WrSWr.fW i?rr v. i f ' / ' ? -vv' ' i ' . i FRANKL1NT0N * .< Our Regular ( Items of Interest and Near Our SisU CLOSES ON Fishin'. I guess I'll liook it for the day. That business world must learn When toil refuses to abate that e'en a worm wilt turn And when a man works all the time?j ~ say, kid, now ain't it right ?? Fate plays him for a sucker?and he's always there to bite. But when with nature he's attuned, he'll play and never tire. Yes! In the music of the spheres you'll find the angle lyre! (Excuse ine,madam! One flight higher! 1 did not c a|| the gent a liar!) Mow for my rod and can o* bait! Let dickie birdies sing!? Your uncle's goin' fishin ! Work was made for slaves? I think Work is on the rinky dink! Ain't you fel ers sort o' wishin'! For a chanst ter go a-tishin'!? Hear the line the water swishin'!? Ah, the man who goes a-fiishin' is a king! ?Grif Alexander, in the Pittsburg Dis~ patch. ?R. L Gupton is wearing a broad smile this week?it's a bouueing boy. ?Florida watermelons have been passing through on the S. A. L. for several days. ?Several Morinan Elders have keen in our town this week preaching and distributing their literature. , ?The colored.ball game the past week between Franklinton and Forest viile resulted in a score of IT to 2 in favor of Frankinton. ?The S. A. L. will run an excursion to Oxford Saturday, June 24. The train will arrive at Franklinton 8:58. Round-trip tickets 75 cents. ?W e are glad to see that the owners, Messrs \V lied bee &. Morris, are removing the old dilapidated building on Mason street. Others should follow their example. ?Those who participate in the ball- playing on our streets should be more caretul. This practice is dangerous to say the least and those who iodulge in the sport should slop before it becomes necessary tori It to be slopped otherwise. Personals C. D. Britt is home for a few data. G. P. Jiorman was in the cny Sunday visiting his family. Balus Cade, Jr., of Shelbi, was a ^ visitor to our town this week. Dr. S. C. Ford and wife, of Franklinton, spent Sunday in Louisbnrg. Miss Mattie Conway, of Wake "" Forest, spent Sunday with her parents here. I. H Kearney, R. "J. Hicks and A. S. Powell went 1 a Louisburg Monday. y Otbo Hicks returned from Washington Monday to rest up and take his vacation. > Miss Kathleen ' Ballard, who has been visiting in Henderson, returned home Tuesday. Miss Sue TJIieatbwn went to Jboaisburg Monday, to visit her sister, Mrs. A. W. Alston. Mrs. Jane Ball and daughter, Miss Geneva, of Greensboro, are visiting relatives and friends in our city. Miss ltnth Taylor, who haa been viaiting Miss Mary Kearney, return. ed to her home in Oxford Monday to visit relatives. Un. Betsy Winston Deaa. Mrs. Betsy Winston, wife of Mr. William Winston, died Monday, June 12th, and was buried June l3th at the family burying gronnd. Mrs. Winston wis a devoted wife and mother; a pore Christian charaoter. ? Sha joined the church at Flat Booh astd was a faithful attendant npoti bar. church and b?r Christian dntMA. She waa loved by all who tea*r her, was a gped neighbor and will be eadly raised in the community m which she resided. 8he lived a happy married life of 66 fan. hl? Winston was 81 yearn Set old and 1 saves a husband and one Ma, Mrs- Joa BaddingMd, who W ? I. c I NEWS ITEMSZorrespondent Gathered From in :r Town Each Week WEDNESDAY 8!i years old, ?nI the following hp* imlustrhs rsfcabIjlislu il in North (.'nt'iliuH . j liurhngtoii?>10,000 ivjiKv compatsy. I Cat than*?v-i/lOO hardv\ ate com 1 pany. " j Charlotte ? >50,000. dye works, i j Durham?>10,000 realty tfonipfwv. i Fayette villa ? >25,000 lumbar company. Goldsboro?$25,000 lumber co n. f > patiy. > Greensboro ?$100,0001 ealty com;j pin v. | lligh Point?$-5,000 lumber mill, r Oxford?$50,000 hardware company. .. Raleigh ?$50,000 publishing company.. Roaring River?Flour ahii Gnat , Mill. 1 V 3 Pointed Paragraphs. 3 So.i.e men do not believe in their . own belieia. i Aeropiauea will have to be used by air camle duellers. A girl is anxious to make a name s for herself by marriage. ' , Second love ia like second childhoof?a skim milk affair, at bist. ' A dog isn't a dentist, even if he j does occasionally insert teeth. , I A man can allways please a wo. | man by telling her that She pleases ,! him. Did you etet see a self-made-man j who was dissatisfied with tlie job ? ) Occasionally a girl points ihe fin' ger of scoin to show off her rings. ' A woman's idea of a model hus' band Is one who does just as she * | pleases. ! j 7 lMPOAmNT. , I am now prdpm**! to have horses r j shod, on tVednesdayw^nd Friday's also J other shop work. T \ j j. B. Smith. 1| LOST. ? An overcoat, l^etween Four Bridges f | and Bunn on YATril 30. Finder please reI turn same to 11 S. Strickland Times j office, Lfuisbif-g, N. C. kj ' "N? ?TIC^S. 5 j Having qualified a*administrator of the estate of xLattlidU Neal all persons '?holding claimsagaijfst said estate are . ' notified to present /lie same to me bv j May 1, 1012 orthiTnotice will be plead | in bar of theiil r/covery. All persons t* I indebted to sail Tstate are asked to ' make pavment ltlereof. This May 1, ! 1911. IT f ' J-Vt. Mitchiner, Ad'm. 9 . Xbos. B. Wild?*, Atty. _ ? * rfriiedy for Rbemnft tl?n, Scaitica, Lame Back, /Mk u| 8 f iffjJdinta and Muscles, . i mSmStXi 8civiii&t, Colds, Btrelns, *1 BmJpiJCuts, Bruises, b; Vr^TI^ CclicTCramps, Neuralgia, fRRIR ' ^cmtitmie, and all Nerve, e 1 tluiliK traaaid Muscle Aches L|Vf?l||i Ad Mlns. The genulue 8 mtfm na^AJkh'a Ark on every j llJIulitl DraM nd looks like this band on tn^wtfp1 Ink^Baware of ""^ MmmTMI ?tnri ^^medlcfne! l] ?Jsra^ Ouamnte ad or money reQH funded by Noah Remedy J Co.,fine., Richmond, Va. 'Big Reduction i' I In men and women lowfcut slippers. I I. have about 100 pair women slippers, 100 mens, going at less than wholesale K cost. All shoea at and! below cost. I . have 10O shirts, $1 sW.-ts at 50c, 50c shirts at 30c and $1.5qahtrts at 70c. Woir men drop stitch hose/way down under [. co?t. felt and straw, hats going at 1-2 cost, lot ofycasting,those, shoes way ir down cheap. N. jCLOTHING will And something you waht as von W'll And mors tHn I can pbv in a >t column of the TIME8. J. P. (Winston STRATEnWgroLEaf. a^J&L*?" Tl ^>Kon Tuesday. Any information 14 to their wharaabootj be greatly appreciated. f 1 J. H. Bail. - ?'/*? , - rf* I?.?I . I I MR. FAI I I Have/ Just One Car Load o Mow |. : \j One Car LoW of McC Car Load\of Colu I sell everything that is ma le by the Interna ry a stock of buggies, surrii s, carriages and a harness hitting, robes, whii s, horse medicine i ? Don't come to Louisbm a look at the completi x Matlynery I Improved machinery.saves t ,bor and makes i 4 ? * time if you don't farm with improved machii with a light crop to harvest, which means It' fello"WH will noil nn "nnor" /*? "#eem?.;0<.? V YOUR TRUE K. P. Hollings\ furniture Mi * I NEW HOT V FURNI1 " .( PRICE RIGHT Kitchen Safes in Wire, Tin and prices S2.50 1 Side Boards ai We have the biggest value for t and would be glad to shov^ Although we have had quit J a rv Carts, we still have some lift th quality and price.". We offer our Coffins for sale as we desiri to gi i , our Piano Department heri and i ing to buy can secure sam< reaso fifteen days. ?i??????? ??. J. yv. HOL.LI | Clifton Corner, Louisburg, N. C. t ^ r?- ^ *-r~ i . / RMER Received f McCormsck ers ormic Rakes, One mbus Wagons tional Harvesting Co. 1 also cari full and complete stock of Harness ks. 'g unless you take i e -n e sxock 01 r arm ; carhy. X , noney for you. \ In this day and lery you will find yourself next fall ttle money to you, and ilie other I sell on (rood easy time. - $- ^ - FRIEND % HILL vorth's u - i??ic i muse VEATHER ruRE > ' ' ' i OF COURSE . Gl?ss Fronts and Sides, :o $10. acj Buffetts he money on the market, you what we have. -r lsnifiBaby Carriages and lat wih?please your looks, fine heafrqe and stock of Ive the spactv*nd time to it Raleigh. Any one wish- v nable if take n in the next ' -w. . NGSWORTH 118 East Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. |