'.' v ^ .'> ?I? f 1 a*S. ' ' SAiPLE I. LINE fJF Yo dirtily Invit(jd ti\ In, . x spetjt tliefce Lines ~ j~ ? "vr.? i? i ... ^ . -vifiKfi our .^rore f Your Hqadquartei s ' __ ! " . Racket Store ? y J. W. mug ..^Headquarters for E very t hi i * Good to Eat WEXZH >|y Motto Quick Sales and Small Profits Q^ick delivery^ goods for the leaat najaey. Bring* mevA-our eggs, chickens FfaM, butter arid all country produce, give the highest mm ket price. . jCE ? THE YEAR RO0ND _ ? Lpm agent' f ftf :f HH in the firur of Garrett & Hill an< , continue the Business at the sarni iwi 1. wh\c I I will car^v J full and complex line oi\?r#ceries all . thl\ while If ? FRANKLINTON Our Regulur C Items of Intei est ( and Near Our Siste. ? CLOSES ON ? i ? The Cherokee Indian baseball I team spent Sunday in to* ti. ) ?Kti wnr?? M^Ghee has a tiroihi | smile on now ? its a bright 5 girl. runklintou can bosjt f one i thing but few towns can?a woman painter. j ? The Standard Oil CoV new tie- ]! j liverv wagon has arrived and tnaifeji its tir-t trip on the street this week. ! I | ?Alfred Winston a highly re , J spected colored maifVho lived^ihj?? j f miles from town, died-^Tuesdav ' } morning. j ?Ills man} friends will be glad;' j iu learn that on Tuesday the reports, were .to the effect^ that Mrs. \Vifli*\ Harris was improving. ?The I ghtning during the storm , n Friday night struck the barn of \V.? J. Foster, ool., and killed a ver> valuable milch cow. . ?A report here Tuesday gave the ? intelligence of the breaking of the * ' arm of one of -Mr. W. A. Fuller's lit l 'tie girls. Further information has not 1 been received. ?One case in Police court Mod- j" day?wa far. ily scran" between Jim ' t ' I>ehnam and- Geo. Wright. They j4 submitted and contributed to the i j i r.iu n tro tanrv &!( ?w? unult i 1 ? T.ittle EIna. infant daughter of! Ir.i .May diva Tuesday at 31:30 and >ill be buried Wednesday at the family burying place in Granville county. ?-A mysterious character on our streets Monday caused some little excitement -among those who sa w him He would not talk any except | say "I don't know" to everything that una asked him. , The . ntertainment at the Gra-isH School on last Friday night' was! greatly enjoyed Dy a large audience,! . in spite of the storm. It was pro- j noi) iced as being one of the best en- j tertammen s ever gtven here. Tins] eonchVles the Lyceum, course. .; ?A packed house greatly .joyed* the moving pictures at the Graded; Sc .ool Mori lay night by the Stu-I dint's En: i it dement C",'f Wake I' r ?: C iiliai. This kind of enter- t ta*n.m.ut is eiuays well* "patronized inhere: ? Mr and Mrs J. V. Finlayson | returned Monday troin Princeton j where they went to attend the tun-r-erjal of Mrs. P. A. Finlayson, mother j of Mr. J. V. Finlayson, who died at < ! her home in Princeton Saturday at 1 M-Sfl u m >ihp n-na hplrl in hirrlt esteem by all who knew her and was a devoted Christian lady, was 61 k years old. She was buried Sunday | Afternoon. The family have the ' | sympathy of the entire community. I Prsonal3 ? f~ .; Calvin Bro*n went to Yaughan Monday. Willis Harris, Jr.,of Timinonsviile, , S. C., is visiting his latlier. Mrs. Smith, of Thnmonsville, S. ' j C.( is visiting her lather. ^ 'I Miss Margarte Harris, of Youngsville, is visiting at J. H. Mitchiner's. J < JI Miss Mattie Conway, of Wake ' Forest, was a visitor to the city SnoB dayMiss Mary Mitehinir, of Srfma, attended the Banks-Mitchiner mar > "'goMiss Mizella, of Borlington, attended the Banks-Mitobiner marriage. Mrs. W. 8. Jones, of Wilmington, is visiting ber father, J. B. Mitch iter, at Mitchineis. o Mrs, Wade Smith, of Tar River II Station, daughter ot Willie Harris, is ^ at the bedside of her father. w R. U. Hacks returned from Rel. ? eigh Saturday night where he was a j jaror at the Federal Coart. - v ^ V-** . ?j ? NEWS IT?/\\S 1 orrrspondcnt .?-is? ^ jaihereti From r Tj *. CMch W WEDNESDAY J aMtii-ntvLr j; > <* L. W i? tV ?."a , n CU^c U. ig? Mattie IV .ivd returned li..f Sum! .y.a.ft?r v. * \voek in I. nisburpr vimiir,?j i\i.tnvtn Ami friends. 11 "" ' "11 f Memorial 5.: rvices/ Frank m liOijw N "J41 1^ O. O. F.,.v.ill I;-i.M uit-iuoriil services Snniay June "11th. W \ki iu? or at {' tie's ('Mirch at ?> ??V M'k in the j ;if ? rno ?n ?ivl tto from th re to Mrs. i^J. Cooyer . K l> 11 X. O. John s. Hani i:s?x% See'v. The woiaan orf tfidav wh'? has good ~.eahh, good temm?r, go??d sense bright eyes a. d a lovelyTXromplcximi, the remit or' correct liynf^nwgwd digestion, vins the admiration \f the world. If i o.nr digestion iJ-faulty^. Chamberlain's 'tomach and Lifer " Tablets will correct t. For sale by all dealers. >ALE OF YALUABUE ToWN LOT'is By. virtue of the power of sale confined in a deed of trust made and exe. uted on the -nd, day of May, 1910 by \nthony T Neal and wife, bailie Ann j Veal 10 Ken i. Holder . Trustee, which j s of record in Franklin County Regis- j :ry Rook 162 at pagcy 49t default Uavng been made in tlite payment of the tote thereby secured, 1 will sell at pubic Auction t*? the highest bidder for ash at the courthqkise door in Louis>urg. N. C., on thg 5th day of June L911. at about ( the- hour of noon the following deecrilfed reai estate and own lots. Viz: fist trait situate in : e town of Louispurg and bo.inded as follows: Ou the north and -east by the ot of GrilJin A. B^asJey, the west by ilain street leading over the bridge aaJ >u the south by tar river, IS feet front uunirg back 20 ?et and being the lot >o the ?ast side df .Main street upon . vhich is erected) a ^riclc building ??r tore house. 2nd tract beginning at a j *vkf o<" ' Ptay Fronklin?m road, the c ? n 52 Xw 13 poles-8 | inks t?? May's < >rner in PteJ Williams i inc. thence s 31 .. w 12 16 links o Milliard Yarl oio'a Austin hb"e*n and )aniel Hazlewo ds corner, thenCv along aid road n 31 d c 12 Doles 16 Unks to [ ho beginning, containing cno acre nore <>r less an 1 comprising the iwoj otsoccupied bv both A. T. Neal and! knd wife and H A. Toole and wife. 3rd, tra t. T la.t portion of land v?? ? on the northern br.nk of tar river ?n ' he east sale of Main street extending . o the lot upojfc which is located the' V. T. Nt-al -hoo and extending back 50 'cc-t I') the Grpifin ?? Do a-ley stable* and j [xtending thfnee in a line with the; vestein end of said stable to the-l iver. Uso all right title claim, interest and ; lemarul of. whatsoever ki d ;ind raturei he>aid A. T. Neal and wife Saliie Ann ] hTeal have in any and alt other lands. [ rhis May 2nd, 1911. Bbx T EI*>ld2N, Trustee. Joseph Yarborough TAILOR In A Neall I a-sn prepared to do your pressing, j r leanine and tailoring at venr. reason-! abl^ rates. All/work guaranteen. Give | me a trial and I will please you. I'JLe No. 150 V/ | Big Reduction In men ?nd women ?w cut slippers. I have about 100 pa* women slippers, 100 mens, tfo'ug. at less than wholesale cost. All shoes atdqd below cost. I have 100 shirts, tl/sMats at 60c, 50c shirts at 80c and tl.50 shmaat 70c. Women drop stitch hise way CLOTHING Way down. If / looking for bargains come to J. P. add look around and yon win Add something yon 'Want as yon will And more J than I can pat in a column at the Till K8. J. P. Winston ^ ^ . - Tf f . ''A-"? y 1 I m ' MR. FA v.z -irxy.' r; m I Have Ju J Ooe Car Load ' ^ Qne Cay/Load of M NyOyE' Load of O ^ssll everyfliin\ that is made by the Ir ry a stock mf buirfnes, surriea, carriaftes harness mtting, rows, whips, lior?? mi Don't come Yo Louis 4 look at thVcomp ! Machiner I niproved-machinery saves labor and m 1 I tfme if you don't farm with improved i "with a lifcht crop to harvest, which me fellows will call no "near" or "fermeri * YOUR TRL P. THE SEASON -V . H~~" ?2 E B I ruKi i / / \ / Can always found ^ complete and the most up= prices are in keeping wit] ing department is always is at your service day or you had bettei* talk to us i . 1 7 f y f ' .. .* i* .. % t . > " I Ser gra^s'L-is'.^gr." st Received of McCi-'-'alliC-i # - ?V . I .cCormic Rakes. Osio i jlumbys Wftiioiis ? i itemational Harvesting C<>. 1 also carand a full and complete 'Stock of Harness * idicine. burg unless you rake lete stock of Farm y I carry. akes money for you. In this day and nachinery you will find yourself fall ans little money to you, and the other es". I sell on fjood easy time. IE FRIEND M" 1 & JL JL JLn^ I'S LATEST IN ST" rb n lymi 11 @#