rf ii>a?iaanyi|l my wawptj ? JProfe.wional Card { JE I "QR. JOEL WHITAKEK l'ractice limited to disease* of Eve, l'ar L Noae and Throat. In Louisburg first Monday in each month. K\UAKT DAVIS 1 ARCHITECT Louisburg, N. U. I "* Suburban properties laid out for de-1 velopment. Leveling uuil drainuge | work, General Surveying. . DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, T 8urgeon I>?utl*t, Office in Ford Buildinf, Main and Nash street, t! Louisburir, N. C. a Hours: 'J to 4:30. Phone No. 40. P nil. B. A. NBWBtiL, C0 PHYSICIAN e Louiebura. N. C. Phone No. 15ft ^ I JIB AN KLIN TON HOTEL ^ Fniuklinfco^J. N. 1 "It. A 8f>eed, Proprietor. I Good Livery lii connection tl j^lt. C H. BANKS 11 DENTAL aUltllBON f L';ui*bnriA N. C. v a Office in Hicics Building. Muin Street. u - ? '* p H. COOKE f F attobmet-at-Law tl " Louisbsrg, N. C. V Over Cooper Jk Pleasants Store. Prompt ^ attention given all legal busiae-jR entrusted tl to me p f4 C I jn. J. MALUBIK, Supt. Health > U Louisbutg, N. C. Office in Aycock Drug Store, Market , Street. Office practice, Surgery * and consultation^ 11 b ? rjK. 8. P BURJ- o , PHYSICIAN and Sl'RUKO.N ? Loutsburg, N^C. ~ *- c Office over P. S. A K. K. Allen'H Store tl : ___ L rjlt. n. F. YAKUOHOUUH PHYSICIAN aod 80ROE0N. Jjj Louisburg, N. f. ^ Drfltv in Yarborough & Bickett building. ? Night calls answered f.um C. W. Bu-ketrs reeideuc.*, ulione 74. ; n g B. MASSEN BUH(t n ATTORNEY AT hi v Louisburg, N. Cj ii . Will practiiie in all td* courts jo! tlie State P Office in IOgerton BuLldiug v vyM. HtYVVOUl) RL'PFIN1, m AT rOltS'CY AT LAW* ? ?3LoiM*hurp. N.* C.': t) Will practice in all courts of FVanklin ond tl adjoining counties Also in tke Supreme }( Court and in the United States District mid , Circuit Court. Office over Firet National Bank. ~V|.ite Louisburg, S.l. Frank Union. N *('. j Ii JJICKETT A WHITE j LAWYERS. | n Lotiiaburg. i I The settlement 01 oau*te4 tor evN':uii?n?;~Ad- I *} rainistratora and GuardiumriM mndd a spec- J ialty, an-' hebonds required by law i nn be e! secured in ne office. f ' ft Office in Yarhorough & Biebeil building Main atreet ' I 11 * i? W UNPERSON j, ! ft ATTORNEY AT LAW i 11 ' D Louisburg. N . (' j J ft] Practice in all courts Office on Mnii Street f< ? ?? ?i 1? W" H. YARm>RIH?l|l..lr. I & ' - ATTORNEY AT LAW j n Louisburg.'A. K'm I o: All Ic^.il business int-rn-ttyd ?? ni r reive I j. promot attention. in ! Igprfon Building f ^ M F tl PONTIltl.TOItwni BfTILDKII j c" Lnmeburg. M. C. ^ Trading Mgrnt for all ki-idk of buildidg ?up- ' P plies, artim i?t Mantlet* audf|Tilea. A cliiuc- g tural design* submitted. | ^ . DR FORI}) !C DENTI8(l? j I Franklinton, jJT. C.. ^ E. A. ROGERS " Tinworkcr. \ S rLouisburK' 1- c- ,?i Will make eetiniates Ion any ob w Work Guaranteed, Ckll or w ite n w) sn in noed of anything in tj " line j 7 ^ "*? j IKt&JtT vrr*? 't*.*tfr'?4MWWW?^?' SUNDAY SCHOOL. .esson XIII. ? Second Quarter, For June 25, 1911. HE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. 'ext of ttie Lesson, a Comprehensive Quarterly Review ? Golden Text, Mic. vi, 8?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M-. Stearns. Lesson L? Naaman honied. II Klnga , 1-14. "Golden Text. Isa. xlV, 22, Look unto me and be ye saved, all he ends of the .earth, for 1 am God, nd there is none else." Leprosy, a ecu liar type of sin and sinners. Jreut sinners may be great in their wu sight and In the esteem of othrs. but in God's sight lost. All can e saved if willing to snbmlt to God nd His way. Money cannot buy It. Lesson II.?Ellsha's heavenly deenders, II Kings vi, 8-17. Golden 'ext, Ps. xci. IT, "For lie shall give lis angels charge over thee to keep bee In all thy ways." God knows all ur ways and our go tag out and comag in. and also onr thoughts (Ps. xxxlx and Ezek. xl. 5). If God be or us, who can be against us? God rith us Is more than all who can be gainst us! Opened eyes to see the nseen is our great need. He can do It. Lesson III.?Joash, the boy king. II lings xi. 9-20. Golden Text Ps. cxlx, , "Blessed are they that keep His tesImonles and that seek Him with the rhole heart." Ten times In this chap&r we find the honse of the Lord, or he temple of the Lord, or the Lord's eople. God will take care ofw His hosen ktag. whether it be David or oash or His Messiah. Lesson TV-?TllO lomnu rnnnlrorl tt kings xtl, 4-15. Golden Text, I Chron. xlx. 9. "Then the people rejoiced, for but they offered willingly." A chest eslde the altar to receive the willing flferings of the people was the methd of obtaining money which the Lord lessed. At least twelve times In this hapter the expression "the house of be Lord" occurs. Devotion to the ord because of His sacrifice will ring all needed funds. Lesson V.?God's pity for the heaben. Jonah III. 5 to Iv. 11. Golden 'ext. Matt kxvlll. 10. "Go ye. thergdre. and teach all nations." Jesus Ihrist believed the story of Jonah and bose who question It question the veaclty of Jesus (Matt, xil, 39-41). Joah was willing thnt the people of flneveh should perish; the Lord Is not rilling that any should perish (II Pet. 1. 9). Note the thirifes which God preared and used?a wind, a fish, a rorm. a gourd, i and even rebellious onah. Lesson vi. ? Uzzlah humbled, II 'hron. xxvl. 8-21. Golden Text. Prov. vl, 18. "Pride goeth before destruclon, and a haughty spirit before a all."?Some people do right only as mg as they have a strong visible hulan helper. The devil always tempts > pride and self sufficiency, but we an only be strong in the Lord, and fiat only as we know our own weakess. for His strength is made perfect i weakness. > Lesson VII.?Isaiah's call to service, sn. vl. Golden Text Isa. vl. 8, "I eard the voice of the Lord saying, /hom shall I send, and who will go >r us? Then said I. Here am I; send je." A vision of a man on the throne, fie God man, alive forevermore. is rhat we all need (Ezek. 1. 26-28). This i rorks conviction of sin and self ab- | orrerife; then follows forgiveness of j Ins. and then a readiness for service, s lie may will. Lesson VIII.?Song of the vineyard. ! sa. v. 1-12. Golden Text. Isa. v, 22, Woe unto them that are mighty to rink wine, and men of strength to llngio strong arms. ' strong drink : cts npon the body as pride does on le soul, the former causing a beastly | runkennesa and the latter the drunk- I nness of Isa. xxix, 013. Only by the lood of Jesus Christ can we be saved rom either, and only as filled with le spirit can we bear fruit Lesbos IX.?Universal peace. Mlc. r, 1-8. Golden Text Mlc. lv. 3. "Naon shall not lift up a sword against i ation; neither .shall they learn war; ny more." This" great saying Is also rand In Isa. 11, 4. "and It shall be j jlfilled when He who came as a babe > Bethlehem sbffltat His coming again i glory be Ruler In Israel (Mlc. r, 2), ot by peace conferences, nor by misions, nor by any present agencies, but illy by Himself, at His second comig (Isa. xxxlt, 1, 17). Lesson X.?The promise of the Pa- j ler, John xlv. 15-27. Golden Text ohn xlv, 16, "I will pray the Pa- ! ter. and He shall give you another I >mforter, that He may abide with | ou forever." Only by the Holy Spirit j in we know God, in Christ or receive [Is word, and biil^l When the Holy plrlt shall be poured upon Israel shall ley have a true conviction of sin and elcome Jesus Chrlst as their Messiah. Lesson XI ? Hesekiab's Passover, II hron. xxx. 13-27. Golden Text I dm. xvl. 7. "Man looketh on the outmrd appearance, but the Lord looketh n the heart" The great need of tony Is the seal of a Hezeklah to leanse the professing clrarcb from Its ltblness nod to turn It whole heartedr to the Lord. Lesson XII.?The downfall of 8alarla, II Kings Xvti. 114. Golden 'ext Pror. xxlx, 1. "He that being ften reproved bardeneth hia neck hall suddenly be destroyed, and that rlthoUt remedy." As truly as Judglent came on Israel so sorely shall here be a fulfillment of. I! These, t 10, and all similar predictions. .* M: f . L J- __ WOLVES OF FRANCE. |< ^ Picture of Their Ferocity In the ! Eighteenth Century. I "The ferocious wolf," said a nature student, "la the most perfect expres- ! , &iou of carnivorous bloodlhlrut that I< wulks. His Jaw Ms the most terrible of J weapons. Its slushing bile can break 1 the leg of a by Halo. and the noise of ft t when nt work In a sheepfold resembles * u..so much us the incessant * cracking of a heavy whip." Lie took down a book. [ "Here Is what the wolves of France wore like." he said. "This Is a letter < from the liuiious Duchess of Orleaus. dated at Marly. Feb. 9. 1709: i / Packs of wolves commit fearful " ravages. They have devoured the post- ( man of Alencon and his horse. Two J o? the boasts attacked a tradesman , near Mens." one springing at his throat < lii response to his shrieks two dra - r gcous who were walking by came to J his help. Oue drew his sword and ran "< a wolf through the body, oh which It * turned and seized Itsjicwassailant by ^ the throat. Ills comrade came up and beat the brute off. but not before It had ( killed the man. Meanwhile the other wolf had seized the second dragoon y from behind und dragged him down t Finally when effective help arrived < both the soldiers and one wolf were * found dead;- The other had got away J As for the tradesman, his* leg was s? piteously torn that It had to be arnpu tated above the knee.' " ? Cincinnati ! Enquirer. A CLEVER RUSE. Remsmber This When You Next Pur- _ chase Costly Jewels. How Mr. Plerpont Morgan mad* his c millions would take volumes to relate. \ but an amusing little urtitice by means t of which he succeeded in saving $1,000 s can be told within the brief space of * couple of paragraphs. Some Tears nerr? n !?*v?lt-v flfm in s New York sent the financier a fine j pearl, offering it to film for $5,000. ] This Mr. Morgan decided to purchase. \ and two checks were made out?one c for $5,000 and the other for $4,000. He t then removed the pearl from Its bos * and, having substituted for It the $5,000 c check, resealed the package. J Mr. Morgan's clerk was next dls- J patched to the Jeweler's with the sealed 2 box and a note containing the check } for $4,000, stating that Mr. Morgan s would be pleased to purchase the pearl p If they would be satisfied with the } Check. The unsuspecting jewelers?In c Ignorance, of course, of what the sealed f package now contained?closed, with J the astute financier's offer. And the c box In which the $5,000 check serenely { reposed was returned to Mr. Morgan j unopened!?Pearson's. c , ? fa j The Queen Bumblebee. ? * The length of life of a queen burn ^ blebee is probably Wttle more than a ^ year at most. Here is one reason for y this belief: She hatches among the late broods of summer and soon after leaves the nest, leading a vagabond existence, night and day. among the autumn flowers. The winter she passes in au earth burrow dug by herself and lyialdcd establishes a colony In the spring. There combined periods of fall and spring require the dally use of her frail Wings in the field at least four* months. Now. we know that the wings of the worker honeybee wear out in J less than half that time; also that the ^ old queens who take to the field after s the nest breaks up in August fre quently have tattered wings and soon ] disappear. Nature does not supply Insects with new wing -cells as It sup plies birds with new wing feathers oo me toss 01 tne power y the Superior court in that cx arte proceeding entitled It. Cop>edge and others, the undyr?igned :ommis8ioner will, on the 3rd day of luly, 1911, it being tirst Monda^ of said nonth, offer lor sale ut i?ublic tuition,to ;he highest bidder, for cash., at the Dourt house do??r in Louisburg, at ibout noon, the following standing tim>er together with the usual rights and privileges incidental to timber conveymees, viz: ' ~ / AH the standing timber, i/xcept the Dak Grove about \the niansr.on house. >f and above eight^nches af the_stump vhen cut upon thc\ra< t df land described as follow*: "That tract of land >wned by W. 11. Copftedgs, deceased, it the time of his deatl\ And bounded >n the north by Major Creekmore, on ;he east by Joe Privett aad John Priv?tt, on the south by May/mothers, and >n the West by Joe Spfre\ and Mrs. Pattie Moses, t on tailing >about 220 fcress in the whole traJt, th<\standing imber thereon, herebv/offered\f?r mbraces about 133 access. Tflne for jutting and removing/three ycarskirom ind after date of sale/ with two years !xtension clause thereafter. \ Purchaser wi 1 be required to deposR vith the Clerk of tfie Superior court, s ?r with this commissioner, 10 per cent >f the purchase pri?e so bid, pending ;he confirmation oLthe sale as an evilence ot his pood ffeith in the transacion. This June l^t, 1911 -B. T. IIOLDEN, Cora. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND ATTACHMENT tforth Carolina. Franklin County, in the Superior Court. McKinne Bros. Co. va H A. Mottier, trading as H.A. Mottier & Co To the Defendant above named: You will take notice that an action sntitled as above has been commenced n'the Superior court of Franklin couny by the plainun aboved named igainst the defendant above named to ecover damages for breach of contract n the sale:of four car loads of hay kinno^ htf on id /lofan/ln..* 1 auu icteivcu >y the plaintiff at Louisburg, N. C., on day 8th, 1911, April 17th, 1911, May 8, .911 and May 17th, 1911, respectively! he said hay being short in weight and if quality inferior to that purchased by he-plaintiff, and you will further take totice that you are required to appear it the next term of the Superior Court if Franklin county to be held on the Second Monday before the First Monlay in September, 1911, It being the list day of August, 1911, at the court louse in Louisburg, N. C. and aniwer or demur to the complaint of the ilaintiff in said action or the plaintiff vill apply to the qourt foe the relief lemanaed in said complaHit. You will dso take notice that ^-warrant, of at achment was issueij/by the Clerk of he Superior Couetchf Franklin county in the 23rd day di May. 1911, against he property of fiaid detendant based on [foresaid cause of action and in the sum if $220.44, which warrant is returnable it the time and place above named for he return of the summons. This 23rd lay of May, 1911. J. J. BARROW, 31erk Superior Court of Franklin county N. H. Yarborough, Jr.. Atty. for Ptf. To The Public ' have purchased the interest of J. J), dill in the firm of Garrett & Hill and vill continue the business at tjhe same itand. where / [ will carry a full antVcoroplete line of groceries all the while I HAVE AL.S0 FITTED t/P AN un_f/r. ThATF v J ut the best meats will Be handled. I rill also pay tjie highest fuarket price 'or good beef tattle. Coinb to see me. F. S. Garrett J. typing Headquarters for Everything Good bo Eai^/ \rv/ )uicK Sales and Small Profits Juick delivery, best goods for the least noney. Bang me y'\it eggs, chickens tens, butter and all Country produce. Vill give die highest iraiket price. . ICE THE YEAR ROUND am agent for the King Weeder. King tide Cultivator and Guano Distributors 'his machine puts the guano around he plant, where It does the most good lame to see me. JNO-W. KING i > T " pvrrrr'r** ***. I J UWII'IIK * - - - '? ' ?> .- -< '' 1|wwiiIiii III 'ill I imi 'li I rt? iXSwM?i?w% - ' i. IJ UH I |[ \jrpMr Tou cahitto it yourself and at ^ 11 little expenseXlt's easy to give it * \j^B Iflj [jf a beautiful, hard/fcrilliant, varnishB\ Jm gloss Irtish in blacker rich, appro JCARRIAGE PAINT (Neal'ah is made especially to give to buggies, carnages and vehicles of all kinds a tough, durable, gl(\sy tVi?rN.r'y finish that will look well and wear well. An idcid l| ? j] finish for settees, dower stands, porch fumitureX iVS^/t garden tools, and. all surfaces that must withstand exposure and hard'usage. Ready \ f to brush on and the label tells \ v.rnlthrd, or ^atisMjit" In'lury''tr^y"tjtrrV I I an Acaaa Quality Kind to fit the purpoar. I McKinne Bros. Co Yth^ VIRGINIA BAY OCEAN -VlEW, VA. The most popular Summer Hotel on Jne Virginia Coast will be open for guests On Jun?5 15th, 1911 Its fifth season under the same mrtiageiaent. Operated by a Franklin County boy. The Virginia Bay is neadqu?ters for Franklin County people. Arrange to Spend Your Vacation With Us And we assure you that everything possible will be done for the comfort and pleasure of youiself and fartyily during your stay. For Rates and Other Ihformation Write JNO. A. TUCKER, Mgr. CONSOLIDATED SALE RAMO.S TYPEWRITER CO., INC,. C. D. WEEKS, TRUSTEE AND ' THE JOHN S. R.AMOS TYPEWRITER AGENCY'^ Stock of Typewriters, Supplies and Office Furniture / / 7 The following are snecia's, if interested, write us at once as these pricos only last unti the atock is disposed of ?ri? x micKensuener lypewruer $id uu , 0 i- , a ro 1 Williams typewriter ?3CftlO 00 J Mn fi l?lin?i ' *7 In 1 No 2 Remington typewriter 10 00 ) "^u ' fQ 1 Fox'^wrS6" ^ 1 60 ? No 1 Sf feH'te" " ' 82? 50 1 Densmore typewriter, rebuilt,"!' 37 50 * No 2 Victors (elite* "0 00 ? ^ToMbvPrSriters-each s s g! IS E' ? 5 1 No 5 Underwood 49 50 3 No 2 Victors'(pica) 84 50 1 set of Edisons business phonographs, consisting of dictating, transcribing, and shaving machines, also 1 dozen, cylinders. Regular price $210, our price $162.50 1 set Dictaphones, same outfit, regular price $210, our price *190. $1 and 75c ribbons for all makes 60c. $3 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. Prices on office furniture quoted upon repuest. Terms?Express COD ou. approved bankable paper. Order at once from JOHN S. RAMOS Princess Building WILMINGTON, N. C. Box 54 I Wending i . 3 Presents 3 ^ mm ^ 9 If you ara thinking ,bj giving a bridal 9 present you- should' come to Johnsons Jewelry Store. I/nave just receiyed a shipment of ricly Cut Glass and 'Solid 9 Silverwear. Every peice suitable for a bridal present. My prices are very 9 low considering the quality of the goods I can have all your engraving done by 9 an expert engraver in a few hours af- 9 9 ter the goods are left. ,S RESPECTFULLY 9 { J. H. JOHNSON I