I June! N Will Be Special Bargain Month At The m Little \St6re \ Big deduction made on : I^aaiestand Childrens OXFORDS ; Slippers andj Pumps. Leonard, Shaw and Dean fine Slippers ior Men Boys. Slippers, and ail Summer Shops ] must gp to make roofcn for fafl Shoes, whiph are now being received Extra Specials i 200 Pair Pure Silk Hose \ ! U-U XT duu u.d-u audc 25 Cts They have Linen tops I \ heels and toes, same as sold heretofore at 1 50 Cents. 800 yards (new troops.) good quality fa?t cojors, shirting caiicos all you wait 4 l-2e. 100 yards short length of pant goods, worth 10 to 20c now 12 l-2c. Persian I.anji worth 15c, 45 inchies, now lie, Persian Lawn worth 25c, now 18c. Persian pawn woith 35c now 22 cents. Linen Torchon lace up to 4 1-2 inchesiwide 5c an cheap as cotton torchon and prettier pattern* j never before sold at this price. I have jvst received a ne*v lot of figured lawn bought cheap and priced low. WARNER'S RU8T PROOF NONBREAKABLE CORSETS are proving tneir popularity. I ~"w have in my third order in less than two months R. 1 EGERT0N L . 46' y '- S '"-V-. "'A ' . - -V frk'. .'h?;. - I- * Ingleside Items. Mis* Burl* Shariin returned Sat urday from a visit to friends it Greensboro. Miss Iiena Duke, of near Franklin ton, was a pleasant visitor st Mr It. D. Pitinells the past week. Itev and Mrs. M'tchiner and children o Stateeville, were visitors at Mr. H D. Pinnells the past week. I Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Pinnell enter tained quite a number of young people at. their beautiful home or last Saturday night, Those present report a most enjoyable evening. Mr. Olav, of .Clays, was a pleasant visitor at Mr. W. A. Beavis' last Sunday. Mr. Luther Whitaker has "cut out" playing ami talking baseball and has started out lecturing on the matrimonal proposition. Messrs. J. Y. and W. L. Beaslev went over to Durham on motorcycles last week. We are needing tain badly through this section, especially for tobacco, cotton and corn are linking well. Mr. Herbert Ayescue started out this spring, raising owls for pets but but found difficulty in securing cages for tbem, so he has given away his owls abd. turned his attention to flowers making Daisys a specialty. The motorcycles is taking the day around here how, the young men who are lucky euough to own one are taking the girls over to Franklinton nearly every week. Mr. Worm Haxs has not bought a motorcycle yet,therefore he does not hum any gasoline, but lie. can burn more lamp oil a short summer night than anV* roan in our town. Mi. E. S. Meiritt is making preparations /or building a new house. Oar little city is coining,Mr. \V. F. Davis has built an ice house and has iddetl a nice line of cold drinks for he benefit ot the public in general, .ve wish him success-in bis new line t9 we can now have ice creacu auviime, without hauling ice iroin town. Our people seem to be taking a jreat deal of interest in baseball this eason, we have a good game every >atyrday. Miss Fs'er Edwards is a visitor at ilr. Stainuacks this week. Wishing yi>u sncceSM and remainug a friend to tin Franklin Times, [ am yours. Close Observer. REPORT OF THE r.l.VIHTIOS uF THE BANK OF YQUNuSVILLE, at * YOUNGSVIUCE, N. O., I %t th? floe of be .Tun* 7. 1011 | RESO JRCES. Loan* and discounts $ il6.7l3.15 j Overdraft* 1,706.171 BaDking-houta*. turn iur# and fixture*. 350.001 Demand Loans 54 52 Doffrom bank# and 1 nnitem 8,107.67 Bold coin \ 358.50 Silver coin \ 301.30 National bank not^Jand other U. a. not?? K 1,405.60 Total * 40,610.40 LIAB LITlfe^. Capital Block paid ii ? 5,000 00 Surplus tifl'l v.5,000 00 Codivide^^nflts le a rnrrent cipenset^^^L tnxe paid J .170.31 I'.ilN pnynli^HL | ,000.00 Time certlfira^^of < >po*it 4.074 18 Deposit* heck 20,730.26 Cashier* cb^ .s ?mfc|andiiof 32 65 Tot ..I ^ ? 49.41*5.40 Si ATE OK NOitTH C*p)J.^A.| County 9! Franklin. \ s*. I, W_ . i" V5 p ' . S> ; . ' . 7- . " J~'$r.>9'. V - ". > . The woman of todAr who has good health, good temper, food sense bright eyes ana a lovely complexion, the ret suit oi correct living ifcd good digestion, j wins the admiration their where{ahouts will be great]* ' aboreciated. "j >. h. ball. ( impoY^ ANT. j I I am now prepare I, to haye horsee | shod, on Wednesday' and Friday's also U other shop work. J. R. Smith. , -T ^ t V. LOST. An overcoat, hfctwchnt Four Bridges and Bunn on avril^ol Finder please re; turn same to J j S. Strickland Times office, Louisbtutr? n. <4 REPORT OF THCCOSaiTION or THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at LOUISBURG, N. C.t at the close of business Junu 7. 1911. R^SOURi'RS: Loans and discoutf? 9 133.069.84 Overdraft* \ 8,117.54 U. 8 Bonds to secumoirculation 25,000 00 Premiums o*". U. 8 Rousts 1,008.91 Banking house, furaitin^-aod fixtures \ ^,62 7.89 Dae from National balks (not reserve ngente) A 3.JIMJ1 Due from approved reeSnre ogte 0.184JIH) Checks and or her. cash neras 390.98 Notes of other NAtional banks 506.00 Fractional paaer currency, nickels and cents \ 52T.22 Specie 1 \ 8,402'60 Legal t<>oder notes, \ 3;563.00 Hedempthm fuml with U. S. Treasarek (5 Ar ceui at circulation^ | | / 1.250.00 Total. Nv 1 I / $185,990.89 l.^fclLlTIHf Capital stock paid^tp. J $ 25.000.00 Surplus fund A 12,000.00 Lnuivided profits, le^ezpii set* and taxes paid I 301.98 National bank noteroutaakq ling 25,000.00 Dividends unpaid XT < 6.00 lutllvidnal deposits wnbpct tb. rliwk \ | XJ8.754.10 Demand certificates ol dlpos t a4*505.88 I Cashier*s checks outst Italic g 4^2.87 Dill payable. including^* rtit rates oLdepoeit for money^jrro red 10.000.0bs Total. ^ $185,990.89 State or North Carou&a.I County of Franklin, \ I I ss. I. F.B. McKinue.Cbshfer of tbs? above named bank, do so'.emntj swear tmit the above statement is true to the best of: my knowledge and belief. F. B. McKifNE, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13 day of June 1911. Thos. B. Wilder. N. P. Correct Attest: * W. H. Allen. Wm. H. Rnffin, \ D. F. McKione ^ Directors New ..Goods.. Just Received At Racket - Store | "XT _ ir nuw is i our ^ nance To Get Thein A! :| Ml Prices | You are Cordially Invited t > Call and Insp jet These j Great Bargains While They Last Very Truly ? Mrs. A. M. Hall ' I i V.-- ' .. -i+r *** -V . . < . -T SHOE We have about one hundred pairs i Worth $3.50, That have jmst bee To Sell at ! These are all good styles and welhave a ZEIGLER! For ladies worth $2, $ &U30 All ladies amkmisses O I Laces I m For the next 10 days we offer tall 5, 67 7 new, this season patterns, clean and Cents per yard, all to go at If cents per spection is asked. AIL light C alico's 5 ci \ YOUpS CANDLER-1 Holling Furniture 1 NEW HOFURt I PRICE RIG: Kitchen Safes in Wire, T prices Side Boar< We have the Biggest vali and would be glad t Although we have had qs ? Carts, we still have som quality and price. We o Coffins for sale as we dee our Piano Department he ing to buy can secure san fifteen days. y | J. W- HOil ' ' I Clifton Corner, Louisburg, If. C. / : ? Vtf % (4. ' ') : rv 3$*$. & .. . tOXFORD \LE^of Leonard, Shaw & Deans Oxfords for men, $4.00 and $4.50 n put on our bargain counter ? $1.50 Per Pair good run of sizes, also we have seventy (70) pairs S OXFORDS ^ ^2.50, $3 and $3.50, all to go at PER PAIR xfords reduced for next 10 days ' , Embroideries \,.. '????; - \ 1-X and 8 1-3 Cents Lace at 4 Cents per yard, all desirable. Flouncings that were 25, 35 and 40 yard.\New goods coming in daily and your in ;nts per yard. TO SERVE CROWELL CO. ;sworth's ====== ) Music house b T WEATHER MTURE HTj OF COURSE in and Glass Fronts and Sides, 5 $2p0 to $10. is. and Buffetts ae (for the money on the market, :o show you what we have. <, i v, I J jj -?fT? li te a\ush in Baby Carriages and e left tniit will please your looks, i er our hearse and stock of ?ra to give the space and time to e syid at Raleigh. Any one wish- ? ; reasonable ifthken in the next -LINGSWORTH I 118 Bast Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. I *U- f ;Vjk. " / \ *