riversidi j ' Horses | "eTsTf I THE HOME CI I Pleasant Evening Re\/ I cated to Tired Mt the Home Circle CRUDE THOUGHTS FRO Philosopher and poet ara alike ti the verdict that the safety and per peinny of any nation Ilea in tht homes of its people. ? m .Many women now-adays want ti tarn the home into the street, so ti speak, and make "the world work everything and the home life notb ing. But a restful home, once ex perienced, is a joy above the prom ises of pi ogress to distui-b; and i restful ? and intelligent ? woruat alone can make it. M < A friend of ours lost a fine Jersej tow the other day?tied her to< long. She got tangled up in thi rope and broke her neck?a case o too much rope. How many instan ces there are in life that are coun terparts of the above! Xbe cher ished of our hearts, our own fieel and blood, are ottetr allowed to grad ually slip away from us and ou from and uuder our control, al' be cause we love them so much ant hate to restrict' their pleasures 01 I say "no" to them. m The world need never shed a tea jt ... j J mi ? 1^1 ?utmii. L uwy ure Hfiri >s the harvest is when the farms: I has bonnd it into sheaves and storer it away or as the roses are when thi gardener has wrapped their roots it straw and housed them from th( storm. They are safe as the larki that fly singing from the greet earth out of reaoh of the huntsman'! snare and the aim of the orue sportsman. They are safe as war riore> who march beneath worn bat tie-flags no more, but sit down witl conquerors to festivals ofsong anc wine. They are safe as young Iambi are when shepherds fold them fro? the blast amffllrrv them over rougi places in tender arms. Weep foi living all you cheose: let your teari be unstayed above the dying bee "V'bere your darlings lie like wreathi 1 'adtng snow beneath the glanci ' of V ?th; but if you believe in God and hold any faith in heaven, shed notr your tears for the blessed and happy dead. Christianity gives the lie to its belief ivhen it garbs itsell in sables and mourns without comfort for those who fiave exchanged ^ttinn for the palace, the wilderI Bra for the land of peace and plenty The evening is the hour wher crafty Satan preaches most eloquently. It is also the hour whet ho can gather the largest^ind mosl attentive audience. In our grea cities Satan's churches are crowdet every evening. But, fortunately the evening hour is also the^our it which the good angel can gather th< largest nufience and he who wootc baffle Satan's influenoe mnst preacl in the evening. The evening is th< 1- Jr y >. . ; y ~ - IN Dl 'K We have f sale cheai them. W so come ai ord ; ~ ' RCLE COLUMN, i ^ ai eries.?A Column Dedi- !! ithers as They Join , 8J 5 at Euening Tide ? M THE EDITORIAL PEW Y T ) hour when the protesting power of - home' is greatest; it is the hour when 3 its protection is most needed. di tl If men would remember that wo- pi 5 men can't always be smiling, who p j ha'-e to cook tbe dinner, answer the " bell half a dozen times, get rid of a pi . neighbor who has dropped in, tend r, . to a sick baby, tie up the cut finger tl . of a two-year-old, gather np the hi a .playthings of a four-year-old, tie up K i the head of a six year-old on skates,' tl and get an eight-year-old ready for ti school, to say nothing of sweeping, cleaning, etc. A wtniaa with all p ' these to contend with may -claim it c. j a privlege to look and feel a little j | tired sometimes, and a word of sym- a pathy would not be too much to expect from the man, wbc, during the h honeymoon, wouldn't let her carry hi . as much as a sunshade. k ? y bi t Tlitwe is as much truth a?- poetry a' . in the nnes: \* '? j "Laugh and the world laughs with tt r you; bi Ween, and you weep alone." D . And porhaps it is well. There is I r inevitable sadness enough in each fi' a lot witbont adopting that of others, r Sympathy for-real troubles should i always be given, along with what Y a help is possible. But there are SI 1 many perisons who,especially in their a own families, talk too much of their! ar 9 own ills and troubles, although they 1 are always smiling and genial among 9 strangers, and ever ready with a 1 pleasant "thank you," tor every ser- 's - Yice rendered. If they can rise ?, above their despondencies in the |u, i presence ot strangers with a persistent im 1 effort they can stay above them at m! 9 home till they may be in the end ' forget a part of them, at least in ^ t finding how much better they are .ft r liked by thoBe around them. If you tic I would pass successfully through life, Se I wear n bright face and a pleasing ^ i manner ewn though they may some- an ) times mash a heavy heart. th, > * * * , Tr I It is painful to read the particulars t|? i of the numerous- divorce suits that I t fill the u iluinns of the dailv papers. l>ri ! Many of theBe sad events are from we good homes and the interested par- ^ ties atand high in social life, and not "g a few ifTchuroh lif . This separa- otl tion between husband and wife is his one of the sad scenes in human exis- an i tence. Many times either would 9 . preft-v death to this unhappy part- * i ing. For years they have lived to- * t gether and their lives have been t blendml into one. They have learnt ed by bitter experience, as the years 1 , have gone by that tltey are not A. i suited to one another and finally, o' i in n moment of discord or passion, 1 the silken oord haft broken and they 2.' i sepsrste forever. Let us hope that a 9 .n the world to.ooits*, *k?u they can , t ... . . ; . ' 4 ' "T* ''y > ' * -. ' ; >: ', ivt", ipfi advertised buggie ) lor the past nim e have decided to ad get one. / or / <r "S.. . . II see things plainer than thev do i this life, they may be uuited Sain, but there is a probability )at unhappy marriages, resulting ora ununited positions, will not relit. in union or happiness in this d orld Or the one to come. "What j, od has joined together let no rhaa a ut asunder?" t; ?-? d THIS 18 CERTAIN e T he Proor That Loulsburg * Readers Cannot Deny v? nat could furnish stronger evi- ^ ence of the efficiency of any remedy t ian the test of time. Thousands of ^ aople testify that Doan's Kidney ills cure permanently. ? Grateful endorsements should ti rove undoubtedly the merits of this 5 * . d imedy. Years ago people right in v lis locality testified to the relief they J ?d derived from the use of Bonn's u 'idney Pills. Thev now confirm * leir testimonials. 'I'hejo say that me baeicomnleled the heat. Mrs. Carles llriduprs, "227 E. 'avis St, lealeigh, J^.Tc., says: . "1 ? in strongl\ re/on/nend Doan's i ddney Pills, tar/thef.' have done me | world of goodL J used them three e sars ago and A^^iall never forget J ow greatly V wa benefited. The p ackachee and Antics through my ' idney a were r/moiVd and the trou- p le with tM kin nev \seeretioos was jj so corrected! I haw had no ocoas- r n to usel/a Aidney iradicine since 1 lat time. ( in January\908, a mem- I ar of nay /amily publicV endorsed ^ oan's Kmney Pills and at this time do notiieMtate one momeWt in eon ming lhat statement." \ For A?le by all dealers. I'sice 50 iHTB^^'oster-Milburn?Co., Vow -l org, sole agents for the United tales. " \ Remember the name?Doan's? " id take uo other. : lc "Don't Stop at Anything:." 11 The committee of the Illinois Senate getting hold of some startling testimy in the Lorimer investigation, tc On witness, W.H. Cook; a Duluth mberman, testified that Hines, a Lor- ^ ier striker, "took the telephone out of / hand and he spoke in the 'phone: w ello is this you, govecor? Well, I 3t left President Taft and Senator w drich last night in Washington. n, ley told me that under no considera>n shaif Hopkins be returned to the ? nate. I will be down on the next lin prepared to furnish all the money ?t Is required. Now, don't stop at ything." This would indicate that * e Lumber Trust, if not the Beef ust, was furnishing "all the money at is required" to elect Lorimer. 3ut we are averse to believe that ** n esident was opposed toHopkins,though 1 y( : can quite readily believe that Sen. j OJ >r Aldrich was and that he favored | rimer. The result shows that tht w overnor", whoever he was, and the w ier Lorimer supporters carried out ^ \ instructions and "didn't stop at c3 ything." 91 tfUGHESTERS PULLS I DIAMONo\^5fl^i BRAND m ? "t ? In LADr88 I "KL-aN. > J" CHT-cltes TER'S A 1 7< AMOND URAfjJ PILLS in\ri. and/A j >ld metallic boles, teaicd wfth Blue?? , bbcra. Takb nd ctBEH. Hut dkroar V/ ill ngnU* ui Mk/ tbr mixIUh.i\Bn V t1 AMOND BRAND PII.I.A, for tT\nty-flvr 9 its reamrdefl 01 Best, Safest, Always Reliable. al OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ? KB. EVERYWHERE 3&S I I(..V v \ 1 t * '. . .i V v HOE i^raRonB and ho] days, but st tryVnd give the] PROTECT. th?; health of yourself * i and family. Pope's Herb is prepared]to provide a epeudable household repiedy, based pon the principle of yu/tjr of blood lsuring freedom from disease. It is medicine for maladies fact- as, Rheulatism. Liver Complaints, Constipalon, Fever and Ague,/ Female Disorers, Indigestion, LAmbagn, Kidney erangements, Catarfh, Sick and Nerous Headaches, low/of Apetite and all j ilments arising frotn inactivity of the .iver and Kidneys/ It is a purelv Herbs, Barks and Roots lonpound It ismut up in chocolate oileti tablets ^leasing and easy to ske, (or cap bemisselved in water.) Mr*. J. (A Mead* of Hayattsville, id. soys: \ / "For year A# I have suffered with iackache. Headaches, Neuralgia. and lervousness And extreriie fatigue, I ried many fetaedies without relief 'our months a grateful frieild inured rao to frrit\ to Pope Medicine Co. trasbingion(?). (V for a box of Pope's [erb Compound Tablets, the very nret ose of two tablets Vave me relief. " I sed not quile a SI.(A b-x and I am enirely cured|of the pain in my back and iave no moie headacre." Dr. J, W. Hennesev, a prominent *hysieian dnd Sttrgcorvjpf Albany, N. f. in part] says: \ "As a Blood Purifier, Liver, Kidney in'd System regulator I prescribe Pope ledicine do's of Washington, I). C. I erb ConAound as I havevone for the >ast 20 years, and I have found jt to te a great remedy, whicliV seldom if yer fai'sl There are thousands of leters frony users of.Pope's H?*bs, that iaye beefi benefitted and curVd by its >roper ise. Pope's Herb CVmpound 'ablets are put up 200 in a bo\, "six nonth'?treatment," and will lib sent ?Oat-paJd on receipt of $1.00. Ea\h box on tains a printed guarantee binding a to r fund the purchase price the emedj fails to benefit, also full drtccions. \ Gua anteedby the Pope Medicine C&L nc., u tder the Pure Food and Drug\ lew , une SO, 1906 No. 34956. FOR TERMSTO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY, ADDRESS 3OPE MEDICNE ~C6., INC Popr lluiiding. Washington, D. C. Some tidies it is bstftr to have >vsd and lost than to have been le other fellow. \ I A woman doesn't blind lier huaahd's having a good time according i her idett, of it. vr l ' i - t j.vo mutter now nomuiy a man is e can alwavs find some woman illing to rdarrv him. Did yoii. ever bear of it woman ho earned her pin money by rivn? ing a boding alleo? ? FOR BALD HEADS. . Treatment That Costs Nothing if It s F?"*- J We waijt you to try three large botes of Rexall "93" Hair/Tonic on our prsonab guarantee thaythe trial will ot cost nrpu a penny if ft does not give ou absoiuVe satisfaction. That's proof P our JfchitlK in this /remedy, and lt~ lould Indinp^ably Acmonstra^e that e knoAv wh^tWe Are talk^fg about ben wo say ,tM^RexaJr**ft3" Hair onic will grow lUir on, bald heads, " tcept )where i bwlW has been of 81 icb ldpg rinrltfen^Mt tbe roots of i tl le haft are enttfefy deSd, the follicles d' osed/and gr<fwjg over. Bed tho scalp li glazed. \u \ Reiriembor. we are basingnour stateenta; upon what has alrcuMy been icomplishod/ by the use ofyRexall >3" ITair "l^nic, and we haw tho glit to assinne that what it has^done >r thousands of others It will dnfor >u. In iJxy event you cannot mse I tything vy giving it a trial on our H foral gu/rnntee. Two sizes, 50c. and I .00. Remember, you cam obtain Rex1 Remedies In this community only our store ? The Rexall Store. ;fhc Scuggin Drag C9. T * V iAi, "J M '.!||MK t-4?<-..: --- . , '?. ? ~ ?\ . v^SffSK _ V ^ -4 NT WAREHOUSE? V ' .f..m y' . ' N '* c :..?^ raes for ill have ' ~| j * Mules m away ^ a : ~ if ^ ! N. Williamson .l"l> t .. ji ' " * f ' . fr- ' 'PHONE/100 Anything You WslwL For Breakfast dinner /or Supper brantj/ey hicks I g 4 / * * increased/Yields \ Means Increased /Profits - \i . : : Top Dressing Oats, Corn, Cotton, Tn ck and Gdberal Crops "*? ? USE \ cereJali+e Top E ressing \ earing our trade mark "Cerealite" at less coat per ton than ' '"oda,'' using Vie ime number of pounds per acre, givei equally as good, if not better, resuk ran soda. Cerealite is packed in 200 ound bags. In good mechanical eonditasm. lesn't stiffen the land, and noes not e aporate. The cropjgetsdt all. For Corn- \ te and full information regarding it, smply to \ . klcKinne Brothers Company Louisbur^ N. 0. ^ r Home Fcrtiliier and Chsmtcal Company,\ Sole Owners and XanufsetnMn

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