FRANKLIN TIMES ??????M???????IF. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager ? ,i on Thar, - - dl.00 u IX MONTHS, ... 96 THKJtC MONTHS. - - <<6 li ?' * Friday. April 21. 1011. ? The Joe Cannon gun is still?for insurgents, but Unole Joe can't shoot! ^ *'as straight as he formerly did. Hartford, Conn., which has been a X, Republican without a break for "JO Iv years has gone Democratic. Neat. 1 if J If that $100,000 Loriiner "slush j * fund" is splashed around much more I E that coat of Senatorial whitewash j a; will be ruined. ; g Thk Democratic etui of Congress j has decided that reciprocity with . u Canada and a "farmers free list" Ql is the first business to be consid- (s c.j ?"* * Can Teddy control the delega tion from New York to the -Repub- | lican National Convention is a serious question with the Taft people, ? and is making them quake. W / tl The Republican leaders did not name one insurgent on the list they ^ presented for Republican membership of the Ways and Means Committee. Every one is a standpatter. 18 _ s? England is importing fresh butter from New Zealand, 12,000 miles across the sea, and it is said to be de- T livered in that country so fresh that it is able to compete successfully with the daries of Europe. L F The real estate boom tu the Ca- tl nadian Northwest is to be exoeper. si a ted by the building of 170 new tl towns this year. The Canadian "i Pacific Railway will start 50 new p towns; the Grand Trunk Pacific, 24; ai and the Canadian North, 96 q J 01 Toe Republican Congress of San sc Salvador has more than emulated our last Republican stahdpat Con- tl gress; for thev not only stand pat en t their high tariff, but have added a pi surtax of 20 per cent gold on many tl imports. A Democratic Congress is pi evidently needed in San Salvador, tl ???? fc The people of the State of Sonora, uj Mexico have gained one of their ci great ends by rebelling against the oi Diaz government; a genuine popular tl election for officers of the State is to tl be held April 23. This will be tne T first free election in the State of si Sonora since President Diaz' first election. u The insurrection in Mexico is be- n yond the control of the government, a< and a change is impending thai will ei upset things until a new government oi is inaugurated. The news that comes ei from Mexico has to be taken with a it grain of salt these days, and state- t( ments that do not appear reasonable fi AVe are m the midst of a political revolution, and jet many people hardly appreciate it. Democratic reform is in the air, and from the action of the Democratic House cauous endorsing the "farmers free list" it would seem that radical tariff reform will eventually be the law in spite of 14 years of Republican stand patism. "What iconoclasts some of the Insurgent Republican Congressmen are! Here we have that progressive red-headed rooster of the Kan- e ass prairies, Murdoch by name, who h proposes that the time-honored cas^ torn which'permits members of the ~~ Record that have never been delivW: ared in the House shall be abolished, a unless the Rscoid shall show in 6 jk black-faoed typh the facts in tbe * ? ? ?'? - Hickory Rock items. Tbe fat mers of this section are gbt busy getting ready for leir crops. They are hoping to take better oftops this year. Braok Tucker gave a very dogbtful candy party to tbe young eople Easter Monday night in bit ?w residence Mise Sallie Wilder baa just re trued home from a short visit tc er sister, Mrs. K. F. Glasgow. Miss Luoile Bledsoe, of Apex, and ml Miss OUie Bledsoe, of YouDgsille, visited their aunt, Mrs R. K 'Harrington, Easter. Quite a number of our people ent over to .Laurel to a picnic luster Monday. All report a pleas nt time, Tbe egg hunt was just rsnd. Our neighborhood wsa quite locked last week when the sad ews'came that Mr. Wesley Burette was dead. The bereaved lUiily have the sympathy of their any friends. W C. Wilder and family visited is sister, Mrs. L. P. Perdue, of In leside, Sunday. Mrs. W. P. Tharringten and Mrs. .. K. Tharrington and J. C. Wood ?ve quite an enjoyable dinner to >e little children ot the neighbored at Gapton'a pond Easter Mon?y Our Sunday School at Mt. Gilead growing rapidly, and every one terns to take gieat interest in going. Pmkttt Pises. he International Press Bible Question Club We again cell attention to our ocal Club in connection with the I. B. Q. C. We are safe in--saying tat nothing in the line ot Bible ;udy has so profoundly impressed le people of Louisburg as the Suggestive Questions" which we rint today for the ninth week. If ty of onr readers do not read these aestions they had better commence, r they will eoon begin to feel loneune. If You are already a subscriber to le Franklin Times can you spend 1.00 better than by ordering tbis iper for 52 weeks, or to the end of lis contest, for some worthy young srson, that he or' she may take up le course of reading and compete ir the prizes. Only one person can se ojne paper, as there is only one :>upon in each, and that is suffioient uly for one person to certify that le reading has been done. Now is le time to put the Fsankum i mls into the bands ot all who ioi>ld take np the study of these suggestive Question,'' so as to be i good trim to start when the contat commences in five weeks from ow. If you can induce any' per in, young or old, to take op this isy course of study, you will do him r her more good than you can evei itimate. . Now is the time to come ito fine yourself and induce otben > do so. Use the attached coupoc >r your order. Cat Ost sad lead is Ud? Office. . Send the Fkanklik Times from now to..,...,. 19 the close of the Bible Question Club Contest, for the price of 91.50 enclosed. Count me a member of the l- i ii . ??? ' ? 1 NOTICE OP SOMMON8 North Carolina, PrankUn Bounty, in the Superior court, Amanda Evans vs . William Evans The defendant above napped will take notice theft an action entitled as above has beef commenced in the'Superior court ot Franklin county by mid plaintiff for d/orce from the . bonds or matrimony eMsting between her and said d^endanC and the said ' defendant will inrther lake notice that I he is required toXappehr at the next I term of the Supemor Court of the said county, to be hielApn Ihe sixth Monday 1 after the tirat Uonal in March, 1911,' it being the 17th da\|>f April, 1911, at\ > the court house in^.uisburg in said i county, and answer tr demur to the I complaint in said action or the plaintiff | will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the eomplaint. This the '-'0 day of March, 1911. J. J. BARROW,'C. S. C. W. H. Yarborough, Jr., Attorney for plaintiff. ' sale of land fori t4xes. Notice fa hereby atjren that on Monday the ' let day of May 1911. at Id o'clock M , [ at the Couit Hone* door In Franktiu 1 Couuty. iu th\townf of Louiahurg i will Mail at pubi c auctipn for cash, to tne highest bidder, lands utyned below to aatlafy the! taxea r in tun in*Unpaid thereon, aa provided J in chapter o58 L^n#s of 1901, amendments thereto and alao By apecial act of Generul [ Aaaembly of 191 l.H. B. 1707 8. B. 775. ratified 7th. day ofAfarch 1911 The owners of the laada or tlnvpersona in who** nanu s they are listed, thd townahipa in which they are located, the I ids to be aold, the taxes and uoata remaiidfsc unpaid thereon are aa follows: { r.uxsp TOrfsaeiP; \Huun, J. H. 3 H>ti Duun ? o v? Harris, Qe rge 2 otS Bunji . 1.63 fall, K. M. 15- acres Cr. fr. 12.83 I sL^arrin. J. T. 1< 0 a of May land 7.72 Sidert., William 27 acres 2.02 \ HAR1 IS TOWNSHIP. FrecUtan, W. T, R a Tarboro road Freekan, W. T. I 5 a Tarboro road 4.09 Freeman. H. F. 1 36 a Crooked Cr. ? 93 Whetekt, Chaa. ai d Joe 100 a Freeman 515 WOUNQS ILLS TOWNSHIP Mitchell Sol and George 1-5 a near YonnnrilM 2.92 Heed, J W. 1-4 a near Youngsville 6.33 Richardtdb Victc ria, 1-8 acre near YoanganUe 9.3? Squires, J^Vee 1 1 a S. YoucgsTille 1.77 FRAftKLl STON T0WN8HIP. Helden. AncAl t wn lot long town 3.91 Jeffreys, LoaViai 1 town lot long v town \ 1.99 Joyaer, Mittiey own lota long town 8..1S3 Lowery. H. S. II own lot store 1909 1 town lot welling - 68.74 Perry, Jatsw 1 n wn lot 7.68 Person. Richard Est.. I town lot 8.53 Yarboro, Isaac 1 own lot 7.27 Fofg, Jas. A. 1 1 f acres 5.67 Mcknight. J. 6. G Aacres 10 01 HAYESVI LLE TOWNSHIP. Gill, Joe 25 acres Irtro 9 47 Hnnt, Murv L. 4; 1-1 acres Mill Tr. 4.36 SA DlCKEEK Alston Annie 25 a :res? glass 2.28 Lord. E. G. 32 3 acrVe Bear Swamp 8.08 CEDAR R >CKVdWNSHIP Flow, D C 50 acr e Pearh Tree 3.13 Griffin, El. ft. 33 1 I acre! Red Bad 2.86 Johnson. Lizzie 31 1 2 acres Bans*, all Place \ 2.81 Mnrpbv. Mrs. Par er 50 mRocky Br. 8.05 Perry i Yarboio i 7 a Little Creek 2.86 Wester, Mr*- ri 1 b- 56 uuUleigh Road * V >" Wbel?es, Chart-y 1 6 a Rear 1 ratirto Wheless, Charity 16 8a Be&l Branch 1.97 GOLD M NE TOWNSHIP Parrish Heirs 84 i Sho?*eo Crebk 2.52 WooJ, J. D. 15 ac m B. Dam \ 1.90 CYPRESS C EEK TOWMSHIP Slsdue. J. M. 146 i ores H. Harris 6.95 Todd Mm, Sarah ii) acree Gay \ 2-84 Brodie, J. J 50 aclea home \ 4.07 LOU IS Bint G TOWNSHIP Arrfngton. Mrti.AIi. Est..89 acres bp me 44 '* | 10 a Nash Rood 44 I 40 a Little Cr \ 17.20 Dunston, Mary Eft., 1 lot Mineral \ Spring J .w - v 4.14 Davis. Wash ng'dn 1 lot Keumore ' Ave 1 f.90 Davie, Jam* 1 iolMine al Spring 9.05 Ellington, Mrs M F; 87 1-2 a Sims Read J 10.41 Egerton Amos Slot Kenmore Are, 6.58 | Foote, Thomas 1-2 a Warrenton rd. 3.10 >1 Joel aire 44 44 5.66 Gnpton. Mrs. J. F. 125 1-2 a Cobbs X Roads | 9.02 Green. Austin lflot Mineral Spring 0 60 Green, John 1 lit sUb to*u X 44 44 1 1ft home *4 1 Ift Mineral Spring 9.47 I Harris, Sam Af 1 lot Tarboro road 44 44 1 lot Main street 23.71 1 Hayes, Caswell6 1-4A. D. Lewis 8.45 , H axle wood. Jdhn 1 lot near r. r. 8.53 Haslewood. Hfoce Sr. 1 lot >ewport j road balancft 10.23 Johnson, Andrew 2 a Warrenton rd. 4.14 | I Kearney. Sins 1 lot Everton 5.93 Marti* Sarai Bat.. 1 lot 8.40 Perry, Ocomv 1 lot Academy 6.98 Perry. Riehald 1 lot Academy 44 ** Jl lot Fox Swamp 16.44 . BmUh. Mnrte. B 1884 Williams. (fcs 1 lot Halifax road 1909 and 191(1 28.68 Yarboionyi, A. L. 37 a Joe^Branch 10.49 ! H. C. Keabkky, Sheriff. April 1st 1911. [ j j The public I have purchaser! thf interest of J. D. Hill in the firm of Carrett & Hill and will continue the bnlness at the same stand, where i I will carry a full and complete line of groceries all > v the/ while [ I H>VE ALSO riTTED JJP AW IfP-To-DATE | Hresh MearMarket And rill be piep?rd|_ at all times to ' look a Iter the fcido iifiixra is bura. Phone yonr orders tot Ho. l?t and they will 1 fssslse prompt attention. Nothing . but the beat XtU will V handled. 1 will also pay (he hlgheattnarket pries for rood bee* cattle. Conta to sm me. 1 ? 1 Hi . a Farmers 'and M \ ? tfieKEY to: IS MOSEY SHE LL BE toUR 'J/avc CL ?MLJU sAK sNte- &&WC Gut success for tiie paatlii years pr< Make Our Hauk Your Bank. Wc pav liberal i iterestTlOns I ~ . * THE FARMERS AND LO UISBUBG, OFFICER 0. B. Cheatham, Pres. F. N. Egerton, Vi . M. S. Clifton, Assist UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE I I THE AYCOCK J Submits thei t Q,u,esii x And Ams Which will be beneficial to me p will follow our supwesti X " - Bring us your prescription to f leave your prescriptions w?h us V your prescriptions filled eliewhe t WhyyBe X G. L. Aycock and Sam Huddle ai the prescription fibing an LouL drugs and chemicals ari new anc will save you money aa our pri make it to your interefc to trade lone ia now occunvinflrhis new nl in the rear of our' drill store. formerly occupied by W. E. Wh | AYCOCK \ DRU( Z LOUISBURC ROOMS RECENTLY VACATED BY TH i. .. ' , TO ALL WHO OWE US ~ -? We are out of business. All accounts fff due us that are not settled or otherwise " XJU arranged by the first day of May, 1911, wnrbe purlnto thtr hands of/attorney for collection. Our books an at J. S. Howells store, Nash- streetJ We will \\ not have a collector out-qgsn, but pos- WvtVC ltivelw mean what we say/ Please call f \\\w and [fty or otherwise arnu^e this mat- I ^ P. ?. We owe some jfcilla aiuK they are due, therelore we Aust collect or ' somebody will haye t/ioan us the cah^ Only machine madt ?: ~ - -tyres contained in no o EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. to be pumped in by han The undersigned having, qualified as clutch,which allows ma executor of D. C. StricMand, late of Direct sight opening oi Franklin county. North Carolina, this before buying, will gua is to notify all persons Molding claims against the estate ofNthefcaid decedent _, ,, ? to exhibit the same to\lA undersigned THURSTON K on or before the 81st Juy of March, 1912, or this notice will pdsplead in bar of their.recovery. All rfera&tg indebted Jo thffsaid estate will dease>?ke im- ????? mi. G. A. Strickland, Executor of D. O. Strickland, dec'd. Address Raleigh, N. C. W. H. YARBOROVdH. Jr^tt y. ^ ^ E. A. ROGERS \ Tj.-iNiii-j carry ink I lllyVUnUGl. Prices from $ ILouisburg, Come and Lo< Will make eetimatls on anVjob Wprk ^Guaranteed. / Call er wHtfi gaw min ftnd wMn in need of i^ytbing in ay ^ our mac The proof of tke podding may be Louisburg Au In the ?atiag, bat the ptoofof the Lou&burg, N. aooe la on the breath. . ^ . i The bardeet habit to aoonire ie ' baring money. ' ' ; ~,r . . ? ... V,% i Y ... ? w ~ ; W5 I : ^ . ' " X> Icrchants Bank w -*~r f YOU HAVE MMK ACCOUNT VALENTINE zcu%u sincwey, >ves the security of our bank, istent with safety 4 per cent compounded quarterly MERCHANTS BANK N. C. :s? ce-Prefl. R. Y. McAden, Cashier, ant Cashier. State of . north Carolina 'V * I DRUG CO.l I Following * wers J to fill, Ttet a copy of ire &nd InfVa fill cause \. X 8 your oldia i crVjn X Bburg. Because all oulk 1 fresh and because we A cea are right. We will *-v. with us. Dr. J. E. Malice and operating rooms , Remember the place? 3 COMPANY | i, N C I E W. E. WHITE FUUNITURB CO. . & -J X' _ %TJ \~7 The Best Made' i with eithewhel/ or cHain drive. Exclusive engine feather machirAXAutomaHe lubrication instead of having d. Cradle! awing fork nutead of coil. Free engine chine tostjp without etoppingengine and two speed gear I guage. rryee fVpni' *200 to >#60. See me and machine xantee sansfaetionK _ . ALLEN, AGTX LOUISBURG, N. C. 0 t . id Sill Automobiles. itocll Overland and Maxwell car# Ste[00'