7 ' -i ~ r"'i "V "IN BITTER AGQNY T HE PRAYED TO DIE'! Here Is the record of one of the moat wonderful cures of Bcunui that has ever > I come to our notice. We commend it to all who ure suffering from this distressing disease, or have little children afflicted with It. Mrs. Uo.se stouffs, of Greensboro, N. C., writes: "Alwut four years ago my little, boy broke out with Keseina, and suffered torrlbly fur two long years. He was sore from head to foot, the only parts of his ? body free from the trouble being the nx palms of ills hands and bottoms of his ul feet. He rould not walk, but crept on bis e hands and feet. He iyas 1" ?uch agony mmm he would pray to die. He-had been doctored by the best doctors, and I never . expected anything to cure him. The only way he could get qut was for mo to vat a fk. pillow slip over his head, with hpMs for bis eye3, nose and-mouth. His cldthes had on, to be changed two and three^Hmes a day. The ' dug was almost uai?ndurable, and all at / jt he would Itch Jfln scratch uutll 1 i *n't know .what Jn do for him. A Sh frl'.ud Insisted on nprtrying MRS. JOE BCTSON S REMEDY. UD "We hought^a bottle, and used It with MV snch good remits- that we kept on, and to- . day our ehUfi Is entirely well.'' ** 8tl' Yon hnv?# only to imagine the angolsh . In that n#ther'8 heart, as she helplessly **8 watched ler child suffering the torments of Eczema, to realize the gratitude she Dp* feels tofard Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy and WaJh. Thin d|se demonstrates beyond all donbt that ttiH gieat Remedy will cure Eczema, * and all If roubles resulting from Impure, IaipoverlnH?d or Poisoned Blood. Even when w* these UrfllctloiiK have progressed to the stage Uiown as "chronic," Mrs. Joe Per- wc son s iBMnedy will effect a complete care i if usedlaccording to recommendation. It Is p purely vegetable compound, en- a.i tlrely (Vee from harmful mineral ingredients. It !m the best Tonic, Alterative. vo Blood Purifier and Nervine ever put on the niarkef. and for "run-down" condl- ftn ? tlons in both men nnd women It stands ^ without a rival. Write for testimonials of people anxious to tell how Mrs. Joe Person s rempdy cured them when .everything ?q< else, doctors Included, failed. In cases of external trouble, inflamma- ag stlon, ulceration or Itching humor, our Wash ? should be used In connection with the w( Remedy. For sale by druggists, or supplied on ne\ pl< cetpt of price, per bottle: 6 bottles r S5?0: 1 dozen by express prepaid for1 rri*10.00, by MM. JOE REUWri REMEDt CI., Klttrcll. C. wt m 2 QepeatiHg 1 \ifla co: r settled^districte, fr* where good range fend killing thi power are desired, wit\ safety ,nE to the neighborhood. \ The fflar/m .25-20 iJa lightenuickhandling, finely-balanced repfeater, ne with the solid top, clfcsed-in bfcech be and side ejection featu/es which make fflar/in guns safe and agreeablAto ?v use and certain in action. V It is made to use the fowcrful new hl^b velocity smokeless loata with jacketed HO bullets-as well as the Well-known black\ . powder and low prcssuie smokeless cart- tui ridges. artd is the ideal riBc for target work, for vAodchucks, geese, OI hawkj, foxes, etc., up This rifle and ammu- T! nition, and all other Z77ar&/i repeuters, arc m< fully described in our ^w///77?mw 136-r?ce catalog. Free at for 3 stamps postage. 77ie 77?ar/in firearms Gx, 8h - \ ? Willow Street. NEW HAVEN. CQitN. ?n ^ he V NOTICE Notice is hereby given that/application wilfbe made to Governor jfr W. Kit- ed cnen askihg that Ventenofc of eight , . months on the roads imposed upon 181 Thos. Stone aHhe jAiuanV 1911 terroof so franklin SuperiorHknnrt for larceny be commuted to four mortis. Any person wishing to oppoa^ ^uch common- fla. uiuui] snuuiu inutve K[??\n Lneir ODjections to tlie Governor It the 18th dav mi of May, 1911. This Afril 18th, 1911. R. B. White, Atty. For Thomas Stone. aP -x. NOTICE OF SALE. lin State of North Carolina, County of _ Franklin, in the Superior Court, J. J. P Sanders et al v. Martha Coppedge naa its others. / .... Under a judgment heiein rendered at January term, 1911, the undersigned, te: as commissioner, will serat puolc auctidn for cash, at the courAhouae door m Pa the town of bouiBburg, 0*TH?iday75th ad June 1911, at 12 m., one laic^ided oneseventh (1-7) share of a certain tract of land lying in Cypress Creak township, said, county of Franklin on Davis Creek, adjoining the lan? of B. R. Faulk, J. C. wheless and (there, containing 940 acres more or less, the same of being land of Which Perry Coppedge ,, deoeased seized and possessed in 1899, 0 fullv described by metis and bdudds in a i the complaint. 29th April 1911. Jacob Battle, 18 Commissioner., ar sTuTOF 100 ACRES LAND. ev By virtue of an order of the Superior in Court of Franklin County, made in tlie i. special proceeding entitled Mrs. Sue P. tb Atford, administratrix of L. 8. Alford, deceased, vs B N Alford, et als, on Hat- ' urday, May 13th, 1911, 12 o'clock noon an at tlie court house door in Louisburg, sell at public auction to the highest bidder 100 acres of land situated in Cypress ?S Creek township. Franklin county, adjoining the lands of C. "M. Vaughan, W. K. Davis and others and described as follows by survey made December 8th 1910. Beginning at a stake C M Vaughans corner, thence n 1 1-2 0-? Oi 2o.5.'> chains to a stake, thence s 87 J e. 11.10 chains to Mrs. parboros corner, thence n 3 de 1 chain toan elm, fnenee ? erst 42.50 chains to In ash onr Little sc 1 , Creek, thence s8dpl chaijr to the Davis corner, thence nest 20J50 chains to a pint stump, tliente s 3 A w 25.25 chains to little creek J thencd a 5 d w 7 8c chains to a stake and pointers in Harris line, thence n 88 1-2 dlw Ip chains to a SBike, ih ncen 1 1-2 a e 25 chains to a rock, thence n 88 1-2 <1 w 16 chains to "the In-ginning, beinglii part of the Lawrence S. Alford lanOs. Th<- terms of the sale are one-third "f ' cash, the balance payable m twelve tp months with, interest at six 'per cent from datfe of sale. This April 11, 1911. m' R.\B. Whitk.- Com. A> The ahoye sale was postponed until the first Monday in June, 1911. v" \ y.i 'b ! ' v- '' " / HE HOME Cil leasanE Evening Rcve cated to Tired Mo the Home Circle tUDE THOUGHTS FBOl Nothingjoan ever rob soldiers of a honor of having been soldiers in e of the most tremendous wars of history, a war with Grant and erraan and Hancock and Sheridan d Farragut on one side apd Lee d JStonewall Jackson and Long eet and Johnson on the other, i in Greek assemblages, when Bakers would rouse the audience, By shouted "Marathon!" so if we mted to stir you to acclamation i would o.ily need to speak the >rds "Lookout Mountain," "Chanlorsville," "Gettysburg." And ough through the passage pf years u are forever free from duty of listment, if European ? nations ould too easily and too quickly rgit the Monroe doctrine and set gressive foot upon this continent a think your ankles would | be sup0 again,- and your arms would ow strong again, and your eye >uld be keen enough to follow the c ,u? ?IJ sn? ... I. :i HID UL HID UIU HO^) TTMCIO* CI lb ghtlead. 0 0 THEY ARK BKOTI1EB8 NOW. Although the harrora of war are s moro conspicuous where the afliot is Oetween brothers and the uggle is a long and desperate one 3 evidences are numerous that, derneath the passion and bitter38 of our civil war, there were inter currents of kindly feeling, a irit of genuine friendliness per. ling the opposing camps. This endliness was something deeper in^the expression of mere human itinot; the combatants felt that they ire indeed brothers. Acts of kindss to wounded enemies began to noted at Bulf Run, while in ery campaign useless picket tiring is almost uniformly discountenced and the men shook hands at s outposts and talked confidingly their private affairs and their als and hardships in the army, lis feeling, confined perhaps, to sn on the very front line culminated Appomattox, where the victors ared rations with their late antagists and generously offered them Ip in repairing the wastes of battle. When the union veterans returnto the north he did not disguise ,th in the good intentions of the utbern fighting man. Thet spirit that^moved Lincoln to y in. his last inaugural, "With ilace toward hone" has continued l>oly influence. That much must pear to the world at large a start ig anomaly, is in truth the simple inciple of good-will, unfolding lelt under favorable conditions, le war, that la, the actual enconnr on the field, taught the particint? the dignity of American charter. 1 "? " ' . m m SCATTER THE FLOWERS. Decoration Day! The inspiration the occasion is the inspiration of iwers rtnd peace and beauty- At time when the glory of the land most dominant, clad in vendure id decorated with blooming roses, erv flag that flutters above a balwed grave mingles its colors with ose of bods and blossoms and is a jnument of God's past goodness d a prophecy of His continued Brcy. Icatter the flowers. O why should we Cherish the hate of the years gone bv! rer the grave of their enmity Scatter the flowers. atter the flowers, my child, today; Scatter the flowers where the soldiers lie; latter the flowers on blue and gray; Soatter the flowers." ? "Decoration day races," "Decora>n day base ball," and "DecoraHi day dances" are announceants appearing in some papers, i the day approaches for the revi1 sacred memories and paying of * % . RCLE COLUMN. [ 5ri6s- RColumn Dedi-. thers as They Join , at Evening Tide ?i ; the editorial pen , tribute to the heroism of oomrades i dead, such notices are not bailed i with a feeling of satis faction by old soldiers. The purposes for which tiuj, day was set apart are too sacred | for approval of making the day one of jollification and hilarity. The true patriotic heart and mind never contemplated such conditions when an annual memorial service was first conceived. * * * No" ma/i ever lived a right life who had not been chastened by a woman's love strengthened by her courage, guideth bv her discretion. ~ * The place to take the true measure of a man is not the market place or the amen corner, not the forum or the field, but at his own fireside. There he lays aside his mask and you may learn whether he's imp or angel, king or cur, hero or humbug. I care not what tfie world says of bim?whether it clowns him with jewels or pelts him wilhbad eggs, I care never a copper what his repu tation may be. If his babies "dread his coming home and better naif 1 swallows her heart every time slih, asks him for a five dollar bill, he's a ' fraud of the first water, even though he prays night and morn till he is < black in the face and howls hallelujah hills. ? Avoid unkind criticism. If a life be puie let all oddities alone. If you are convinced that a not overbrilliant young man is trying to live a clean life and make an honest reoord in the world, don't pick him to pieces in your after-party talks, even if he is a little bit of a bore or a trifie close or rather prosy. A pure man is better than h brilliant man i any day, and truth and honor make i a better dfown than cleverness and wit. Set your aim in this world toward the making of happy hearts and homes, as the woman spoken of in the play of "Clito," who "made the grasss a little greener for her foot-pasBing over it." Strive not so much to be admired as to be loved, and seek to awaken that love in the "little ones,"' whom the master especially commended to our care. * ? # Most good men have had good mothers. Ly Sick headache respite /from a disordered condition of the stomach, can be cured by the use W/ Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Iwblets. Try it. For sale by dealers. / V ? / Jl? UTrvwiAM D A !*_ _ nuiiiaa cast neip. Chandler, Okla.?In a Utter from this place, Mrs. Ella Flowers says, "I hardly know how to thank yon for the good that Cardiii has done me. Before I tried CarBai, I thought. I was past hefjtjshut/ after taking iT, I was relieved at canoe, and gained at leagfclO poundg./>Kverybodv sarB I look t^o much b/tterS. I am still improving greatly." Mm women are completely worn-out at?d discouraged, on account of womanly weakness. Are you ? Have you not tried Cardoi? It only needs a few doses to convince yon that Cardui is just what you need. Try it today. It will cure your pains. J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of Gteensburg, Ky., aam, "We use Chamberlain's Cough Ramedy in our own household and knoty Mt is excellent.' For sale by dealers^ \ How Saints May Help the Devil1. Be a nominal church member. 2. Do not go to church when you oan make an excuse to stay at home. > 8, When you go to church go late and attract- attention when you come. 4. Take a back seat and take no p$rt in the servioe. 5. Do not giyfi.. anything in- the collection and be indifferent to all the appeals for which are made for ; ? i ' vyl's money. : 6. Find fault with tbe preacher uxl criticize the sermon. 7. Leave your own ohurch and attend service at other places. 8. Do not join any organization formed for aid, or for railing money. 9. Never apeak to anybody about your church and ita work, and when you do, be sure to apeak of it in a disparaging yvay. 10. Dot not take a religious newspaper, and never read anvthipg of i. religious character. 11. ' Accept ail the invitaticns you receive to attend card parties, germane, and plaoes of amusement 12. Select as your associates persons of an irreligious character. 13. Attach much importance as to how you appear to otlieis in the congregation and none at all as to how you will appear to God. 14. Act as though you expected to live always and never expected to die. 15. Observe these suggestions and you will be absolutely sure to please the devil.?8. F. Conrad, Char, lotte, N. C., ill Biblical Record. Kor sorenesxsif the muscles whether induced by yiafcnt exercise or injury, Chamberlain/ Liniment is excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the rdiy it allbrds in cases of rheumatism. S*>ld by all dealers. J- ~ . PROTECT. THE HEALTH OF YOURSELF AND FAMILY. Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a dependable household remedy, based upon the principle of purity of blood insuring freedom from disease. It is ^ medicine for maladies such as, Rheumatism, Liver Complaints, Constipation, Fever and Ague,. Female Disorders, .Indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney Derangements, Catarrh, Sick and Nervous Headaches, loss of Apatite and all ailments arising from inactivity of the Liver and Kidneys. It is a purely Herbs, Barks and Roots Compound It is p?t up in chocolate coated tablets pleasing and easy to take, (or can be dissolved in water,) Mrs. J. C. Mcfde of Hayattsville, Md. say8: j ' "For years u have suffered with Backache. Headaches, Neuralgia, and Nervousness aim extreme fatigue, I tried many remedies without relief Fouh months ago a grateful friend induceayne to write to Pope Medicine Co. Washington, I)J C., for a box of Pope's Herb Cdnipouni Tablets, the very first dose of wo tal lets gave me relief. I used not quite i $1.00 box and 1 am entirely curel. of the pain in my back and have no mc?e. leadache.'' Dr. J. \\ j !ennesey, a prominent Physician arid Surgeon of Albany, N. Y. in part sol i; "As a Bloodwurifier. Liyer, Kidney and System regulator 1 prescribe Pope Medicine Co's cfc Washington, D. C. Herb CompoundVs I have done for the past 20 years, ahaJ have found it to be a great remldyl which seldom if ever fails. There age thousands of letters from users Jf Ape's Herbs, that haye been benefmtedynd cured by its proper use. Pope's \Herb Compound Tablets are put ?p 20(Ain a box, "six month's treatment,99 and will be sent po.>t-paid on recmpt of ?1.00. Each box contains a printed guarantee binding us to refund the burchasfcprice if the remedy fails to benefit, also full directions. I A Guaranteed by 9le Pope Medicine Co., Inc., under the Pure Food and Drugs Ac^ June 30, 1966 No. 3495& FOR TERMSJTO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY, address, POPE A/IEDICNE CO., j INC Pope Building, Washington, D. C. -tr ' N< "TICE. Having qualifies! as administrator of the estate of Mat hew Neal all persons holding claims ag .inst said e^Mte are notified to present the sampeTo me by May 1, 1012 or thl i notirpnvill be plead in Dar^>f their r aovafy. AU'persons indebted to said isQfte are asked to make payment tl ereof. This May 1, J. F rMiTCHisER, Ad'm. Thos. H Wildei , Atty. Harrows, cultfwtors and blades at L. P. Hicks. -Y Fresh arrivals i5fl fruit and new vegetables at L. P. MicHs. Spring Bedding Plants tor Beautifying the Yard. Also Decv oratire Plants^rihe House CHOitk CUT ..F LOWERS.. For weddligs andalreoeial events Floral oflCeiings arranged in the most a rUstic style at siput notice Mail, ^telephone and 'telegraph orderypromptly executed, by J. L. O'QUINN & CO. RAtCIGtl. N. C. j V'-'' SAVE YOUR MONEY N ' _ 'U V ? ' ? I. \ {~ - . , v Uf Its Too ha/d to Get to Throw Away ? I have just returned from th?f North where having run across some Big7 Bargains in Clothing:, Shoes, Dry Ciood/, Etk. I overstocked myself before realizing it. In order to reduce my stock, /1 will sell anything in my store at greatly reduced >rices, such as you have noyseen Here before. My stock is composed of the atest and mo?t-un-t/w1nt*? 1 ' - . -r ? ? .?vv.uo.onv. vju??11tjr mm ia guaranteed. Don't fail to come in and see me. / \ % , N DCITZ BROS., Louisburg, INL C. 'PHONE 100 ~ \ / Anything You Want jtfor Breakfast dinner / or Supper a\ : : : 1 BRANTLEY HICKS Increased Yields / / . ! Means / / / Increased Profits \ For j Top Dressinq Oats, Corn, Cottbn, TrucW and General Crops .use ; rrDPA\i ITc Top pressing Hearing our trade mark "Cerealitp" at less cost per ?n than "Soda," using the same number of pounds per acreJ gives equally as goon, if not better, results than soda. Cerealite is packed m 200 pound bags, in good mechanical condition doesn't stiffen {lie land, and no* pot evaporate. The crbp'getslH all. For|Ce?b*lite and full information regarnng it, apply to \ McKinne /Brothers Company Muisburg, N. C. \ Or Home Fertiliser and^hemical Company, Sola Owner s aud .Manufat iotiv.