FRANKLIN TIMES ' K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager _ CKS TBAK, * - $1.00 mx months, ... 46 -hbkk months, ,H6 Fbiday, June 16, 1911. Apex suffered a heavy loss by fire the past week, L ' . , ai Cupid has been putting in some ^ good work around Louisburg the past week. r< The first bale of Texas cotton for this season was sold at Houston -Monday for $1,015. w oi A heavy storm on -Monday after noon diil much damage to both life ^ and property at Norfolk. -j, sa ^ A severe bail storm visited the j section north of Louisburg Tuesday evening doing much damage to crops. , . to 1 . Ill Constable R. \V. Hudson notified tile authorities at Richmond that Britt was wanted in Louisburg, as ip, soon as they were through with him, for forgery. t,r The Greenville Redactor might th ascertain from their snakeologist ro what kind of snake was hung up the (t past week. Judging from reports it mi rouit hart been the one that brings mi crclone6. Cr A recent issue of the National G< Magazine just received by us does ke credit to North Carolina by devot- hii ing a larger part of its space to this cx State. Jt is a fine volume and we believe North Carolina's showing will he stand among the best. tui - ^ eh The many friends here of Mr. P. B. Fleming, of Raleigh, will learn Te with much regret ot his serious ac- Gi cident on Wednesday of this week, joi He accidentally got hold of a live 1 1 electrical wire and came near being killed. At last reports he was doing mi as well as could be expected. br mi Through Road Items. ? The crops of this section are looking much better since the rain. Maurice Person has been on the sick list for the past week, but hope rej he will soon be out again. jja J. H. Hunt and Frank HickB were lef pleasant callers at J. C. Tharring- of ton's last KntiirHa* -J. easiest. George Hunt and Sidney Burnett H1 were guests at William Tharring Te ton's last Sunday. lie Herbeit Tharrington and Miss *a' Maggie Foster spent the first Saturday and Sunday at Mrs. M. LHick's. . " an Mrs. G. W. Burnett, of Cedar Rock, is visiting her parents this week. Miss Mary Alston has returned ^ home after spending several weeks jQ| with her grandmother, Mrs. R. M. Speed. Sam Foster spent Saturday in bo Louisburg, and reports a pleasant e> trip. . he ? We were" sorry to hear of Rev. Alex Holmes being sick the last 4th ( Sunday, as he could not fill his regular appointment at Mt. Grove. William Person made a business v:! trip to Louisburg last Monday. Miss Mary Mosely went to ah ot ice cream supper at Sid Dickerson's w near Wbitakers Mill last Saturday ^ I night, and reports a grand time. Frank Hicks and sister, Miss y< Isabel, visited Mrs. Enoch Tharring- p ton Sunday night and were aooompatued home by J. H. Hunt. g, With best wishes for the 'Tusks th """and its readers. jv Baowir Eras. , y , ft Card of Thanks- ? < We want Jo express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends for ., their Madness during ear sister and T aunt's recent sickness and heath. No words aan express our thanks and ap- ,0 . proclatiop for tha favors rendered us during these hooia. amd Mas. 3. H. SsjiDoa ato ol ^'"jF*""'' i I I c A Suggestive Questions On the Sunday School Lissoh by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the International Press Bible Question Club Q>wii)?l 1H1 bw Kn'.T S LmmK, D. D. - J un a 25th, 1911. Review. . Golden Text. What doth the ord require of thee, but to do justly, ad to love mercy, and to walk humly with thy God. Micah yi:8. The following review ruav be used I a complete lesson in itself or 88 a (view of the twelve preceding les>ns. The date and title ofreaeh lesson, here found, the Golden Text and fe question from each lesson follow. April . 2. Klisha Heals Xaauian e Syrian. 2 Kings v. Golden sxt?Look unto me and be ye ved, nil the ends of the earth; for am God, and there is none else. a.xiv:22. (1.) Verse 1?Is sickness as likely come to a great as to an ordinary an ? ' April 9. Elfsha,s Heavenly De-1 uders. 2 Kings ynS-23. Golden I ixt?For he shall give his angels ! arge over thee, to keep thee in all j v wave. Ps. xvi: 11. r (2.) Verse 17?What reason is'; ere for the belief that we are surunden Text?Nation shall not lift op rord against nation, neither shall lev learn war any more. Micah :8. i (9.) To what extent is the Chrtsan church responsible for the piesit insane prepartion for war? June 4. Israel's Penitence and od'a Pardon. Hosea xiy. Golden ext?Thou art a God ready to trdon, gracious and merciful, slow > anger. Neh. ix:17. (10.) Verse 1?What proportion ! the members of the present day 'angelical churches are walking in the conscious favor of God ? June XI. Hezekiah's Great Passover. 2 Cron. xxx. Golden Text. Man looketh on the outward appear ance, but the Lord looketb oil the heart. 1 8am. xvi:7. (11.) Yerae 1?What was the pasauver and wliat ita origin? June 18. The Downfall of Samaria. 2 Kings xvii:1.18. Golden Text?He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy. Pror. xxixil. (12.) Vorse 7?What was the real first cause of the blotting out of the kingdom of the ten tribes? (v:2l>.) | Lesson for Sunday, July 2nd, 1911. Isaiah's Prophecy Conoeraing t>eunacberib. Isa. xxxvii:14-3S. Cu t Out sndStnd to this OfTice. INTERNATIONAL PRESS B1B1.E QUESTION * CLUB 1. have read the Suggestive %njBtions on the Sunday School Lefesou published in (Name of l'a ,er) aiso the Lesson itself for Sunday 19 . and intend to (Date) read the series of 52. Name ' 5 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP FARMERS AND I MFRnH&MTfv RANK I1WWI1I1 ? wnivuj at I LOUISBURG/ N. C., at the close of bnsinen June 17, 1911. RESOURCES: Loans.and difibminte, / #1047032.72 OverdrafUi securkJ and unsecured 0.157.56 Banking house \ I 3.800.00 Furniture and fixture I 3,931.48 OemADd Loans ^ 8.150.00 Due from banks and bt akers 4,187 82 Cash items \ 9.126 42 Gold coin \ 380.00 Silver coin, including t 1 minor coin currency \ ? 3.348.02 e Sd otlifer V. 8. notes \ 12,898.00 Total ^155,51302 LIABII ITIE8: \ Capital stock paid in f 5^.000.00 Undivided profits lei s current expenses and taxes paid 2,647.90 Dividends unpaid X-00 Bills payable j 20,000XH> Deposits snbject to check 52.865.3*L Demand certificates oldepocits 9,498.46 Savings deposits I 19,788.10 Due to banks and bankers 693.76 Cashier's checks outstanding 71.47 Total % I #155,513.02 State o/ Nohth CaholiRa,1 County of Franklin, J ssI, R. 7. MeAden, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. K. T. McAden, Cashier. Snbecribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of June 1911. M. S. Clifton, N. P. Attest: J W.King W. H Pleasant, Jr S.vP. Uort, ^Dirsetors REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF EflK CITIZENS BANK/ OF FRANjKLINTON, at j FRANKLtNTOli, N. C.( at the close of business! June 7. 1011. , RESOURCES. Loans and discounts J $ 87.4dd.68 OverdraH<. secured I 652.72 Overdrafbvansecured I 706.36 , North Carolina^ tate Binds 5,000.00 Furniture and filtaires I 1,588.80 , Dne from banks ami bamcers 1,687.60 Cash items X I 204.00 Gold coin 1.105.00 Biiver coin, including nlRroiuor ' coin currency I\ 1,547.76 National bank notes aid Other IT. ?. notes I \ 3,070.00 Total. t I > 102.802.00 LIABIIITIE8. Capital stock paid in I f rf^.OOO.OO Undivided profits Je**l expenses and taxes paid I 8 600.09 BUI* Payable I 2.000.00 Deposits subject to cfleck 88.271,82 8aviugs Deposits I 86,853.29 | Due to Banks and E inkers 843 26 1 Cashier's checks ont tending 1,281.54 Total. $ 102.802.00 State of Nobth Ca ioi.ina.i County of Fran lin. j hs. j 1, Wm. F. Joyi >r, Cashier of tbe above : named bank, do sc emnly swear that, the above statement is me to the best of my j knowledge and beli f \ u. F. Joyneb. Cashier. ! Subscribed rfwt at direckyresults, and Noah' e parationB ha>^e a big sale in publicity in **Jhe Times" we A use this letter to any advantprospective, customers and ad rty to do, and thanking you Aemain. full yourB, NOAH REMEDY CO. , Inc. A uis B. .Martin, Treasurer.