>><f>f>**t??0 f>40fl>?<1 \ Check i Lt a home bank famishes an incentive f iccount teachea methodical and* business < orrect tab on incomeai^d expenses; yet? ^ ivi* one a chance to bui d up a Very val i rith the bank. There are many other (jent to cause you to start a bank accoun 1 sve you bank with us and assure you 1 airall^l1 receive our most careful and ! . the first n J-OUISBUF UNDER SUPERVISION C franklin times i, F. JOHNSON. Editor and Mana|er i FbiDat. April 21, 1011. .1 - " tar drops. ?????i?^ ?Who said baseball. ?Next week is court week, t ; ?K aster Monday passed off very quietly. ?Two heads are better than one ?in a barrel!.'' ?What about baBeball for Louiaburg this year. ?J. W. Hulliogaworth has purchased an automobile. ?Lets have bonds for good roads in Louisburg township. ?Other towns are playing ball, is Louisburg going to play ball? ?Automobiles and motor cycles are taking the day around here. ?Closing exercises take place at Bunn High School today and to. night. , , ?0/ K. Cooke is putting a rock curbing around bis yard on Church 1 ktree^^ I ?^pite a number of 01if people vent to Raleigh on the excursion i Jlonday. < ' ?F. R. Pleasant is putting np an ' awning in front of his drug store on ' Fash street. . . . * 1 . ?Aside frottVJpecial serraonB no . Other Eastnt services were held at the chuir'oheB here. J ^Let everybody go out and vote jor the candidates nominated Tuesday, on the seoond day of May. i ?The only way to make your |own move upward is to put your (boulder to tha wheel and push. i ' ! ?Row that the primaXJ ii 'over jets all get to wotk Ufid sue that a pig vote is Catt for the nothmses. ?Do ydu want a baseball, hat, gloVe,mit Or mask free? If so writ* ua and we will tell you how to get same. ?It is how tithe for people to ~ ihut up theif chickens eo their ~ neighbors may""be ab^eto make j? gaiden. ?God b'ese mother-in-law, old maids, email brbth'hrs and bald-headed men! The World would be bo sad without 'them. ?Mr. Wilb X.Coley, the clever re[ presentattVe 'of the old reliable News Observer^'as a pleasant visitor in Louisburg the past week. ?Bbya that are made of the stuff of which great men are made, are not asbamed to wear father's cast-off clothing out down and made over. ?Baseball seems to be opening op in many towns w^tt about Louisburg? After playing auoh good ball last year is it possible they will _ no^have a team this year? JPt (4jB>et all feeling that might have been worked op over the primary, paaa with the primary, and 1st everybody go out and vote for the nomnees on the 2nd, day of May. Y ?Our "little men" readers will V- watch this paper for th.i announce hoent cf our giving awa;> a lot of baseball goeda. Ton can get you a duply absolutely free if you wish. ?Mr. B. N. Williamson sold < J "Lunitt,n his flns trotting horse m Raleigh yesterday. He will be greatly missed by tba lovers of good lonkiag bona* te Loaisbarg. 1 ". * , r _rw ??mmmmmmm \ Account1 'or systematic saviilg. baring lor the i like habits; furnisIVs ku absolute and I one in touch with bofness people and uable credit, both with tUie public and rod reasods but these amuld be suffit without delay. We ahaKbe glad to that your account, vehefhV large or conservative attention. \ IATIONAL BANKs RG, N. c. 1 >F U. S. GOVERNMENT / usta us^cysta t?<j ?We are requested to state that county maps are for sale at the Reg | ister of Deeda offioe. If you have Z not got one you had better get It j before they are all gone, ?Tax C dlector D. C. High has been instructed to make settlement for the town taxes at once. If you have not paid yours yon had better attend u> same at once or your property may be advertised. ?We aie requested to state that J. 0. Sledge will address the people of Hayesville township at Wynn's Sohool Honse in the interest of the Farmers Union on Saturday night. Everybody is invited to attend. ?If our local merohants are the right sort of men (and we are positive that they are), give them your patronage. Thev need your eupport to suoceed, and successful merchants are factors in the prosperity and growtBSof our town. , ?The social aim of the Gospel is not to bettAj the conditions of man, but to assist man to ihiprove the conditions himself. The church is the greatest social institution under the sun and the Gospel oontains the principle of all common-sense sostalls rfl> =? The following item was Intended for our Franklinton Department but was received too late* W e publish it here: Mrs. Elanoh Duke, and little son Sidney, and her sister, Miss Florence Perry went to Raleigh Monday to see Mr. tt. C. Duke who is in Rex Hospital Tbey report that he was getting ott nicely. ?There seems to be a great demand fOr tUle ourrent from the power house dit dark afternoons to be turn-.i ed <m earlier so that the bus:,QeB9 frSusee may have the use ot the lights. By doing this it^Jjyould increase the amount ot current used and " give better satisfaction. ?^The Four Leasers," a vaude-ii? 1 i i_ ?nio uuai(/au| nam unougiviap SOrDO yery Rood performances in the Opera House the past three nights. The performances of Master Bert., rand aod Baby Kathryn Leaser are indeed good. They will show here again tonight aud tomorrow night. Easter at tbe College The college presented a pleasing picture on Monday morning when the girls, each robed in an Easter gown and a picnic hat, assembled on tbe steps to await the arrival of conveyances to take them to Levers Leap. The teams came promptly at 11 o'clock and the merriest crowd of yuuug people to be found started out for a day of fun. The pionio party was ohsperoned by Mr. aud Mrs. lvey Alien, and besides the college girls and teachers, there were present Misses Emma MoCullen, Louise Allen, Katharine Herring and Cora Adams, visitors at the College, and others who added much to the happiness ot the day, though Ihey never were and never can be College girls. Of course a good dinner bad been provided and a gipsy pot supplied hot eggs. Who that has ever been a college girl does not remember with what a relish she ate sandwiches, egg?> cakes, cucumber pickle, eto,nt a picnic. ? The girl* came borne wishing that every Monday was Easter, for eaob declared it to have been tbe beet time of her lite. ToMeeere. W. & White, Jao. King, D. F. HcKinne, William Jackson, Cade Haiea apt! Dr. I). T. Smithuiclt w - ar<- indebted for fuming* the teao'i thai made possible this long b>J e r. tto-inbered day at Liovnr* Leap y lakes Heme Baking Easy POWDER Absolutely Pure r*o omfy baking powdar , mrnda from Royal Orapa Oraam of Tartar <0 AU1M,N0 UME PHOSPHATE , r?"m VV ^ 4 simple!; I ; LINE OF, J 1] . Your Hoadquartei s | , , ' I . k Racket Store PERSON A 1.LV CONDUCTED TOUR TO THE Pacific Coast Under the Management of Rev. Wm. Black OPERATED VIA SEABOARD Arrangements have just been comEleted by Rev. William Black, ol Char>tte, N. C., for tne most extensive personally conducted tour ever operated fAm the south to the Pacific coast. This tAr will leave/the Carolines about the 20th of Jiine, /going out through Birmingham, Memphis, Kansas City, Denver, Coloradh pprings. Wait Lake City, Xos Angeles, San Deigo, Paso Robles, touching < Id Mexico, Del Monte San Francisco, P lxland, Van Couver, Winnipeg, St. I iul\ Chicago, thence home. Every li tie lie tin I has been J catefully planned by Or. Black, who has had years of ixperience in handling personally condi eted toara for the 1 pleasure and co nfort of \he party. | Numerous side ti ips, coverinpAhe most attractive in th i Great W?5t_ have I been arranged, Deluding Yellowstone , National Park, F Ices Peak, Caatalhto,. . 0 d Mexico, thro igh the Rockies over. I ths Canadian Pudittc, Lake Louiae and 1 many others Tie total rate includes railroad and Ihijlman fare, meals on 1 Dining ear, hetelaccommodations, aide ( trips, etc. For [full information ad-, dress *?V. Wm. BLACK, I , , T Charlotte, N. O. H. i. LKARD, D. P. A. Bal?Jgb, N. 0. |i ' *f. ' -: ~ _ _ A A^ ? A A A | " A Coi i Invitation X nA To come in and inspect our drag store from tluOTri the nicest drug store in the state in a town of jus after inspecting, vou find any defects tell us. / VI* ^ store. Ws want vou to make your self at hrfne. careful attention as the richest man. Comyin | PEASLEY-ALSTC ^ I Mr Lee, our registered man will l<lg Ever clear of the small boy who said he didn't know much atgul Littie Work or knowledge is necessary to use one ol our IcsfT>e Cre am that is delicioualy smooth and mellow, and that will fail are instead of a discomfort. / L- F* H ON THE CORNER PHONE V S MR. \ Ft Whir nnt. rflispr^^ w W V ? wa. KT V/ JkMW A V/ V) J land. We sell ySimpk J Seed, Martins fiuano, J sing. No bet^r can b 7 I McKinne Bros I M I SATISFACTION OR Y< ****** rdial t f 3 t/6 You I ont door to the back door. We claim to have size. We intend to be up to date and if ! want to make our drug store your drug \The smallest child will have the same DN Dl^UG CO. t look after your prescriptions t great on thawing itirson can^make lie' hot weather a pleas 42 \LOUISBURG, N. C WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i II ' VRMER ! lotton on the same j * ms Prolific Cotton Cerealite Top Dres- z u Company | DUR MONEY BACK ^ .

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