* ?1 FRANKL1NT0N Our Regular I Items of Interest i and Near Our SisU CLOSES ON ?Quite a number of visitors were on our streets Sunday. ? Mr. George I.anglay a former resident of Franklinton was on our J streets Monday. ?We take pleasure in stating that the condition of M'ss Oza Cooke,. " , is rapidly improving. . ' ?A large-number of pegpltT Went to a'picuic ou the river fiear the rail road bridge Monday. ?The Easter service at the Methodist churn t was impressive and a large crowd was in attendance.. ?Mrs.*11. W. I-ong and little, daughter, Ethel, is visiting her par ents in the county this week. ?Misses Ora and Elanro Winston and Mrs. A. B. Cooke went to Youngeville last Friday to see the ball game." ?J. W. McGhee and Joe Green took a nuuiber of Indies to Kaloigh Monday on their automobiles to seo the ball game. ?There were 75 tickets sold from here to Raleigh Monday to the ball game, Wake Forest vs A. trell colored Colleges ?E. M. Edwards gave ..a delightful Easter egg hunt Monday to a number of little girl triends. It was greatly enjoved by all.. ?Easter morning dawned bright and lovely, and made many hearts glad atler go bad a day Saturday, "i New hats and faster dresses were in evidence. ?\V. \Y. Cox, recently of Durham, has moved to our town to do a general merchandise business and hits moved into the store on corner Mason and Exchange streets, for-, merlv occupied by Hale Jfc Woodlief. ?Capt. I.. H. Kearney went to Richmond last Saturday to carry his daughter, Miss Mary, to the hospital. She has been suffering with appendicitis for quite awhile. A successful operation was pei formed M n day evening and a telegram inform ed her many friends that she was doing nicely. Cap? Kearney return-, .ed Tuesday morning. ?.The following composing the team from Co. F. to compete for the Dtipnnt Trophy, left for Raleigh Tuesday morning on the "Shoo-Fly" where they go m Camp for three days at Cameron field West Raleigh: Capt. I. H. Kearhey. Sergts. C. C. Kearney, L. B. May, S. R. Holmes, R. L. Conyers, Corporals J ^ ItAyscue, \V. J. Holmes, B. J. Bailey, Supernumerary G. G. Cooper. Personals June ltose, of Trinity College, was home for Raster. Miss Mattie Conway, of Wake Forest, came home Sunday. .N. Y. Galley, of Wake Forest, was a visitor to our town Monday. iter. J. M. White, of Apex, is visiting his son, Supt. Ft. B. White. Eddie Morris and wife, of Dnr> ham, are visiting,at C. S. Williams. Walter Cooke was home Sunday from Gak Ridge Academy to spend Easter. ' / ?'Diok" Conway, ot Franklin, Va., who has been home on a short visit, - returned Monday night 3. W. Daniel wont to Richmond last Saturday to visit his father, who is In the St Luke Hospital. His many frieDda were glad to ehske the hand of Mr.. C. It Blaokley, of Cheraw, S. C., who is ob a visit to b? mother and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gamble, who have been in Corea doing mlanonarj work for three years, have returned and are noV visiting at W. H M Jenkins, in Granville ooanty. I NEWS ITEMS Correspondent Gathered From in :r Town Each Week WEDNESDAY * Stopped Thos-i Pains" * Copper Hill, \'n.-pMr? M?. Con ner, of tl>in p!ai?, s?\iv f'Kor ; care, I had a fain in mj right side, and 1 win very'sick with wotiilnlT :roubles. I tried different dochns but could .gel no relief. I had liven up all hope of ever netting fell. I took I Csrdui, and it raleived the pain In inv aide, end now \ fee like a new | parson. It is a wondei Eel medicine." I Many women are com detely wornout and diacourag d < iS account of [ some womanlv trout c.^^re' you? | Tate Cardui, the won an'a tonic. Ita record ahowa that it rill help ystt. Why* wait? Try it today. Ask your druggist about it| A man could make ail tile money in the world by inventing for vomen a looking glass that would show only good figures.?New York Press. Pains All Over. Houston, Ter.-p'For five years," saya, Mrs. L. 1 ulencbek, of thia place, "I suffered with pains all over, especially in m? lack and aide, aid was so wcaVI co (Id hardly do my housework. >A 'riend told me of C'ardui. Since taV 'g it, I feel so much better! No K. can do all uiy housework and p iniN^lon't bother me any more at f I." >ardui is a strength-building rnedicimo Fifty years of success have ptoHoced, amongst its many users, contidoiee in Cardui and whs ; it w ill do Duri j ing ttus time, C'ndui has relieved the female ailments of over a million women. Whv not yours? Try it, I today. Your druggist sells it. ???? The more anybody could improve on bis own morals the more be would think it was somebody else's turn. SOUTHERN! KAILWAJ DIRECT USE TO iLI, POINTS NORTH, JOUTH, EAST AN1WE.ST' Very !-' v R .ijiiVffrip flutes. to all Priieipa^R:25 n ixj , trukea i:io9* coonaKinii forTtaul nrririn U??ctgon>?>rj* f>>llo?itK day nftp* leaving Raleigh, 11 u. nt. Mo hie 4:.l2 p. rn,Al(?*\T ?)r l*-ans X:30 p. n Pruinghatn 12:l.vtwon, Meinphi* *:(>."? m.. tun^ax City 11-2h a. ( m. a?:ronil Hnv. und ^onriecriog for nil other pokitH. Thin car alrf) makes cnmipctioti ut SwMjhtiijf JorSr. Ismi* and other western points., ? f ?TTiffirft?T*"Tvr!r!olT m Mf AihtHfr ttnrp Qol 45 p m. For farther information write or ca'l on W. K PARNKI.L. T. P. A. ltaleiah. N. C. J. P. Winston J Has moved hh> slock to the AJstoc i building, my old stand, next to tht j Beasley-Alston ^mg Co. I hav< i>ought out the entrfcTstock of W. P. JNeai & Co, and ii^itjelot there is more shoes than youVcan^Ha^g a stich at. going way down m price/i havt two many different aifcictea to. mentiot ?<> come on and see. 1 Really, J. P. WINJToN NOTICE. \ I hereby forbid any one kring or har ' boring, Matthew Persona^. ?n of I)cnni Persons, I have a contraJV^with hin for 1911. 1 B. B. IVJETT, I forbale" R. C. & 8. C.Rhode Isla drad.Barrw Plymouth Rock, Columbi a Wjandottj i Indian Oamo, Light Bra tah, Ancohia , (the gnat layerV~>Qla k Tuphai ^ Hmidrn, 17WB e^^Prtia an' mixed daekaggs He. ** '^4^ && E?"5V - j I'lPSKTi1 * r * . "IN BITTER A60NY ~7 HE PUYED TO DIE"!! Here I? the record of one of the moat ; I wonderful cure* of Eczema that has ever come to our notlcn. Wp couimend It to all who are suffering from this distressing dlaease, or have little children afflicted with It. i Mrs. Uose Rtouffs, of Greensboro, N. C., J writes: "Atiput four year* ago my little I hoy broke out with Eczema, and suffered I terribly for two long yearn. He was sore . Tnun head to foot, the only parts of hla body free from the trouble being the I palms of hla hands and bottoms of his ' feet. He could not walk, but crept on hla . hands and feet. He was In such agony he would pray to die. He bad been doci tared by the beat doctors, apd I never exacted anything to cure him. The only I way he could get out was for me to put a ! pillow slip over his head, with holes for ; his eyes, nose and mouth. His clothes had to he changed two and three tlmea a day. The itching was almost unendurable, aud I at; night he . would Itch and scratch until } ) didn t know what to do for him. A S frlcud Insisted en us trying MIS. JOE PERSON S REMEDY. "We bought aibottleJ and used It with such g?H?d result* that pre kept ou, and to! dny our child la lent tray well." You have only[ to Imagine the anguish in that mother*#! heaw. f as she helpleaaly i watched her cbllo suffering the torments I of Eczema, to ranlls the gratitude she I feels toward Ural Person's Remedy and Wash. A T This ease demonstrates beyond all don'ot j thai this great Remddy will cure Eetemn, and all trouhlea reading from Impure, Imi novertshed or Polsonm) Blood. Even when j these afflictions ha tie progressed to the I stage known as "ehlonlc." Mrs. Joe Per! son's Remedy will effect a complete cure i if used according to vreoommendutlon. I It is* a purely vegetable compound, enj ttrely free from harmful mineral lngred-dlenta. It la the best Tonic, Alterative, I Blood Purifier and Nervine ever put ou the market, and for "run-down" conditio!* In both men and women It stand* without a rival. Write for testimonials of people anxious to tell how Mrs. Joe Person's remedy cured them wheu everything _ el?e. -doctors Included, failed In cases of external trouble. Inflammation, ulceration or Itching humor, our Wash should, be Med In connection with the Remedy. For sale by druggists, ar supplied on re?f Prtco, SI M per bottle; 6 bottles 1 danan by express prepaid for fiB.Wy by MM. JK PUMTI IEMCDT U . KlttmU. C. DIRE DISTRESS. It Is Near at Han 1 to Hundreds of Loulsburt Readers Don't nefflent al icMncr hack. Backache is thai kidney's cry for help. I , Neglect hurrying to their aid. Means that uriiary troubles follow j quickly. I J Dire distress diabetes ljright's disease. 1 / j Profit by ^ su ferer's experience. D. S. Kulljy, Broad Stl Oxford, ^j^N. C., sars: rl (new tliM ray kid; ireys were disqn ered, foi the kidney i secretions were tnnatu/d and de| posited sediinet . I l?d a dull pain I in my Dkck and therJ were sharp, ' shooting nrinc? i in lay kidneys. I rested poorNt aim alB these troubles ! caused my hXftBv to beeome ruu I down. When M.heard about Doan's Kidney Pills, I tVia supply and it . I did not take theli IVtg to drive away ray aches and pains. 'Doan's Kidney j Pills are by fal .P'e^jest kidney medicine I ever lised." \Btateraent given in Februam' 1908.) KE-ENMi BSEMENT. On December 1910, Mr. I^ller I said: "1 willing] verify ray former statement given i praise of l)oan\|" , Kidney Pills. still believe lliat\ I this remedy is ai effective one in IJ curing kidnev tro ible," i For sale by ail dealers-. Price JO , Cruts. Foster-M Ibnrii (Jul, New J j York, sole agen i fur the United j , States. J Kemeinber the name?Doan's? j FOR-AGED F:C?LE. Old Folks Should Ee Careful I n TtJTifF" "" Selection of R-gulsrtivQ Medicine. "We havo a xafo. dupr iwlsible nnd altoifcthnr Idual remedy that la particu 5 mtij uuaj/iHi (u mi* iMiiujrt-ujL'nrs 01 i aged people and persons solnte satisfaction lpV^er;r~pnrtlf'ulnr that we offer I It with onr personal guarantee that it I shall cost mo us|?r nulling if it fails I to snbstanf tte oar clfinis, This rem- | ' edy is called HoxilU nrdcrlle*. i j Ttexall O-derli? 1 nve a soothing,! || healing, strengthcmin % tonic and regn-j j latlve action upon t ic bowels. They ; I remove all lrrlt?'tinai. dryings, soreness j 11 and weakness. Trot'! r estore the bow-| J els and associate ofjrr.s to raor^vlg-1 it orous and healthy activity. .They are] eaten like candy, may be taken at any I 41 time without Inconvenience, .do not i :J cause any griping, nausea, diarrhoea,' ' j excessive looseness, ('.atulence or other t disagreeable effect Price 25c. and 10c. I Bold only at onr store-The ReJtall Stored ^ The Scoggin Dmg Co. j Something New J1 For Fr mklinton - A nevK^nd up-t "-date j hiving parlor) run \ by >s\Vhit< men for White v men. LocaChd It the .tore roam cor. ner ot Maaon M Front Itieete, occu, pied iaat year b> Capt D. T. Ward, a Everything new i to work guaranteed, i Try ua. \ ? J7~ . Toora t seiW 5 u.i. MyToovumr V P. 8. Waabo/take oiKwarta and fbolea without p?m. No acmfcWt " ' % - ' . Buggies Bilg Boys I < All The La Rubber tire*, stick seat, yes and all kinc ries, carriages, one and tw^iorseJcanoj hand to select from, one and\wo lorse \ a full line of machinery and ftWrrnng im a stock, of mowers, rakes, disc Airrows, world. Now if you need anvthinJKin im will go to see you about it, or mi : ? fX Anything Yc in labor saving farm implemerfs. I am have finished your crop, and ff joyed tl town and take a look, you shan't be hur YOUR TRU you aye in the market fo interest to see us before y< leading makes in thn TTnit^i ing no chances in buying} o ^ - I BnB(ilWWllB| r^*S > u iiliH llilffi^K^I^B.'^Ic 1' ...' -%'i . / ; '" .- .,-? ufefi * Our line of Furnitu: e is coi ed a cordial invitat On to c buy or not. Our ui dertah complete and plac< d at y you to see us befor< > you b W. E. White F < :; ' < ,..i **"'* v"!i> *"" 'r ^ .. , .... I ' / % glCS Buggies am Easy \ ' ' itcst Styles ? 1* of Harness to match, on time. Surly top, and leather too.^A ear Toad on vagons.^ Now Mr. Farmer I added plement to my bueines, and am can^mg^, peg teeth harrows, the best in th^v proved machiney, drop me a card and I ' in. Mowera, rakes, saw mills, gasoline ist mills, steam engines and boilers or tl May Need ready atod sell on space. after you ie AugtiM meetings. Come when in IE FRIEND HILL a Pianos | r a piano it will be to your ou buy. This is one of the i States and you are takne. WI Hn^gjiubajNIJ _ || \ fH|H Oft5 t vllffl 1EH ; V--F,. || j 1 Hlfl ||V|kH * F5:r, 1 a ' > \ nplete and you are extendiall and see it whether you :ing department is always our services. It will pay ay. topitrire^ Company