True P \ ? Consists in Substi * the\TJ Why not substitute a real bank acom with you.- > Castles in Spain?" You wl haye made when you build your account profitable investment. No account toe t tendon and consideration, Small accoun THE FIRST / IS LOU IS BUI UNDER SUPERyiSION t FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager Friday. May 12 1911. TAR DROP8f> ?And summer has at last reached 05. ' ?See Dr. Malone's article in another column. ?With such weather as this crops will soon begin to grow. ?A clean town is a desirable town. f Let's make Louisburg clean. ?Let everybody come out and neip m the cleaning up movement. ?The man who aske the fewest favors has, as a rule the most friends. ?Persons who are everlastingly talking of getting ahead generally have none. ?Come out to the Court house Mon day morning and take a hand in cleaning up the town, f ^ ?A lit'le son was born to Mr. W and Mrs. Ceo. S. Baker on Wednesday of this week. ?In a game of base ball here Saturday between Wake Forest and Louisburg the local team was defeated in a score of 4 to 0. ?W. M. Person and S. M. Washington returned Friday evening from Moore's pond where they caught a string of forty nice fish. ?The members of the fire department here are preparing to attend the State Firemens _Associa tion to be held in Charlotte next week. nev?i was?sueli a rage . for book reading as at the present time. It is a commendable habit, only one oannot be too careful in the selection of books. ?You will not pass through, this world but once. Any good thing that you can show to any fellow ?L i 3 _ *1 7 j _r :?J _ *? ? oeing, uo iv d-jw; uu?uw-utuu or negleot it for yon will notpass this way again. ?There is no .good reason why a man should needlessly put his own wife to the trouble of wiping up the tracks, when he takes great pains to clean his feet before crossing bis neighbor's threshold. ?Any business is more respectable than what is termed loating. A young man had better sell clams by the pailful than hang around public resorts, murdering time and his own reputation. ?We regret to learn of the mis- j fortune of Mr. Charlie Pippin, who was kicked in the lower part of (be stomach by-n horse the past week. From last reports he is getting along as well as could -be expected. ?If there is a stone, stump or other unsightly object in the yard, plant some morning glories, cypress yines, canary flowers and balloon vinos (love puffs) aronnd it. You'll be glad it was there before the summer is over. ?Reports were received here yesterday to the effect that Capt. K. J. \ Cheatham, the efficient 8. A. L. agent at Franklinton, had gone to Newberne where he would be married on Wednesday. His many frieuda here extend congratulations. . V - J Vfr ^rr x s. : rbgress i yuting the real for nreal . int for that unreal one that belongs II better appreciate the progress you t to the point where you can make a iwall to receive our most careful attst grow, why not start yours today? I AGONAL BANK ^g, iy. c. >f u. s. Government ?An exchange says: ''If you want money go to strangers, if you want advice go to your friends, if you want nothing go to your relatives, and you will get it sure as h?!" ?An industrious, energetio, painstaking boy or young man never wants for a plaee, and these with stability of oharacter. are all the recommendations needed. All these are so plain that every business man reads tbem and mentally conoludes: "That boy will succeed because he deserves sucoess." ?The boy who takes his hat off when he enters the house is the one who usually has his hair combed and his face clean, and the girl who says "please," and "thank yoo," is always prettier than the one who forgets these little things. You jnst look around and see if this is not true. ?HVhat others have done can be performed today by our young men. They are in a great measure the arcuitects of their own fortunes. Upon themselves alone rests the responsibility. They have it in their power to either make or unmake, and every young man should earnestly acd seriously ask himself whiok it shall be. List of Letters. Remaining in the post office at Louisburg, N. C., uncalled for: . Mrs. Mariah Allen, H. G. Ayscue, Miss Rebecca Bolard, Mrs. Ann Cale, Miss Lucy K. Cooke, Mrs. Ila Davis, A. R. Dawes, Mrs. Studen Denton, J. S. Dickerson, I. G. Dickerson, Lewis Dickerson, 2, Mrs. Dollar, Miss Lillie Egcrton, A. M. Paisley, Miss Marv L. Fuller, General Green. Gerret Green, Miss Ploma Harkey, (Stallines), W. A. Harris, Miss Rosa Harris, Hehen Hays, TV A Hudson Allie N. Kirks. Jno. G. Leland, Miss Beysan Michel, C T. Perry, Henry Perry, N. L. Sweet Fred Thompson Co. Miss Mary Wolks, Edw. Wertley, Wheeler & Hodge, A. W. Williams, Thomas Williams, Miss Purcell Wilson, A. M. Wynn, Mrs. Bessie Yonnc. P.lnrfl Roll -T/hkr? Braneh Tnnnn Robinson, Geo Stoke. Marriage LicensesRegister of Deeds Yarburuugh issued marriage licenses to the following couples during the month of April: White?Cloy Mullen and Lettie PJood, Jody Gupton and OpheliaThompson, A. D. Bailey and Nettie Burnette,' Charles Bailey and Patty Kearney, Shearin Wilson and Rosa Blair, R. B. Dodd and Btta Alford, W. G. Cooper and Nobia Wilder. Colored?Elijah Alston and Mit Gupton. Rufus Allen and Julia Young, Henry B. Wilder and Mary L. Palmer, Julian R. McKnight and Fannie Satterwhite, Frank Mitchiner and Bettie Low Ashe, J. W. Gales and Laura Perry, Ed Plummer and Athea Harris, Roy Harris and Lacy Neal, Sidney Harris and Vercilla Massenburg, Roger Macon and Susie Bridgers, James Lewis and Ilattie Perry, Macon Ward and Lelia Portia. An Exorbitant Monopoly. The first witness that appeared before the Senate Finanoe Committee oharged that the shoemaking industry in the United States is in the grip of a trust, and the manufacture, s are at the meroy of the United Shoe Maohinery Company of Boslon. Another witness stated that tile'royalties charged by the Shoe Maohinery Trust would, in less than a year, be suflioient to buy English machinery outright df the 45 per cent duty imposed by the Aldrioh-Payne bill did not stand in the way. " ir-1 . r- ". X- "TTV Experiment Stations. The experiments conducted by , the State Depsrtinent of Agriculture < which were located here early in ? March with the below mentioned ( parties wore arranged for being , started by ene of the Slate's Depart- , ment men who was here Friday , last. These experniienta constat of i an ncro plot of land each and are , conducted along very practical linee ( which should be of great benefit to , the farmer's jt Franklin caunty, as , these are for the purpose of arriving , at some valuable conclusions rela- , tive to practices in farming. , These men each have one: Mr. N. , M. Perry, Halifax road, Experiment , with Varieties of Goto, Mr. E. L. , ?> ' ! Harris, Nnsh road, Fertilizer exper- , iments under coin, Mrs. W.G. Mum- , ford ie expected to take the experi- , ment with varieties ot cotton. Simi- , lar and additional work is conducted , in most of the counties of the Stale. , T. Fkank, , In charge Eastern Carolina. , ?Public Land Trespassers ] The constitutionality of the es- ( tablishment of the Land Reserves , and Conservation by .the Federal government of its natural t esources , has been upheld by the United ( States Supreme Court in two dects- < ione. The court also decided that , the Federal 'government and not the , states may say how the reserves , shall he used. The basic prinoiple , upon which the decision rests is that the nation is tho owner and has made CoDgress its agent to dispose of its property, and it is not for the courts to sav how that trust shall be administeied; that is for Congress to determine. The decision further says: "The courts cannot compel it to set aside tlie lands for settlement nor to suffer tli -sm to be e? d for agricultural or grazing purposes, nor interf. re when in the exercise of its discretion Congress establishes the forest reserves for what it decides to he national and public purposes. In the same way and in the exercises of the same trust it may disestablish a reserve and devote the property to aoitie other national and public purposes. Titos 1 are rights incident to proprietorship, to say nothing of the power of the United States as a sovereign over the property belonging to iL" _ ^ ID^m/ash. I will pay cash forw few bushels of seed peas. / *v' I C. Btokes. Fly paper, fly traps/ insect powder, wire cloth, screen Vioors and Windows at L. P. Hicke. \/ New arrival Chase ffivSanborn Coffee and tea at L. P. Hicks. Notiee All persons holding claims against the Town of Lonisburg "are i notified to present the same within the next ten (10) days. By order of the Board of town Commissioners. I B. T. lloiJIKX- Mnvor It. O. IllSSKTT, Clerk. ~ TtTB'tWUVr the rtewl the fewer the people-to do it Loaftng could he just its hateful a* work if you got a salarv for it. Most people can brag three years about a three weeks' trip they took. ^Maybe wo like to talk about the weather because ?? don't like for other people to. Makes l^e^ang Easy PONDER Absolutely Pure 71k* omfy bmUmg powder macfe from Royal Orapo MMMMinCPMHUTE . m '' c ' .; * C. ' ' " i =====^^^ I Did it... | Ever Ocfctj That it paid to buy your drugs and all ^ place where they keep every thing yot ^ Drinks, Ice Cream, &c fijpm the nicest 9 from an unattractive place That wh that 'tis as easy to go where money hi to go to a place where this has not bee A I tis possible to give. That we want yoi ^ ing our money to make our store prett y * business. t BEASLEY-ALST ~ Mr Lee, our registered man It ill L- P. I EXX. a* ' I-"Vr *nd M ^ E" jf** a, ch k, IX Wire Screens, / Screen Fly Powdera/ Fly\Ti l_. p. H ON THE CORNER PHONE | = -^zz=zzz | #Thc ""Son Aa you sow, so shall you reap. wVet 5 Then Wl sow the best Simpkins prolilic cotton see-! ?!."/a w cerealite, potash and/lbv | If you don't see what | McKinne Bros S SATISFACTION OR Y( ""~ri ir to You | thing\in vie drug sundry line from the i need. \Jnat it cost no more to get your arningdNtore in this section than it does en youAakwour best girl or your wife out is beeaspent ^ beautify the store as it is ?n doae. That. * ! ~ -- b rv. Tvu VUVJ ucat service A , Lir l/isint'ss and want it bad and are spend- A | ON DRUO^CO | look after your prescriptions J \ * i pCKS twm UOBTtatl acp OnmbtL ^ * uoors .Fly Killers raps Screen Wire *CKS, 4-k LOUISBURG^-Nr-e harvest time shall come 1 i ^ ^tVshci. Cotton seed meal, nitrate soda, y^u want then ask # >. Company 3UR MONVY BACK j*"