, 1 1 FRANKLIN TIMESj i F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager tltJ J-. 'I- , ?_ , "I' ? i CHE TEAR, ; - - *1.00 I ptx Xl'XTUi, r ' ^ Vhrrh uosixiK!. * Friday. April 7, 1911. if._ The Chicago packers arc making a vigorous fight against the antitrust law on the ground that it is unconstitutional. The Republican graft gang of | Boss Cox "goes to smash" is the news from Cincinnati, and the reform wave has only half run its course. The total cash reserves of all the National Banks average 21.07 per cent. They bold $1,434209,545, or *95,004,495 above the legal require-! mem. *' President Taft is now reported j to have confided to the stalw art Sen- j ^ ators that the army "maneuvers" wae "primarily a political one as re gardg Mexico." What? The Smithsonian Institute reports that it is to embark in the j weather predicting business. Well, r it can't do much worse than the | weather bureau has averaged. Nevada has made divorce so easy I tbat Reno hotels and boarding I houses cannot accommodate the | crowd that is intent on casting off the old love preparatory to taking | on the new. The iron and steel trade is ac-! counted the barometer of business.! The steel trust has 72 per cent, ot j its blast furnaces active, which is a gain of 12 per cent over last month, bo we may conclude the business in other lines is improving. ~ TnE difficult problem in~enacting j a tariff for revenue is to find the | " rate of duty that will produce the; most revenue and at the same time biing about enough competition , from abroad to prevent ^exorbitant1 prices at home. . , Vs. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals has granted a permanent j ~ injunction restraining the corporation commission of Oklahoma from enforcing the 2-cent passenger rate on the seven railroads in that state on the ground that the rate is confiscatory. Don't forget tbat the high coal -ot! living and other troubles of like na- | ture can rightfully be blamed on the , Republican party until the Democrats hare had time to reform the J tariff and cut down expenses, which they will do if a Republican Senate and a Republican President do not stand in the way. T. R. has fired another shot at i the macky-rakiDg magazines, but he distinguishes between those that have done "a splendid public service" and others which he terms "Ananias tnuckrakers.'' The Colonel is warming up again as though j he might bean independent candidate tor president. _________ The Lorimer case is not yet set- J tied, as far as the fact of the use of I money in his election as Senator from Illinois is concerned; for H. Ha Kohlsaat, publisher of the Chicago Record-Herald, told the State Senate Investigating Committee that "he knew $10,000 had oeen used" to, procure the election of Lonmer." He refused to give the committee the source of his information which he declared would violate a confidence. ' American shoe manufacturers do not tear the threatened competition ot English shoe manufacturers.-They declare that '"the English shoe manufacturers would find it very hard ' . to compete with na aftes. paying the 4 10 per cent tariff duty." It is evident, therefore, that the doty on hoes is just where it should be, for it allows limited competition, and will thus in t\me tend te keep down ? spy attempt t^increaae the prices bmr. It is, therefore, s test of what is called a tariff fox revenue. " ' * ? t < NoiutiN Lewis, the murderer of c'hief Stallings, will be electrocuted on May 14th. | Go out to the Opera House tonight pp.j son the ' Union Station just for a day,'1 , i An electi??ii hat* heeu culled f"P a < bond issue in Lnuishurg township \ for gboil roads. Conc.kkss convened Tuesday and the legislative mills are getting in ' shape for griud'ng. Helpless As a Baby. Valley Heights, Va.?Mrs. Jennie I B. Kirby, in a letter from this place,'; says: ''I was sick in beil for nine [; months, with womanly troubles. Ij; was so weak and helpless, at times,! that I could not raise my head off i the pillow. I commenced to rtake I | Cardui, and I saw it was helping me,|! at once. Now, I can work all day.' !, As a tonic, for weak women, ppthinc ! has been found, for fifty years, tlu.t ' would take the place of Capdui. It \ will surely do you good. Catdui is 1 prepared from vegetable mgreoients,J* and has a specific, curative effect on ! the womanly organs. Try a bottle i J today. At your druggist's. Good woman try and hit the nail 11 aimed at and not the one on your ^ thumb. . | J Lame Shoulder is nearly alwaj s due / to rheumatism of the muscles, and C quickly yields to the free application [1 of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale ; s by all dealers. ? _ A Announcement. Since toe organization of the Bunn I Drug Co., this is to inform the peo- J pie of Bunn and vicinity that the 1 roads in Louisbnrg 1 township, Frank in county ratified the 7th day of M2rc , 1911. and upon the J request of the B> ard of Road Trustees J of Louisburg ton iship, represented by W. H. Allen and C. B. Cheatham, con>? j mittee. The boa-d 'of commissioners k f,.-m * 1 LK_ J ? I 1 ' .. vnc cv/uinjr UliriOllMUJ uo ucreuv 1 31 order an election 4p be held on w etl- P nesday, the 10th rnOMZl.'Q -.ivio.asia CROUPBSS Mas- I rnfs mil plnsrlnffnTmr IVr 'Our baby cries for Chamberlain's | I'ough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. i K end rick, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the Ijpst j Tough remedy on the market for coughs, | :old* and croup." For pale by all deal?rs. SALE OF LAN!) FOR TAXES. Nuiltt' k li'-'l^bf eivpD thut ()u Moudav tbn 1st ilny TiT Wivy tPil, at 12 oVIwk M., lit the CtiUtl llou?e door in Frankliu I'ouuty. iu the town of Louirtbun: I will well tit publ r auction lor cash, to the highest hidd*-r. lauda named below to satisfy the tiisen r maining unpaid thereon, as provided in chapter So'" Laws of 901, amendments th retu ami hIho by special act of General \a~uihl.v of mil. H. B. 17?>7 8. 11. 775. ratified 7th. day of March 1911 The ownets ic the b> "Ik or the persons in whose names they are lifte?i. the towiiahipN in which they ire located, the I ud> to be sold, the taxes liud coats reuinitiiuic unpaid thereon are us follows; ' UNNa TOWNSHIP. Buon. J It. 3 lots ilunu $ 3 09 I'ru lup. Zeb 1 acre Gith 4.48 Harris, Ge rge 2 lots Bunn 1.63 Mui'iu. K. \1. 134 acres Or,-Cr. 12.83 *piith, Jun es 5 lots Bunn 9.80 !*hearrin. J. T. 100 a of May land 7.72 binders, William 27 or res 2.92 HARRIS TOWNSHIP 'lifto'u P l? 140 a Big Branch 7.51 Kreenran. W T. 15'a Tarboro road Freeman, W. T. 85 a Ta'boro road 4.09 Freeman. H. F. 180 a Crooked Cr 9 98 Hunter. Miss Lucy A 45a ? rooked t'r. 3.03 A lleles*, Cbae and Joe 100 a Freeman 515 VotmgiMisH UepM-v 174 a Little It 12.56 ? X(?V1LLE TOWNSHIP ditchell. Sol nud George 1-3 a near Youugsvme 2.92 iced. J \Y. 1-4 a near Youngsrill- 5.33 itiehardson Vietdria. I-8 ucr * iieuc Youngsvide - 2.37 tquires, .Li?i r? 14 a S. Youngsvillc 1.77 Fit AN K LINT" >N TO VVN8HI P. lolden. Ance 1 town lot long'town 3.91 Jeffreys Louvina 1 towru lot long towu 1.99 loysec Mittie 2 town lots long town 3.53 ^owery. H. S. 1 town lot store Lowery, H. S 1 town loLdwelliug 33.64 Very, James 1 town lot 7.63 'erson. Uichard Eat., I town lot 3.53 farboro, Isaac 1 town lot 7.27 wBK,?aa. all. aCITB O-OI icKuight. J. 8. 50 acres 10 01 HAYESVILLE TOWNSHIP.' Linton. Ben 0 12 acres Perry 2.44 lill, J oe 25 acres .Mayo 2 47 lunt, Mary L. 42 1-2 acres Mill Tr. 4.38 Vheeier, Roland 20 acme gin house 0.40 SANDY CREEK llston AnDi? 25 acres I. glass 2.28 .oyd, E. G. 32 3 4 acres Bear Swamp 8.08 CEDAR ROCK TOWNSHIP lattle. W. F.114 a Cedar Rock 7.82 'low, D C 50 acres Peach Tree 3.13 iuptou. J. D. 13 a Sliding Rock 4,40 ' iriffin, H. K. 33 1 2 acres Red Bad 2.30 , obneon. Lizzie 30 1 2 acres Ran8i.all Place ~ 2.81" 1 lurphy. Mrs. Parker 50 a Rocky Br. 3.05 'errjr A Yarboro 27 a Little Creek 2.30 ' tester. Mrs. Cairie S. 50 a Raleigh Road 4.45 Vlie!-?B. Charhy 15 a Bear Branch Vhelei.8 Charity 15 8a Bear Branch 1.97 GOLD MINE TOWNSHJP ' lunton. Mis* C II. 70 a Saudy Creek 4.01 rapton, Mins M. K. 8n Sandy Creek 1.04 'arrisb, Mrs. W. I. 100 a Sandy Crt-es 5 15 1 'arrisb Heirs 34 a Shoceo Creek "2.52 k'ood, J. D. 15 acres B. I)ara 1.90 CYPRESS CREEK TOWNSHIP 'enton. Mrs. M. 204 acres home 10.99 , ledge. J. M. 1.40 acres U. Harris 0.95 'odd Mrs. SnratT40 acres Gay 2.84 1 Irodie, J. J 50 acres home 4.07 LQCISBCRO TOWNSHIP rrfogton. Mrs. A.L. Est.,39 acres borne 10 a Nash Road 44 40 a Little C*. 17.20 ooDe, Louis 1 lot Main street 9.13 havis, Sherman 1 a Sims R ud 1.58 loneton, Mary Est., 1 lot Mineral Spring " 4.14 'avis, Wash ngton 1 lot Kenmore Ave. 8.90 avis, June 1 jot Mine-al Spring 9.05 lllingtoo, Mrs. M. F. 87 1-2 a Sims Read 10.41 Igerton. Amos 1 lot Keumore Ave , 0-.58 'oote, Thomas 1-2 a Warren ton rd. 3.10 , " Joe 1 acre 44 " 5.00 iuptou, Mrs. J. F. 125 1-2 a Cohbs X Roads 9.02 r?een. Austin 1 lot Mineral Spring 0 00 Ireen, John 1 lot sl-tb town X 44 44 1 lot home 44 * 1 lot Mineral Spring 9.47 . (arris, Sam A. 1 lot. Tarboro road 44 **?1 lot Main street 23.71 luyes, Caswell 0 1-4A. D. Lewis 8.45 lazlewood. Johu 1 lot near r. r. 3.53 (azlewood. Hence Sr. 1 lot Newport road balance 10.23 | oodboo, Andrew 'J ? >varrenton rd. 4.14 ' iearney. Sim 1 lot Eyerton 5.93 lurtin, Sarab Est., 1 lot 8.40 1 err*, Do' oth; 1 lot leaden^ 6.98 , erry, B chard 1 lot Academy 1 lot Eox Swuiup 16.44 lidley, Henry 1 lor Halifax road 4.74 mi> h, Mr*. E. B. Eat. llot Ceder St. 18 34 'iltiame. Badly 1 2 it Frunklinton rd 6.29 niliairs. Qua 1 lot Halifax roud 1909 and 1910 28.08 arboiooch, A. L. 37 a Joe Branch 10.49 h. c. Kearney, Sheriff. ,prii let 1911. . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as xecutor of D. C. Strickland, late of 'ranklin county, North Carolina, this 9 to notify all persons holding claims gainst the estate of the said decedent o exhibit the same to the undersigned in or before the 31st day of March, 912, or this notice will be plead in bar if their recovery. Ail persons indebted o the said estate will please makeimmdiate payment: This 31st day of March, 1911. G. A. Strickland, Sxecutor of D. C. Strickland, dee'd. Address Raleigh, X. C. W. H. Yarhoroucu, Jr. Att'y. a N< >TICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. IV. Duke, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to me on or before March 31st, 1912 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will come forward 'immediately and make settlement. This March 31st, 1911 Mrs. Octavia Duke, Admrx. ADMINISTRATRIX S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix upon the estate of George ,T. Dew, late of franklin county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of the said decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of March, 1912, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 31st day of March, 1011. J / Lula B. Daw. Admr'x of Geo. J. Dew, deceased. W. H. Yahbobouuh, J^Att'y, .4 \ __ ^fc^iiiiiitfiiiiiii ii in Nil A. Farmers and M * I A hnnW n/icnunt ?<-?? ??i? -:? ' * ?w win} goes yuu a saie place 10 Keep your mo check you draw is a legal reeei Mpke Our Bank Your Bank. We pay liberal interest cons THE FARMERS AND LOUISBUPG, OFFICEP C. B. Cheatham, Pres. F. N. Egerton, Vi M. S. Clifton, Assist UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE ? '? * | 1 THE AYCOCK ^ Submits the T Q,uesti< T And Ans Which will be beneficial to the pi will follow our suggest! Bring us your prescription to fi lcav? your prescriptions with us 9 your prescriptions tilled elsewhe i Why, Be ^ G. L. Aycock and Sam Boddie ar the prescription fil ing in Louis drugs and chemicals are new and ? will save you money as our pri< make it to your interest to trade lone is now occupying his new of) in the rear of our drug store, formerly occupied by W. E. Whi | AYCOCK DRUC X LOUIS SURG ROOMS RECENTLY VACATED BY Till "One nice buggy robe, black on one \Sn side and variatea colors on other with ^ yellow diamonds in each corner. Black j side slightly worn. Finder return to mc and receive reward. \\\\ W. F. Beasley. //km\\w%?;on\v0?^ PERSONALLY CONDUCTED ( TOUR TO THE - A Jj) ^ Pacific Coast Only machine made Lnder the Management of Rev. turew contained in no ot Wm Blank to be pumped in by ham Wm.f Black clutch,which allows mai OPERATED VIA Direct sight opening oil . __ _ _ _g~, ? . before buying, will gua SEABOARD Arrangements have just been com- THURSTON ? Dieted bv Rev. William Rlo/?lr r?i PKo*. . lotte, N. C., for the most extensive personally conducted tour ever operat c