Suggestive Questions On the Sunday School Lessen by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the Inter- 1 national Press Bible Question Club ' 11 CopyripAf iPii R**.T S LincoU, D. D. j JCLY, 2ND, 1911. !? Isaiah's Prophecy Concerning Sennacherib. Isa. xxxvii:14-3$. Golden Text?God is our refuse and strength, a very present help in . trouble. Ps. xlvitl. (1.) Verae 14?What letter was it that Ilezekiah spread before the Lord? (2.) Is it the privilege of every man to spread all his letters, including those which give him trouble, a O before the Almighty dcxl, and if so, ^ what iH advantage in doing it ? (3.) What if ~ any advantage is there in telling our troubles to God in the house of the Lord, over doing so in our own homes? (4.) YeYses 15-20?Hezekiah tells God iu much detail the nature of his | troubles. Sow what good is it to do that, seeing God knows all about it in any event? (5.^ Why does God not know all ' about our.heartaclies and our needs before we tell Him, in the same way ' as He knows afterward ? (6.) What is the advantage of urging God by all the argument we can think of as Hezekiah does here. ' to auswer our prayers ? (7.) What effect does the degree of our vehemence, or the extent of our desire, have upon God in answering our prayers? (8.) Why did not God answer Hezekiab direct, instead of through Isaiah ? (9.) Apparently some men with equal goodness are better able to receive detailed messages .from God than others. If this is so, why is it? j (10.) May we rest with absolute certainty in the assurance that hav- ^ ing told God our needs, He will sapply them? Why? (11.) What is the reason tor believing that no person and nothing j. can bring ultimate injury to a man, . or a cause trusting in God ? (12.) Whv are men so foolish as to think they can pYevail against God? ' J (13.) Verse 29?Why does God take injury done to bis people as done against Himself? (14.) Would you go so far as to say that every hurt by word or deed, ^ done against a child of God, is done v against God? Give your reasons. (15.) GivlT an example of how ^ God restrains the wicked as stated ? here, "I will put my hook into .thv nose, and my bridle in the lips." ri (16.) Verses 30-32?As an exam- | ^ pie of how God rules, and overrules, e think of your own blessings, and say * how many of them are a result of 11 your own efforts and how many 01 from causes over which you have no w control ? " (17.) Verses 33 37?What means p did God take to prevent Sennacherib from capturing Jerusalem ? (18 ) How did the angels of the Lord slay probably 185,000 of the soldierB of the Assyrian army in one night? (Give some Bible examples of how inch things have' been done.) j (19.) Verse 38.?To what extent is it a rule that men gvt what they would like to give others and that 77* "They who use the sword perish with the sword?" (This is one of the questions that may be answered ^ in writing by members of the club.) ^ Lesson for Sunday, July, 9th, ? 1911. The Suffering Servant of . Jehovah. Isa. lii:13?liii. 12. Cat Ost andScnd to this Office. ei I??????I " INTERNATIONAL PRESS BIBI.E QUESTION w " I . .CLUB r , I_ have oead the Suggestive 0 ^options on the Sunday School iWson published in a (Name of Pa n an acre are worth from five to e en dollars for stock food. Plant^jteas for their roots peas put * nto the soil front four to six dollars ? vorth of nitrogen per acre. Plant peas for their vines, roots md stubble help to make soil loose ^ ,nd easily cultivated. ^ Plant peas for when decaying u heir humus helps to convert mitt n ral substance into valuable plant ood. Plant peas for their humus absorbs t> ind retains moisture that will aid I"1 he next crop to go through a (j. Irought easily. h Plant peas for their vines' shade ~ he land during the hottest part of die summer, thus aidiug in the fornaiion of valuable nitrates. Plant ptas for their roots are good i tubsoilers. They go to considerable \ depths and open up^the earth so thai air and water can inake a deeper ( aoil. | Plant peas for they will help jou : lo get mare live stock and thus get j you into a more rational and more ,1 Bueceesful system ot farming. 0. r. hcdson, i Stale Agent, F. U. D. Work, , T? - I LI _ af M 1 naieig , i*. \J. J She Was Smothering. < Roekford, AIjl?Mrs. M. C. Pas- < cbal, bt (his place, says: "I was taken ] with nervous paoetration, and had ' headache, backache, pains in my < right side, and smothering spells. I , railed in physicians to treat my ease, 1 )ut with no relief. UNt^ally,I tried Car lui, and it gave perfebt satisfaction. ' recommended it \o evebjt sick wo- J' nan." Are you waak, tiredjyworn- Is iut ? Do you suffeAfrom any ofrtlje^ *' rains peeular to weax women ? Car- "to lui, has a record of ower fitty years ^ a relieving such troubles, and will 01 ertainlv benefit you. It prevents hose frequent headaches, and keeps ? ou out of bed, teeling fresh and appy. Try. Cardui. -T? T The Aesthetic Cow. I want to do painting or paper | ti anging for a i ood.milch cow.? Ad- ! ^ ertisement in Texhoma Argus. I cc That's the way we do thinga in i ^ Hdahoma. Talk-about the wild and | pi rooly West! Wherq in the effete East do cows 1 ol squire the services of a painter and ecorator ? In -Texhoma doubtless m very Jersey is as beautiful as a Jer- I sv Lily and every Aldernev lives ! in 1 a bovine chateau. Possibly tjie ] ?' 3ws are decorated in consonance j S< ith their surroundings, a condition 'y' tat mar ws'l have inspired the | op ??t>0 outburst: . | I never saw & purple cow, " | lu I never hope to see one; I c0 But this one thing I tell you now: n$ I'd rather see, than be one ! ae Every Month Near Death 'd. Foster, Ark.?Mrs Fannie Ellia, Foster, says: "I was sick for seven I tars, and half the time could notj and on my feet, Every mouth, I i as very near death, I tried Cardai, I id in two months, I was cured, and j n now stout sndtiealthy. My friends I 1 ask me now what cured me.j [y looks are^o testimonial to OSrdui." ? matter ho^^eiio'is or long-stand- " >g the trouble, C?dgiwill help you. t is a mild, vegetable, tolriexemedy, ipecially adapted ta relieve and cure le common womanly ailments. It alieves womanly pains and restores P 'omanly strength, 'fry Cardui. 81 reat Progress In the Camnalgn 11 Against Hookworm Disease, n The North Carolina campaign gainst hookworm disease is making teady progress. The number of sees of the disease reported as rested by physicians baa grown dor. lg the past twelve montba 1 er of doctors traaling the dmsaae rom 188 to 697; and the nam- _ er of people mici osoopieally I -* .JU 'r .. . ' *' * I ; f - , PWW xamined for it id the State laboratory of Hvgfene from 500 to 3,312. Seven thousand two bunreat last die overed a per- * feet and complete cure, rhlch is called Rheumaclde. Tedtedlnhi ldreds of cases, t has effected the\nost n arvelous cures; we believe it will cure yo u Rheumacide rets at the joints frden th i Inside, sweeps { he poisons out of tne bj item, tones upr . he stomach, regulams he liver and*- ^ cidneys and makes ymi well all over. , Rheumacide strikes the nsbt of the dis- , >ase and removes its cause. -This splen- ] lid remedy is sold by druggists and 1 iealers generally at 50c. and J1 a bottle. I ,n Tablet form at 25c. and 50c. a package. 1 fiTrlte to Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltl- < nore. Md. Booklet free. Tablets sent >y malL To Ice Consumers ly IceJHouse is not* open for busi- ! ess. To those who tave not paid their ist year ice accdnnt I will appreciate ! u early settlementN Jay your accounts rumptly, Enables me pay mv ac>uats promptly and gecsjirorapt de- 1 very. Please give 5 our of8e-s for Ice ae or two hours ahe id. Leave your 1 rder with us on Satu rday for Sunday, LOUISBURG ICl COMPANY Per J no. y/. King. Mgr. ' tate of North Carolina, I Department of State ( CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION* \ 0 All to Whom The*e Presents May , Come?Greeting : , Whereas, It appears to mv satisfac- ! on, by duly authenticated record of the rgceedings for the voluntary dis- ' ilution thereof by the unanimous insent of all Ahe stockholders, de- ' tsited in my Ace, that The Louisirg Guaranty._4KsfBae.nd Realty Com- ~ iny, a corporatiUof this State, whose ( -incipal office uMjhM?pd at No. . treet, in town of tlotfisburg, County F Franklin, State of North Carolina >. P. Burt beingitheagent therein and , rharcrp thorfldirl nnnn wKnm ay be served) das complied with the auirements of I haptef21, Revisal ot 5, entitled "C irpotjftions," prelitnarv to the issu ng of this Certificate ' Dissolution : / Sow, Therefore 1,/J. Bryan Grimes, (cretarv of idtaJ^ of the State North Carolina/ do hereby ceify that the said corporation did, i the 12th day of June, 1911; file my office a duly executed and stated consent in writing to the dissotion of said corporation executed by I the stockholders thereof, which said nsent and the record of the proceeds j fa aforesaid are now on tile in my d office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto a t my hand and affixed my official seal, n Raleigh, this 12th day of June, A. 1911. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State ITS UP " .TO S ?. Now that the time for pur i assing I am selling ever} ummer line, at greatly reduce iterest to see me before buyi lay think you are getting a h ou will never realize what you Call In And Exa: lake your purchases and save ey to tike hon >EITZ BROTHERS, * tl V T. < ' -srC; . i f. REPORT OF TM< COKUITIQK OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at i LOUISBURG, N. C., at the close of business Jutiv 7. 1911. KESOlItyCKS: / Loan* ami discouut* f JJ42L009.34 Overdrafts 13.8 Homl? to na'urvcirt'ul^mT' 35,(^0 00 Premium* u*. II. 8 llondiKV 1.003.91 Banking boUss, fiirmturk dbd fixture* ^ /\T 9,62 ?.89 Duo from XstlonaDbanlr* Mot re*??rv* agent*) f A -l,364.21 Duo Irotn am>H>v?il r,J*>rve Ah* 9,|h|.80 Cheek* and other e*sjf ibaf \ \ 390 98 Note* of other N'Hi taut I h*Mik*\ \ 3O0.0O FrnrtioiiAl p*i?*c/ rurrairjA \ turke!* am) cents/ I \ \ 527,9-' Specie v I f \y,402 00 Legal tender tint**/ I \AVu1.00 Kedotuptiou tutif \\ circulation.) I \ | lHfiO.OO Total. I N #185.13*0.89 :i.|\HlLCirV8: 3A Capital stock puill in I \ $ 95.OM.00 Surplus fund I ( \ 12.000.00 Llidivided profit J, lee* expeuseA. and taxes paid I J H01.98 Nutioual banknotes outafjinding t35.000 OO Dividends unpaid j \ O.OO Individual deposits subject to \ check I I 78.X54.16 DemaniiS^ertiflcatM of deposit 34.565.8M Cashier's ?hecks oltataming 429.87 Biltpayabfk iricluuiug jcrtitirntes \ of deposit lor money borrowed 10.000.(0) TotalX I I f 185.990. State of NortW cIbobina, \ s County of Frt^uKlitf, > f ss. 1, F.B. McKinne.Cdvbftr of the ubove nnuicd bank, do solemol^ \Awear that the above statement is true to file best of my know I edge and belief. P F.Jl. McKinnk, Cashier Subscribed and swqrn to before me this 13 day of June 1911. I P. R. White. N. P. L'orrect Attest: { W, H. Allen. Wm. H. Rutlin, D. F. McKinne North Carolina ) \ > In the Sup'r Court Franklin County ) The First National) Notice to BtockBank of Louisbur* > holders, creditors in its own behalf) and dealers with and on behalf of all) Tar RiyerMtg. Co creditors of Tar ?of appointment of Rivet Mfg.. Co., ) a receiver. vs Tar River Manufacturing Company. The?stockholders and creditors of and all dealers with Tar River Manufacturing Company will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County for the appointment of a receiver of laid defenaanc corporation upon the ground that it is insolvent; and that pending the determination of such re:eivership a temporary receiver has been appointed for said defendant corporation, and that said defendant corporation is required to appear before Hon. C. M. Cooke, Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina, residing in the Fourth Judicial District, to appear before him at Chambers in Louisburg, on J une 15tly 1911, to show cause, if any it can, w)h/ said receivership shall not be mad (J permanent; and the stockholders andl^reditors of and the dealers with said defendant corporation will take further notice that they are 1 required to appear at the term of the 1 Superior Court of said countv of Frank- i 'in to be held on the second Monday be- j [ore the first Monday of September, 1 1911 and intervene in said proceedings and become parties thereto tor themselves or others in like interest under such rules as the court for the purpose . of Justice shall prescribe This Jane )th, 1911. J. J. Bariiow, Clerk Stiperior Court. Win H. Ruffin, Att'y- 'or Plaintiff. Joseph Yarborough TAILOR [n A NT. Neal i Building ] am prepared to do your pressing, ' leaning and tailoring at verr reasonble rates. All work guaranteen. Give ne a trial and 1 will please you. , Phone No. 159 ro you j aVE.. chasirfg'summer clothing is r thing inNy store, In the id prites. It-will be to your , ng what you wah^. You argain somewhere elsfce but arercnissing until you see me mme My Stock. i tie other half of your monle/with you. 1 J Lotiisburg, N, C. j "? ' - v t ' t? , x - / . . W* '*+* I * They never n