*1 Professional Card -v? J^R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, Surgeon Dentist, Once in Ford Building, Main and > uh street. Louie bur*, N. C. Hours: 9 to 4:80. Phone No. 40. j^R. H. A. NEWELL, PHYSICIAN / Louis burg. N. C. Phdne No. 166 pRANKLINTON HOTEL 7 Franklinton. N. (I t R. A. Speed, Proprietor. Good Ltverv in connection JJK. C. H. BANKS / nKNTAT. HfTItflJnN Iv.uisbiyg, N.lc. _ Office in Hicks Building, Main Street. p H. COOKE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,. joulaborg, N.IC. " Over hooper A Pleasants 13 to re. Prompt attention give l all legal business entrusted to me |JR. J. E. ] IALONB J PHYS CIAN and tjURGEON joalsbark, fl. Office in rear >f Beaslev-Alston Drug Store - JJR. S. P. BORT I PHYi [CIAN and CSURGEON LouisburgJN. C. Office over*P. S. A KJK. Allen's Store JJR. "R. I YARBOROUGH PHI IP-IAN aofl SU RGEON LouisbuK. N. C. Office in Y rborougmA Bickett building. Night calls nswered f.om T. W. Bickett e residence, p one 74. I g B. Mi 3SENB1JRG A frORXfY AT LA ?Y I LouiaJhrg, N. C. Will practicain all the courts ot the State Offiip in Brerton Building ^M. HAIWCJD RUFFIN atvoAvbt at law Lmsbnrg, N. C. Will practice IB Rll court-s of Franklin and adjoining coUmpm qIho in the Supreme (Jonrt and in rH United States District and Circuit Court, ftjfflce over First National Bauk. rjl B. WILD ft att >InEY at law ll uBburg, n. C. Office on Mai Btfteet in Cooper building. gPRUILL AT bAdEN artt)rnftys at law I^ouisfaLrg. n. c. Will attend t.f|e couks of . ranklin, Vunee. flrAnvtlle. Warre< aid counties, also the Supreme * Cout m ortti Carolina Prompt attention giwn to collectioua ttl** in Spruill building. 1 T. W. Bickett, 1 R; B. Wldte Louiaburg, N. C. 1 Fraijklinton. \. "J^ICKETT A. WHIT^ LAwtiRS Louis burgl N. .' . The settlement o? eeUttetuor/executors, Administrators and Oaardins is made a specialty, an'* *>e bonds reqxlrdii by liiw t nn be secured in ne office. | F , Office in Yarborough AlBickeM li'ulldiug Main street 11 M. PERSON A ATTORNRY AJ IA \\ Louisburg. fj. (1 Practice in all courts Oflfte Ai Main Street 11. Y^RBOROIJOW, Jr.\ ATTORNEY Louisburg.l^. Sf \ All legal basiness intrus#d ?o ni receive Bromot attention, office itd Egerton uilding. P. HOC, K CONTRACTOR J d BUI LI ER fiOiushurja N. C. Trading atcnt for all kndn of bunding supplies. artistic MantW Aid Tiles. Architectural deeignwsnruuittel. DR FIORD DENTIST. , - Franklintcm. N. C., Joseph Yarborough m a k atA T lAilAlit In A. T.rtfeal Builuing I am prepared to dJ your pressing, cleaning and tailoring at Terr reasonable rates. All worlf gnaranteen. Give me a trial and 1 wUf please you. . PbolfeNo. 159 /. , ' SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson 111.?Second Quarter, For April 16, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. T?rt *f the Lwion, John xx, 1-18. Memory Verses, 15, 16?Golden Text, Luke xxfv, 34?Commentary rap a rod by Rev. D. M. Stearns. We have the choice thla week of a lesson on Jonah, the boy king, or a resurrection lesson, and as next week we shall have another lesson on Joash we choose the Easter lesson for this "week. The "resurrection of Jesus from the dead Is In many respects the greatest topic In the Scriptures, for If Christ be not risen preaching Is vain, faith Is vain, there Is no forgiveness of sins, and no one Is saved (1 Cor. xv, 14, 17, 18). Hls great atonement Includes His perfect life In a mortal body, His death in our stead bearing our sins, His resurrection from the dead, all of which may be Included In the saying, '"The precious blood of Christ" (I Pet i, 10). At present as our great high priest He Is at the right hand of God, for Us, and He will come again to receive HIb body, the church, and to set up His kingdom of peace and righteousness on this earth. That the Messiah of Israel, the great King, should be a man was plainly foretold In Gen. Ul, 15; xxll, 18; Deut xvlll, 18; Isa. lx. 6, 7, nnd many other places. That He should be a man risen from the dead, an Immortal man, wns also foretold In Gen. Ill, 1S1 H" Sam. vll. 13. 16: Isa. lx. 7: 1111. 10. 11: Ps. xvi. 10.; xxli, 22, 27. 28, and elsewhere, and forshadowed In Isaac, and Joseph and Jonah as well as In the two birds of Lev. xiv and the two goats of Lev. xvl. When lie was on earth In His humiliation He repeatedly foretold His death and resurrection in such passages as John 11, 19-21; Matt xll, 40; xvi, 4, 21; xvli, 23; xx, 19; xxvi, 04, and yet even His own disciples did not receive it for In verse 9 of our lesson we read that even Peter and John "knew not the Scripture that He must rise again from the dead." He said to the two with whom He walked to Em ma us, who were so cast down because of His death, and so disappointed because He had not redeemed Israel, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken." He also said to the disciples in the upper room that samo evening, "All things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me" (Luke xxiv, 25. 44). He appeared at least ten timea to one or more of His disciples during those forty days between nis resurrection and ascension from Olivet, five times on the first day, and our lesson JjBlls of His first appearance, and that to Mary Magdalene (Mark xvi, 9). We do not find that Mary of Bethany was with the other women at the tomb on the resurrection morning, for she seems to have believed wbnt He had said about His death and resurrection, and she anointed Him beforehand for His burial (Matt, xxvi, 12; Mark xv, 8). The purchase of spices by the other women was an act of love, but not of faith, for had they believed that He would rise again they would not have purchased spices with which to anoint His dead body. As soon as Mary Magdalene saw that the stone was rolled away from the sepulcher she ran back to tell Peter and John, and they both ran to tne iomd. ana doiu went in, i'eter going first, and saw the linen clothes evidently as when His body had been id them, and the napkin that was about His hend wrapped together in a place by itself, and they believed that Ho was risen and went away again unto their own home. Mary, having^ returned to the tomb, remained and waft ao latent upon finding the body of her Lord that she had no eyes even for angels, and when Jesus Himself spoke to her she supposed Him to be the gardener, so blinding is unbelieving grief. Not until He called her by name did, she recognize Him. One of the precious words of the Spirit to my soul Is found in Isa. xliil, 1, "Fear not, for I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by thy name: thou art mine." How wondrously gracious of our Lord to appear to Mary and speak to her while on His way to His Father (verse 17), and how wondrous His words to her, and through her to us, "My Father and your Father, my God and your God." If we would only believe fully that Ho has made us one with Himself, a part of Himself, children of God and Joint heirs with Himself, it does seem as 11 uui lives HUUIU uwiurv luai Jesus lives. Note the words with which He erected the disciples that evening and nlso a week later, "Peace be unto you", (verses 10, 31, 28), and remember John xlv, 27; Jer. xxti. 11. See nim asking them to handle Him and to thrust the hand Into His side ai d see Him eating broiled flsh and honeycomb before them that they might see the reality of His resurrection body flmke xxlv, 30-43; John xx, 27). Hear His word to Thomas and to us, "Tie not ^-faithless, but believing. BlessetlNtre they that bavi not seen and yet nhve believed" (John xx, 27, 20). Then lay to heart His words to them and to us, "As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you" (verse 21), and may we be such Spirit filled believers in an that Is written that we shall In an things glorify Him. White Leyel Items. : Tbo Farmers Union is improving very ra|>i d its manv readers. Blcb Eyed Kid. "MY BLOOD IN FINE CONDITION" Every sufferer from Blood Poison should read what Mrs. O. F. Medlln, of Weldon, N. C.. says of her experience: "I was a terrible sufferer from Blood Poison. If the skin would be broken, the flesh would become Inflamed, itch and burn, and develop Into soree. Before the birth of one of my children, my whole body became fearfully swollen, and I was in & serious condition generally. I used Sirs. Joe Person's Remedy and It cured me. My blood Is In fine condition. I believe If It had not been for Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy I would have died. Its vslne is priceless.** . Away back In the days of Moses it was said, "In the blood thereof 1* th? ll*# " and never were truer words spoken. This vital fluid is tho essence of life and health, and when It becomes Impure, Impoverished or poisoned the result la debility, weakness, loss of vitality, energy and lire. Itself, without good blopd, good health is impossible. S MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEOY Is a sure specific for nil trouble^duo to impure. Impoverished and polsqged blood, such as Eczema, Old Bores, &m>fula, and the long train of atiendan^illmenta, including Indigestion, / Dyspepsia, Stomach Troubles, Nervousness, Hfceumatlsm, Catarrh. Female TrouMes. Afnd general "rundown*' conditions iiy bosfl men and women. It feeds the blood, drives out every vestige of poison, toqfearup the nervous system, Induces sounfi/nnd refreshing sleep, and brings the otlre body back to Its natural healthy ?nd!tlon. Mrs. Joe Perpn'B Remedy Is scientifically prepared yfrom purely vegetable Ingredients. It sssltlvely contains no opiate or narcotic ofjtfiy kind, no Iodide of Potassium or otheyyfnlneral?jnst a compound of helpful herbsvnature's own remedy for human Ills. As a Tonic, Alterative. Blood purifier or Nervine, It has no equal. It quickly conquers Nervous Prostratloh and Insomnia. We don't care how many doctors have snld you couldn't be cured?Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy will cure yon if you will only give It a chance. Write us for testimonials from people who expected long ago to he dead, but are living today and glad to tell how this Remedy cured them. In. cases of external trouble, inflammation. ulceration or Itching humor, our Wash shonld be used with the Remedy. For sale by druggists, or supplied direct on receipt of price, 11.00 per bottle: 6 bottles for 15.00; 1 dozen by express prepaid for $10.00, by 4, MIS. J0I REMITS IEMEDT CO.. littnH. ft, C. No reJbedJ' will deaden the pain or tik/the soreness from Cuts ahd Bruises qnicker th n Nohh's Liniment. It is antii ?ptie apd the best pain reme ly. \ One tria 1 will convince you. Noah's 1 iniment peSf trates; requires b it little rubbing. Here 8 the ProoK Mr. Edward Ryan, who has beeiWemployed at the lOld^ Dominion Iron Nand Nail Works in Richmond, Va., for abVui fifty years, makes the following: Btafkment: "While 1 working: at my trade (iron work) I *et bruised and cut frb-\ quently, and Ilfind that Noah's Llnl- < ment takes all! the soreness out and heals the would immediately. Have also used vour lemedy for rheumatism with the best results, and recommend It to anyone suffering with aches and pains." Noah** Ijnlmekt is the best remedy for Rheumatism,! Sciatica, Lame Back, ; Stiff Joints and iMuscles, Sore Throat, Colds, Strains, grains, Cuts. Bruges, Colic, Crampf, .a Neuralgia. TootHache and a in y,7 Nerve, Bone anfi t A Muscle Aches anp ^ Pains. The gerf- XaMjjLj,ff uine has Noahls Ijl Ark on o v e rjy ?IKyfZ-**package. 25 ctn. Sold by dealers In 1 liT.l medicine. Sam- t LV/'l | Ml .plo by mall tree. AJLdbJMAAMi Noah_Remedy Co., Ht llul a: h I mviituoiiu, rtu iaMMUUflUI FOlViSALE An extra lot of Rmk" Prolific Seed Corn for sa'e clieaoNfTook first1 prize in Franklinton towyvWiip last year, making 97 bushels < f ohe acre. This ( seed will be taken frt m tltie one acre. /.I. H. KSNNADY R. F. D. 8 /FranklinWa^N. C. FOR KA 'A I One horse, known ay the Bill Bailey J horse, weighVatmUt M50, age unknown ' all right In eveVw ryjiect, $75, cash, al- 1 so one horse, agevAears, seared of au tomobiles, alrighueVery other way $200 * cash, one one-h<^*e wagon cheap, 100 bushels danmgafl corn GAcents per bushel, makes gogg feed whenNrrourid with oats, P. A. REA.VIS. ' v ' VijV.,' / i V \vV * t*AO? Ml [ \ RWISTC That there, is more Analysis is proven concli obtained every year fron They are made frqm ex] [ actual field experiments k * requires, and not\fj/ formulating. iX Every inrredifent h selected for its punt f? work to do at the propel plant fertilized with RO regular from sprouting I Ask Vour dealer fei see that/the trade-marl When you see this "? H you are getting the g I ROYSTER FUh FertOu I F. S. ROYSTER GU, / *7 R FACTORIES ANp S> B | NORFOLK. VA. TARBORO. ? l\ J BALTIMORK. UD. MACON, S, . * ' ' ' COLUMBUS. OA. ) . - ' Horses < Just received^ fresh car o: Sound and ' * \ i l I* I have now on handjfifty head for nexti week/ Come and s leave an order as I am going West January twenty-eighth to bi it dont suit, and even if the pricejdon'tj suit, dcm't take it. I cash, however will take a note. / Just received a car load of i full stock of harness. Yoi \ K P. \ If you need a horse or mule for God's sake \ there may be a chance for me to make a lit \ NOTICE. Having qusijfl^d as ySministaator of Ellen DentonXdecea^d, this is to no- ??????? tify all personsNhotdjng'claims against said estate tapf>rd$e6t .them to the undersigned 000' and ter nore shoes than jfu dsn shake a stick For information in fu it, going way dowp ln\ price. I bare wo many different articles to mention _ _ o come on andgT^ R. p. TAYLOR J. p/wiNJ^ON . mm *" .? V";: ' to a Fertilizer than jl penance obtained bjo M < a Royaler Good* is j k! value, and has its 1 tlrne, therefore the , YS^ER goods is fed j time until harvest. j r Roy?te^\goods and J t is on Wrjj bag. j re . x . / ip you Know that 1 enuine and original || AlNO company, I kLES OFFICES: / 'A U-C COLUMBIA. >. c. 'x fjm A PARTANBURC. S. C. \.'fh MONTOOMERY. ALA. 'A ," . *" f* & Mules / f young mules and horse / / Weff Broke L Bfe\ them next week and if you don't find what you want lALOO head, and will buy you just what you want and if wiU take all the risk and sell on time, but rather have the ivagons and buggies and a miLl t don't buy until I can yhisper to you ;tle and you save a little} N* The L^te) n H. VWaddell of Louisburg 1 .7 "Took om a poluBy in \ 1 Life jpuranke Company ew / yorV ber 1909 and /aid one premium of $82^0. ( n August 10, roug me pan the claim amouctidg to Jk016,S5, being face i months dyfiden 1 $16,36. , \ ill regarding the Mutual Life Policio?\ ae or write DISTRICT I A?icKnpii N f AGENT / LUUISUUrg, 11' V, a* ye'h'w^'>"ik> >"?<'