THE HEALTH OF YOURSELF : "* AND FAMILY Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a dependable household remedy, based upon the principle of purity of hlootl insuring freedom from disease. It is a medicine for faaladies such as, Rheumatism, Liver Complaints. Constipation, Fever and Ague, Female Disor? ders, Iudigestioi , Luu*bag<>. Kidney Derangements, C itarrly! Sick and Nervous Headaches, oSs of A petite and all - ailments arising rom inactivity of the Liver and Kidney i. It is a purely H ?rbs, Barks and Roots Compound It is put up in chocolate coated tablets j. easing and easy to take, (or can be c ssolved in water.) Mrs. J. C. Me ide- of HayattsviUe, Md. soys: "For years 11 have suffered with Backaehe. Headacbes, ^Neuralgia, and Nervousness and lextreme fatigue. I tried many remeties without relief Four months ago ajgrateful friend induced me to write i> Pope Medicine Co. Washuigton, D. C., jor a box of Pope'* Herb Ojmpound Tablets, the very first dose of fWo tablets gave me relief. 1 used not Quite a Sl.OtJb x aud 1 am en-1 tire I y cured af the pain in my back and have no more\ieadache." L>r. J. V. fbwnesfy a prominent Physician and Su%oeoiiof Albany, A'. Y. in pari says: \ 4'As a Blooa Pu'rinfit U-iver. Kidney and System regulator jNfcrescribe Pope Medicine Co's of Washirvtpn, P. C. Herb Compound I havddWfor the past 20 years, and I have^vumLit to | ? be a great remedy, whicn sclcfthuif i ever fai's< There are thousands' of tcrs from users of Pope's Herbs, that have been benefitted and cured by its nrooer use. Pope's Herb Compound Tablets ere put up 200 in a Uwx, "six month's treatment," and will\be sent post-paid on receipt of $1.00. Each box contains a printed guarantee' binding us to refuna the purchase prick if the remedy fads to benefit, also fufl directions. > Guaranteed by the Pope Medicine Co., Inc., under the Pure Food and Progs AcJune SO, 1906 No. Si956. i FOR TERMS TO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY, ADDRESS POPE MEDICNE CO., INC Pope Buildiftg, Washington, D. C. More Strong Words for the Suggestive Questions on the Sunday- School Lessons The wonderful words of praise tor the I P. B. Q. C., published last week, have created widespread interest in our Local Club, so we de cided to give brief extracts from a few more letters: President Hf'L. Nave, D. D., Albany College, Oregon: "L consider youi questions intensely practical and stimulating to thought." Rev. G. A. Humphries, Pastor Presbyte nan Churcb, 1 aroaqua, ra.: -> o braise is too great to bestow upon your wisely-conceived plan and its -excellent execution. The questions are gems. Their comprehensiveness appeals to me." Grant L. Riye, Secretary, New York State Sunday School Association: "The strong feature of being suggestive is of great value; I wish every paper, whether daily, weekly, or monthly would print these questions." Rev Walter Bennett, Bradford, Pa.: "] would like to say that their exceed ing suggestive interests me. The) elevate the lesson from the minut< letter commentary to that highel and more profitable way ot takini the great spiritual ideals involved.' Rev. J. E. Squires, Centenary M. E Church, San Francisco, Cal.: "An much delighted indeed that yot have secured the insertion of these questions in the "Examiner.' I sbal gladly help in all possible ways tc encourage tbe matter, and am sur< my fellow-pastors will do the same.' Rev. E. L. Dresser, Genoa, N..Y.: "] have complimented the editor of iht 'Tribune' on having the questions in and gave the paper quite a 'send nff' ir? mvr 'v-\n 1 nlf loaf Siitulon ' ? ... , ...? """-"J Rev. D. If. Glass, Pastor M. E Church, Chelsea, Mich.: "I have a class of fifty men and find it ver) easy to arouse animated and protita ble discussion by the use of youi questions. I prize them, not alont tor their intrinsic value, but for th? training they afford one in the art of questioning." Subscribe for the Franklin Times read these questions and win a golc medal. ^ Cat Out and Stud to this OFfkc. Send the Frank lis Times from now to 19 the close of the Bible Question Club Contest, for the price of 01.50 enclosed. Count me a member of ; the Iueal Club. Nwne Address ? IHPHII.]. vmp..wmw Suggestive Questions On the Sunday School L sson by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the International Press Bible Question ' Club I Coji^njAl 1911 by Uev T S I.inrvtt. 1.1 | k ^ April 23r?i 1911. Joash Repair* i .* IViin King* xi:21? si?:lt> Golden Text?Tli'-n ?!?*- i> . e rejoiced ^for thai thex offend ?ij|. ingly. "tl'hruii, \xi\.9. (1.) Verse 21?To wimi *-xtt At ma} we trust the reiinoiiiui! ?i?*i de ductions of a bright, a tut |/moiI seven \t-ar*o< ;r*(. , np>iti uian.-rs with which he is tarni'i rr ? (2) What immediately prece-iiug events Mad led"'up to in h ?v dini* (Jehoash) being crowned King f Jixtali ? \3.) Verse 1?\Yhu was Jel.n-? (4 ) Zibiuh \v. 1? >h iKOt' cr of the buy King J--a?bt but li > ? i|?j father? \ erSeS 2.a ?1? t ! si. 1- tne llvlvN^iaile thai uJt ooash did thiit which was right in the sight of til' Luril mII bis hays," lil-ral ?,or ' toncadi correct ? (Sen '2 Cliion xxiv: 17 32.) (6.) Take two Wen, both previously good, in responsible positions of gieat temptation, both having been religiously trained, one having a vile and the other a good ancestrv; one of them late in life becomes a had man?on the law of averages wnicb is it, and why? (7.) Verses4-5?What method or rule should we adopt in giving money to the church ? (8.) What is the relative obliga tion upon a man fur keeping up his own house and the heuse of God ? (9.) Verses 6.8 ? \\ hat were the priests bidden by the king to do with the money which the people brought in, and how did they carry out their orders ? (10.) Why is it either wise or on. wise for a pastor to be the treasurer of his church ? (11.) What is your opinion as to what these priests did with the money ? (12.) Which is the right, or better place to collect money for God's cause, and w hy, at, the homes of the people or in the church ? (13.) Verse 9?If Jehoiada had gotten up a series of concerts, or lectures, or bazaars, or tea - meetings, 1 or had set the women to makioe 1 ouilts and selling them, instead ni 1 asking the people to give theii > money direct, would it or not havt > been more in keeping with God'i plans for financing His church ' and whj ? (This qaestion must bt answered in writing by members o: ' the club.) (14.) What modern plan for pay r ing money to the church, most nearb ' answers to putting it into a chest a the church door, and what is thi - advantage of the plan ? ' (15.) How many instances cat 1 you recall of dishonesty in handling ' church funds, and bow do they com pare with the number you can re ' call of dishonesty in banking anc ' other business institutions ? j (16.) Verses 11 12?Ought i church to gladly pay the regula: market value, or should it expect t< ' . j. i ..! ? ? _ I n I gei worn ana material lor less : > (17,.) Verses 13-16?Should I Christian church spend money foi i style, or for spectacular effect, or fo . anything beyond that necessary fo comfort ? > ? Lesson for Sunday, April 30th , 1911. God's Pity for the Heathen , (Foreign Missionary Lesson.) Jonal t iii:l?iv:ll f Constipation brings many ailments ii its train and is\the primary cause o much sickness. YKeep your bowel* re . gular madam, you will escape man; of t)iMUlliMqt8 Vo which women ar , subject. Coratisfttion is a very simpl thing, it may lefci>to serious conse quences. Nature ?teff**as(Jaalittl assistance and wkn CliaiiillOFfSin' Tablets are ffiven at Vie first indication much distress and suffering may b avoided. Sold by all qealers. 4% M In ? mlnut, CROUPtef:;i tMB* 4 and piling gym l>ruggnt ' - W11 - ? f.? I?lli.^lfwiwi ECZEMA (JTIRKl). 4 H0W Tii CURE RHEUMftTttM I'imple Disappear. Complexion C ear-1 it la As internal dumh And Re- , e<l C Ver Night. j qulrea An Internal Remedy* Se? York. ? Thousand* art takinR Tl"> <=*"?> ol rheumatism and kindred a..v mtagr ol tli. generous oll'cr msde ?!"""!,* aaeic^.ururleae^inth. TlfcTwoodwo th Co.. 1161 Broadway, I I? th^ ^ v is,.. * ucld must be expelled and tne System so , . Xhly r?V?VinK expen recuUted that no moro add will be; uiviita pftragt of Lernola the n?* formed In excessive quantitletRheuma- j .- v..: oiSo^Vtxv. < Inch 18 mailed free ot j tlsra Is an Internal dlseastJtind requires | t urge tonliVh ) write for it. It alone ( an internal remedy. r/bbinq with .> ?ulHcient to> ear the complexion ov- ( OUs ttnd Unlmdnts W1UL NOT CURE. , e: night and ric 0?e face of pimples in affords only teiporar/ relief at best. 1:1 lew hours. C i\the first application causes you to oelay/he proper treat[of Lernola the i chtat will Stop. It has ment. and allow^th/ malady to get a ' i cured thousand*. afttVted with eczema, firmer hold on youL Zdniroents may eae Teeters, Rash* i ltcftuigs Irritations,' the pain, but theVwlll no mora cure , Acmes, Scaling! and Crttoting of skins, Rheumatism than paint will change the ? scalps, of infant , childrelKand adults, fiber of rotten woao. It is good for th< preservauv11 and pur- Science has at rat discovered a perification of the akin, m?nlpN- hair and feet and complete ^ure. which Is called hands for the prevention of trie clog- Rheumaclde. Teattd In hundreds of cases, ging of the port* the usual eauda of I 11 ha* effected the fciost marvelous cures; l:?hw i rr . | niuiic; a mm manes /wu no" ???* v??o? > Rheumaclde strikes the root of the dls*** ??1 ease and removes Its cause. This splen. , . did remedy is sold by druggists and When you haverl eumatism in your d<?aler8 gonerally Bt ^ and n ft foot or ins'ep ly Chamluriain s i In Tablet form at 25c. and 60o. a package. Liniment and you U set c^uick relief. Wrlte to Bobbltt Chemical Co., BaltlIt cost* but a quart irV W hy suffer? more. Md. Booklet free. Tablets sent For sale by all dealei i. by mall. ' - - : CONSOLIDATED | RAMO.S .TYPEW^.!TER| Cfi., INC. C. WEEJOS, TRUSTEE c y^ND / THE JOHN 3. RjAMo.Sf TYPEWRITER AGENCY'.S I Stock of Typewriters, Supplies and Office J^uTniljure The following are spec*'*, if Sntayedied write u( at once as these pricos only last until ttaoetock ii die^osed of } Sj'^ensd!rfer TyPew^ter 1 >o 3 Unitrwood, long carriage 63 75 ( 1 Williams typewriter . /1J00 1 No 6 Refciogton, rebuilt 47 60 S 1 N? 2 Remington typewriter / f 00 x No 7 Retin|ton rebuiit 49 26 1 Wellington typewrite^ r J t5 00 y No i \ifoT, (elite) 62 60 I 1 Fox typewriter ' / "32 50 2 No i Viftor, (pica) 65 00 1 Densmore typewrit^, reWR / 37 50 l No 2 vi|?rs (^llte) 70 00 , ? **? S % 1 No 2 Victor (pic.) 75 00 < i No runderwood 7 / ; 49 M 3 No 2 Victore ^ic?> 84 50 < 1 set of Edisons boaftess phonographs, consisting of dictating, transcribing and shaving machinesJTilso 1 dozen, cylinders. Regular price $210, our price $162.50 1 set Dictaphone^; same outfit, regular price $210, our price $190. $1 and 7oc ribbons for all tpakes 60c. $3 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. Prices on office furniture quoted upon repuest. Terms?Express COD on approved bankable paper. Order at once from JOHN S. RAMOS Princess Building WILMINGTON, N. C. Box 54 J i ? iSn!T<igiigiign^ The Big Little Store1 ; New goods have been beaching us almost ' daily and if its to wear we are sure we 'f have just what you waiit .and remember ' that our saving you a flittle on each yard of cloth or article\purqhased means more ? goods for the sameSqmoney . I ' Our low cut shoes ore now ready for four nmpeetion, you will find them here in all of the newest leathet9 in town! white, Velvets, cravenetts and ooze calf. The styles are many and varied aiil the underpS^es on every pair will ' certainly interest vqu. Come early, biinglhe whole family^ll ages remembered Specials fori This WeekNv 12jc indian linon or 40 Inch lawn 10c; tie best 7c calicos 6c; cheese cloth rSs, > school turnouts all colors 4jc; 600 yarda6ic apron checks, unmatchable 6c; 7J to 10c lace 5c. I CASH IS / ECONOMY I I sell for cash, it is economical to I trade with me. / ; R- 2:. yGERTON / - - \; '.: ... CONDENSED I STATEMENT THE CITIZENS BANK HENDER^N N. C. IXOO.OOC.00 SSsr* gfig S2%''SnC!8 :::::: 7IS SSs-f rll Sffid,ouwanH other ,833f AccrugVtorestduedepos'.. 274.60 banks 121.577.fc Del 'to, \ 65,336.39 Total $734,87610 ? ?-al V $734,8.6.40 an 11onorA klk history Eor 22 years the Citizens Bank, o> Henderson, has ministered to the wants of itents, through good iimes and thrpugh hard times, doing its best always to ender substantial! and efficient sedvice. Its reputation of solidity and progresiveness has attracted a powerful clientele. It will keep on growing bigger and tronger, under the policies whiclyhave brought it to its present position. FirstxNational \BANK OXF(DRD> NO Capital ,/jfy. \ $100,000.00 Surplus and ProtitB .// .\.. \ 30,000.00 Deposits // . _ \ \ 500 non on We want to do some harness with \he good people of Franklin bounty. We pay 4 per ce/t interest on tinw deposits. Write or call on is tor any information. Notice oar large\apital and surplus. ? W. H. HUNT, ashier You ate Invittd to attend the OPENING SALE 5 and 10 Cents Store Friday, Malchi Wth^at 10 a. m. 3reat many speoial values. 1 aajRoing to have a crowd and the big hings will naturally go first. \ Djp't forget the date and hour you will ind me on the corner next tothf TIMES office. J. H. JOHNSON Mr'oijize YnJi* Unwfto Trtnl h rrl-^-J f\rr ivui riuiiiGv llfUUMllO ro every man' who uses a buggy. /1fkw ill bfcujreatly to your interest to tee roe jcfore you buy a buggy. I am preowed to make any kind of a buggy you want i? GIVE ME [YtoUR\RDER. rod1 if when the buggy is bnish/d yet are not pleased you do not have to take It. Buggies are fully guaranteed. /CallVnd get my prices. The best buggy repairing, repainting and ruDb? tir?rwork\a specialty. \j4 years experience in >uggy building and repairing Buggy material for sale. ? w/ G-TWrttT* _J Just Arrived ^Big Lift 01 | New WGoods come in and .see mwwhen in town if you tqjubxve-money Watch J;his/&a\e for further % t amwuncen^ents D. II. Hill, ropreseiJuR our tailorinXestrlnjshment. will be at my Htore in a few days. Come in yjflet him take your measure and save you monev on pour sprint suit. * 'MM . \ j/w. King

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