltimore, Md. ig8 Gets At The Joists From The Inside. -knoBIST LIDATED LE f/KITEjl CO., INC. < 5, T111/.STEE \ND / TYPEWRITER AGENCY'^ it^rs, SuppLes and furniture geste,! writ** us at once as these triune le stock is disposed of E5 1 No 8 Underwood, long carriage 53 75 1 No 6 Remington, rebuilt 47 50 1 No 7 Remington, rebuilt 49 25 ? 1 No 1 Victor, (elite) 82 50 S 2Nol Victors (pica) i 85 00 1 No 2 Victors (elite) 70 00 S; 1 No 2 Victor (pica) 75 00 -nJ 1 XIrt O l*.t V o, IU\ Altf 6m * IVMJiO \piva; O-I uw b, consisting of dictating, transcrihing and iers Regular price $210, our price $182.50 r price $210, our price $190. $1 and 70c paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. ipon repuest. Terms?Express COD on once from J. RAMOS , NGTON, N. C. Box 54 Little Store >en reaching us almost wear/ we are sure we want and remember u lifttle on each yard urclmsed means more \mdney for vJf* inspection, you will find them own, whifis. velvets, cravenetts and ooze d and/the uifderprices on every pair will ins tie whole lamilfv all ages remembered rl This We^k. the best 7c ca'icos 6c; cheese cloth for p 6Jc apron checks, unmatchablh Be 1 7J to ECONOMY it is economical to i " , ' * f ' 3rERTON i *4 : WBRPEPV. -iilt rifV, -! _ ??? -?Bg-"g^? Wi\m 1M Dililj ' ' ?. lil ililiLiLl Mill Ili^^^KnWSJ^ - JJa.?: -1.R ft| I? Eaadjr laid ? can tt laid righrover wood shingles if necessary ? FuSLlMf Storn^fcroc ?Last as long as the building and never B need repairs. For turt&er detailed information apply to ? M. f. jpUCK, Lou^urg, NX- - comd Jnsed" statement THE CITIZENS BANK henderson n. c. RESOI'KfcES ' * i ii pit TTTP4? teSud U V ?5Se lU lS Capital stock'paid in >100.000.00 N C4 per cent bonds . \ 2? BOO,00 f)uurpli'!| a"^n^i?fUs ?047 60 Bankin^dh^8eSfur and fix \1< 732 73 Caahiera checks outstanding 2,140.12 Inauran^e TLrtm?nt \ 8^15 Certified checks 403.00 ^8.Uh on handsPaauTTn other ^ Accrued interest due depos's. 274.60 banks 12 X7.95 ^posits 66,336,39 Total >78 ,87^0 Total >784.876.4> -A.N" HOISTORASLE HISTORY Eor 22 years the Citizens Ban ot Henderson, has ministered to the wants of cltents, through good iimes and through harlHtimes, doing its best always to ?. render substantian and efficient service. Its reputation of solidity and progreasivenesshas attracted a powerfi I clientele. ItVill keep on growing bigger and stronger, under the policies whi :h have brought iK to its present position. wwtpwtwwvw ptyyffvtgiftyytiftt'iii'if'iwg gww ' 4 > F"i ret M atinno I I ihviuiiqi \ BANK OXFORD, N C Capital ';L ... . i $100,000.00 Surplus and ProtitB , ,... . ,.. 80,000.00 Deposits \ 600,000.00 < We want to do some b isiness with, the good people of Franklin County. Wo pay 4 per cen interest on rime deposits. Write or call on r as for any information. Noti se oar large capital and surplus. W. H. yUNT, Ck^hier You ard Invited to atten^ne * OPENING /SALE OF / 5 and 10 Cents Store < Friday, Mar?jiy17th at 10 a. m. Great many special values. I 'An going to have a crowd and the big things will naturally go tirstJ t>on't forget the date and hour you will find me on the corner next tfcphe TIMES office. J. H.y JCjHNSON ; ftatrpnize Yoar HoW Industries To every man who uses a buggy. It/wVl be greatly to your interest to see me before you buy a buggy. I am prec?re1 ' -l " . '> . M s ' ' ' % if ? " " ?'