Profexviona f Card i T^R. JOEL WHITAKKR Practice limited to discaies of Eye, Ear 11 Nose and Throat. In jLouisburg first! Monday in each month. HlVASVC DAVIS ^ ARCH1TKC f I Louishurg, >. C. Suburban properties lai< out for development. Leveling and drainage work, tieneral SurvQpnj . W j^R. ARTHUR HYNE 3 FLEMING, Surgeon 1)pi tint, Office mA'oni Building, Ma 1 und Nash street. - Louisbun* N. C. Hours: Uj to 4:^0. PhonC N< 40. mtrH.U. NKWECtr \ I'HYSICi tN _ LuuieburjA N. C. Phone No.~15ti y^AXKLKTON-UOT :L Vrrnklinton. x. C. It. A Sfteed, Hroprietor, HoonrglN.,C. Offiro nvor P K kr \lT AlUn*. JJR. R- F. YAHBOROIJOH I'HTSr'lASj and SyiKGEON Louisturg. Ni C. Office in Yarboroilgh & Bickett building Night calls angwerol r. W. Bic kett m residence. phone 741 1 JD B. MASSENHJRG 1 , ATTORNEY AT LA >f Louisliirg, N. CI . Will practice in all ihecoortalnt the State Office in EAertcm Bunding '4^ II AY WOO! RUFF lift ATTORNIY AT LAW Lonisbirg. N. C.l Will practice in all aoarta of Franklin and adjoining counties! also in tie Supreme Court and in the United States District and Circuit Court. Office over Fir* National Bank. 1 1 rn B. WILDER I 1 I f? I 3 ATTORNEK AT LAW : Louiebuyg. N. C. "Office on Main street in Coopar. Building. gPRUILL A BO LIEN ATTORNEY! AT LA V7 I Louiaburi, N. C. I M' Will attend the courts Vl . rauklit| Yame, Granville. Warren and 1 counties, also the Supreme Couit I orth Carolina. Prompt attention givenf** collections ' ffflc in ttpiuill building. I 1 T. W. BickeflfT T R. B. wlito LouULurg, ? IFrankliatoiL N. C. gltfKETT A. WHITE I I . ^LAWYERS; Louiehurg. I, 1 The settlement o* estates lir executor*,! Administrators and Ouardians is made a iL>f-c ialtjr,and ^ahnnris reunited l?y Inif . t)fc be secured in ne odiee. Office in Yarborough & iHickott hnUilug Main street ' M. 1* BR80N 1 I ^ ATTORNEY ATlLAW Lonisburir. N .V; Practice in all courts Officelou Main Street ^ FT. YARBORUUHH, A. . ? ATTORN ICY ATll\NV ? Louisburu. N. <1 / All Is^iiH slue** III'Tinted ??lini r reive! promot attention. ilfl"'- In Egrrton Building 1 F. HOli? K ' rONTKlCTOlt ni.d BITII 3ER , ' r iiuisburu. A'. 0. Trading agent lor all kinds of hi tiding supplies. u r Li title M unties and {Tiles AryWtecX _ tnral design* smunit.tod. / . V/ DR F OvD dentisttV Frfinklinton, N. C\. E. A. ROGERS ^inwqrlker. > LouisburgSl C Will make estimate) oSsJiny job Work Guaranteed. < all tffNpite wl are in noed at HUJ hing in rS> 1 " SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson VII.?Second Quarter, For May 14, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ' Text of the Lesson, Isa. vi, 1 -13. Memory Verses?^J3-8?Golden Tex*. Isa. vi, 8?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stoarns. We saw In last week's lesson that Uzr.lah. king of Judnh. was evidently much helped by a prophet named Zecjpariah. who had visions of God. And now yro see in this lesson that Isaiah, received his commission In connection with a vision of God. It was jo with Eseklel and Zechprlab, who wrote the prophecy called by his name; also with Moses and Joshua and Gideou. Daniel also had a vision of God. and it was not until Job could say "Now mine eye seeth thee" that he received fullness of blessing. There is no vision of God or knowledge of God except through the Son of God, whom we know ts~Je*us Christ onr Ix>rd. No man knoweth the Father save the Son, and he to whomsoever thj Son will reveal Him. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. He that hath seen Me bath seen the Father (Matt, xi, 27; John xiv, 6, ?). We are not fully qualified for service until we have so seen God in Christ that no. mortal man Is big scongh to eeme between Him and onr semi's vision. The Lord alone must be seen and exalted, and we must csase from man (Isa. ii, 11< 17. | 22). * v In the year that King Uzciab died i Isaiah saw a throne and a kinc who i 11 veth forever, who said to John In Patmoa. "I was dead, and behold I am i alive forevermore" (Rev. 1, 18). This j same John, quoting from our lesson chapter and referring to this vision. Bald. "These things said Isaiah when be saw Efia glory and spoke of Him" (John xli, 41)- Notice that the one whom Isaiah saw on the throne la{ called Lord (capital L. small ord), not the same as LORD in verses 3, 5, 12. where the name la all capitals. The former is "Adonal," my master, my proprietor, the one who owns me, whereas the latter Is "Jehovah," the great "I am," who was and is and Is to be the Creator as my Redeemer. If any mortal man owns us and he dies we may be in sore distress, but if the onf., whose we are and whom we serve is the ever living man on the throne then we will have peace always. It is a very great lesson to learn fo see no man any more save Jesus only with ourselves (Mark ix, 8.) Isaiah saw the seraphim close to the throne, whereas Ereklel and John saw cherubim (Kaek. and Rev. lv, with Ezek. x, 20). We know from Rev. r, 9, 10, and the association' of the cherubim with the mercy seat and the vnll that they represent the glorified redeemed from among the nations. The seraphim may represent the sRfhe 'asTthey only, seraphim and cherubim, cry holy, holy, holy. They look forward to and speak of the time when (He earth shall be full of His glory. Covering face and feet with their wings suggests that it Is not whAt we are or what we do that counts for anything, bnt with the wings that fly we must soar higher, even as on eagles' wings, and behold only Himself. The face indicates character, what we are, and the feet our walk, what we do, but our only comfort is in what He Is and what He does. The effect of this vision of tbo glory of the Lord upon the prophet was that i he"saw himself as wholly undone and | unclean. This Is what we need?such j a vision of the beauty of the Lord that we shall forever hate and abhor ourselves and see ourselves as sinners in His sight, according to Isa. lxlv, G; I r>gn. x# 8; Rom. vli, 18; 3-19. Thus I seeing ourselves we shall have no con-, damnation for other sfhners, nothing but the compassion of Jesus Christ. When there Is this deep and thorough conviction of sin, then It is a short road to forgiveness and cleansing, for He came to save sinners, and His blood cleanseth from all sin. Note that heavenly agency does it all. Iniquity is taken away, sin purged, the sinner Is perfectly helpless, as were A4am | pnd Eve when the Lord God made i coats of skins and clothed them. It is our privilege to know that He has by Himself purged our sins and is now on the right hand of the Majesty on high (Heb. I, 3). Then we are ready to hear the voice from the throne saying. "Whom shall I send, and who. will go ^or us?" Notice the "V* and "us," the one living niul true God in the three persons of Katbcr, Son add Holy Spirit Was ever such a wonderful commission offered to mortals as to represent the Trinity before men? See in John xlv, 17, 23. how they are aaid to dwell in the believer and In II Cor. iv, 10, 11, that the life of Jesus is to be made manifest in these mortal bodies. ,We have only to yield and obey. The p?wer is His. and the life is His. and the message is His, and 'Qe will take care of the results, and we are assured that He will not fail nor be discouraged (Isa. xlll, 4). It is ours to receive the message from Himself, receive His words in our hearts and then in His name "Go tel " (verse 9; Esek. i l. 10. 11. 17). In the closing verses of the chapter the prophet was told that the message would not be received. So it waa trith Jeremiah and Eseklel. They were warned that their messages would preyoke great opposition, but they were to speak whether men would-hear or not See also Matt. X 18-18; John xv, 18, 19. rtsraTOTCF Woolen Trust Agent Resigns H. II. North, commissioner of immigration at San Francisco, has been in#.eatij5;?tef those ter| ride headaches, aud my daughter-in-law suggested that 1 try .Mrs./ Joe Person's Remedy. 1 did so, and Ahe very Unit I dose relieved that headacljL I continued I to use it, and for the drag time in fifteen years 1 am welL It is tfce best mcdlcluo compounded In this world." Most pcoble regard /stomach troubles (and these t Include Indjgeatlon, Dyspepsia, aour Stomhch, Nervo/sness, etc.) as of little consequence in /heir early stag<*. . Never was n more i/rioiis mistake made. When the- appetite/ Is gone, tbo nerves shattered, the temjfer ruined, the body emaciated, rtna6ms it pain frequent, sound sleep impossible, r/f resiling rest unknown, they wake hp tqf the fact that stomach trouble Is g serious matter. When this Ktni'a 1? ro?M?oiV fho n"l? I world that ^wliiTcure you is .* MRS. JRE PERSON'S REMEDY. it restores energy to Jnded digestive or- I gans, stimulates a healthy flnn- of gastric Juice, and brings every portlou of thestomach back to normal health. It is a strictly -vegetable comround. and contains no harmful mineral ingredients whatever. Aa a. Tonic. Alterative, Blood Purifier and Nervine it has no equal. Don't j?ermit any di?ensC of the stomach to go untreated. Aa soon as you feel the slightest effects of indigestion or any of the other ailments directly nttrthutahte to n derangement of the digestive organs, beSn at once the use of Mrs. Joe Person's ?medy and a complete cure will be an easy matter. If your 'trouble is of long standing, this Remedy will still edre you? but it will, of course, take longer. We want you to write us for testimonials from people who once suffered the tortures of Indigestion. Dyspepsia nnd other stomach ailments, but who are now sound and well, and eat what they want without a sign of distress. In casea of external trouble, inflammation, ulceration or itching humor, our Waah should be used with the Remedy. For sale by druggists, or supplied direct on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle; 6 bottles for $5.00; 1 dozen by express prepaid for $10.00, by yrs. joe nnmrt bemeit co.. mtfron. w. c Joseph Jarboniugh TAItW X In A. tX Neal Buildink I am prepared tJ do your pressing, clean ine and tail wing at very reasonable rates. All /ork guaranteen. ,0bve I me a trial and * will please you. \ _ Phone No. 169 ~ \ J. P. Wjnston Has moved his stcpk to the Alston building, my old maim, next to the Beasley-Alston Drug \p- I have bought out the enure stoak of \V. P. Neal & Co , amy in the lot there is more shoes thannou can shake a stick at, going way drvvn in priced I have two many diffe/ent articles to ^jention an romp on an/ see. 'm? ?3 [ V Really, J. P. WINSTON f To The Public I have purcrased Ae interest of J. 1). _ Hill in the h^jii of Garrett & Hill and ~ will continue misinead at the same I stand, where \| ? I will carry alftill and complete lii^j of d-oaeries all the/ wllMe , I HAVE AL.S<\FITTED ~\JP AN UP-TO-DATE nreshV Meat Market And will be aronnred at all times look after tholtradein fouiaburg. Phone ft your orders tp No. 18.7 and tJiey will \ receive prvnpt attention. Nothing but the besy meats will be handled, I will also paI the highest market price for good bjfct cattle. Come toi see me. F. Garrett _ ,'v . J', v ' * , - . ' I M I I / V 3HI / /|Bh a "*J I I l|||By^g B |^H\ MI 11 ?|^B ^JK^. / 1 ' I ^*^J6y is rabde tspecia I l/*^Nf look wprf and whr wc I withstand exposure land I -A a j tnpriaDci tells now. I If lt'< a surface to be painted, enameled any way there's an Aetna Qusl I McKinne Bro I Company .. HOLLM '> 5? V \ SINGER, ,SKW1 . WHEELER AND ,n One, Tw< > < ? ng:wmwinf,s Three Years Time Wish * ?- T . raIL. SfeA / I , T^r id Caskets I old stock, every case, every handle it now is new, we are receiving bright in invite you to see this stock when in IGSWORTh I Rfe, N. C. 1