cvo IN SELE YOUR\ ; c Give careful attention to the Stability of erate with patrons in the development of tually satisfactory and profitable arrange being of both bank and patron. We shal Qunt with us. THE FIRST N LOUISBUF UNDER SUPERVISION O FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager Friday. May 19 1911. TAR DROPS. ?Next week is the Commencement at the College. ?Commencement exercises today and tonight at the Graded School. ?T. T. Terrell has had a nice awning placed in front of liis store on Main street. ?Quite a number of our people went to Moore's pond fishing the past week. ?Bead the adverisoment of Dr. Francis S. Packard in another column of this issue.?We learn that Mr. C. P. Harris, of Margaret, lost two fine cows Saturday night by lightning. ?Will Cooke says he is opening a new Hne samples, and wants you to come and get first pick. ?If you have no real estate or personal property you had better call on your tax assessor at once. ?News was received here to the effect that on Saturday night almost , a cloud burst visited Cypress Creek V. township. ?Supt. J. E. Malone had quite a number of children on the streets observing cleaning up day Monday afternoon. ?The closing exercises of the colored Episcopal school will take place in the Opera House on Mondayevening at 8:30 o'clock. ?Quite a number at our people went over to Wake Forest yesterday - to attend the commencement exercises of Wake Forest College. ?We hsve had to throw several good lots of correspondence in the waste basket this week because they did not have the name of the writer I J ill. A L enclosed wnn u. ?The penalty for the violation of any of the laws pertaining to public health is very heavy. Kearlv all of these penalties amount to from $10 to $50, or imprisonment. ?The person who does not own the property in which he lives has an advantage over the person who lives in his own house. "The former ^ can move if he does not like his neighbor, the latter must endnre the crankiest crank that fate can produoe. ?The man who wants to succeed and to do the greater things of life will be most unmercifully criticized. No matter what you may be doing, there are always some foolish people to condemn you. Never mind them, but go ahead. _ ?If a householder knetws that a person.within his family is sick with smallpox, diptheria, scarlet fever, . measles, whooping cough, yellow , fever, typhoid fever, cholera or ( /""V,bubonic plague, he shall imiuediately give notioe thereof to the ( Superintendent of Health. ( ?There is a strange temptation ' very time we come across a lot of old clothes in the house to search the pockets hoping to find something valuable. Tljfitis what we generally 1 find ?some pulverized tobacco and some soiled and worn paper happening to be a bill whioh we forgot to ? P?V'. M - ^ f * . ?>< ? ? ?>? < ? <x?<i :ct)ng BANK the \ank and its willingness to co optheir yusmess. This makes for a moment atdfior the future financial well1 bo plefwed to have you open an acat/onal bank \G, N. C.\ FU.B. GOVERNMENT oe-cj a^v ?_i ?Miss Lola Place, daughter oi .Tobn Place, died at the home of hei grand mother on Main street Wed nesday night. She was "24 years kol age and leaves father and a number of friends and relatives. Her remains were la)d to rest at the Jovnei burrying ground near town yesterday afternoon. r? Have you any news, tell the editor and he will serve it in a la mode. In case you do Hot happen to meet him, use the telephone or the mail. You will be helping to make your town paper of greater interest and thereby serve the general community. Whatever news may interest you, must surely interest many others. ?There are very few "House toi Rent" signs to be seen in our town That is a proof of growth and pros, perity, but also an indication that more homes ought to be provided for the people who would move here, if houses could be rented. A num< ber of oozy an4 attractive cottagei that' can be rented' at a reasonable figure is what we need. _?Section 13 of the publio healtt laws is as follows: ""'If any person firm or corporation or municipality responsible for existence and con tinuance of a nuisance after being duly notified in writing by the Su< perintendent of Health, to abati said nuisance, shall fail to abate th< same for twenty-four hours aftet such notice prescribed he or shi shall be guilty of a misdemeanoi and lhall be fined $2 per day as long as saiu nuisance remains. ?Do right and do it right, anc don't cate a snap what others wil gay or do. Of course, tbe man whc honestly seeks to do right will die please and even offend some, bu who are they? A good man, at honest man and a man who hai common sense will not be offendec at right; 01 if he is, will ?oon apol ogize for his hasty temper. Frauc and hypocrisy may gain a point, bu oan never hope to enjoy lasting sue cess. What the world needs is met who do right for tbe Bake of light Itoafejrustees Meet. The Bona of Road Trustees foi Louisburg township met on Saturday afternoon in the office of Mr. W? H. Ruffin, with all member! present. After approving the minutes of the previous meeting the following business was transacted. The resignation of F. B. McKinne as Secretary and also as member of the Board was accepted. Upon ballot Mr. T B. Wilder was eleoted a member of the Board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation ol Mr. MoKinne and also to the position as Secretary, The resignation of C. B. Cheatham was received and Mr. S. S. Meadows was elected to fill this vacancy. T, 11. Wilder was elected a member of the Executive Committee to fill the vaoanoy caused by the re, lignation ot C. 11. Cheatham. The Board directed tbe issuanoe of |:J0,U0p in thirty year bonds at Dnce. The first Monday in each month was selected as the regular meeting for the Board". , An order placed the managcmenl of the Board in the hands of the Executive-Committee. - There being no further businesi the Board Adjourned to its next re gular meeting. , . r. " Loulsburg College Commence( > . , . mentWo acknowledge receipt of the following invitation . The Senior Clam of Louisburg Collego requests the honor of your presence during the Exercises i1 Commencement Week May twenty-liret to twenty-fourth niueteen hundred and eleven Louieburg, North Carolina With this was enclosed the programme which is as follows : Annual Sermon?Rev. Gilbert Rowe,. Sunday Morning May Twenty-First, at Eleven O'clock. , Annual Sermon to Y. W. C. A.?Rev. ' W. A. Stanbury, Sunday Evening, at Eight O'clock. Alumnae Banquet?Monday Evening! May i'wenty-Second, at Half Past Eight O'clock. Art Exhibit?Tuesday Afternoon, May Twenty-Third at Four O'Clock. i Class l)ay Exercises?Tuesday AfterI noon, May Twenty-Third, at Ejve , O'clock. , Recital by School of Expression? Tuesday Evening, May Twentv-Thiid, ' at Half Past Eight O'clock. Graduating Exercises ? Wednesday i Morning, May Tweiity-ffciUilli, n1'~ Hall Past Ten O'clock. Literary Address?Rev. Plato Durham, Wednesday Morning,May Tventy' Fourth, at Half Past Eleven O'clock. . Annual Concert?Wednesday Evening, May Twenty-Fourth, at Half Past t Eight O'clock. Marshals. 1 Chief?Mary Williams Hays. i Assistant?Mary Clyde Singleton and Julia Weatherington.. Littleton College Commence- \ menti The editor ot the Times acknowlt edges the receipt of the following invition : <? The Faculty and Pupits of Littleton College cordially invite you to to .present , at th'eir approaching Commencement Exercises, May Twenty-first to Twenty-fifth, > nineteen hundred and eleven, Littleton, North Carolina, i The programme is as follows: ) May 21, 11 a. m>-Address before the T. M. C. A. by Tlev. R. G. Willis, North Carolina Conference. 1 Mny 22, 8:00 p. m.?Uradnating Re> cital. r May 23, 8:30 p. m ? Annual Concert. May 24, OrSO a. m.?Art Exhibit. , 11:00 a. m.?Baccalaureate Sermon ' by Rev. Alexander Sprunt, D. D.1 Charleston, S. C. ! 5:00 p. ra.?Class Day Exercises, s 3:20 p. m.?Missionary Address by r Rev. W. B. North, Ph. D. N. C. Conference. May 25, 10:00 a. m.? Graduating Ex' ercises. ' 11:30 a. to.?Literary Address by Mr. Clarence H. Poe, Editor I'rogres| sive Farmer, Raleigh, N. C. 1 ) E. C. T- T. S. CommencementWe acknowledge the receipt of t the following invitation : 1 The Faculty and Senior Class 9 ol I The East Carolina Teachers Training School req nest the honor of your presence ' at their t Commencement Exercises . { May the twenty-first to the twenty-third ( nineteen hundred and eleven Greenville, North Carolina. i HAS NO SUBSTITUTE rife POWDER Absolutely Pure , Thm omfy baklmg powder madb from Rm^uOrepo MUBMjmiMEranwre *1 '' NOTICE. *7 Having qualraed as administrator of the estate of Matthew Neal alt .persons holding claims against said estate are ; notified to present the samyfio rtts bv i May 1, 1912 or ties noticeVill be plead in bar of their iecoverjA All persons indebted to said V stabe are aalced to , make payment tHeradr. Thle May 1, 1911. I/ J. RflllTCHisER, Ad*m. Thos. ii Wilder, Atty. t % ;M.. , - . * | Relic I Drugs and^ ? We EXtend to the Visitors Dwind Commen z and Ask Them to Make Thems | BEASL^Y-ALST * gcrw^b "houJd t* uHd ? Wire Screens, - /Screei Fly Powders / Fly 1 L P- H ON THE CORNER PHONE IThe Sor \ fV As you sow.Jso shall*ynn reap. \th *v Then W sow the best Simpkins prolific cotton see?l sl-jV cerealite, potash aiwli # If you don't see^ha | McKirine Bro / > SATISFACTION OR \ J I - 'We || Medicines I Are the only kind safe to use. The uncertain kind ore apt to do more harm than pood. What you get from this ^k store you can rely upon absolutely. If the health or your household is dear to vou prove your sincerity by coming ^k liey for your drngs and medicines. X The hand That tills A an apothecary's graduate with lack distinctive remedy as noted by the physi- A Qian, must be Bteady. Carefully tilled prescriptions by a'steady hand behind ?? oiir dispensing counter giyes us an en- ^k vied reputation among medical men. Pure remedies, accuracy and no over^"charges gives us confidence of the public A cedent Week a Most Hearty Welcome J elves at Home at Our Store. X UIN UHUG CO* * =+ X hJcks ?iHfr \ , i Doors Fly Killers raps Screen Wire IICKS, : 4-2 LOUISBURG, N. C ?/ \ - ' si Company , 1 o^r money back

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