I RIVERSIDE I Horses I ' E. S. F< Receiving Cut Herrings ar * Cabbage THE HOME CIF VeasanT Evening Rays cated to Tired Mot ihc> UnmD Rinnle LllU I1UU1U Ull U1U CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM The home should be -a place where man is always Sri'his good behavior; our kindest words, our pleaBantest smiles, and our most particular favors, should be kept to exchange with our own household. * If your grown sons or daughters have accomplished some difficult pieoe of work, rendering you essential assistance; or have climbed some step in the daily drill of study, or have acquired some new accomplishment, or added grace; or better than all, have gained the victory over some bad habit or besetting sin? aeknowU dge it, see it, praise them for it. Let them see by your added tenderness, the deep joy and comfort it gives you. Thus you will create a great incentive to right con-' duct, and lay a broad foundation for a character which shall be redolent "with a succulent fruit and tragrant blossoms. A pian who has made a happy home for his wife and children, no matteiswhat he has not done in the way of achieving wealth and honor; if he has not done that, and it is his own fault, though he bejhe highest in the land, he is a most pitiable failure. We wonder how many men in a mad pursuit of gold, which f^^racteriaes the age, realize that |Kre is no fortune whioh can be left to their fahfllies as great as the memory of a happy home, * What can equal a mothers love for the boy? You boys have grown up from tender babies under a mother's watchful care.- Ah, boys,Jhow many heartaches do you caurd' that dear INDI We have sale chea] them. W so come a >rd |p Daily id Florida a -J m LOUI iCLE COLUMN.; riss.?R Column Dsdi-! .hers as They Join at Evening Tide [ THE EDITORIAL PEN , old mother! Do you realize the < world of affectiou in a \ mother's 1 heart ? What joy can you have in 1 her sorrow ? What pleasure in lier 1 o ct 3 t pain i OLvp, my ihu, t*uu iuiu& u? your mother's heart. You have it in your power to make it glad, or make it sad. Let your heart warm to hers as it did when a babe in her arms. Kindly stroke the gray hairs on her head and assure her that in your heart thero is seated a deep and lasting love and reverence for her. ? It is natural and right that a mother should wish to see her daughter well educated and even highly accomplished; and it is a mistake that good and careful education should unfit a girl for the homely duties of cooking, dusting and gen eral housework. On the contrary, those duties would be better per? fotmed if mothers would at the same time that they seek talented instructors for their daughters, impart to them some of their owu culinary ~talent there would be more good wives and mai ridges. * * Rascally and ecoundrelly people for the most part come from iniquitous homes,from undisciplined home*. Parents harsh and cruel on the one hand, or on the other hand, loose in their government?wickedly loose in their government?are raising np a generation of vipers. A home where scolding and fretfulness are dominated is blood relation to the gallows and the jail. Petulance is a serpent that crawls up in the t family nusery sometimes and crushes jj everything. Why there are parent* I ' \ - I k . t advertised buggi* p lor the past nir e have decided tc nd get one. or \ Wholesale ISBURC,, who even make religion disgusting to their children. They ecold thera For not putting in all their leisnre ime at church or some church gathsring. They have an exasperating way of doing their duty. ? -'TWILL STAND ACQUITTED. On the great day ot account it will be found, that men have erred nore in judging of the honesty of >thers than in any one thing else, rot even religion excepted. Many who have been condemned and had be stigma of dishonesty fixed upon hem because misfortune disabled :bem from paying their just debts withstand acquitted by the judce of ;he qhjck and dead while others lover dishonest hearts and actions indetected by :.ian. It is our earnsst desire to eradicate the impreslion so fatal to many a young man, ;hat one cannot ItVp by being perfectly honest. Yotix must have mown men who have gone on for fears in unbroken prosperity and fet never adopted that base motto, 'All is fair in trade." You must lave seen too noble examples of hose who have met with losses and allures, and yet risen from them all vith a conscious integrity,, and who lave been sustained by the teetiuouy of all around them, that hough unfortunate, they were never lishonest. When we set before you inoh examples, when we show you, lot that "Honesty is the best policy," iut that it is the very keystone of he whole arch of manly and christian qualities, it cannot be that every ngenious heart does not respond to he appeal. Heaven grant all such o feel that an "Honest man is the loblest work of God" and to live as hey feel. * * * Some people give according to heir means, others according to their neanness. K \ Lame Shoulder is nearly alway s due o rheumatism, of the muscles, and |uickly yields ty all dealers. ps ' \ NDENT es, wagons and horses for lety days, but still have try and give them away /- b. n. w AVIS CO. \J. Rece ; Groccis \ ?range .7 \ and North Carolina We Have Just Taki Old - Re / Jl Wheeler an I Wilson and Spiger Sewinp\ Machines, J Bands and accessories. we are in a posVtion tolpxte commodatiori>nat can bvhad. Rotary Mid vibretin; stitcli. We yfill show taein in mahogium birds Ae ter sawedronk, drop/eada with 5 to 7 tsawersA 1 beat on ejurth, write ui a card and will brine you or like* pa.ywhen you^fish. Pianos, organa^Machin^ J.W. HOLLING LOU1SBURG, , .).' r. 1 . % * t- ' X.- I ^ : v' - ' ,t ' * 4 Mules illiamson X .'..." ' X. ? > " "N iving Daily x s, Lemons, Dunlop Excelsior Flour **" s mwn a ? ? w en oil The < liable 3 tfeedles 3 for 5 cents. Oil nd you the most liberal acI shuttles, lock and chain maple english oak and quarf you want one of these the le for inspection, buy if you i. coffins and Caskets. SWORTH N. C- -./ v ; . ?