pplflppppplw 1 nil 1 " I ^ i II?????? FRANKL4NT0N Our Regular C Items of , Interest < and Near Our Siste CLOSES ON ' 1 ni- yi - ?. - J ?JoeHight has moved to Wake JTorest. There was a big crowd 111 town j Saturday and "one dogfight." ?The work of installing the new ' phone* is progressing rapidly and Will soon be completed. ?Franklinfoii seems to be a very attractive place f.-i a certain young man from Voung-viile. ?The fc>. A. 1# seems to he doing j a heavy busii.ess in the trucking j traffic, ?cven extras were on the < rond Monday. ?I)onr forget that the Tints is ' ?T? one of the beat >u Tunis i:i this sec j tion in which to ad crtise v urbusi | ness. Use its coin us. ?Look after \tur premises: clean' up and lets have clean town be- ] fbre thgjkqt Weitlt r sets in, and try I to avoid the fev. * germ. ?I. H. K t-u> ney is installing' several new mac' iues in l is repair shop on Hillsboro street?plainer, band saws, rip s;i vs, etc. ?The leiepnoue central office will be located . .v-r T. C. -Joyner's Drug store. They are fitting it up vert nicely and wi i Sc.in be r--a!y fur: "Hello Central". ?TVin Borvtouo -it flic Vfol h l.wt I xuv ULI ivvn Ut iuc jn*iviH"Unt j churcli are progressing nicely. R-v. 1 .Mr llorniidy is chctvering some fine! and interesting sermons which are, appreciated by quite a large number! of our people. 11- is an able speak- j er a'd ltis sermons are doing a great goud. .?Saturday, May 13tb, the ladies of the Episcopal church will serve1 barbecue, ice cream and cake, for the benefit of that church, a: the1 building on the corner of Main and ' Mason street formerly occupied by!' Freidenburg. Every one should patronize this worthy cause, and help theni build their church. ?The Farmers Union has a very flourishing lodge litre. They had a ' large meeting last Saturday and transacted mach important bnsituss |' They have a membership of eighty ' members ali in good standing, and meet evety Saturday at -o'clock in! the-Armory below I. H. Kearneys store. The farmers seem to take more interest in the Union than they | have in former years. ?The Alkahest Lyceum System ; will on next Saturday night at 8:30 ! c'clock give the third and last of the course in the graded School Auditjrium. This being the concert by "The La Dell Fox Concert Company of Canada." -This is said to be the best of the three and those who saw the others declfere them to be per fec^. The proceeds will go towards beautifying the school bunding and gronnds and the ladies are anxious to bave the largest house of the sea son. Tickets on sale at the Crescent Drug store. The prices will be adults 50 and 35 cents, children 25 and 15 cents. Those holding season ! tickets will please bave seats reserved. I ^ The concert will be composed of! instrumental and vocal music and I other attractive features. Personals I. ii. Kearney went to Louisburg Tuesday. Ex sheriff H. C. Kearney went to Louisburg this week ^ Miss Fannie Webb is visiting Mies Martha Han is on HiilsborO street Dr. It. K.'Henderson has gone to Winston. Salem as a delegate to the Odd Fellows Convention. Mrs. S. F. MoGhee, who has been visiting relatives in town, returned 1*" to her home at Wendell fused ay. M?* Haltie Clegg, who has been in Florida for sometime as a trained Bug, nurse, returned borne last Monday. " " " * r. Carnegie end the Tariff. Probably no one, 1ms been benfttted more by Trusts than has Andrew Carnegie. The high protection on steel wan the foundation of * - ' NEWS ITEMS | Correspondent Gathered From in j r Town Each Week WEDNESDAY * hie fortune, and the continued ; piotection on iron and steel resulted in his becoming a multi-miUionare Mr. Carnegie is the greatest liTing authority on the production of iron and steel, and if anyone knows the actual difference in the cost of productive here aud abroad an those commodities, he is the man. He a wain declares, as he did in his testimony before the Ways and Means Committee in the spring of 1P09, that the iron and steel industry requires no tariff protection. His latest contribution to the tariff issues is published in the_May Century, entit ed, "The A, B, C qf the Tariff Question". In that article he declares that the tariff is a perfectly simpb subject, with nothing obscure about it. He would construct a tariff on the following lines:' (A) No duties oa the necessaries of life. iB) Heavy duties upon all luxuries. (O) Temporary protection for uew industries when it is probable that we may be able finally to obtain a home supply as cheap or cheaper than from abroad. He insists that necessaries shall be free from protection and that a tariff for revenue shall be on luxuries alone That is very close to the Democratic doctrine of a tariff for revenue with a ver r lowtariff on necessities and a higher tariff on luxuries. ^ e are glad to see that since the time when Mr. Carnegie was participating in the enormous profits that the highest tariff protection gave on iron and stee , a great light has shone upon him, and that he now advocates the envision of the tariff dowuward. No wonder the stand pat Republicans are sick at heart, now that their farmer foremost champion has deserted ' them a :U is virtually supporting the " armers* free list trade" bill for placing necessities-on the free list. Cedar Rock Items Th?* Hock is on a boom now and even body seems to be getting along , very nicely with their planting. Mi** Mnbei Stalliugs eyent Satur- ' lia\ HLnl Suil.iav ut Immo w*?k I.. - 1 purrii a .. T. II Sledge and tamily ?)wnt i few days the past week ai Bunn visaing her parents, Peyton Svkea. Mr. Seamon Parriab spent Satnr lav nignt and Sunday with Zeb Jones. ?t- , Mrs. S. II. Bonne has heen elected j teacher of the l'hilaihea class, as j Miss Ozs Taylor had to resign on hcounr ..f returning to her home in Oxford. Misses Lilian Jones and Nellie ] Sledge, Messrs. B. F. Wood and 11. j F. May spent last week in Castahn and Sprinc Hope attending com mencements. They teport excellent programmes at eaeh place and well carried oat. The address at Cas talia by Gov. Kltchtn was anrely a I treat to all present. T. A. May, of Henderson, spent a few days with his parents the past week. W. R. Fulgham paid Nashville a flying visit Sunday. Kaihbow. Franklin Pnnn?e t>~ ' . uvuubj i upuiauuil The foilowinp is the population of | Franklin county hy^ townships and ] towns as given out by the census | department at 'Washington: 1910 1900 I Fraskun County . . 24,692 25,1161 Cedar Rock township.. 2168 2150j Cypress township 1196 12041 Dunn township 2114 1955 i Franklinton township . t 4430 43561 Franklinton town 809 7611 Gold Mine township,... 1449 1587 Harris township 2097 2152 Hayesville township .. 1862 18801 Louisburg township 4533 4794 Louisburg town 1775 1178 Sandy Creek township.. 2021 2J52 Yoongsville township 2822 2686 Youngsville town 431 345 LOOT/ One gold irtlsd watch, g?tlsn?'s size, with eord httacaed with a child's ring on ead sf (M Fadsr wUI' receive a reward ?\ ? if rshui nud t? Mas. Ssrajuow, - ;/ atreet. I forbid any ^erstJphlriag or fSeduw er etherwlae*?i?ryg Other Dentoa. He waa adapted ad me uatfl he was 21 years old. He is fpeut It years aid bow. sad he left ar ohse sa Stasias. April Mth, lilt. iT jSVb. wo.'t. 1 ivf' iV jjS id K3fc TO i,URE RKEI) MATfSM It X*. An Intoraal DWjr^T And He lairea An lateudu lCemcd?*. The cause of rhaifmatism ami kindred diseases is an^t^oeM of uric acid in tlio Liood. To ctffe thla terrible disease this a id must be expelled and the system so regelated that no more acid will bo formed in excessive quantities. Rheumatism is an internal dlsotse and requires un internal remedy. jHL'BLilNO with Oils and liniments WILL NOT CURS* afford? only# temporal? relief at best, causes you to delay /the proper treatment, end i llows thi malady to get a firmer hold >n you. xdnlments may caso the pain, b it they/will no more curs ! Kl.euruatlsn than mint will change the ! fiber of rotu 1 vroJ. Science ha i at Mat discovered a perfect and cor plot* cure, which Is called Rheumaclde, Tytedin hundredsof cases, it has effect! 1 the most marvelous cures; we believe i unll cure you. Rheumaclde Itcts at the lofnts from the Inside, sweeps the poison^/ut of the system, tones- up the stomach, regulates the liver and k5dneys and tnake3 you well all over, Rheumaclde strikes the root of the disease and removes Its cause. This splendid remedy is sold by druggists and dealers generally at 50c. and Ji a bottle. In Tablet form at 25c. and ihWa package. Write to Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore. 3d J. Booklet free. Tablets sent by mail. SALE OF VALUABLE T< > Wn LOT'S iiy virtue of the power of isale continued iu a deed of trust macfc ami executed on the lino, day of Mai, 1910 by Anthony T Neal and wife, gallic Ann Neal to Hen T. H olden, Tiusiee. whiclr us of-jrecord u> Franklin Coia.ty Regisyry hook 162 ai page 491 'default hav:pg been made in the payujent of tIre note thereby secured, 1 wiliisell at public Auction t?J\the highest I bidder for cash fit the courthouse door in Louisbiilg, N. C., on \tlie 5th iL\y of June lbil.ai about tHto hour f>i ?o??n the following?deserioed real estate and town lots. Viz: trait situate in t e town of Louisbukg and bo Jid^d a3 follows: On the norrW cr.? east by the lot of Griftin Cc dn the west by Main stieet leading ov^rlhc bridge an j on the south by tar rivtVi 16 feet front running back 20 feet apA being the lot on the r ast Maia\ street upon which is erected a briJkVbuilding or store hou-e. 2nd, tract j>ejinning at a rocl^, corner of Wiley ft&y ob Franklint nroad, the ce n 52 p. w\3 poles 8 linns to May's corner ii Phil YWilliama line, thence's 31 .. wl|polej\6 links i?? Milliard Yarboro's Mistiu Green and Daniel llazlewooda cormtr. thenc\ along said road n 31 <1. 12 "files 16 treks to the bepinnirur. contaBiinr? one \acre more or less and conjprising th0 feet fo.the Griffin rfBea-ley stables and extending thence In a line aith the western end of ea\A stable to the river. Also all rigrht titln claim, interest and demand of whatever kind and nature the said A. T. N/al and wife Sallie Ann Neal have in arwy and all other lauds. This May 2n?l/1911. Ben T H;?li>en. Trustee. NO REASON FOR DOUBT. A Statement qf Facte Becked by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to nil sufferers from cenetrpation. In every case where we fa* we will supply the medlctee free. / RexafV Orderlies/ are a gentle, effective) ltepeadabfe and safe bowel retrain tor. \str earth en rr and tonic. Tbey re-eetlabllsl nature's functions In a qrniet. wlly" TbeJ Ao BOt cause any InnBhvenlencc. griping or naueea. TheyJWao pleasant to take and work so dhsltt that they may be taken by any fons/aVany time. Tbey thoroughly- t?it ap tV whole system to healthy aoMvitv. \ Rexall oJerlfi are unsurpassable and Meal fbr the use of cHfldron. old folks amA'iellcfite persons, cannot too hfckly recommend them t?Nall sufferers from any form of constipation n?4 Its attendant evils. Ttfo stees, 10c. and 16c. Remember, you can Obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at ear store?The Rexall Store. Tho Scoggin Drug Co. Something /few TT^~ T7I?\ _ 1_"IC ? r ui r i auMiuiuu A new and up-to-datV Aaving parlor run by White rniV (or White men. Located in the room corner ot Marten and Frogit \t r'-etf*l occupied last year by <^>t. l\ T. Ward. Everything new arm work guaranteed. Try us. J V I Yours w> serve, \ I JHALI. & WoodIU?? P. S. We wo take off warts? and moles withowf pain. No scar lelyt SAL^E OF 100 ACRES LANE* By virtue ot an order of the Superior Court of Franklin County, made iir the special proceeding entitled Mrs. Sue P. Alford, administratrix of L. 8. Alford, deceased, vs O.N Alford. et als, on Saturday, May ISch, 1911, 12 o'clock upon at the court hotae door in Louisbijrg, sell at public auition to the highest Bidder 100 acres of land situated in Cypres? Creek tpdrnship, Franklin County, adjoining the lands bf C. M. Vaughdn. W. K. Davis and ethers and described as follows h? suraey made Decembet 8th 1910. Bcjinni^ig at a, stake C 11 Vaughans corner! tadnce n 1 1-2 dk 2.'i.56 chains to a stake thence s 87 d a 11.10 chains to Mrs! 1 arboros corner! thence n 8 d e 1 chain b an elm, thenot erst 42.50 chains tot i ash on Litth Creek, thence aE 1 1 chain to th? Davis eoTosr, theocl rest 20 60 e haint to a pine stump, tbA :e s 8 d w 26.21 chains to little creel thence s 6 tl w ' chains to a stake and pointers in H trrk line, thence n 88 l-2Jj w 16 chains to I stake, thence n 1 1-231 e 26 chains x> rock, thence n 88 1-Jd w 16 chains t< the beginning, beit a part of thi Lawrence S. Alford Suds. V The term of the Isle are one-thin cash, the balance payable in twelvi months with interei at six"' per con from date of seta. This April -11, 1911 B. B. Wan*, Com. y " t . Buggies Bus BoyW I All Th, and enjoyed town and take a \ooVj you shan't be \ YOUR A TRI \ 1 ' K. P. THE SEASOf FlIRN "A I Can always be foVmd complete and the mopKu] prices are in keepiujg wi ing department is Mway is at your service day oi : you had better talk to us i i > ' i 1W. i WDite v \ ' ? rr" H ^gies Buggies I i^-a^a^CTTg\?riM:a?ifl?SCTg?i 'Kr.?wBi?M^ am Easy I latest Styles I cinds of Harness to match, on time. Sur- ^ inopy top, and leather too. A carload on se wagons. Now Mr. Farmer I have added Implement to my busines, and am carrying tectli harrows, the best in the inw>roved machinoy,