* * if ' ' * * A Continental Chorus of Praise It is doubtful if anv ' Bible study |>lau ever received bucIi enthusiastic endorsation by the leading men of | the nationa as the "Snggesiive Questions on the Sunday School' Reasons" now running iu the Frank- j i.in Times. University president*, j leading Sunday school men, pastors ! of large city chutclies, as well as of I smaller places, and the rank and tile 1 of the churches praise these questions to the skies. It is hard to make a selection from so many hundreds of testimonials, but here aie a few _ with ii mini?at?two milled; frnm each: President Hadlev, Vale Univer sitv: "They are certainly calculated to stimulate thought." Rev. Wayland Hoyt, Professor of Religion and Science, Temple University: "I think your questions suggestive and valuable." Vice-President Gobin, D e p a u w University: "I am very mack pleased with your questions. I will see what I can do ttT have them published lie re 7" President llurwaah, Victoria University: "I have read with great interest vour Questions. Your method of dealing with the subject slrikes'me as most excellent" Principal Gordon, Queen's University ' The method adopted by you of issu ing questions for the use of Bible Classes is a good one; I have tested its value in my own experience." Rev. Newell D wight Hillis, Pastor I^ymouth Charch, Brooklyn, N. Y.: Your questions are suggestive and calculated to provoke thought and investigation" Bt. Rev. Bishop Fallows: "I hope you will continue to give them to the church and the world." Rev. Dr. Schaufber Chairman International Lesson Committee: "I have read your questions and find them most cap^ ital." Rev. Dr. Arbuckle, M. E. Pastor, Columbus, Ohio: "Your In ternational Press Bible Question Club is a happy thought." We urge all our readers to take up the study of these questions and compete for the prizes. One big prize you are sure to get in auy i event. You will need the Frank, ii lis Ti?gs to get the questlot-s and I coupon.'Subscribe todav. Cot Out sad Send to this Office. . Send the I rankun Times from j I now to 19 the j close of the Bible Question Club s Contest, for the price of SI.oO enclosed. Count me a member of the Local Club i . i 1 Name j | Address JJ1 * I r < ALL WRONG. I i The Mistake is Made by Many j Louisburg Citizens. Don't mistake the dause of head- j aclie. To be cured yon 11 usl know the cause. It is wrong to irr igine relief ia cure. * , ; ' Backache is kidne; ache. Vou must cure ttie kidneys. A resident ff this vicimty shows you how. \ / Eugene Tl?rne, Adams Aye., Henderson^TSV say* "I used Doan's Kidney \PHJs a oh must say thaVlhey have\ bee fiitled me more than abjr other rkma y /1 ever tried. For years'*! had aidr syj trouble and I suffered ahnostt oistantly from backache andN. 4ii .rissmg pains ii 111 y iuiiio. uuiimmaiB i wan nurci- j lv able to 8taDd for ulre than twenty minutes at a tim< pod I rarely | got a full night's res >11 wok several j kinds of medicine Sod afSo wore I piasters, but X fo ind no relief > mr Dean's Kidney l'il s were finaHjJ ' recommended to me and getting a f box. I began their ase. They removed my aches and] pains and restored me to better] health than I ? , bad enjoyed for years. Some years ' -ago I publicly endorsed Doan's Kidney 1'iUf and at this time I am glad to speak\i\ their praise tgain. The benefit I reoeived has been listing." Vor sale by pll dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New York, sole agents for the United , States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. ti mm* and blasting powder at L \ . w' "* MEAL ME To The People Good Water Grc We wish to say t liar we have cW>rough'} being new froui the water wheel uK ^ No mutter how big- j run ^riml it for \ mi i not keep vou waitin If you want sure enough home made wa when y#u come to town and let us show No "Ne< ALLEN E 'PHON / Anything You Wa Dinar or BRANTLE * >w A AA ITI ITI iTI A i?41?4 (!< 0" In easel of rheumatfcm relief from >ain rra'e obtainte^vl)y applying >erlain's Liniment. Fcr sale bv Chamill dealers. -ALE <>F ^ALUABLfc STANDING TIMBERS. Pursuant to authority contained in in order made by the Superior Cou-t n that ex pprte proceeding entitled R. S- Coppedae and others the undernamed commissioner, will, on the first lay of May. 19% 1. it being first Monday f said month, AfTer for sale at public iuciion to the mighest bidder at the :ourt*tvpuse dodr in Louiaburg. upon the term* and \conditions hereinafter I ?et out, the^fqUoving standing timber, j with the usuar^mghts and priveleges incidental to timbP^^pveyances, viz: I Ah the standinglimbdiWNQf and above eight inches at tnA stumpNaken cut | upon the tract of laad describedas>fn! j lows: That tract d| land owned O^f W B. Coppedge, De^d at the time of i his death and boundeAon the North by I Major Creek more, on Che East by Joe Privett and John Privett on the South by May Brothers, and o\ the West by Joe Spivey and Mrs. Patt^e Moses containing about 220 acres in the whole tract. The standing timber thereon hereby offered for sale embraces about i?>i anps. The time in which sainTImbers sha 1 be cut and removed is three years from and after date of this sale. Terms of sale, cash. This April 1st, 1911. B. T. Holden, Commissioner. SALE OF LAND * By virtue of the authority granted in deed of trust executed pebruarv 27th, 1902, by Joseph Kvans ind wife Mfffle Evans to F. >. ifpruill, trustee, which is of record in Franklin bounty registry, book 116 at page 1001 default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, -the- undersigned will, on the first day of May, 1911, sell at public auction to the Highest bidder for cash at the court houie ed, ant?ug his heirs at law, and in J C WhelessNine, thence s2 w 93 poles to a stake ahd br No 4 in J. C. Whelesa's line/lhwnce i 2 e 93 poles to the beginning, and con aining 34} acres more or leas according ko snryey of W N. Fuller, and being the tract of land alloted to Marie Evans by a degree of the Superior Court in case of Coppedgevs Coppedge. This the 1st day of April, 1911. F. S. Spruill, Trustee. Spruill & H i.den, Att'ys. Florida and Northern cabbage, nine a^bann*,orange. and apples at L New cuUtggVngs at L P Hick. Fish poles, gill nets and reins at L P Hie|a. Coal tar for theNcorn planter at L P Hicks. 1 r' .. \ ? V , . "P ' ' ' ?' :"Kl meal) have yol I ' ' . sVho Appreciate; CI L >t nd Corn Meal, j I r r modeled our water mill, every part Ve lave % capacity of "HH) bushels a day.* * * |r ' iNjurn you bring we ." \ I II U H^W llllliuies HI1U - : " ^7 g-l ~ We Have JustOpL ter glound meal bring" i'our corn along: you what we can do for A I ir \Meal" \x ! lCV JF|OS CO- bought espe: ] THE pr ip IE 100$1-00 to vA ^ we Consider this by fLi Millinery. Come in/a \ A. , ' can get ex mt\ For ^eakfast A Pretty Line of Ladies and/ I \ - X. Childrens I SiipD3 r OXFORDS \ a" leathers and at a price that is as j \ low as Sho-Xuff leather shoes can be I \ sold. We guarantee every pair. Ask ' to see our line of 1'ndermuslins. X YOURS Y HICKS HAMHI FR I a7? 1T4 ?T< ?T< ?T? ?!4 >7? ?7? *?? ?T? ? m I W ftv BB I I #'^3M OUR FIRS^xCCIN If Your Success Means JT_|JWU L\ GooD FER-TILIZER.S MEIN lflrnmusd&2\ CKo?'5 MEAN-5 BIG DEMAND J NE I I \ Nothing but th richest materials especially alaptec I an<1 Corn, goes into the making of out Brar r:' IHfe:^ ^ fv;'.-, . w- ., ? ^ _ ; tv*tfc '* - ' 'Z* . '- /> ' "?' '.' < ' . . ' ' 'i?> ' 'irS-' ; ' ?%; , - f. - I* , l~% _ ?. j , t J BOUGHT YOUR ij R - HAT ^ncd a New Lot of Pretty j 1 ^Shapes.:. ~~ j :ClA.LY FOR EASTER ES RANGE FROM- ' | $j^0 Each l* the best offering we. have made in nd make.your selection while you actly what you desire. ? Parasols For Easter v We are showing a beautiful line of , parasols in all the new colors in Pangee / Y\\ Linen and Messalinc Silk. Prices 3 / * V\ rangipg from 75c to $4.50 Each i? I TO SERVE I GROWELL CO*, " ' % Mil |. in | ?