Suggestive Questions On the Sanday School L sstn ty Rev. Dr. Linscott for the International Press Bible Question Club I Copi/rtj-ht J9JI bu T S Lincuti, /-. D. MAY I4l II, 1811. Iaai?h% Vision and (V.t S?i vice. (Hotrie Missionary Lk*-h ) ^ Isa. vi. Gold- n text?I heart! i*> * -io? da"repeating? h ? (3.) l??-u We have . ? h*i .1!.. Divine M'uLi)ination w I ?. ] *?l ! ^ vantag i e mnecting it ?is -o t . .. . j eveut, tinig down i! * n Iaaial * to have done? (4.) !hd Iaaiah or uny s j ever no- wnli tlie out* u tin actum f God, and v. \ r ~ 5T - .: *1 be BO 8 fit ? (5) Is hern an\ re .s . ? k i, that S? laptiiin, or atige s, m 1 e' everywi..-r- m the uiiu#j . ? *? ; had t - t-iit through -he i s-eK tbem ? (6.) Vt-we 5 ? How hiu> >8 of his simulates ? (7 ) W iiai if any rt-awni ?* ih?*r?* to conclude that the use ? ( o'?n Fnnkiint"ii wher** ahe Ml* In-. r? Tt*n?m* -oi?l. Miw Dora L wr* no closed h?*r rh?i ! ' ?* Friday iini Ktlivl t f??''"-m, of p. rr\*s ill, ia ?i??ft?iinc I'd* **-?*k with Mia^ ?<>iri:iD Uoline*, f P>i|im. . It. (t, hiiiI S. h . WiKxIlief, of k hi" ip as' wednesdayj lichi wirtt G. H INr^H^in. E. I. M,M?r* ap.ntlaat Sunday ift*rno mi lib It. L. Ouiirri. J. ??*?.4" IVrr* *i? ni Satiirdty and >unm?.?a\. Let's all in f 1 ,nd build :pi interest in mr j*c I 1?\ t I 'nn nl? ih? litt'e >nuient is aba ffvu^ly esteemed or the relief it aiforws in cases of rheumatism. ^old by all sealers. A Splendid Tonic. Cor , K?. ?Mr*. Iva Mora, of thie ihg?, bus, '1 was b? weak, I could >?M|> ?.ilk. I tried Oarilui, aud a* greatly relieved. It u a apt' ndi! onic. I have recommeaded Cardui o nirnv friends, who taed/it with ;ood results." Testimony like this OHU4 mis.'Iiriteih-tp>m thousands of atm-st women who been beneited bv the timely twe MSthat suo-^ essfu t '\ic medicine, Carduh^'arev veg> table, mild, but reliable, s^r- j ui well merits Us high place in ili^i steein of thuee who hive tried it It j elieves wo nen's paina. and strengthna weak women. A is certainly rorth a trial. Yourf druggist sells j lardui. ???? Sick headache result from a disor- | ered condition of tnfeJBtomach, can be j ured by the use oTvChamberlain'a tomach and Liver Tmblets. Try it. "or sale by dealers. The Trust and Free Trade. j The Steel Trust has climbed down j rooi its high horse and now declares [ hrough its chairman, that "there has j een no intention or effort to antagonre or influence legislation." Work o the new plaat of the American Steel nil Wire Company, a subsidary corpoation of the Steel Trust, has been rdered resumed and 400 out of the 600 nen employed at Corey, near Birmingiam, Ala., have gone-back to work. The plant wiLWioat is non nrvi F T J* T, '" ' W " "VU omptotea. J. M. Howell, a^pqpular druggist of ireensburg, Ky., sayVJ'We use Chamlerlain's Cough Renedy^in our own lou&ehold and know tt is excellent." for sale by dealers,, \ NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Franklin county, in he Superior court, Amanda Evans vs William Evgns. The defendant above tamed will take notice that an action ntitled as abqve has peen commenced n the Superiors court Jbf Franklin county by said plaintiff for divorce from the xinds of matrimony (existing between ler and said (leflpidint; and the said lefendant will furthir take notice that le is required to ipaear at the next ?rm of the Superior court of the said :ounty, to be held o? the sixth Monday tfter the lint MonjLy in March, 1911, t being the 17th da] of April, .1911, at the court house inlLouisburg in said tountv, and answer! or demur to the .oraplainf in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the coiwt for the relief denauded in the complaint. This the 20 lay "of March, 1911. J. J. Barrow, C. S. C. W. H. Yarborough, Jr., Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE , Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Ellis I. Alston, deceased. Ihis is to IMMpLjU persons holdiog -laims against saiorwatate to present them to me on or Dsforw>t(arc{i 81st, 1912, or this notice wUI, be pfefcdjn bar if their recovery. Al persons inJfeht sd to said estate will some forward ana make immediate settlement. This March 31st 1911. W. M. Alston. Adm. OROUP^p *<' / ' ' V 6- - ' ' rimi i WEEVIL BEATEN BY EARLY CROP ; ' ?? Expert Advises on Way to Avoid Damage to Cotton. FERTILIZERS ARE VALUABLE I Every Possible Means Should Bo Adopted For Forcing the Plants So That There Will Be No Food Late In Season For the Peatf?Early Varieties Should Be Choaen. ...............,..,.,1.,.. I;; FACTS CONCERNING | I;; THE BOLL WEEVIL. J I i; [ JT cnrae froln Mexico and first J ? upiwired In southern Texas In a. ] I 1802. It spread to half a dozen J ? ? counties by 1804. when govern- a ]! uieut attention was directed to It. T *; States uow affected ? Texas. 1 ! I Louisiana. Mississippi. Arkansas J *; and Oklahoma. * !! Area affected, about 225.000 + square miles. 4* J Loss to planters. 400,000 bales J f anutfally. Since its advent the | | boll weevil has destroyed 2,550.- J | 000 bales, worth S12S.000.000, By W. D. HUNTER, Bureau of Entomology of tho United Statoa Department of Agriculture. Although the destruction of the weevils In the fall is the great esseutiat step In controlling the Insect, It cannot w U?y?uucu UU QAVlUWVVljr, J. ue IUJ1 benefit* of the fall work and tbe maximum crop cannot be obtained unless tbe next great step, procuring an early crop, la also taken. Tbe advantage of early planting bus been demonstrated In every one of tbe numerous experiments made by tbe bureau of entomology and baa now become tbe general practice among farmers. The reasons for the efficiency of early planting are not far to seek. Tbe small numbers of weevils passing through tbe winter must have considerable time to multiply. Tbey are uuable to breed until squares are put on by tbe plants, since the food obtained from the fruit Is required before reproduction can begin. Advantage In Early Planting. Moreover, at the time the first squares are put on. the development of tbe Immature stages is comparatively slow, not reacbwtg the very rapid rate that obtains during the warm days and nights of tbe summer. For COTTON SQUAIiE. [Cut shows egg puncture of boll weevil and "flaring" of bracts. Natural sizeAuthor's Illustration.] these reasons It is possible for tbe farmer to rush his crop in such a way that a large number of squares and bolls will be formed before tbe weevils have multlnlied a ??rtnn? art/mt Of course under usual conditions the weevils will ultimately multiply so that the crop put on after a certain date will all be destroyed- .This, however. Is of no Importance since a top crop in weevil regions is entirely out I of the question. I Use of Commercial Fertilizers. 1 An important step in procuring an early crop under many condition* U the use of commercial fertilizers. To many large areas in the cotton belt the land Is uot Impoverished to the extent that it actually needs fertilizers under normal conditions. It has been demonstrated uaauy times by the different experiment stations in the south that the maturity of cotton can frequently be hastened materially by the use ??f fertilizers, especially those eoutalnlug a high percentage of phosphoric acid. The recommendation for the use of fertilizers In weevil regions, therefore, does uot imply the exhaustion of the soil. It nicely means that fertilizers are an Ifiixirtant meajis-of averting damage by the boll weevil. Use of Early Varieties. Next in Importance, to early preparation and fertilization iwbarc necessary) in obtaining an early crop of coKon comes the use of early varieties. In all exj>erlments that have been undertaken the advantage In the use of early varieties has been con aplcuous ? There are a number of standard vn rletlea that have been found of value in weevil Infested regions Arrtong them are the Kowden. Triumph. Cleveland Big Boll. Cook s Improved and Klog. All of these except the "King tuive either medium .ized or larite boll* The IvlitK he* a email boll, nbom eighty bylng required jro make a poontk. but 1m rwttmrk.tbly enrly and baa (riven the beet vlrlde In most of*the eapertroentM of the l.ttrettn of entomology. Haw kins' Karl? Proj 110c ant' Hint tin* have given jtrnxJ revolts In recant experhneoU. - .V RkeuMatbui aid Blood Dlaeaica The cauae of rheumatism la excei uric add in the blood. To cure rhei matlam thla add must be expelled fro the system. RheumaOfin?tt an inte nal disease aid reujflrea an Intern remaay. Rubmni With oils and Un inenta may eaa tner pain, but they w; no more cure] rheumatism than pah will chance the fleer of rotten wood. CsrM RkeuaalLui To Stay Curcdi Science has tyhcovered a perfect ar complete cure Milled Rheuraacide. Tea ed in hundred# of cases. It has effects marvelous cuafea. Rheumaclde removi the cajise, gefs at the Joints from tft Inside, aweepa the poisons out of tl system, tones up the stomach, regular the bowela and kidneys. Sold by drui gists at 60c. and II; In the tablet fori at tfc. and 60c.. by mall. Booklet fre Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md. Gets At Tke Joints Prom The Imaid /V JUST . KheumflOjte Alert Route No 1 Items. An I haven't wen any news froi here lately, will send in |i few item J. B. Hunt "made a business tri Jo Cedar Hock laat .Monday. Roy Tbarnnaton and sister, Mil Man' Etta, were visitors at B. I Harris' last Tuesday night and wt accompanied home by Ellis Harri Frank Iliok. visited Jim Nev nan's, near Epson, last Saturday. J. H. Hunt spent Sunday at Rc Harris' near Schloss. Sidney Burnett spent Sunday i William Tbarrincton'a ami r?i.n? a nice time. "Beue Eyed Kid.* eczemaTTjured. Pimple^Disappear, Completion C!ea ed Over NightI New York, Thousands are takin advantage of the generals offer mad by The WooMworth Co., M61 Broadwa; New York Cftv requesting an exper mental package, of Lfmola the ne skin discoveryTVhich ia mailed free < charge to all who.i\ritmor it. It alon is sufficient to clear thl complexion ov er night and rid tnV f/ce Of pimples i a few hours. On tV/ first applicatio of Lemola the itchinll will stop. It hs cured thousands fflpked with eczems Teeters. Rashes IjEhVngs Irritation! Acmes, Scalings as4 Crusting of skim scalps, of infants, Aildrdb and adultc It is good for the ureservaWm and pui ification of the Kin, scalps hair an bands for the prarcnti n of\he clog ging of the portf the usual Cause o pimples, blackhefds, redenss amfrougf ness and also (he the treatment o burns scald, wcpnds, sores, chapping as well as the tmlette and nursery. She Broke Dawn Entirely. Lamz, \V. Va.?Mr ^ Tebe Tal botf, of this place, says "I had bee troubled with woman! ailments fn some time, and at last I broke dow entirep.^Tsgot so eak I coul scarcely walrv acroi i the roou Thanks to CardmJJ nproved rigt off. Now I do mydl usevork, an Iam feeling well." D riN^/ the pai 50 years, more than i millioivjyome have been benefitted >y takinE^*l5ai dni. You must beli ve that Cardi will help you, too, a ce it helped a these others. Cardi is a safe, barn less, vegetable reme< y. of poaitivi curative merit, forjpbmen. At dru stores Try one bottle. It sorely help you. "DON'T SUpPtl WITH Cuts, Br pises Strains Vic! Sprain* but apply Noah's liniment. I It is anti- septic an! ' ^THE I Cl[ri^ENS BANK " .HENDERSON N. C. First National 18 ~ V. BANK OXFORD, N C Capital .; X >100,000.00 Surplus and Profits j\. 30,000.00 Deposits.,... 600,000.00 W? want to do some business with the good people of Franklin ? County. We pay 4 per cent Interest hn time deposits. Write or call on r us for any information. Notice our larger capital and surplus. ;r W. H. Jfi UIfT Cashier n R. P. TAYILOR, Special Agent ^ The Mutual Life Insurance Company !' ?f? OF { NEW/ - YORK i; LiDISBURG, N. C if Without committing myseKplelse advise mo- regarding the Mutual policies. j Name '. J?*..... 8 Address - Dated Birth I X. * Occupation Xj. I- FILL. OUT THE ABOVE TODAY AND MAIL TO ; R P. TAYLQB' T D;y Lwisburg, N. C. ; P^troDivD > X UU jYoar Home Industries ^ To every ma i who ones a buggy. lit will be greatly to your interest to Me me "before you buy a buggy. I am piepareirtp make any kmd of a buggy you want 11 -?GIVE MI YoUfcs^oRDER ' ' and if when the buggy is tinishec you are not pleased, you do not have to take 5 it. Buggies are fully guarantee( Call and get myWices. The best buggy repairing, repainting and ruDber ti e work a epecialtv^NJ4 years experience in B buggy building and repairing. B iggy material for sale. X " H. O. TAYLOR ' CONSOLIDATED' / ^AMO-S^YPE/WRITER CO., INC. / / CyJBr'. MZLKS, TRUSTEE ^JCAMtoS T^P^WRITER AGENCY'-S StojAs. o^^yp/yri^efs, Supplies and. / s CMHcfiiKTurniture CiriTfollowing are spe/ala, iyinfcrested write us at once as theae priooa I > only last uul Ahe stock is disposed of / 1 WilHama t wTft*rlt r/ /$i6o 2o 1 J7? 3 Underwood, long carriage 53 76 1 Mo 9 R^min^ t J?ewrit?/ / 10 00 1 No 6 Remington, rebuilt 47 50 lw?nin?S^? ^RSr A/ 2B00 1 No 7 Remington, rebuilt 49 115 Ipox^wrtuTT V 32 50 1N(>1 Vlc,or- 02 50 1 Denemor"typewmer, rebuilt, 37 GO 2 \ ?ra jjgj> ~ ?' 4 k ' v \ -1 ''?& ' ' - ; B-'r; "j*--a l\<- *' V " : < r . ; w