' ' ' Cedar Rock Items. As there lias been so much doing on tlje iiock lately I feel that you should have a statement of at least a part. There are pretty good times on the K> ck now, the farm work is ?n fine condition with ttie exception ot some land that hasn't been broken and continues too dry to plough. The showers are sufficient to keep the crops that are up growing, and still not enough to sprout much grass, so it seems quite pleasant to us farmers whs for the past two yeaflB have had a great deal ot trouble with "General Green," although we are anxious tor a gocd wetting rain for the benefit of late crops and pastures, ' * It has been a settled fact for sometime that our bilks would marrv, as opportunities came along, but it seems that of recently tliev have been still more in notion than ever, or either more opportunities have been presented than usual. The fourth Sunday in May, Mr. George Mitchell, ot Nashville, took 'Miss Mattie Evans over to Spring Hong and failed to bring her back;later it was found that they were married at the home of the groom's brother and departed to Nashville tor their future home. Mr. J. B. Fulghum who has been flitting from flower to ] flower, took him a wife at an un. expected hour. He was married to Miss Jennie Ridout, of Warren county, Saturday June the 3rd. On last Sunday Mr. Peter" Dean took M ins Uosirliu Tlnnial nt'ur tA T Wt Stokes and he said a few words tbal caused Miss Beadle to fail to return to her former home. I will leave it to someone else to give a more descriptive account as 1 have time only to mention the items. There was a special school tax election for our district Tuesday which was carried with seven ma-, jority. It was a little tight and warm, hut education will out, and must he our motto if we keep up with the world. If the sore backs will come over now and work as hard for the school as they worked against the tax we will have one right. Best wishes tor the Times. Hurry. [The above items were intended for our last issue but were received too late?Horror.] Mrs. Powell Almost Dead. Dry Ridge, Kyi?"I coul,l hardly walk across the room," savs Mrs. Lydia Powell, of Dry ltidge, "before I tried Cardui. I was so poorly, I was almost dead. Now, I can walk four miles anfftkymyVwork with much mnra T nSd ^ , . ., r uiw>c owe, x pioiBc>^diuui iur roy wonderful cure." C*iiiJSi?8uccess ful in benefitting sick womeft; be"1 cause it is composed ol ingredients, that act specifically on the womanly constitution, relieving \ headache, backache, irregularity, misery and distress. Only a good\medicine could sliow such continual! increase in popularity as Cardui has; for the paBt 50 years. Tty Cardui, the woman's tonic. The Right Way. The following notice from the Kinston Free Prese is reproduced to illustrate what we think is the proper way to handle the smallpox situation where the local authorities are afraid to pass a compulsory vaccination ordinance. * SMALLPOX IS TOWS. We hereby give notice to the citizens of Kinston that Rev. Mr. A, H. Butler, residence Power 1 liii road, has smallpox. Ths last legislature repealed the quarantine law as to smallpox and made no provisions for free vaccination. Tho law A was repealed at the suggestion Vif the State Board of Health, the reasons being?first, that the coat of quarantine was too great, the same costing the State over one hundred thousand dollars a year; that quarantine gave to those who did not f -oare to protect themselves by vaccina nation u feelieg of security. Itf baa been demonstrated hundreds of timas i and io hundreds of places that vao? cination secures immunity from smallpox. A well cared for vaoai^ nation gfcrps the individual Very littie inoonvenienoe. All thoee who > \ m I.... t. Vi. ? t desire protection can net it. Those who do not can take their chances. (Signed) A. L. Hyatt, City Physician. Now, suppose that aiuong the 7,000 people living in Kinston there is' an unvaccinated population of 2,000, knowing that the 2,000 unvaccinated people are in the Hist place alone I responsible for smallpox in Kinston . ? for Kinston's trouble; suppose fur ther that on the appearance of -the I disease the town government quarantined it and, notified the people j that the quarantine was effective, and that they could remain with safety under present conditions, do you think that they could remain j with safety under present conditions, j do you think that there would be | likely to be as marked a reduction j in the^unvaccinated population, that | is, in the smallpox liability of Kins | ton, as will be the case following the public notice as above given? Do I you think that a population, who | are sure of their safety, are likely to I take the precautions that a popula j tion sure of their danger would | adopt? lit other words, in a smallpox epidemic their safety breeds in- j difference to vaccination, a public] notice of danger arouses the exposed \ to protect themselves; to get vaccinated, and^ thereby, reduce the unvaccinated population and minimize the smallpox liability of the community. Conclusion: Compulsory vaccination bv preference; but quarantine of smallpox never. Bv order of the Chairman of the Board of Health of Franklin county. Ben T. Holden, Sec'y. i There is one medicine tliat every family should be provided with and especially during the summer months: via, Chamberlain'wCplic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, liiwaj most certain I to be needed. It costs I ut a quarter, can you afford to -be without it? For | sale by all dealers.! r ~ North Carolina IndustriesFor the week ending June 7th, j the Chattanooga Tradesman reports j the -following new industries for j Xorth Carolina : Alta Pass?Palp wood mannfac ! taring company. Asheville ? Development company; *100,000 railroad company $400,000 construction company. Bessemer Citv?$100,000 cotton j ' mill. Biltmore?$5,000 mine. ; Durham?$25,000 casket factory. j Fayetteville?$65,000 peanut fac- I j tory $5,000 bottling-works. Greensboro?Hospital company. Hobgood ? $75,000 brick and] building company. Tryon?$25,000 hotel company. Stokesdale ? $5,000 ware onse j company. Winston Salem?$100,000 pump ; cprupany. Wilmington?$25,000 quarry. OVERTAXED ! Hundreds of Louisburg Readers Know What it Means The kidneys are overtaxed; j Have too much to do. They tell about it in many aches and pain's? f Backache, dizziness, headache. Early symatonis of kidney ills. j Urinary tr ubles, r^iabetes, Bright's I uisease folio' '. v \The stater ent nqlow shows you 1 wkat to do. | fcesepti E. Pool, B23 S. Person tit., j Ralktgh, X. L!., si |'s: "The public | endonsvnenl I gar a Doan's Kidney I Pills altp^at hree years ago was cor| rect in eVe^r pa; ticular. I cannot speak too stf of tins remedy in ! view of whai it i^s done fur me. | It is the best?re| anhfou to be had for lame and wea : back "and I would not he withoat a supply orkgnd. I have procurer} D an's Kidney Pills and have tak$n tgem whenever my back or kidnqys have bothered me. Relief has always followed in a short time, at the present I am in" good health. I Have often recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to my friends." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. F'oster-Milburn Co., New i. York, sole agents for the United i States. a Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. earlT risers TtotaMMKtUiOi. i vwrss . tx -.7, - ? - , fctfv ; -C?V. - . . ': " ; f-h. _North Carolina ) In the Sup'r Court Franklin County ) | Tlie First National 1 Notice to stockI Bank of Lnuisburg J-hoIder*. creditor* in its own 'behalf) and dealers with j and on behalf of all ) Tar River Mlg. Co I creditors of Tar [- of appointment of River Mfg.. Co., ) a receiver. V8 Tar River Manufacturing ?ompany. j The stockholders and creditors of and all dealers with Tar River Manufacturing Company will tak? notice > that an action has been commenced in | the Superior Court of Franklin County for the appointment of a receiver of said defenaanc corporation upon the ground that it is insolvent; and that j pending the determination of such re-1 ceivership a temporary receiver has been appointed for said defendant corporation. and that said defendant corporation is required to appear before Hoif. C. M. Cooke, Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina, residing in the Fourth Judicial District, to appear before him aJrChambers in Louisburg, on June 15ih/l9U, to show cause, i If any It can, amy said receivership shall not be made permanent; and the stockholders and creditors of and the! dealers with said defendant corporation 1 will tak*?further notice ihat they are! required to appear at the term of the | Superior Court of said county of Frank?in to be held on the second Mondav before the first Monday of September, j' 1911?ind intervene in said proceedings i and become parties thereto tor them- J selves or others in like interest underj such rules as the court for the purpose j of justice shall prescribe This June' 9th^l911. | J. J. Barrow. Clerk Superior Coilrt. f Wm H. Ruffin, Att'y.. for Plaintiff. \ SALE OF LAND! FOR T^XES j In accordance with at ordinance parsed by the Board of Town 'ommissintiers. and by authority or the cha ter of the town of Louisburg, 1 willN^n M mday. June 26th, 1911. sell at the cod^tli iuee door iu Louieburg. the following tow^ lots .for non pay , ment of taxes due tbereo iJpr 1910. I Ellis Alston, est. 1 lot K? latere ot. $9.73 Jno. Blount. 1 lot Tarb< ro 2.OS 1 Washington Davis. 1 lot Kenmore ave 8.51 J June Davis. 1 let Minern Springs 8.31 1 Mary Dunston, est. 1 lot Mineral i Springs 3 60 ( Cora unston 1 lot Slab town 2.95 Geo. Egerton, 1 lot. Tim! frlake 7 15 Amtin Green 1 lot Mineral eprinjs 5.81 John Green, 1 lot Main street 7.13 Hence Haz'e?ood. 1 lot, Newport 9.64 John Huz!e?ood. 1 lor. near railroad 3.01 George Hart. 1 lot, Uiver road 8.19 1 Betsy Jones. 1 lot ruilroad 2.30 ' Sim Kearney, 1 lot. Egerton 9.38 T. B. I ancford. 1 lot, Halifax road ** 8.12 , Stephen Perry. 1 loi, Halifax road 5.9?, I Nelson Thomas 1 lot, Turboro road 5 93 D C. HIGH. Tax Collector. Mgj 25th. 1911 ' ' ? A Welcom nieliriof ilr* k/*?*\/AV/ VUilUlg Up chimney as the men ar< fields, gives a pretty s ug per and a comfort* bl< means a hot, tired mi , a blazing fire. Your wife can e 5C* Perfection Oil Cook- 5tc A New Perfection keeps a kite other range, yet it does all a coal or i labor and fueL No wood to cut m With the New Perfection oven i is find anywhere. ^cy^Pier/eci i cjg I The Abcr For Sj McKINNE BROTI Satisf&ctionor Y Out of five cars comp^ ENDURA1 which passed through Louisbi 6VER CA - ?' V the race went throug BOY AN OVERLANC Liouisburg Autc LOUMBUJ .fin. V . y v?-To Ice Consumers My Ice? House >8 now/open for business. To those wh^ hare not paid their last year ice accourtVllwill appreciate an early settlement. Pky your accounts promptly, enables me lov pay mv accounts promptly and feet prompt delivery. Please give yAurordes for Ice one or two hours aheid. Leave your order with us on Saturday for Sunday, LOUISBURO ICi COMPANY, Per Juo. |W. King. Mgr. Joseph Yarborough . TAILOR In A\T. Neal Building I ara prepared ti do your pressing, L'leanine and tailerim; at verv reasonable rates. All york (ruaranteen. Give me a trial and 1 *ill please you. Phone No. 159 Big Reduction / V- ! = In men andWomei low cut slippers. I have about \00 i sir women slirpers, 100 mens, going a ; less than wholesale cost. All shoe&m and below cost. I have 100 shirts, 1 I shi.ts at 60c, 50c shirts at 3Qc and ! L50 shirts at 70c. Women drop stitch 1 >se way down under cost. Felt and st a w\hats going at 1-2 cost, lot of cast! ig, Injso, shoes way down cheap. CLO' ?HING Way down. If ooking for bargains come to J. P. and look around and you will find somethii g you want as you will find more than I can put in a column of the TIMES. J. P. Winston e Change ^ from the farmhouse ; coming in from the gestion of a good sup2 home. But it also an, working hard over this with a New >ve. V Ken many'xjegrees cooler than any wood range ou do. It saves time, o coal to carry r>tio ashes; no soot the best cookingsdevic e you can M?V I. 2 .nd J tunW wkh lou. turquoise bine euiBcicci ciunncfL Hud onneiy fcninhed throughout. The aed 3burner stoves cm be bed with or without a. a i iND GET THE BEST. > A J Machine Co. v...- \ : - ? ? ^. ??v . *, :v"T"' ' " ^ ^ 1 " 7'.. w v? t I 3 Nfever Leak?Never Repairs?Fireproof?Storm- ? I proof?Handsome?Ine: pensiVe?Suitable for all kinds of buildings. For further letailecTinformation apply to M. f. HOU^K, Loulsburg, N.C A GOOD Recommendation The conservative methods ?hain drive. Exclusive engine features contained in no other mac! ine. Automatic lubrication instead of having to be pumped in by hand. Ctad e spring fork instead of coil. Free engine clutch,which allows machine tot :np without stopping engine and two speed gear Direct sight opening oil guage. /Prices from ?200 to $350. See me and machine before buying, will guarantee-Satisfaction V THURSTON K. ALLEN. AGT. LOUISBURG, N. C. ? Patronize Your .Rome Indastries To every man who Ubes a busrtnul It will be eroatlv tn mnv ? r, ? ? VU BCC II1C before you buy a buggy. I am ^ ;epared to make any kind of a buggy you want GIVEMlN