\ ? '.1... I Jync! Will Be ~7 Special J Bargain - I Month \ I At The A? v little 'Y Store Big reduction made on Lafli es\ and Childrens OXFORDS Slippers \andr Pumps. Leonard,\ Shfiw and Dean fine i Slippers for Men Bojfs. Slippers ana an bummer bhoes must go tcimake room for fall Shoes, which are now beingreceived 1 1 Extra Specials 200 Pair Pure Silk Hose and Half Qose 25 ?s ^ ^ They have Linen tops heels and toes, same as sold heretofore at 50 Cents. - .11 804 yards (new goops.) good quality fast colors,. shirting caiicoa all yoti waht 4 l-2c. 100 yards short ength 41 pant goods, worth 15 to;20* now 12 l-2c. Persian Lawn [worth 15c, 45 inches, now 12c- Persian lawn worth 25c. near lfis. ' Fenian Dawn worth 35c now 22 cents. Lfnrn Torchon lace up to 4 1-2 inches wide 6c a* cheap as cotton ! topchon and prettier pat tents never before sold at this pried: I have jest received a new 1ft of Affured lawn bought eheapand priced low. WARNER'S \ BUST PROOF NOW- { BREAKABLE \ ' CORSETS! . sxssxs than two HMths R. Z. EGERTON \v, . < BR*!*, , . ,/ .: , "tiajhttiL, PiPFP^'' - .-1-J. - -t - r . Suggestive Questions On the Saaday Sckeel Ubh by Itv. Dr. Uucttt far U? laterlatiraal Press libit QmUm Club ~ Ctvtritlu mi kw R?'.TS I lint D. D ' r JLKK 11TH, 1011. (Hrzekiah's Greet PaHorti, I Chron. zzx. Golden Text?Men looketh on the outwerd appearance, but the JLord looketh on the heart. 1 8am. xvkT. (1.) Verses 1.6?Who were the nations of Iarael and Judab composed of, and who were at this time theii kings ? (2.) What waa the paaaovar and what waa its origin? (3.) What sort of a man religiously waa Hezekiah ? (4.) What motive did Hezekiah hare in proclaiming this pasaover and what did he ezpeot to aeoompliah by it? (6.) W by in that day, waa it essentia] that hia pasaover feast should be btpt at Jerusalem? ( ) Why is it that no particular plaoe is now eaaential for God's people to worship acceptably? (7.) It a nation neglects public worship, what may w? reasonably expect will happen? (8.) Verses 6-9?W hen the nation is in a decadent condition religiously, what should asa- J ed away Monday evening after an illness of two weeks. She Has a loving little girl and all who knew ber loved her, but as the aumuier flower, she bloomed on earth tor only a short time, and then went back to dwell with ber two little sia ters who were waiting to greet her home above and rest in the arms of I Cod, the one who gave and the one who taketlt. Little Emeble will b? , so sadly missed as she w a the I only small child in the home. The voice is still, the little tongue and , sweet lips that call papa and mania t will call no more. Though dear . Kmebre only aleeps to wake no more and we can never call her baok, but I can meet her to part never again. Don't grieye^dear papa, mama and aisters for emeble only waita to welcome you home. 81eep on darling, sleep on. Her remains were tenderly laid to rest m the family burying ground at Spring Hope. The family have the sympathy of us all. X. X. ingie$iae items. Glad to say that-oat little town is thriving right well. Hiss Nellie Wilson was a pleasant caller at Mr. Frank - Davis' last Sunday afternoon. Rev. G. W. Starling filled his reg- | ular appointment at Trinity church last Sunday, May 8th. He had a nice crowd and preached a fine serj moo, Miss Bessie Beal and little sister, Vail , have been right sick, but glad to note they are ranch improved. Miss Ruby Collins delightfully entertained a large number of her friends at her home near here last Wednesday evening, May 24th, in honor of her sixteenth birthday. All that went report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Watkins and children, of ne^r Henderson, were visitors at George Hayes' last Saturn day and Sunday. _ i His many friends were sotry to learn of the late illness and death of , Mr T-m Ayscne J We are having some hot weather c and it seems that summer has come J at last. t We hope to have some rain soon ' for the farmers' plants are getting over grown and we haven't had j much rain in some time, s Most of the farmers are done chopping their cott|p. The Children's Day exercises will 1 be held at Trinity Saturday before e the first Sunday in July. Beet wishes to the Timxs and its a editor t -*? It _________________ s CHICHESTER 8 PILLS ! DIAMOND itVjCjjk BRAND J i LADIES | C Aak rtw DraoM for CHT-CHES-THR'8 A 2 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in tRD wd/A V Oouo Mtallio hnn*9, ?Jed witli BJ*r(0) ^ KSS. IfrJPG^Miisry VIAM9ND BEANS PILI.B, for twentr-*ve , pin regarded as Beat, Safest, Always Reliable. . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS J EVERYWHERE ?SS J v--^- 5 8ALE OF VALUABLE' STANDING J TIMBHR a By virtue ot an ord? r of resale made ' by the Superior co irt in that ex- F parte proceeding enti led R. S. Coppedge and others, he undersigned ( commissioner will, on the 3rd day of 1 July, 1911, it'being first Monday of said month, offer Car sale at public antion to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court hdpse do?r to Louisburg, at r about nooiV. the following standing tim- i ber together with tht usual rights and privileges iitoidental/to timber conveyances, vix: \ All theBtangjng timber, except the Oak Grove abdut fhe mansion house, of and above eiAtJinches at the stomp I when cot upon thi tract of land de- t scribed as follows;*.That tract of land > owned tn W. B. JCbppedge, deceased, at the time of hiW deRb, and bounded ) on the north by _Majo\ Creekmore, on . the east by Joe frivettWnd John Priv- j ett, on the sootlf by MaAIirothers, and i on the West by/Joe Spiytn and Mis. i Psttie Moses, / containing\mbout 220 1 screes in the nmol* tract, trA standing timber thereon! Hereby offersAfor sale j embraces about 133 screes, 'nine for ' cutting and Amoving three yaniMrom aad^afier m of asle, with two years j Purehsse?wi:l ne required to deposit i with the Cl*rk of the 8uperior court, j or with tbtf commissioner, 10 par cent 1 | a T. HOLDEN. Com. (J .. %'. ~ f 1 ' * ~^ s Ten Da LadieS^ Fin Our sales in^laohMi hats have now that the seasoi .is drawiiig Offer all Ladies N^ats, I trimmed at At tuahCos These hats are all ne w, this sea: have bought you hat it will fiO now nioooc W ?? Ji/iVVVK Calico Just Opened a We receive new goods every da t( i give us a YOURS T CANDLER - CI Go to?W. B. Cooke's ahd get a box if California Medicme, Mealing soap, its Dedicated lather is heaftng to the skin ind for chapped haus, sores, cuts, a a < turns, blotches, pimplie, eczema, dan- ' W ljfc/ Iruff and all entaneousXaffections it is ^B WW inequal. Unsurpassed for removing A T taint and grease on /clothing. While here look at the new line Shmples just V .rriyed. '/ . A A iOTICE OF SUMMONS AND ATTACHMENT / ? M Jorth Carolina, Franklin County, in ^k the Superior Court, McKinne Bros. Co. va H A. Mottier, trading s* H.A. V rr Mottier & Co A 11 Y0' To the Defendant above named: I nrocot You will take notice that an action ^B intitled as above has been commenced A Jewel n the Superior court of Branklin coun- shipm y by the plaintiff a bo fed named M o;i~? gainst the defendant above named to Oliver ecover damages for breach of contract ' g brie n the sale of four car loads of hay ^B . hipped by said defendant and received & 10W C< >y the plaintiff at Louisbutig, N. C., on * T can day8tb, 1911, April litb, 1911, May 8, W * 911 and May 17th, 1911, respectively, M ffll eX] he said hay being alyjrt in weight and ^gy if quality inferior \a that purchased by W he plaintiff, and you will further take ^k letice that yoa are required to appear ' it the next te*ny*>f the Superior Court V if Franklin county to be held ou the A . iecond Mondar before the First Mon- . . lay in September, 1911, it being the w list day of August, 1911, at tbe court louse in Louisburg, N. C. and aniwer or demur to the oopiplaint of'the W w?? ilaintlfTTn said action or the plaintiff ^k rill apply to the court, for the relief _ lemanded in said complaint. You will ilso take notice that a warrant of atachraent was issued by the Clerk of .he Superior Court of Franklin county in the 23rd day of May 1911, against A a a a e ^ ? he'property of said delendant based on iforesaid cause of action and in the sum A , if 3220.44, which warrant is returnable J it the time and place above named for a he return of the Summons. This 23rd ^ m ? lay of May, 1911. J # ? J.J.BARROW, Mil Uerk Superior Court of Franklin county J B1 I V. H. Ysrborough. Jr., Atty. for Ptf. ^ SALE OF. LANDt FOR f AXES , I In accordance wlfc^ ao ordinance pa?a*d j >j the Boar* of To fro Coajn>ia#l^ner?, and >j MthorilfY the Charter oUhe town of votiiahora, I till cn Moiida/. Jane 30th, [Oil. Mil at tbl^o4rt house d?K>r In Loniamrg, the foilowimnowu lota for non paj- , Dent of taxes dneflkereon for J. 910. A ^ a B Cilia Alston, eat. 1 Oh Ken mare ? . 9078 X rg all I no. Blount. 1 lotTatboro fcad 3.06 II ^aehittfton DaelC 1 IdtKenmore a*? 8.61 ^ Mil Ivim Daria. 1 lotlflBMiMpriBii 8.94 liary Daneton, feat. 1 Nt Mineral Hprinaa / \ 8 90 X V .ora onaton l/lot Blab tow3.05 A leo. Egertoa, llot. T&bertaka\ 7 1ft X tuotln Ureen 1 Jbt Mineral eprinje ft.81 iobn Greet), 1 St Main street 7.18 Hence Hastamd. 1 lot, Newport 0.94 foba Haste?eM, 1 k>? naar railroad 8.01 A _ leorge Hart, 1 lot, Hirer road 8.10 X ^ M ^ lis t McKll 1,1 Lanaf.m), t lot, Halifax road 8.13 Ktapfcan rVry, 1 lot, Halifax road 6.89 ? ??Uod Thonu. 1 lot, Tarboto rood 8.88 * 8A1 B. K. Tarboro. 1 lot Bala atraat 33.80 B . DC. HIQR. Tax Colltotor. X a a A a a a May 33?h, 1811 f WWWWWWW . * , ' " fZj^SU^inaSAjrkL*" t<' .. . * ?../> ' - "' .' r c... _____ iys Sale M c Millinery been all we could ask. And ' to a close we have decided to Both TrimmfiH anH I In. _ . . V/ I I t for the Next 10 Days r" sons shapes, and even tho you Spay you to see these goods r oK best light t 5 Cents Per Yard y and we cordially invite you n inspection. O SERVE ROWELL CO. ceding i Presents j . Mv w? " 'c Hf ??AYnig a unaai it you should/come, ! to Johnsons 5 ry Store/ I have inst received a Z ler^t ot'rich Cm^tilhss and Solid Z -wea/T Ever^peic'e suitable for Z lafpresent. My prices are very rasidering the quality of the goods Z have all ydur engraving done by Z pert engraver in a few hours at- Z e goods art left. Z RESPECTFULLY X H. JOHNSON | .N. A A A A AA AAAAAAAAA AAAA 'WWWWWW WWWVV OB/ Stove ! I pleasure- SBroad State- i ment bu TRUE X . Line on Hand 1 Your^ Friends T ine Brothers Co. i NSFACTION OB YOUB HON BY BACK. Y . =