t 4 / . / A, ^ SAMPLE LINE OF *MM *LiyVj7^ttV "JL, Yoii ute (|(M (lially v^_ Make qui* Storp I ' \ Yini r Hea(jfquartei s Racket Store - ^ * -j NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with the provisions of an Act of tlie General Assernb y of North Carolina, Public Laws of 1011. entitled "An Act to provide for the issuing of bonds by the Town of Louisburg," adopted at the session of 1911, the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg do hereby order an election to be held on Tuesday, the second day of May, 1911, at which election there shall be submitted to the voters of the Town of Louisburg the question of the levy of a special tax not exceed ing ten cents on the S'OO.Un worth ol property and thirty cents on the poll, and the issuance of" bonds not exceeding $15,000.00, as set out and provided in said Act of 1911, a c pv of .which ison lile with the Clerk of the Board. The proceeds qi said bonds to go to the discharge of the floating indebtedness of the town./ The samel registrar and pollholders appointed tdthold the regular biennial election of officers, namely R. O. Bisset, Registrar, aril lE. F. Yarborougli and A. F. JohnsoiS^>ollholders'will hold said election. . . The voting_place sdiaTHejn be Town oi Liouisoiirg^c me jniace ^aeieciea *or i the election aK\own\ officers TH*on that date, and the Tfcmel shall b<* Kbld and conducted aa isVro\?ded In the afore. said Act ol 4911.p^ci new registration is required butJalY Qualified voters of i the Town <^f I^uisbbrtrafe entitled to vote in said electioneer! ose voting for the issue of said bondashall have writ?ten or printed upon their ballots the words, "Far Bonds" and those voting against theWme shall have written or printed thetoou the wdrds, ."Against Bonds." '\.k The registration books will be kept open in the office of tie* Town Clerk at Hill's Stables on Nash street tor the time required by law. and th.vo who have become qualified to vote in said town since the last election or who were qualified at that time but did not register are notified to register for said election. . . By order of the Commissioners of the Town of tauisburg, this April 6th. 1911. J. R. Colmk, Mayor. R. O. Bl8*ETr, Clerk. Joseph Yarborough k tai^orI In A. TYxNeal BuildingX I am prepared to do wour pressing> N cleaning and tailoring at very reason able rates. All work grfer&qteen. Give al and I will please ou. Phone No. 169 SUNDAY_SCHOOL. Lesson VI.?Second Quarter, For ? May 7, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES.' Text of the Leeeon, II Chron. xxvi, 8-21. Memory Vereee. 19, 20?Golden Text, Prov. xvi, 18?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. . Ah we consider the lives of these king* of Judnb we must remember that the throne lit Jerusalem iscnHed the throue of the I^ord, and those who reigned there were kings for the Lord their God (I Chron. xxtx. 23: II Chron. Ix. 8i. There were eight kings of whom it is written that they "did right in the sight of the Lord." and this Uzziah. or Azarlah. was one of the eight (verse 4; II King3 xv, 1-3). But they only did right in some measure, some Aiore. some less, and all failed in many things. The time is still future when the twelve tri^fs shall be one kingdom and a king sitting on the throne of David at Jerusalem who shalbreign in righteousness, bringing peace, quietness and assurance to all His people and to all the world (Ezek. xxxvll. 21. 22; Isa. xxxll, 1. 17). But it shall be, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. "They shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord, and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem" (Jer. ill. 17). At that day it shall be said "The King of Israel, even Jehovah. is in the midst of thee; thou shalt not see evil any more" (Zeph. ill, 15). "And Jehovah shall be king over all the earth" (Zecb. xlv. 0). Jn those days the kingdom and nation that will not serve Israel shall perish and be utterly wasted (Isa. lx, 12). Although Czziah reigned flfty-two years, his whole story Is found in this one lesson chapter and in the first seven verses of II Kings xv. In his days Isaiah and Amos were the prophets, the Lord's messengers (Isa. i, 1; Amos i, 1), full of rebuke for sin, but also of prediction of a glorious future for Israel wheu she shall receive ber Messiah. Every good king should turn our thoughts to the Son of God. the King A# Icmnl / lnhn ? A f?\ nr./* ?hnlP fnOiiMu set Ilim forth more brightly as the one who will never fail nor be discouraged. U/.ziali seems to have been greatly helped by a prophet named Zechariah. -?who had visions of God (verse 5)?not the one who wrote "the book bearing his name, for he lived after the captivity, nor the one of 11 Chron. xxiv, 20. 21. who was stoned to death for his faithfulness. It is a great thing to I see God. and this we can do in Jesus Christ, who said "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father" (John xlv. I 9). We can by the Spirit behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (II Cor. lv. 4, 6), .nnd thus we shall be enabled to help others to see Him, too. and know Him. While tliis prophet helped him be sought the Lord, and j God made him to prosper (verse 5). He seems to have been prospered! through 'most of his reign. God helped ] him against his enemies, other nations ; brought gifts to him, and his name spread abroad (verses 7, 8). Thus God honors those who honor Him. It was so during part of the reign of Solomon when the queen.of Sheba and all kings of the earth sought him and brought him gifts (II Chron. is, 8. &r22-24>. So it shall be in an unprecedented degree when Jesus Christ shall be King in Jerusalem. Then shall all nations, Jlke the wise men from the east, bring their treasures unto Him (lsa. lx,-9;ll). Uzziah was so greatly blessed that he became self suindent, strong in himself instead of in the Lord, and then he fell. He presumed to take upon him the office of a priest and to burn incense in the lionse of God. nnd the Lord smote him with leprosy, nnd he became a leper unto the day of his I death and had to'llve in a separate I house. The only King of Israel who will be a priest upon his throue will be the rann whose name is the Branch (Zech. vi, 12, 13). lie will be a priest forever after the order of Matchlzedek. who was both priest and king (Gi*u. xlv, IS; Ps. cx, 4; neb. vii. 1. 1 Ti. If wo are redeemed'we are kings and priests unto God and shall reign with Christ when lie reigns (Iter, i, 6; v, 9, 10). Back of this sin of Uzzinh it is not difficult to see the great adversary who said "I will be like the Most High" and who said to Eve. "Ye shall be as gods" (Isa. xiv, 14; Gen. 111. 5). Humility, not pride, is the characteristic of a true child of God, realizing that we are not sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency Is of God (II Cor. ill. 5i. The only way for us Is to be "strong in the Lord and in the power of Ills.might,*' having no confidence in ourselves, for in us?that Is. in our flesh?dwelleth no good thing (Eph. vt, 10; Phil. 111. 3; Horn. vii. 18). We have a great IUgh Priest who is touched with a feeling of our Infirmities and who is able to save to the uttermost all of those who come unto God by Him. ? Let us rejoice In Him nnd serve I Him with nil humility, remembering to ' do justly, love mercy nnd walk hum| lily with our God. All self righteousness, self sufficiency, pride and ambition to be somebody or something apart from Jesus Christ we must shun as we would the devil himself. It Is written of Uzziah that "as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to pros|K?r" (verse ft). This is In ae* ? cord with Josh. I, 7. 8; Ps. i. 1-3. True Sleeking Is always according to Jer' xxlx. 11. and the exhortations thereto n re..very plain IA Ian. lv, fl; Zeph, U 8. Consider Hezeklah in II Chros \xxl 20. 21. and alqo sen Ezra vii. 10 i v.. n NO REASON FOR DOUBf. A Statement of Fao^a Backsd by a Strong Guajrante^. We guarantee complete-relief to all sufferers from consujmtlmi. In every case where we fall ?e Will supply the medicine free. I J Kezall Orderlies Are a gentle, effective. dependable I and safe bowel regulator, strdugtneficr and tonic. They re-establislfe tvtture's functions In a quiet. easw\fAy. They do not cause any InconvXhience. griping or nausea. They c re bW pleasant to take and work so ei *11 tVat tjg?y may be taken by any o le at atay time. They thoroughly tunc U > the\whole system to healthy actlr p \ Rexall Orderlta are irasurpassable and ideal for the use of Children, old folks and delicate persona. \Ve cannot too highly recomn end them\p all sufferers from any form of comttlpatlon and its attendant evils. Twd> sizes, 10c. and 25<*. Uonemher. you can obtain Rexall, Hem Jdlos la this community only at our stire?The Rexall Store. I % ' The Scncgin Drag Co. Nearly Smothered. Chandler, N. C.?Mrs. Augusta L minx, of this place, Kvrites: I had ^mothering spells eve#v day, so bad that I expected deithlat any "lime. 1 could not sit tip in >ed. I suffered frcpn womanly troubles. My nerves were unWun 5. I had almost. given up all w of ever being better. I tried tardui, and it did m? more good t?afK anything I Iliad ev?r taken. I in b^er new | than I ever expected to be." \Thou|sands of 1* dies have written sinular letters, telling of the merits of Ckidni. I relieved tl eir headache, and misery, just as t will relieve you s, if \ou will let \\ Try. Stock Owners ' The beit remedy ror Sweeney, Strained ^Tendons, /"Wind Puffs, Capped ftjck, Shie Boil, Galls, Colds, Distemper, Shipping Fever, all forms qf Rheumatism, Thrush, Corns, Nail Wounds, Spavin, etc., is NOAH'S LINIMENT. We do not klatfn-ibat NOAH'S LINIMENT will/cure every case of Spavin; thAI best authorities tell us that onll a small percentage of such casetWe curable. We are positive, mowever, that if treated with NOAH'S LINIMENT in the early stage, Yhat a cure can be effected. / \ proof pogrnvE "We have never used V liniment we consider the etmial to Noah's Liniment for bruises, s plains, strained tendons and to use on Ithroat, sires and chest for dl8tem(Jfer,J colds. etc\ Richmond Transfer Co., Iflchmond, "Wu Better Thin $5.00 Reddles. "We cheerfully recommenmall stable men to give ito&h's Llnlmekt a trial an0 be convinced of its wonderful curative properties! We have obtained as Rood, if not belter, results from its use than we did frdm remedies costing: $5.00 per bottle, hmrfolk and Portsmouth Transfer Co., Norfolk, Va." ' actual Tndorsei lents reproduced, or better still, send you by express prepaid a $1.00 bottle >r a gallon tin at $6.00, and if you are not *u. ' convinced it 4s the -mbest remedy ?ou ever used I vill IyN gladly return our money. E i t ler sent on receii t of nrlro Ynn rifn nn risk in giving Noah's T-lnlment a I .' [ I T.N trial. Noah L. | W Lv^l I ^ J Martin, Noah MfMlBfMM Remedy Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. Inlklll^| j^Wll When a. medicine must be" given to yortg chiiijrenV "pTNuld ho pleasant to take ChamheV&ijf s Cough Remedy is made frem loafVJigar, and the roots used in its pr<-panNion give it a flavor similar to maplo jrepkop. making itplea3 ant to take. Ixi haS^no superior fot colds, croup andfwhoDptog cough. For sale by all dealers. \ Fojt RALE An extra lot ?.-f Biggs^I?ro!ific Seed Corn for sa'e cheap. TcVkl first prize in FinnkliriUtp \ last year, making 97 lurahefs \fyi ooM>|icre. This iseed will i.'eftakiSr-ffom (hiAono aero. 1 .1. U/(VNNADY I R F. D. 8 .Fnnklipfcn, N. C. ^ \ ' |3#?D?,| World's Greatest ?. InUrnil and External 1 iTil IK Vain I niilSfi Remedy For RKoumatwm, ScjAtjca^^ame Back. Stiff i Joint* and MtKjN,ScnTKiw.Colid described H "as~To!Towg ly Mfrvey made- December in 3th 1910. Beginning at a stake C M m Vaughans /joiner, thence n 1 1-2 d e 25.55 chainf'to autake thence s 87 d e. 11.10 chain to Mrs. Yarboros corner, thence nfit del chain to an elm, thence evst 42."/ychains to an ash on Little Creek, 'thence s8del chain to the Davis dinmer, thence west 20 50 < hains, to a niri^ stump, thence s 3 d w 25.25 chains ?b little creek, thence s 5 d w 7 ?j chains to a stake and pointers in Harris 01 line, thence n 88 1-2 d w 16 chains toa stake, thence n 1 i-2d e 25 chains to .a i? rock, thence n 88 1-2 d w 16 chains to the beginning, being a part of the r| Lawrence S. Alford lands. ?' 9J, The terms of the sale are one-third cash, the balance payable in twelve months with interest at six per cent from date of sale. This April 11, 1911. or R. B.'Wiiitk, Com. n*4 ri ft In 520 minutes : H-V ik U flf M U Sf'i) with Dr. bhoop's I JiiH U & *3 a M Remedy. One . () iftuyiH p a. is?*, \ sa>o and plea sing syrup?50c. Druggists. j ot-s NOTlfcE Having qualified a/ administrator of e estate of Eltfc a. > Iston, deceased, is is to notify! all persons holding aims against say estate to present en? to me on orXbefore March 31st, 12; or this notidfeWill be plead in bar P -?h*ir recovery yUl persons indebt- ?n * \-tr> said estatrf wilY come forward and in t ake immediate \ettlemenc. This B. S arch 31st 10/1. W. M. ALSTON,Adm. 8iffr J ('&y : of s auc FOR .f 1911, entitled an j Lgr( t to provide gooA roads in Louisburg ; wnship, Franklfi county ratified the j ^ h day of Marerf 1911. and upon the , Yea"j quest of the 114ard of Road Trustees j Louisburg township, represented by 1Qn . If. Allen arJl C. B. Cheatham, com? iVtee. The bAard of commissioners r\jie county Af Franklin .do" hereby ! dervan election to be. held on ecu 1 sdajL the 10fh day of May, 1911, at Inch dleetiorythere shall be submitted the voters/ of Lnuisburg township 1 deer e question df the levy of a special x and isiuiag of the bonds as set out Eva id providednn said act of 1911, section , ?f ri irteen, at ? rate not exceeding 25c ',KK>' i the $100 Aorth of property and 75c the poll. / Jtohn H. Best is appointed [8ec" 'gistrar aid X.M. Allen and E. S ' on ' >rd ar?- aJpoinV-d poll holders for said Pu^l ?ction. she voting place will be at 1,ys'' e court Mouse, iA the usual place pro- bur,] led for Molding <\iclions for coun v d state Jfticers, initio- town of Louis- c rg, andlhe same \ha I be held and R* iiductedfas i* provided in the afflre-, 1 if which isI P^r? *d witlf the board. new registrar hein n is provided for ih -\i 1 act and the j pstratiAn books will l>\kept open for >?A' ' ch pnripse in the otHcXol the Regis- j *n Sl of Deads of FranklifTcdunty for the th?*r. no provided bj' law. i'hV&c electors e? d.i favor of ihe issuance ??f *aid bonds ail cast ballot upon whichNshall be 1 itten or printed "For Good Roads" rTV,r d those opposed to the issuance of N. d bonds ami the levy of said lax shall st ballots upon which shall be writ- l'> i or printed "Against Good Roads " By order of the Board of Commia- Apr: triers T. 8. G< ?LLIE, Chm. o. B. Yarborough, Clerk. Si =-==-??-art-?g? " . _> ze e, to select the right knowledge, because re and furnishings. color combinations, iter to use Y est of paint value is cover and the years use Paint costs less ger. e Quality Painting gestions. :led, stained, varnished or lity Kind to fit the purpose. _o. .FOR SALE ne Wrenn jJufcgy 170 bushels damd corn 50 cents per bushels, 40 tons t Smith (Jo&lTCS.dO per ton. r \ P. A. Rkavib rder made by tlie Superior Court hat ex \parte/proceeding entitled 5. Coppeqge a/id others the underled commnBsiOTier, will, on the first of May. it bfeipg GfsfcrMonday aid month,Jvfcr for-aale at public tion to th? \ighest bidder at the ^ rt-house .*loo\ in Louisotw^, upon terms^nd conditions hereinafter out, tlye folio viVg standing tihaber, i the/usual rights and priveleges deniifl to timber ^conveyances, vizr li \m& standing t-inrhfT^ of and above lUfiichgg at tlie sVimp when Ttit^ ;? the tract of land described as fol s; That tract of land owned by B. Coppedgre, Dec'd at the time of death and bounded on\he North by or Creekmore. on the Bast by Joe vil? p?11. V,diiu UU11I1 x i IVCII uu yic OUUIU Way Brothers, ana on the NWest by Spivey and Mrs. Pattie .Moses coning" about 220 acres in the whole t. The standing timber thereon sby offered for sale embraces about acres. The time in which said timt sha 1 be cut and removed is three rs from and after date of this sale, ms of sale, cash. This April 1st, B. T. IIoi.pen, Commissioner. SAJ-E OF -AND. y virtue of the aui hority granted in I of trust execute 1 February* 27th, !. by Joseph Kvan and wife Marie ns to & -. Spruill, trustee, which is cord ft Franklin county registry, <. 135 ut^ojage 10; default having i made inVhe payment of the note ired therew, the! undersigned will, tiie first daXof [May, 1911, sell at lie auction toVheihighPst bidder for i at the courthouse door at Louis rt N. C., thatytract or pan-el of in Cypress Cre?c township, Frank.ounty, d scribcifULs follows, viz: . iginuing at a sfcwp and pointers of Mo. 2 in the diwsirVi of the lands of y Coppedge, giceqeed, among his s at law, and in J yj Wheless lino, ice s 2 w 93 f 2rp 141, to\ a stake and pointers, abrner for No 4 in J. C. t-ss's line, Alienee n 2 \ 93 poles to < ginning, And containing 34$ acres r loss a? ording to suflfrey of W. r. amvbcing the track of land 1 to Marie Evans by a dWrqp of ;p rior Court in case of O^ppedge dgi. This the 1st day o I 1911. I ^ s^gpRUILLt Tnii^ ^ |