. - FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager .. Mtt YHAK, - - . *1.00 ?IX MONTHS, - - - * "61 11RK1-, MONTIIH* - "6 J * Fbioat: May 26, 1911. # ?The disturbance in Mexico is not settled _yet. The Democrats arc- carrying things their way in Congress. Tut:UK is never nothing to gain by trading one good man for an ther. . It isn't, question of what you thing ?r what I tiling but what the I'Koi'le think. r. ? Tin: l-ft policy we have ever seen I exercised is that; of letting well J enough ai'me. " ? I)ox't ever .condemn a man ft* that he has pot had a sufficient chance to do _Tiie people seem to waul to elect 1 the I". S. Senators by the vote of liie'M people, why not let therii do it? |i i i ???? * L . j The world is full 'of people who J think that if it don't turn exactly in I accord with "their ideas the whole I universe is wrung. 11 Tiie bluest mistake the South i > i has tver made in its political career j' is iu ctangiug her representatives iu j 1 Congress ami Senate so often. j i If tlieie is-auyttung ?r should up.-! I bold it is our churches and ourjj ' courts. Can we do either tvitb the 11 wholesale pardoning of neeenx year.-. Ik "in Unity there is Strength"'] applies to the Union or anything | else, why not to our town? Gentle n men unite and lets make a bigger, i better Louisburg. 11 Thk.ke is always a loss connected j; with a change of one official for ano- j, tlier, unlets there is something ra il-. , cally wrong with the official. Ex- , perieuce don't come with the vote. ! , ~~~~~ : I ' We Can't sec tli.e reason for sen- , fencing the disturbers of the peace , to prison if they are to be pardoned , So soon. There is no doubt hut that| it lessens the respect of the public t ~ for the sentence of a court ? h ClIIEE Jfsiii K alter C larke has;, announced his candidacy for thej, United States Senate ag inst H>n. | F. M. Simmons. Wc doubt it lie . Can do the Estate more go-?l :r. the Senate than b- has doi.e and do | " oa the Pupiemt court h-iich. The Ne'.vK Observer tnti-ret; n .' 1 we iii.vc tl at ?-h life all 1 ;*> ;! h ' ? imtv . i\ T-.tmu'/ ioi munv ir.or- ycm.v. J ^ i I'm: old ftdago -a.i?rophel is m-...; ! honoiv! 01 home" in as true as when first ti-ierc'J. . Tlie av*r .^e ^ man A'- bi coLderun a man at home i who i.s j oshibJv thoroughly iffjcient? when at t*?e same time he will cum J ^ meud a Granger who is thoroughly incipaMc and nnre'iable. y. A % I Tin: being interested fcj j ..."* the GOinmer.cement exercises" of i?h many i.isLituti >us of learning audi' it. uT gratifying to see the advance- ^ incut made al ?:*g thgfte lifte*. Whjb ie it, in the that is not proud ' ( of the progress we have made along | educational lines in- the past ten vetttf? ' . a-j-j. J ' lr you know that by joining an organization which would only cost you" pouaibly *2.00 pel year ami about one hour'* time a weak would . inOreaio your ^oainePH double what it is now would y u lend your -a? ialance? Why Oci-tainly Von would. = Thtk can be done il onr merchant* ; will only try. Geotiemen you owe it> yourself an# your family 19 assist in building up your town. Why not tako hold. How do you expect taxea to bo any lower when you do :?VrMiT7-*.v ~" , what you can to decrease instead of increase tbe business and property of the town. Don't stand in your owp light any longer, but do somctiii no. Cultivation of CottonWe are in receipt of the follow-1 ing letter from Mr. C\ K. Hudson, which may be of interest to many of our readers: We take it for granted that land where cotton sliould*be coming up by this time has had a real deep and thorough plowing and some harrowing the same day to pulverize the clods and make a good seed bed. This is important. Xo\v for the cultivation of the crop, we contend that there are no impliments better or more economical than good, round toothed weed ere or other form of light harrow. Dtr^m?t wait for the seed to come up to start the work. Go by conditions of the soik ; After ewry go oil rain, or i.t leaSi ( n .? seyeu or ten days, the we?d?T should be run over voung plants. The fingers or teeth of these imple-j mep/s work in among the plants and 1 thus get rid"of weeds and grass that j would-later have to be gotten out! by expensive band-hoeing. Such implements furthermore are Ceo-1 Domical because a man and a mule^ can easi. v cultivate from ten to twelve iicres t^r day with them. On a| lighter sandier soil a weeder should be used. On heavier or clay soils | seine form of spike toothed harrow is ectsary. Usually it is better to [ slant the teeth backward just slightly.! These implements lunv h? run Avor i both the- corn and cotton from tu g i to four times or until the plants are Several inches high. Many farmers believe that the Mnpieuieuts will! root up-or destroy the young plants, ! but such is nut the ca-e. With these implements, as with, jther tilings, there is always the i proper and best time to use them.: Very often we see fanners place! rocks or chunks on their harrows or j sveu ride upon them, in order to | force them into the ground. This ihows a great lack of intelligence. * If run immediately .after a rain, as f should be done, the impliment* will j lo the work properly without any heights on theru. If weights have i :o be used it shows, that the farmer v las waited too long after the J rain to run tliern. Under such 1, sonditions thj implements not do { nuch good. By that time a crust* :ias toriued on the land which shows hat a great deal of the moisture lias ilready evaporated, the voting ?ra^s lias- -e*3*Te through and lias gotten a hold on the sod so that ffhiie some ot it is rooted .up, the j&lancdi* cultivated and teally grows ill the .faster. What we should, do to dislodge th'j sprouting seed m the soil before they ey?r slr-w themselves ibove t;:?e ground. T h isTfc iHe-*.!111 tr?d ht toe s-itye iie:? forms a ran.en * f tll'l SUlf-Ca 'iO.t vtfepb foe. VFJiter Iflt'-e laud. A* .a rule wcecfars and ugfal i.. rr.>5y le fciiYi over the L'<*I21? . ' I. l-!jr tiv'iorii t :u* *0.1 li ?.uts ordinary cul'tvi-iliv* ; 1 ?\Vt- ir.ay t'lua say <5 la> I ii this r->j?tcti We*mu?( .arrange I [huH to kfcfU the witter in the s .h. I lot it will i needed when -trie:, ujlter weather exftes on. Plants aktj up food on|y when it in lis-. Ulfe 1 in *vat? r, .s ibouf getting at it after rains Imv* settled the Boil olm n. If the land becomes* very compact it may need leej> cultivation wrtfile th? plants are yonng but after that all cultivations' should bo shallow in order not to dis turb th* root system of the plant*1 C. H. fitmtfx, : Ylaleigb, N. C. m f * Jr *. # ' - * ? - - Card of Thanks. Mr. John Mace an~4"hfte. i-.ir.iie Mace wiah to thank their many friendg for lhe kindneag ghowo theiti dnri.ig the recent ill cam ' oi their daughter and grsud-ij^ughter, Miae Lola Plaoe, who paaaed away Maj 17th. ^ ^ - ss? s . v'v>cv -J ' .. -lV>'"THE MOVING PEOPLE THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louisburg the Past Week?Those * Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. V. C. Price, of Barliugton, visited J. II. Johnson the past week. J. I. Ciillis, of Norfolk, was a visitor to Louisburg the past week. * Oppie Kd wards, of Spring Hope, is visiyng O. T. Yarboro this week. Mrs. Allen I.ee, is visiting friends I atul relatives In Durham and Dunn. -T. K. Aiieu and wife returned Monday troiu a visit to New. York. Mrs. C. F. Carroll, of Warsaw, was ra visitor to Louisburg the pa-i week. Joseph Alf.>rxi, of Hooky Mount, is visiting iiis people here this week. Mrs; Paiil Morgan, et Spring 4tope, is vwitiijg her aunt, .Mrs J. J. Person. .Miss Jessie Brothers, of Goldshoro, is visiting the Messrs. Mo lvinue. :A1, F. liouck visited Henderson I and Warreuton the past week on business. ^ Register of Deeds, J. R. Yarborough paid Henderson a business visit Tuesday. , Horace Robinson, of Clayton, is visiting his abut, Mrs. \V 11.: Furgursoii. Aliss Haltie Lee Guess, of Denmark, S. C., is visiting Miss Helen Crenshaw. Misses Odelia anil B.-tlie Bailey,of Apex, la visiting .Miss Bessie Williams tins week. Misses Beutrics and Mildred Yarboro, of spring Hope, are visiting rslatives in town. Baxter B. Benson and wife, of Haleigh, visited his parents near town the past week. Master Hereon Nicholson, of lvi+vl stun, is visiting his grandparents, J. J. Hereon, Esq , this week; Mr. C. T. Bernhardt and daughter,' M iss Koaale,- of Salisbury, are visiting at Mrs. Crenshaw's. Miss Maude Hicks, who has been atfeudtng school at Greensboro, returned linme the past week." 11 is many friends were glad to shake the hand oi Mr. J. K. Taylor, in Louisbnrg the .past week. J. II. Johnson returned Monday' frotu Durham, where he attended! the funeral of his wife's tatiier. . I'll)a Massenhurg, who has been teaching in Wi.rreu county,' tuts returned homo f ir vacation. Miss lletlie Buddie, who has been i visiting her brptber, T. G. Boddie,, at Kinaton, returned home Tuesday, j .Miss Saliie "M. Alston, of-St. Mi' I'a., strive'! vest.rtjay to visit ber user, Mrs. VV. H. l'iiarf RlliS, Jr., * -?s N.i.i Mat oh, of WutmKoi : f; e.tt si . rui days .n in iii, tin.' gu ,-t if .Mi-s .Man B lie MacjM, thet k. * 1 .V. <. ! .. r s.r.'d tu ily of-Rocky i.-uat, W1io h is l^ci n. ty '.iug her 3!ts. >. al , Ihir . returned . h yesv ribti Mhs Jui Hur;is, vi.o '..as been iUtttililig Mhoul it'tL>i ^'ft',6 Nor-' la a. Cullogu *t (iteftihlioro, returned hoiat: \\ ediiettdujlg id'-fid&ineH M. rv Clifton aud ii#V. MuAden attended lh cmuiosnc,nifcnt exercises ut tin? S. .: Normal College at Greens'. >ro. , David ,(i. Bulbiid, oi Uiclimond,: visited Ilia people the pn". week. It J Will he "interesting to hi* many: t'rioiuls here tbh m.w ,,v curds'are; oat announcing his marr am on tho, 14th ol June. Mr. It. y. McAdcn. who entered', tilt Chamber ot Commerce ttndor-' arice run with his h r, loose Over land our, returned Sc..day and report* a most enjoyable trip.. His ear went through in- lfn*,t. X. Strickland, . dwased. X will on' THwaday, the 1st wii: ? -:-1 lay oTJur..-, J'U.i, at Iljo*f Uav, "igJ. w ' rt "'am ' J. P. Winston Louis -31 V ^ '* ? ___ Merchants Bank MAYDAY iAY PAY THEN in the Bank '* " # V >? . ^^>'N;Vv v-?.. ,\ V; -a : v .- \fg^. \ " it in the bank. Put just five dollars 'a week in^ and the interest on it will be a Fortune. K nnnvtnAAHt f??.. a . . w ?,v?3i9iiViik win* Binc-iy 4 per cent, compounded quarterly > MERCHANTS. . BANK JCG, N. C. v t 1CERS . ? >n. Vice-Pres. H. Y. Cashier. Assistant Cashier*. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - _r' K DRUG CO. s A ? -,hp prettiest " 2 in the. State. i SffAND 'IKTURES A UUNTAIN . us and waiting see and ^ their friends. . ] fi, C* Ft/J C2 A .ft. i w ! ? ^ ^w!*sr?iN T IftG. N C X THE W. K. WHITE I-UIiNITUliE CO. T Lifctiej Ready Mouzy : ? Nk tu;rJ[:Mv< . i . roarei'.ckle thau fcf. .'aioEL i'>-c*Luy ..i?t \vo/tluc3* uai He teasce Company NEw\vYORK as seiufo as a KovorVnfcnt bond. F r full information i - Phone. oryWribe OR ( :S^ Louisfeurg, M- C. 1 RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED ive cars competing for the Cut) in tVip endurance run throu A Louistfurg last Thursday, the only 2 / EfRLAND QfAR% ace went through ^with a perfect score. )vebi/and and get the best burg Auto & Machine Co. LOUI8BURG, K. CI WM&m ' * - , - '