MUSHROOM CORNS Most Painful of All Foot Ailments. * How to Cure Them. The Mushroom corn is bo called from itA pitted cone top, resembling a tiny mushroom. It burrows deep into the toe and gets more inflamed than other corns. For the quick relief and cure of these and ail corns and callouses the following is the mcst effective remedy known to sei ence: Dtesol^fL. 2 tablee-pooafuis of Calocido tom?pound in a basin of hot water Soak the feet in this for full fifteen minutes, gently mas saging the sore parte (lx*sp time will^ not give desired results.)/ All sore ness instantly disappears And the corn or callous can be easily Reeled ofT. It may be necessary, to repeat *hls for a number of nights for a comp e cure, but If adhered to it vyill surely succeed A little olive oil riibbed on the part is very beneficial. This Calocide is a^ very remarkable preparation for all foot ailments and is no longer confined to doctors' use. Any druggist hAA_it j in stock or will quickly get it iemn his wholesale house. A twenty-fttfe cent package is usually sufficient to put the . worst feet in fine condition. Bad smell | Ing feet and tender feet need only a few treatments, likewise with inflamed bunions This item will be welcomed by persons who have tried ineffectual powders and tablets NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of re-sale made and entered at April jterm, 1911, of Franklin Superior Courkin case entitled Finch Richardson & C4., v A. J Tally and Mary C. Bartholomew, I will on Monday the 5ths^day < June, 1911. at about the hour ox^aoonbell to the highest bidder for casnSj : public auction at the court house d< tin Louis burg. N. C., Franklin coun RShe following described real estate. vix?\That tract or parcel of land C dar Kbck township, Franklin coo?* . beginhing at a pine in Pearce's corn< r thence east 37 poles to a rock in G. Collin's line tnence west i>? polesvo a rock, thence north 64 poles to a guhi stump, N 2d E 96 poles to the begiiaring, containing 68 acres, less 10 acres] cut off and sold , .Sam Bartholomew, sad known as the home place of said Mafl-y C. Bartholomew. This property has been surveyed and will be described when sold by metes and bounds. This May 1st, 1911. Ben T, Holden, Com'r. COM MISSION ES' SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of an order of sale made by the Superior, Court of Franklin County in that special proceedings entitled R.TT. Williams et al vs C. E. Gupton et at, the undersigned Commissioners will, on Monday, the 5th, day of June, 1911. it being the first Monday in June, at about the hour of noon, at the Cburt house door i in Louisburg, offer fon sal^tpthe high-1 est bidder, tor cash, that certain., tract I of land described and defined as follows: adjoining the land3 of Lawrence Gupton, Wesley Burnett. William Evans and others, lying on Mill Stone creek, being part of the David Gupton > land and known as the "school house | tract," containing20 acres more or less. | This Sth day of May, 1911. W. H. YarBORoiv.h, Jr., ) 4 > Corn's. WH. H. Rurrm. > SALE OF LAND. Bv virtue of the power conferred ' upon me in a certain deed of trust, executed to me by Loomas Harris, and | recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 162. Page 378, I will on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1911, at about the hour of noon, sell at ^public auction at the court house door n Louisburg, N. C? to the highest bi< ier lor cash, the one-seventh untUyide I interest of the said Loomas Harrlaj i a tract or parcel of land situate in franklin County, Dunns' Township, St ireful North Carolina, and described i s follow*, Bounded on the North by tqe lands of Charlie Frazier, on the Easy by the landa of A. J. P. Harris, on /the South byithe i,,aai t d v: ?.? -1 i^?^muuaui u. LI. IUUU, HIJU uu uie nest by the lands of Wiley Young, contain ing 84 acres, more or less, and being that parcel of land known as the Norf Harris land, and on which land Norf Harris lived a few months before his death. Thisjthe 28th day of April, 1911. M. S- Clifton, TVsstee SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LOT'S By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust made and executed on the 2nd, day if May, 1910 by Anthony T. Neal and Wife, Sallie Ann Neal to Ben T. Holden,'Trustee, which is of record in Franklin County Registry Book 182 at page 401 default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, I will sell at pubj lie Auction to the higaest bidder for y cash at the courthousa door in Louiaf~ burg, N. C-.? on the E0h day of?JTme 1911, at about t^e hciir of noon the following descnbadlre&l estate and town lots. Viz: lstltnct situate in " the town of LouisburgjanBsbounded as follows: On the northjand tbe lot of Griffin & BeaeleA, on the wn$t by Main street leading ofer the bridge "and on the south by tar river, 18 feet front running back 2D feet/ and being the lot on the east side of Bain street upon which is erected a /brick building or store house. 2nd, tact beginning at a rock, corner of Wiley May on Franklinton yoad, tbeoce Ti 54 d. w 18 poles 8 links to May's corner in Phil Williams line, thence s 81 d. w 12 poles 16 links to Milliard Yarboro's Austin Green and Daniel Hazlewoods corner, thence along ^aaid mad n 31 d. e 12 poles 16 links to " the beginning,' containing one acre more or less and comprising the two lotsoccnpied bytboth A. T. N.eal and and wife and H. A. Toole and wife. ,8rd, tract. That portion of land lying on tbe northern Dank of tar river on the east aide of Main street extending -tarthe |ot upon whidb is located the A. T. Neal shop and extending hack SO feet to the .Griffin ABeadey stables and extending thenee in a line with tlie western end of said stable to the river. A Also all right title claim, interest and demand of whatsoever kind and nature ' the said A. T. Neai and wife Sal lie Ann , Neal have in any and all other lauds. Bsa T. Hei.DKN, Trustee. Suggestive Questions On the Sunday School Lissoa by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the titer- j national Press Bible Question Club Copyripht 1911 by Rev iinroM, I). D. Ji-xb 4th, 1911. Israel's Pentiuence and God's Pardon, Hosea xiv. Golden Text?Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger. Neh. ix:17. (1.) Veise 1?What proportion ot the members of present day evangelical churches, are walking in the concious tavor of God ? (2.) God's chosen people had j gone away from Him, and the pro-1 {diet urges them to return; what sugge?tion is there in this tor pastors ? (3.) What reason is there to be j lieve that the average Christian hack-1 slides, before he Anally gets estab-I liahed in the faith? (4.) Verse 2?When a - backslider 1 wi-hes to return to the- Lord, what 'words" will he be likely to use? (5.) Why is it not possible for one to be a Christian without using "words"do God? (ti.) When we talk to God wS" enter into conversation; how, or in what language does He talk to us ? (7.) When God "takea away all iniquity," does he mak*e~~]it possible for us not to commit any more? Give your reason. (8.1 Verse 3?Why is it impos aible to keep saved if we depend on I any earthly thing, and do not put | j our trust wholly in God? (9.) W hv is it wrong tor a child , of God to be anxipus about earthly things? j (10.) Verse 4?How would you compare a foreign sinner, with Adam | before be sinned, in the matter of moral purity? , (11.) What difference is there in r the way God treats and regards a reclaimed backslider, and, if there be , such, an angel who never has siuned? (12.) Verses 6-7?What does 11 God do tor and with His children, in I' order that they may develop their I spiritual lives? (13.) What takes place in a faith. P fill Christian, which answers to the , growth and perfume of a flower, or i ] the growth and expansion of a tree? 1 (14. If the life of a man is not as ; m T hgKj 8 \ us ^ \ ^ m M|^H The Best Pa mrv NOAH'S LINIMENT ghrei and Muscle Aches and Pai other remedy known. 1 triple strength and a pfc * PAIN REMEDY. Sold I, 25c per bottle and moi^ WHAT OmT "I had been suffering with rheumatism/or three year*. Have been using Nook's lAni. meat, and will any that K cured me (ftnpfetdfy. Can walk better than I have hf two year*. Bey. 8. E- Cyraa, Dopald, 8. C J -"Whfle worfc-n# at my trade (Iron sXk) I Ret bruised and cut frequently And I Ad that Noah's l.jaiai?t takes an the sorer*** out and heals the wound Immediately. Edward Ryan, Swansbon, Va.* /y Itkwnulhn In Nak rheumatism In my neck and It relieved tt rtRit much, Mrs. Martha A. Lambert, Beaver Dam, Va.*? . Pains In the Seek " 1 suffered ten year* with a dreadfully sore naln In my hade, and tried dJmrentremedfr*. Less than hall a bottle of Noah's Kiffla^Aeapsasrv^ ' . - i rY"?imSk : .'.j'x- ... BB?B?^^^1 sweet perfume, and if he is not as be spreading branches of a great tree on a hot day to the weary traveler, what if any reason is there to believe that be is a Christian ? (15) Why is it either right or wrong to believe that a Christian must grow iu grace or backslide? (10.) Verse 8?What is it, under our present conditions, to wor ship an idol ? (17.) What are the chief idols which people now worship? (18.) Is there any dangger, and if so what, of practical idolatry in connection with our church services? (19.) Verse 11?May any man understand the mind ot God from the Bible, who is not personullv taught of God? Why? (20.) What is it which makes -it | certain that a child qf God will be I ied into all truth? (Thia is one of the questions which may he answered in writing by members of the club.) Lesson for Sunday, June 11th, 19ll. Hezekiah'e Great l'assover. 2 Chron. xxx. Is there anything in all this world that is of more imjfcrtance to you than good digestion? I bod must be eaten to sustain life . an< must be digested and converted ift*( blood. When the digestion fails the lyhole body sutlers. Chamberlain's Ti bnts are a rational and reliable cuse 1 >r ifhbeesti< n. They increase the tiow of bil^ purify the blood, strengthen he stomheh. anil tone up the the whole c festive apparatus to a natural and heal by action. For sale by all dealers. Speechlessj For Thanks. Mens,* Ark.?"t tind Cardui to be all you represent," writes Mrs. II. B* York, of this city. "I suffered from womanly ailments, for nearly two yeprs, before I tried Cardui. I have been so relieved since taking it I cannot eav enough in its praise. It has done me a world of good, and I recommend Cardui to all women." Ua'dui ie over 50 years old, and the lemand is greater today than ever, Cardui is the standard, tonic raedi;ine, for women ot every age. tVould you like to be well and strong? Chen take Cardui. Its record shows hat it will help you. Begin today. IV hy wait? ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as administrator upon the estate of James O'Day, late of the Coyntyof Franklin, lotice is hereby g've?i to all persons holding claims- against the estate of |1 said decedent to emit the same to the | undersigned on or bhfpre the 19th day of May, 1912, or th*. notice will be plead in bar of the? vecoverv. All persons indebted to the saulvestate will please make immediate payment. This the 18th day of May, foil. June J. Lancaster, Ad'm. of Jamks (yDay, deceased. W. H. Yarborough, Jr, Atty. ? -? 1 L:: tin Remedy (relief for ell Nerve, Bone Ins moreVuickly than any T PENEt^ATES-lt i* werful, *p<*dy and sure r all dealer* ifomedicine at r back if not Satisfactory 1ERS SAY! ?^ n 1 Cured of Neuralgia "For Ave years I suffered with neuralgia and pain In sfcte. Could not deep. I tried Nook's I la las sat. and the first application made me fed better. Mrs. Martha A. See, Richmond,Va " Stiff Joints and Backaches 1 hare need Noah's Liniment for iheumatism. stiff Joints and backache, and I can my It did me more rood than any pain reme- \ djr. Rev George wTimlth, AbberiU, 8. C." IroocMtli aged Asthma "My ffS taa been aaffertng srtth bixmchitls and iifc i and a very bad cough. Waa confined to hla bed. Rome ono recommended Noah's l.lolmast. and I rubbed Ms cheat and baA srhh ft and gaarc him ri* drops on sugar, and lie waa retteyed Immediately. lira. XT L. Whit taker, eialloOy Street, Rfctanoud,Va.'' "We have obtained ae good If not better re alts from Noah's Liniment than we dkl from co^gaT^r bottle jTortolk and Fortanootn Transfer Co., Norfolk, va. ' J If ? - " I -I Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lessons. The Contest. The most popular and the most practical plan (01 Bible study, to. gather with a prize Bible contest, commences in the present issue of the FffANKLis* Tiuks. For the past thirteen weelte we have h,en explaining the importance of tins course of Bible study, avid the conditions of the contest, and urging all our readers to joia our Local (.Tub If there are any who do not 'understand fully about the contest, and the prizrs, call at this office and it will he fully exphiinid In short, she Sunday School lesson must be read each week for 6- week, also the "Suggestive Questions," ami /the coupun should be out out eash week and signed, certifying that this has been done. Then any five of the questions that are indicated to he answered in writing must also be answered, and at the end of the term the coupons and written answets, duly signed with name and address must be delivered to this office. The prizes will be awarded . according to the number of coupons sent in, and the merits ot the written answers. You oanjtet all the hetp you want ? itu mo wruieii answers. Go in to win one of the solid gold medals. If you complete the course you will get a beautifully-engraved Diploma in three colors in any event. Get all you can to join you in this course of Bible study. . Cat Oat iad Send to this Office. INTERNATIONAL PRESS BIBIJ5 QUESTION .CLUB 1 have read the Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson published in (Name of Pa >er) aiso the Lesson itself for Sunday 19 .and intend to (Date) read the series of 52. Name Address Pocomoke Items. Miss Ethel Holmes, who has been teaching at Benehan, is at home to spend the vacation. R. R. Holmes, who bas.been quite sick, is improving, y " Mrs. Carrie fright and her little daughter, Ilalhy, and Mrs. Melcenia W oodlief. of Youngsville, spent severah-'cfays in this community last week. Miss Lucie Jones spent Saturday night at C. F. Holmes'. Miss Kate Mitchell was taken ver<- sick Sunday, but was improving at the last report. . . ? B. W. Ballard, of Franklinton, conducted the service at Wesley's at the last appointment, the pastor, W. W. Rose being absent. John Wesley Mitchell visited G. R. Fuller last week. Druse Harris. GH1GHESTEK S PLLS WAMONO BRAND iff# LADIES t "V-i-r\ * Aik y?r OiugM torfCHI-CHHATER'S A diamond brand Alls in r*i? and/^v Gold metallic boefaf scaled with Bluet O) Ribbon. Takb mo of SIS. Bay of rwrW Dn?M ud uk fo# Oni-CUEfLTaB B V DIAMOND BBAND PILI I, for twratrdn rirs regarded as Beat, Safest, Always Reliable. n a n nv at a ^ ? --* dulu PI ALL UKUbtilS I5 SS& EVERYWHERE TW??T v ^ Joseph Yar borough. TAILDR In A. T.^feal Building I am prepared U do your pressing, cleaning and tailoring, at yerr reasonable rates. All work guaranteen. Glre me a trial and 1 will pleas^ jrou. PbonbVd.lH? -eV.'' , ,ipm. V;'' ' ' . " ' ' ' * .' .' : ^ # ' S3?-o"K . , . I "J" 1 Hi JjL, U^B -"trfr . I iH!| '?^nexPen?ve?Stormproof 1 \ Financing i the Farmer The farmers business ^ten ndeds a iittle extra linancial backing if it is to grow and prosper. That is bne rfcason why he should have a strong and willing Kanl" k^l.I ? I.:? f' ' *'?^ *' * - ' - ' wvuiiiu iiim it is un impaiani luncuon oi tills bank to give temporary assistance to farmers jvho seekjk of us, %nd who have demonstrated their ability to repay obligations when due./ THo best way to establish a credit here ife to carry an account with us, and m/e cordially invite not only the farmers but every one who wants to gain ground financially, to do so. THE CITIZENS BANK HENDERSON N. C. First National BANK OXFORD, N C Capital ) 100,000.00 Surplus and Profits .. . 30,000.00 Deposits JK 500,000.00 We want to do sc me business with the good people of Franklin County. Wo pay 4 par cent intereat on time depoaita. Write or call on ilk for any information^ Notice our large capital and surplus. W. H. HUNT, Cashier pv The Best Made I Only machine made with eithec belt or chain drive. Exclusive engine features contained in no otj/er machine: Automatic lubrication instead of having to be pumped in by hand. Cradle spring fork instead of coil. Free engine clutch, which allows machine to stop without stopping engine and two speed gear I Direct sight opening oil guage. Prices from $200 to $350. bee me and machine before buying, will guarantee satisfaction. THURSTON K. ALLEN, AGT. LOUISBURG, N. C. I Patron ize I Your Ho4ge Wastries I To every man who usM a bufKy. It will be greatly to your interest to see me before you buy a buggyh. I un prepared to make any kind of a buggy you want GlVyME XYoVR ORDER I and if when the buggy is lmistihd you are not pleased, you do not have to take it. Buggies are fully guUanteedX. Call and get my prices. The best buggy re pairing, repainting and rf Dber tireNgork a specialty. 24 years experience in I buggy building and reputing. Buggvuiaterial for sale. X M. C. TAYLOR | CONSOLIDATED | RAMO^XYfrEWRITER CO., INC. I 9'd\w^K^, trustee \ and vv I the john ?s. ranjo^ typewriter agency' .s i Stock of Typewriters, Supplies and I / Office Furniture rk^followfeg are spebials, if interested write us at once as these pricoa I \ only Imt unti the stock is disposed of ISSS&S H SB ^ I t I w * ? v^rnKtKbUllt ? ^ I 1 Den.more typewjlV rebuilt, 37 50 \ No2 Vic^a lelite' "0 00 B 1 '*Ch 60 00 g No 2 Victor (pica)' 75 00 I 1 No 5 Underwood! \ 49 50 3 No 2 Vlctora.(pica) 84 50 1 get of Edisong buVinesl phonographs, consisting of dictating, transcribing and shaving machines, also 1 dozen, cylinders. Regular price $210, our price $103.50 ' 1 get Dictaphones, same/outfit, regular price $210, our pi-ice $190. $1 and 75c ribbona for all makes TKJc. $8 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. Prices on offlce furniture quoted upon repueat. Terms?Express C 0 D on approved bankable paper. Order at once from JOHN S. RAMOS I Prince,, Boildlng WILMINGTON, N. C. Bon 54. fc,...?s- J

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