, X ^ ^ , . .. JProfeHsional Card \ j- ' QR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, Hurgvun Deiillit, j Office in Ford Building, Main and Nash street, Louiabunr, N. C. Hours: 9 to 4:30. l?honc No. 40. TJB. H. A. NEWELL, rtfikiii ?Louisburg. N.t'. / Phone No. 156 "PIUSKLlNTON^SoML FranklintOT, N. C. H. A Spoed, Proprietor. Good LirerYro compaction J\It. C. H. BANKS j i DKNTALf SDROEON j L'QVblnt, N. C. Office m llictcs B ilding, Mnin Street. ? t p H. COOKE j attor: ky-at.laW;, Lanii mrg, N. C. ? s. Overi'onpprft PI Mints Store. Prompt i attention given all eg a I buaiaeaB entrusted -to me ^ I JJtt. E. MALt NE I PHYSIC1A1 and SORUEON ] Louil bur*. N. IJ I Offi -e in rour o( Be .slev-Alston Drag Store. 1 TJR. 8. P. BUI T PHYSIC IA and SURGEON < \ Loui burg, N.,C. 1 Office ?rer P. S, A K. K. Allen's Store | ... \ i pu. R. ?. TA IB0R0DGH I BHTRlTi S aod SBRQEON I \ I.oi^nliHrct. N. 0. 1 Office in VaYbor u*h A Bickett building. Night calls afcswe ed from T. W. Bickett* s residence, phone " 4. g B. MAS As? BURG ATT'Y VEY AT LA Jf Lot! burg, N. C. Will practice in all ths courts ol ths State Office in Egertou Building WM- HAYWO& RUFFIN ATTOftaIV AT LAW LOT isparer, N. C. Will practice In allJcAurts of Franklin nn?f adjoining countie|. Yilso in the Supreme Court and in the iJAitCd States District uud Circuit Court. Office \ovor First National Batik. \ rn B. WILDER i \ J *- V \ 1 ATTORN Hi IT LAW ( Louiabutg, IN. C. 1 Office on Main et.reetjin Cooper building. ^ OPItUIU. 4 HOLDJ5n\ J a''TI)I?NEV? ATI.AW . : Louisbura. Nl C. 1 Will attend the court?K?f .LnnkUu, Vance, j Granville. U'arreu and jTcouuties,. nlm? the Supremo Coat t .. ^>rth Carolina. 1 Prompt attention Riven to clllectlon* MHe I in Spruili building. I I j T. W. Bickett. j II Ii ?Mt? ' Louisbur;. X. C. i Franllintou.\. ' g ICKRTT A. W HITJ-E \ \ , LAWYERS \ ] Louisbtfrg. N. . V ' The eettlen.ent o? eetfctne tor exceVlort'. Ad- 1 tuini'ttrn! >.--? and (iujirdium U nnfce a ??p-c- , \ talr.y. an-' ,4ehond* required by 4w i an lie f sei'Uivtl iri ne o tiled. % ; Olfi'-e in Ynrboroagli A Biokeit^ building J ' Main street | i < M. PKRSoi f \ j \TTOIt*VlY A'I I.A ft 1 1 I.ouiAnrir. N. <* / \ t'riictiuo in all courip 'on Mnii) Bt-rmt | ?f r ? it. VAitiinipitwt. fr ATTORVKV AgL.KW \ j LournlHiru. W * < \ j A Illegal husinftM iii4rint>?| i? mi r-rrAve j prompt Httenlion. ' offlii* in Kgertion liaildintr. j M. F'""rk T CONTN^irPMl ?jf.1 BFILDKR f jf N. C. TDnliiiirM-'iit of ?'*v- ( plirri. i?rMsti?* Til"*. .A j tlir.it ilesicUR | ^ dr MNTIS'K . FmijWmton. N.XJ.. - lj s;_4. -. . , i Joseph Yarborough 0 TAYLOR I; In A. T?NNeal BuildiAg I am prepared to d/fyotnr preeaing, : cleaning and tailorini at vrr reasonable rates.' All worjf goaranteea. Gire ae a trial and I wilypleaae yen. Pb0M ^o. ICQ i ? ! i ? 1 ~= SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson V.?Second Quarter, For April 30, 1911. FHE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Jonah III, 5. to iv, 11?Memory Verses, Chapter iy, 10, 11-?Golden Text, Matt, xxviii, 19. Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M, Stearns. ' The committee calls this a foreign missionary lesson, and it Is certainly i grand missionary story, reaching on jven to the kingdom when it shall be fully seen that "salvation Ls of the Lord" (11^ 9). With this saying oi Jonah -I have in my min. the words >f the LeHI Jeans to the woman ol ?amarla, "Salvation is of the Jews" John vl, IB. Putting the two together wo hare the gTeat truth that salva don is of the Lord through the Jews, This te mad will be seen to bo true oi ill individuals and also of nations. All rht redeemed tn heaven and on ?arth owe thetr redemption to the Dlood of a Jew, and the nations as inch will net be saved tfTl the glory oi the Lord hi risen upon Israel. Then hey shall come to her light and Icings to tho brightness of her rising (lsa. Ix, 1-8; Ixli,. 1-8; xxvli, 8; Jer. ill, 17; Sech. U, 18-12). We hare In our lesson the only inrtance, aa far as I know, of a whole :ity penitent. But when Israel shall isve had her mnirreetlon from the lead and a nation of Panls Shall go forth into all the world witnessing as He did tn the power of the Spirit, cnowlng *11 languages and having all twaiia tneir command, wnoie naloua shall turn to the Lord in true wtilteaae and "All kings shall fall iown before FTha, all nations shall ?erre Him" (Ps. bcxii, 11). The Lord Jeans spoke of the experience mt, Jonah hi the belly of the fish, lis preaching and the repentance of S'inereh, and those who question the ruth of the story of Jonah qncfrtidn ho veracity of Jesus Christ ItAs the ivork of the deril to questionthe word )f God or the lore of Go<!/(Matt xii, 59-41; xri, 4; Gen. ill. 1-0). Oonld there hy a moire rivid picture )f the ehwrches' ihdMrerenee to the 'omniand of Chjtst in onr Golden Text han that of )K>nah on this ship? The mly man who knew the troe God is 'ast aeleep, while the heathen sailors tre dirlgently calling rrpon their gods. Lhey only fonnd ont who he was and vhy he was there by questioning him. In a certain place we read that Fesoa oonld not be hid (Mark vii, 24), >ut some who boar the name of Chrisian seem to hlda Hira quite ancccss'ully. Contrast n Cor. fr, 10, 11; ii, 14.) Think of Bamson and his fatal deep, Peter, James and John asleep In he preaenee of great privilege and ilso of great suflPeiing and consider if rou need the question of chapter i, 0, ind if sa what will your answer be? Is to the great fish prepared by the Tx>rd to take care of Jonah I often sronder why people hare been so long looking for fishes of the same kind, Tor the record does not say that the Lord made two great fishes to propagate the spedos. but that He prepared i great fish. For anght we know the fish may hare liod when it finished its ministry, to Jonah, as probably did the little fish hat brought the coin to Simon Peter. The winds of i, 4; ir, S, were special crliids for the occasion, as were also :he gourd and the worm of iv, fi, 7, special perorations "for special minisxy. I hare lung rejoiced in the troth >f Eph.il. 10, and firmly believe that ill the good works of all the Lord's people are prepared beforehand for them to walk in. It is helpful to Say ?oncernIng oil things, pleasant or unpleasant, "prepared for me by infinite lore." With all Jonah's peculiarities ht seems to have been a man full of the word of God, for his prayer in chapter ii is airaoat wholly Scripture, In the margin of my Bible I note in liis prayer nine quotations "from or references 10 the Psalms, besides some from othrr parta of Scripture. When he did finally start for Nineveh the wind ol the Ix>rd to him was, "Prer h unto it the preaching that I hid tliee" (111, 2). Compare J or. i, 7; Ezek. li, 7; Hi. 11; 11 Tim. ir, 2\ Acts Tilt, 4, 25. and note that onr Lord Himself said only what the Father told Him to sny (.John *11, 10; xlv, 10; vill, 28). It would bo a great thing and greatly to the glory of Go'd and the good ol both speakers and hearers if all preachers and teechers would pro^c themselves to be "the Lord's messengers In the Lord's message unto the people" (ITag. 1, 13). All such might rest assured that His word would always accomplish His pleasure and never return to nim void (Isa. Iv). Jonah was like a man alive from the dead, and nis message was the Lord's and not his own, and the people of Ninoveh believed God (Hi. 6) and turned from tholr evil ways unto God, and God saw It and did not bring the threatened evil upon them. It would have pleased Jonah better lt^God had destroyed Nineveh. And because he knew that God was gracious and might have mercy upon them If they repent ed he refused at ftrst-t? obey God (lv, 1-8). Concerning <?od'? rrpentlny^ irtnnfion ed In ehnptwr MS, 10, nl In no mnnj oth or ptcee* In Buitplmo we mnst ro mombor that Ood eamot end nevei hM? tfnag* m? mtod *bmrt anything frrK/I. know rrorytMng from th, be gtnnhiar (A?ta nr. ?h, Art Be don chcng* KH m?d> nf ntocuduiw. and m CM ntwwye b., m Act He wonl4 Cat Act ytm A fcfcrtwy and In ~*y. ' Y: . '* FOR CONSTIPATION.' ; A Medicine That Doeo No/ Coet Any thing Unless It Ctres. The active medicinal l/gredieuts o! IteXnll Orderlies. which/are odorless tasteless nr.tl^colorlesK. us uu eutlrelj new d isco rery\ Combl/cd with othei extremely j valukble Juigredicnt*. I forms' a perfect naive/regulator. intes tlnal Invigorntor \ a/p strengthener Rexall Orderlies a Yo/* nTerrTtta^ curnlj and tiro notihle foriAelr agrceublenesi to the palate and -Jjiitloness of action They do not causo Mrtplng or uny dls ugreeable effect or/inconvenience. Unlike other prAaratlons for a llki purpose, they do/V?V create n habit trut instead they oJrArdome the cause &, habit acquired th/ouVh the use of orAl 1 nary laxatives, /atlisrtlcs and haral phyuic. and nrMMWitMTTy remove thi cause of CQeffiJntion bn Irregular bsw e1 actlsi/^ / | \ i We will refjpfl yoqr money wlttasu i argument H wicy (So nutUo as we raj | they will. T/o sixes. 2Tic. and 10c. Salt only at ?mf store?The Itjnll Store ; The SeogL'in Drug to. Every wedded pair mightXbe Lap i py did they but bear othnrV uur J dens, and strive With half tlih zea they aometitnes exert to make >acl i other- miserable to contribute to eacl other's mutuai happiness. f *- .? Let the rooms where tlie famib live he cheerful and rutin v. Nt ladv would expect lier house plant! to send out toll, brilliant^blosaond unless she placed them ata w'ndov where the sunshine would inyigoratr them. No more^hould she expec her childreny\o show fresh, rosi complexion^ or to develop genia dispositions, unless they livd in light sunrly, airy rooms. Pointed Paragraphs. Charitv organizations uncover i multitude.of sinners. Many a wife-beater draws the lim at heating a carpet. Not all women who look in a mir ror are lost in admiration. A trusted employe should hi known by the company that keepi him. lie is a wise man who laughs a the antediluvian jokes of his tailoi | j? ^ ~'.Vhy suffenAvitii distressing, nerve-racking\/ jNearMgia i when Xonh's iLiniVent will relieve you. / \ Quiets the mervjs aVl scat|' tors the congestion. \ ' : One trial will convineXyon, Noah's Liriment penetAtes; i requires butt little rubbinX ! Here's the Proof \ ] I "I suffered a llo u t five yoari with npu j.raljcia and palfi in my *lde. Tho mi was so tfovore I could-u<>< sleep. I ti^ Noah ?i Lin I in.fit, and tho first n.ppll&i 1 dort made ineffeol bettor than In ma A years. I woull i?>t bo witliout a boitl . ! of Noah's Liniment in tlie house. Mri J ilnrtha A. StJ?, Richmond, Va." j "My wife fufferod for soveral year I with ntfuraiffl* and toothache. Sho ust about half ufbottle of Noah"~ Llnimon and pot immldintc relief. J. S. Flahei 1 Policeman, Ilod^os, S. C." I TVonh's Id Jim en t Is the best remed . | for Kl.cumaflsm, Sciatica, Lame Raci< Stiff Joints fand Muscles, Sore Throai , Colds, Strallis, Sprains, Cuts, Brulse.? Colic, C r aim p h , tl. ^ ( Ncuralpiu. ?Toothj Muscle Aches and ' i Pains. The wen- ->yrfe ..TlSr-!:. fihl ! uiIjP has Noah's ' Sold by dealers in i medicine. .Sam- k IS # * a J r plo by mall (roe. AJLJLAUL|m< > L Noah Remedy Co., IPIIull^K , pHfchmond, Va. I When a medicine must be given t i yong children it should haI pioasant t : take. Chamberlain's (Sotwh Remedy i r made from loaf sugar,Nand the root nsed in its preparation aw it a flavo ' similar to maple syrupwnalring it pleas ant to take. It has Jo soperior fo colds, oroup and whooping cough. Fo sale by all dealers. N | ; FOR SALE | An extra lot of Biggs Pjroftfic See< Corn for sale cheaie^ZMk first prir. in Franklintory^togpsblp last year 1 making. 97 buskfels oh qtie .acreV?T?i; i seed will be ttnten fram Wis one'.- acre V /J. H. CanxJldy R. F. D. 8 v-^a Franklinton, S. 0 ' : < ; ff_\ '? . '' ;S?yu . : Pa t/ wmmmmmam i Let us help you, v i naint for vnnr Vir?mr? ' the paint is just as ir We can help you. A for your home; let U6 AC , you will saT$ money ai a not the per gallon cos\ Md Lame ShoulderSa nearly alwaj s due to rheumatism oKjfie muscles, and quickly yields to thjKfree application of Chamberlain's LjpirHent. For sale by all dealers. j FOR SALlSo* RENT A six room dwelling Mb Main street on south side of Tar Rj#e\ City water if desired. W. Hf Pl^santf. Jr. E ^ ? SALFE OF 100 ACRES LAND. By virtue of q.n order of the Superior Court of Franklin County, made in the special proceeding entitled Mrs. Sue P. Alford,. administratrix of L. S. Alford, deceased, vs B N Alford, et a Is, on SatIurday, May 13th, 1U11, 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Louisburg, I sell at public auction to the Highest bid1 1 1 fill ~S lnnJ .Unafnrl in ! uer ;vv iiv-ico vh iaiiu .in,n?kvg ??? cas ' Creek lownshk), Franklin county, :idj joining the lar la of C. M. Yaughan, W. K. Davis a id others and/described j as follows by urvey madf Deceml>er iMh 1910. Beg nning at ar stake O M j Vaughans coi ler, therftee ir i 1-2 d e 1 chains to , staked/thence s 87 d e. j, . 11.10 chains to rlrs. /rarboms corner, thence n ? dc 1 chart loan elm, thence I erst 42.50 chain \ tyr an ash on Little j Creek, thence sard el chain to the; _ Davis corner, t jeficc west 20 50 chains j n to ^ p?ne stum^/thence s 3 d w 25.25 ^ chains to little'/reek, thence s 5 d w 7 v chains to a stajfe and pointers in Harris b line, thence n 18 1-2 d w 10 chains to a ^ stake, thencen 1 1-2 d e 25 chains to a \ rock, thence ft 88 1-& d w 16 chains to J",the Ivirinning, being :? part of the t 'Lawrence S. Alford lands. " \ The terms of the sale are one-third cash, the balance payable in twelve | months with interest at six per cent y I from date of sale. This April 11, 1911. R. B. WuItk, Com. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND j Under and by virtue of an order of i the Superior Court of Frank liiy-countyrf ' made in the social proceedings entij tied, .1. K. Co lie, administrator/ of j Jacob Evans, de eased, V. ysan Evans, ! widow, and Jan s Evans,/fenry Manly j and wiie, Mary Manlv, /oe Stone and f wife, A la fare St >nc, jo*yF<?gg and wife, < Neomah Fogg, and Jfihn Q. Evans, " heirs at law, th< undj/signed Commiso sioncr will en Mrtiday the first i o day of May, i bwi? the first Mon- 1 s day iu said l onxh, at about the < s hour of noon, 84 11 At pnblic auction, at I r the court houM jfloor in the town of *1 i- Louisburg, FranJflin county, N.'Q.t to I r the highest baser for cash a certain j r lot or parcel ff land near the tdwn ot i Louisburg, FnpkUn county. North Car- < olina, bounde#on the North by the lot 1 " of Alex Dunfton, on the East by tho i lot of StarliA Yarboro, on tha South i - by ^he lot of J. P. Ximberlake, and on ' ' the west by the lot of Henry William- i 0 son, containing 8 3-6 acres, more or 1 * less, and being on the lot of land < 3 whereon the said Jacob Evans re- t I sided at the time of his death. TTiis 31st day ot March, 1911. , / ' I 1 W. H. Yarborovgh, Jm., C'omV. '' / ! * ]J|W| . . . . . > ' 1 , ? int ^Adv rith seme experienced paint ac It requires experience and pa nportant As the lumber, hare lso let ub show you some taste explaint why, if you ask your MF tl/fA r /' / HOUSE PAINT rid get better paint. The res X but the y?rds of surface it v it will last. Acme Quality because it takes trss and lasts Come in and get an A Guide Book and some color *> If it's a surface to be painted, ei finished in any way, there's an Acme I Cifinc Bros. FOR^SJfLE The King place. Verms made known on application to Xmjjss Mary King / Y^ouisbur jr, N. C. NOTICE Haying qualitedr as administrator of the estate of EllW S. Alston, deceased, this is to notif? all persons holding claims against sfcVl estate to present them to me on iry>e{ore March Hist, 1912, or this nonce Vill be plead in bar of their recovery. Yll persons indebted to said estdte will\ome forward and make immediate settlement. This March 31st 1*11. W. M\VLSTON,.\dm. NOTIcrf. Having qualities as Administrator of Ellen Denton, ddeejped, this is to notify all persons hiding claims kg:ii?>t said estate to preset them to ..the. undersigned on or/l%fore March 17th. 1912, or this noti/c \iill be plead in bar oi their recoyorw. All. persona owing; saicbestate Avi)fcom A forward at once ancTmaYe settlement. YThis March 17th, 1911. JokN Tucki.r, Admr. NOTICK OF AAsT ELECTION Notice is hereby ven that, in accordance with the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, public laws 'Ji 1911, entitled an" act to jJroyidc gooijfroads in Louisburg townships Franklin county ratified the 7th day of Mar* h71911. and upon the request of\ho l&cJtrd of Road Trustees of Loulshurt tnwship, represented by W. H. AUeitarviC. 11. Choatham, corng mittee. The\b<mrd of commissioners for the countjVp Franklin do hereby order an electicm to be held-on W ednesday, the iOtiwlay of May, 1911, at which election thue shall be submitted to the voters Jof ILouisburg township the question of t1u\levy of a special tax and issuing of tfto bonds as set out and provided ri said act of 1911, section thirteen, at a J rate ndfc exceeding 25c on the $100 Njbrlh of rapperty and 75c on the poll. Dohn H. BVit is appointed Registrar an J J. M. Allen and E. S Ford are appointed poll headers for said election. Tie voting plac\ will be at the court hcuse, in the usu^ place provided for hiding elections *>r county and state omcers, in the towmof LouisUurg, and tie same sha'l be Veld and conducted is is provided in tire aforesaid act of 1911,. a copy of vraich is filed with jbhe ttoArd. A new rd gistra? Lion is proiidoil for in said act aid thej "egistnUKWi books will be kept open fori luch pnrybse in the office or the Agister of Drtids of Franklin county for the time provided by law. Those electors n favor of the issuance of said bonds ball cast ballot upon which shall be written or printed "For Good Roads" md those opposed to the issuance of >aid bonds and the levy of aaid tax shall sast ballots upon which shall be written or printed "Against Good Roads " By order of thd Board of Commisiloners. T. 8. COLLIE, Chm. Ino. B. Yarboroogh, Clerk. f '' &> ??*. -l- jigfiL i li'lnffiVi' bi' mmHMM . -:,v>. ! >.v.. . v.-; a ppg , jce ivice^to select the right int knowledge, because Iware and. furnishings. ?t,.i ?i .S u: r ' -iui cuiui ^^liumauLuiijjj f painter to ute\ TV ' * ** al test of paint value is vill cover and the years H ouse Paint costs less longer. icrae Quality Painting suggestions.' m lamelcd, stained, varnished or Quality Kind to fit the purpose. Co. FOR SALl^ One XVrenn Huge y bushels damaged corn r)0 cents \pr bushels, 40 tons best Smith Coal $5. V) per ton^ P. A. Rkavik \ SALE OF VALUABLE STANDING TIMBERS. Pursuant to authority contained in I an order made by the Superior Court * . in that ex parte proceeding entitled ' R. S. Coppedjge and others the underj signed commissioner, will, "on the first "" ; day of May, 1911. it being first Monday of said njonth, offer for sale at public auction t?.vthe highest bidder at tlie ] court-house*. door in , Louisburg. upon the terms ahd coucfitions hereinafter | set out, the following' standing timber, : with the usual rights and priveleges | incidental to timber ' conveyances, vi/.: AH the standing tirnraira of and above eight inches at tho stumja 'when cut upon the tract of land described as fo! lows; That tract of land owned by W R rnnr^wn TW'.l at !his death and bounded on the North by Major Creek more' on the Kasl by Joe ? I Privett and John J Privett on the South j by May Brothers.' and on the West by loe Spivey and Mr^. Pattie Moses con! taining about 220-^acres in the wliole i tract. The standing timber thereon j hereby offered for sale embraces about 130 acres. The time in which said ?irn; Iters sha 1 be cut and removed is three ' years from and after date of this sale. Terms ol" sale, cash. This April 1st, ' 1911. ' B. T. Holpen, Commissioner. j' ^ / SAI.E OF LANJi. / i\ By virtue of the authority grantbd in deed of trust execiked Februa^ 27th, j r002. by Joseph F.vaus and \yfe Marie Evans to F. >. Spruilk trustee, which is | of record m Franklin\county registry, book 123 at page. lOO^oe fail It having 4 i been made fn the payment pf the note J seen red thereby^ thar undersigned will, j on the first day tfT Mly, 1911, sell at ? public auction txyeno hitliest bidder for cash at the coujft house! door at Louis' burg, N. C.y^hat tract or parcel of | land in Cypsess Creek township, Franki lin countyird.scribed as follows, viz: tteginafng at a stake said pointers of I lot N<^2 in the division if the^ lands of Por.gMCoppedge, deceastn, among his I hejrii at law, and in J. Cn^heless line. " Jneniie s 2 w 93 poles to4a stake ana 'swee .-gum pointers, corner for lot No 1 in said division >nd io theuine of No 4, thence s 88 e 02 p \41, to h stake and cedar pointers, corner .for No 4 in J. C. W he less'8 line, thence n 2 e\93 poles to the beginning, and containing 34 J acres more or less according to sutVey of W. N. Fuller, and being the tract of land ^ alloted to Marie Etans by a degree of/ the Superior Conrt in case of Coppedgjt va Copnpdge. This the 1st day of ' April 101L 1 r F. 8. SntuiLL, Trustee. Sphutll 4 H *f>*w. Att'ys.

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