"CURED MOTHER OF ULCERATIONS'' Sfr. B. C. Thompson, of Afcoski* N. C., , write#: "My mother ?U .a great sufferer from au a Ice rated trouble peculiar to women, ttbe took Mra. Joe Pereon'* Remedy and Waab, and found It Invaluable. It cured her. We heartily recommend It to those Buffering from cancerous or iinpure blood affections." Ulcers aud Old Sores are the result of had blood, and can never be cured until the blood Is thoroughly purified, and all poison driven from the system. External applications alone can never do It. You P10^.*0* rl*bt down to the seat of the trouble and eradicate the disease from the DIOOU. For tht^ purpose there la nothing so good as MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. It Is the best Tonic,''Alterative, JBlood Purifier and. Nervine ever offered, and we have the signed testimony of hundreds of living witnesses to prove It. Thaw witnesses testify to the marvelous Curative powers of this great remedy In/cases of Bxcema, Scrofula, Old Bores, an? all troubles resulting from Impure, Impoverished and Poisoned BlodR. . / Many of these cuses seem alnjbst- mlracu? Ions?patients given\up by docttrs and relatives brought baclrt to the fill bloom of health as If by magic? Literal? snatched from the grave. B<* these witnesses are eo reliable, and spelk In words of such , convincing ^truthfolnM# thit none who reads can doubt. Wei will w glad to send this written testlmonr to lill who desire to kuow what Mrs. foe Efrson's Remedy and WaBh have dona for fathers. We want to help ?nr rfflicted brothers and sisters who are m>w iopeleesly enduring the agonising tortured of Indigestion, DyspepRla, Stomach Twoimle, Nerrousness, Rheumatism, Catarrh! 'Female Troubles and Blood Poison. Wt fon't care of how long staudlng your trcbfle?Mrs. Joe Persons Remedy will cut# you, because It sends pure, rich blood! bounding through your veins, puts solid, healthy flesh on your bones, and gives you strength to drive out disease. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is a strictly vegetable compound, absolutely harmleBB. It contains no dangerous minerals, and can be safely glvea to the smallest Infant. Whenever the trouble Is external. It la necessary to use the Wash with the Remedy. For sale by druggists, or supplied direct on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle; 6 botties-Tor $5.00; l doxen by express prepaid, fer *10.00, by e us. joe re nan remedy cs. ?ttn?. s c wugmum | [ iris nhe ia built f ittled districts, I where good rlnge andy killing | power are desrcd, witi safetj to the neighborhood. f The IRar/by .23-20 is a light, quickhandling, finely-balanced repeater, with the solid toft, closdj-in breech and side ejection fqaturod which make 77Zarfi/i guns safeVancyagreeable to use and cenain in aVichitIs mnde to use the Mwerful new high velocity smokeless loads with jacketed bullets as well as the well-known black powder and low pressure smokeless cartridges. and Is the Ideal rifle for target work, 0for woodchucks, geese, hntoks, foxes, etc., up to 300 yards. This rifle and ammunttioii. and all other ZBarun repeaters, are fully described in our ^ 136-page catalog. Free for 3 slumps postage. 7Xe 2/taetin /Irearms Gx, | <i WIUiw Street NEW HAVEN, CPUS. administrators notice. The undersigned having qualified at administrator upon the estate of Jamct O'Day, late of the County qf Franklin notice is hereby given tcf all person; holding cbims against the estate oi H said decedent to exhibit yie same to the undersigned on or bmora the 19th dat of May, 1912, or this faotice will tx plead in bar of thek/recovery. Al persons indebted to tttefcaid etrtate wil H please make immetliaU payment. Thii the 18th dav of May. wll. I June J. Lancaster, A<Tm. h of J amks O'Day, deceased. W. H. Yarborough, Jr, Atty. 1 COMMISSIONER'S SALE 'OP TGTVf PROPERTY. Under and by virtue ef a 'decree ol the 'Superior Court oi' PrantBn caunty made in the special proceedin fs eirtitlec ' Wrtfiam Eaton, drnrmsbrwtof of Sara! Martin, deceased, aeainst "Willian Martin, and others, buffet a h?v, th< undersigned commiefrVAer w li on Afon <tov the 3rd day o( JuljL 1911 It being tfce first Monday in saiAroor th, at th< hour ol noon, *e0 at tab c< urt housi doer in Louisburg, at public auction tc the highest bidder for caah -a certaic lot mr parcel of land sitcateVai the coun ty 41 FraBklin, State of Blorlh Carolini and in the town of LosistnnvVand heirs; a portion of the let wtieVon th< said Sarah Martin resided at toe time 1 of her death, adieimriglfao itifee .lud) Thomas, F. N. Bgertoa anctofberV th< part-of said lot to be sola *being\?hi Eastern porliott thereof wonting r3( feet upon the alle,y-w*v wfcich adjoidi the aaid lot on the North iflde and run nin^ bach the entire wvlta of the saic lot. This the 29th day of May, 1911. ^ W. II. YAKBOftQcgg. Jr. Oromissionei / I LIST YOUR TAXE5 off people of Louisjmrg ar< I hereby notified to ca 1 at the I Clerk's office of tfi^ own of I Louisburg and list the iHaxej I for 1911 ^ R. 0. DAVIS, 1 ster. i [THE HOME GIF Pleasant Evening Revei Gated to Tired Mot the Home Circle CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM * There is do fault so h?rd to over, come as the hasty temple. We may- make any number of good Resolutions, and then the first %ne we have any provooation away we go without an instant's warniug and before we realize what we ate doing the unkind wordB have been spoken, and no matter how much regret we feel they cannot be unsaid. -< . * Children are very observant and even the tiny little ones notice the difference between the smile and the frown on the parent's face. Year by year, as children grow oldet, and the souls, minds and hearts begin to expand under the influence of the environments, senj aitive children usually cultivate un consciously the mother's disposition. ' The child will be sad and melancholyit the mother sighs and complains. ' If the child is independent apd selfreliant often under such circumstances it will become stubborn and 'defiant. When the child leaves the <?b)l4hnnd behind and becomes a yonng man or woman then the evil effects of tbs sad omrber becomes still more apparent, ?..? I it ii in the home that woman rises tt> ber trtiest heights and wields her widest influence.- Every home is a miniature world and the wife is a crowned queen. The wife who makes society the field ot her accomplishments soon finds her husband a devoted club man. The woman who fills her head with many of the ideas and pleasures of much that is called society, soon wants to entertain her husband any evening she may not have some other engagement, with cards. She plays just as she did to win some prise at progressive euchre or whist parties. She cheats a little, and they have a little spat over it, and then another and another, and presently she fires something at his head, but misses it and hits the motto over the door, "God Bless Our Home.' Their little bov say: "Ma, you missed pa's head, but vou gave' the motto bail , Columbia." Often tbe only-question1 i to be decided in that, home is, wbe E ehall have the boy?" God pity the ! woman who lias set her heart em , muoh that is modern society, ? ? ! There ana a thousand pretty, -engaging little -ways, which every person may pat on without tunning tbe _ rwK -it wing cieemea aneotea or I foppish. The.-sweet smites, the cordial bow, (he-earnest movement in f addressing a friend, the inquiring I glance. the graceful attention which > 19 so -captivating when united with ! atif-possession?these will insure us - the good regards of eren a churl. J Above ail, there is a certain -eoft..ees of manner -which should be oulti[ vs*ed, amd which, in either -nan or - woman, adds a charm that alraoet . entirely -camoeDs&tea for Qaok of > beauty, sind inestimably -enhances; I the latter -where it doe. nnt ?riat v ? v ; ? Time was when woman -was <i?^ scribed as <*he helpmeet af -man. ' W as it only ? phrase, and -meaningless? I'oseiHy; but then, words in r the Bible mostly did mew sorae' thing. The tame, too, was ssd vet ' is in some quarters of the world, I when a woman was a helpmeet and accepted and worked up to her p> ition as such. She did not demand everything and do nothing. Why , is marriage easy and univeraal tn such a country as Japan? Life there , is simple; two or three small rooms, a few dishes, a mat npon wbioh to : sleep, one dress, a little rioe and some fruit?these suffice for all, I Yich and poor alike, in a great city liks Yeddo, whioh has a civilisation as perfeot and as old as ours. And vhs not a life of stupidity of bar-barishi; all osn read md write; manners ; are good; book* and juctuxss or* / . ? r.^1. '"'I" l""u !CLE COLUMN, i : an bu ries.^-R Column Dedihers as They Join ? at Evening Tide THE EDITORIAL PEN ? L plenty; theater? abound; processions and festival days enliven life. It is easy to see, therefore, why marriage ini is not a fearful thing in that far-off ^ land; and by contrast it is eiuiy to tu understand why tew have the courage to dare it here. vc ai * * * Li Let our homes be places of love, joy and brightest sunshine, places of ^ enduring love that outlasts the ta wedding day, and which produces a ^ life ot one long unbroken honeymoon, the moulding place of oharac- 5' ter, a place where the child breathes tr an atmosphere perfumed by the choicest dowers of heaven, where it W finds the greatest earthly security ^ iu mother's loving, fostering care. ui L'1 hi There is only villianous abominations in the doctrine that leads a y creature,called by courtesy a man, to announce that a transfer of bis af- ^ fections warrants a breach of loyalty II and desertions of one who has become his wife and the mother of his ev children. No guise pf prophecy can ^ cover so vile a principle; no charm of pr poetry gild so hateful a tre.a#on, and m the breath of perdition is op (hp lip# PO all such as advocate anything else than loyalty to wifehood and raaa?,r? hood. ' t!l ? ? t In 'There are a few things more tantalir.ing to a man than to go home with eomething on his mind lie wants to .scold aboUl, an3 find com- ^ pany there, and be obliged to act " agreeably. ? / There i3 nothing more convenient ^ tor the lonely dwellers of the rural ^ districts as well as for the *Thore certified inhabitants of a town than the telephone. It is really a most obedient and faithful eel vant, ready to ^ b carry your important or unimpor- J tant messages without a murmur, b It brings and keep practically the t butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker as well ae the doctor, the preacher and the merchant at your door. . There is one niedicine that every family should be.provided with and especially during Hie summer months; via, Chaenberlain'kColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It ia skvsut certain to be needed. Itfcostk tut a quarter, can ye? afford tf be Vitfaoot it? For sale by all deal en. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. \ D* Not Endanger life When a Louis burg Citizen Shows Yon the Cure. Why vill oeoplccoriti &H' th? agonies of kidney ( 8tackach?, urinary disori ess, headaches, languor, t themselves to become obr< ? lids, when a tested remedy l them ? j Deans Kidney Pdls is the to use, because it ii/cs/to tl neys the help Wwyj/iedH to. p their work. J / If you have myty, /ven one, < symptoms >>( L>Ah<p diseases, yourself now, Ueflo/e diabetes, dr't or BHght's (Mniau sets in. K ( this Loiuebut* ta/timony: Mrs. A is -jfilen, N, Main S Louiabur^/jfr. J, says: "I have n occasion toJuae/Doan'a Kidney Pilh since ^heyriu^re of kidney trouble in February 1508 and I know that nay enre n a permanent one. I can still recommend thi\remedy in the highest terms." For sale by all dealenhs. Prioe 50 eents. / Koster-Milburn Col^v New York, hole agents for the United States J Remember the name?Doan's? and t| ike no other. The woman of today who has rood health, rood temper, rood sense, bright eye* and.it lovelyxfomplexion, the resalt of correct liyinNnd rood digestion, wins the admiration JoTsthe world. If your digestion is faufty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets wHi correct it. For aaia by all dhalrm. i\ " *" C.' " ; i ' ?? I forto W. B. Cookalsa id Ret a box California Medicine/!) lalingsoap. Ice Kiicated lather is heal fifessjo the skin d for chapped handi, sows, cuts, rna, blotches, pimples eczehja^danufl and all entaneous affections it is equal. Unsurpassed for removing Int and grease on ck thing. While ere look at the new lii e Samples just riyed. .A .. PROTECT. THE HEALTH OF YOURSELF - T AND FAMILY. Pope's Herb is prepared to provide a pendable household remedy, based ion the principle of purity of blood murine freedom from disuse. It. is medicine for maladies suer a", Rheuatism. Liver Complaints, Constipa>n, Fever and Ague, Female Disorrs, Indigestion, Luniblgn, Kidney erangements, Catarrh, Sick and Nerius Headaches, loss of .A/petite and all Imenta arising from inwtivit y of the ver and Kidneys. I It is a purely Herbs, Barks and Roots impound It js put ud in chocolate abed tablets pleasing and easy to ke, (or can be dissolved in water.) Mr*. J. C. Meade jof Hayattsvillet d. way*: / "Fin: years I have suffered with acka\he. Headaches/ Neuralgia, and ervouauiess and extreme fatigue. ( _ ied nuuiy remedied without relief our months ago a fateful friend in- _ iced me to write tq Pope Medicine Co. ushingtonV D. C., for a-box of Pope's erb Compound Tablets, the very first >se of two tablets/gave me relief. I ied not quite \ $1.40 b x ahd I am enrely cured of the pain in my back and tve no more headache." t>r. J. V. He\ kesey, a prominent kyaician and Sufaeon of Albany, N. . in part says: I v "As a Blood Purifier, Liyer, Kidney id System regulAtorvI prescribe Pope edicine Co's of I Washington, D. C. erb Compound is I have done for the ist 20 years, and I havA found it to t ( a great remefly, whitdi seldom if er fai!s.' There are thousands of let- . rs from users J>f Pope's Herbs, that J lye been beneitted and cured by its oper use. Phpe's Hefb Compound kblets are puf up 200 in a bqx, "six anth's treatment," and wtll \?e sent j/.-paid on receipt of $1.00. Each box Pffoted guarantee binding to refto# WM* pMrehftse price ft the medy fa'to fe benefit, al*o full oircc "W. / . \ Guaranteed by the Pope Medicine Co., c., under the Pure Food and Druge !?T June BO, 1906 No. 31,956. FOR TERMSTO AGENTS IN VNQC^VP!EP TEPRITOPY ADDRESS " >OPE MEDICNE CO. INC Popp Building, Washington, D. C, 1ALE T)F LAND TOE TAXES Id nwonlf.^ nu omiinnnc*1 parsed y the BonHLqI Town CtiyinlnfionAM ami y nut' Wit* of the i-hnrtnf of the town of" 1 will on Mnydny June 26th,; Oil . nt thu e.mrt door in Louisiana, the fo l'.wfcisr town/lots for nou pay iw*?tiof tnxHH du^tberpofi for 1010. tfftB Allf' J, i?r. T lot tyeiruore nr. $0.73 no. Blount. 1 loATn^oro road 2.05 Vushi; gtmi 'Ht|A 1 ui\ K? iiinor?' ave H.Rl luue Davis. 1 kt Si?rli?w 8.04 laey Danston. i?. 1 I C Mineral Hpriom .A. B Co ?ora ran?t'>n. 1'lf/xjul loan 2.or. reo. tiger tot i. 1 li?* TV i" lierlaVe 7 15 iuhtiu (Jrt?en 1 loUMinVrnl "prfti jh 5.Hi rohn Orwo, 1 hitAlnin Vtnvt 7.13 Hence Hasic-vooiK New port- 0.G4 fohn Hniln-rnoti/1 lok miir railroad 3.01 Seorev H?rt, 1 Uit,"TliverVouil 8.10 Betsy Jouph. 1 Ilit. roil road 2.30 *im Keornev. 1flot. ISjrrrtot) 0.38 '. B. Lnunfont/* iot, Halilrx rood 8.12 4t?:pheii Perry. 1 1o;, Halifax r?md 5.03 Vdvon THiouj-it. 1 lot-. Torhoro road B 03 T) C. HIGH. TaxCol'?ctor. May 25th. 1011 AMERICAN BEAUTI CORSFTo \ r For Flor moat y" Mat), ojdars J.L. * ;'y ^'y' i 1 JM No excessivOv?weeti?hi bacco taste. ?Jo spice all the improvements ^ w us with your name tmd I FREE offer to chevlers 01 | I Winstoa-Salcro, 1 ^ * PHONE knythin^You Want ] / dinner or BRANTLEY Increased Means I- I I iu mmcu 1 K \ f "* \ I \ !% '' t j >'7 ' i - . % ?. . ' f y"'h' * SIREE! UGH BRED BACCO jg of suie enough good Got 'em all beat easy, ig to hide the real toto make your tongue me plug tobacco, with i up-to-date. CHEW ' ' at our expense, the this ad. and mail to address for attractive lly. , -YjtwT*" j "tW>ki~dR<d' 100 )/' For Breakfast ' \-x$ Supper HICKS r ' Yields ? ? ' < . ' ' / / / / I - 4 v . ' V} O \ * S>v

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