* t ? \ Professional Card 1\R. JOEL WHITAKEut I rractice limited to disease^ of Eye, Ear . Nose and Throat. In Laiuisburg first Monday in each month. j AJ BlUAlir DAVIS . architect ? "touisburg, N. (fc. Suburban-properties laid out * for deLeveling and drainage IVwork, General Surveying. 4 jqr.^arthur hynes Fleming, Surgeon l>oiiti*t, Office in Ford Building, Main and] Nash street, Louisburg. N. C. Hours:? to 4:|0. Phone No. 40. | jjn. H. A. NEWELL, , PHYSICIAN Lyuiaburg. N. C. Ph ne No. 158 PRANKLUjTON HOTEL ErHnkliotoo. N. C. 11. |A Speed, Proprieto . Good Lieerv iiMJonnect pn jpt. c. H. Ranks DENTAL SUItGEON l#?:uit?burg, N. C. office in Hicks Building, Muin itreet. p H. COOKE AT^TORNEY-AT-LAW Louifbnrg, N. C." Over CoopenJt Pleasants Store Prompt Attention given all legal business entrusted to me. T\Il. J. E. lIpALONE, Supi. Health 1J Louiflburg. N. 0. Office in Aycoik Drug Stone, Market Street. Office practice, ijurgery and consultation J gR. 8. P BURT I ' PHYSICIAN and SURfJEON Louiabur^t N.,CJ Office over P. S. A K. K. Allien'a Store gR. it. P. YAKBOROUU 1 PHYSr iAN and 8LI QEON. ' Louiaburi& N. ( . Office in Yarb.trough &' Bit kett building. Night call* aneeered f.ofci 'I W. Bickett^s residence, phone 74. g B. MASSEN BURG V ~ ATTORSEY AT ik * Louisburg, N. (A ill practice in all trie court* et the State Office in Egerton Bi iWing ^y.M. HAYWOOD ItUFFl *~V ATTOfttgfjY AT , Loniaburg, N.?t *. \ Wilt practice tir fttt eodrte or Fraivcliu and ] udjoiuing roauiiee. also in the Supreme ' Court and in the United St&tAs Dinn-ict and j Circuit Court. Office over 1 irat rational | Bank. \ j FJ1 B. WILDER V ATTORNEY!AT| AW \ Louiaburg. N. C. 1 Office on Main atreet in Cotjper buildiig. gl'RUILL A HOLDEN j ATTORNEYS AT AW 1 Louiaburg. *N. C. Will attend the court* of . -anklin, Valine, Granville. vVarrei. and ^ counties, also the Supreme Coutt urth Carolina. Prompt attention Riven to (pllectioua >Mr in Spruill building. j| \ T. W. Blckett. i R. B. Whit* j Louinburg, N.,C. Fianklinton. N Jl*. glCKETT A WHITE J LAWYERS. I Louisburg. N, The settlement o* estates lo ejC'.N!iiborH,f AiT i minWtrators and Guardian is made a specialty, am1 'ebonds required by law rjn be secured In no odlce. Ofllce In Yarborough & Hirkot.l Imfldiug Main street- J ~*^r J? ^ M.- PERSON ATTORNEY a'p la A i Louisburg. M. C Pructice in all courts Office on Mam Street H. YAKBOfMMjnH.pr. j attorney at\i,aw/ Louisburg. N.lU / All legal business intrusted 4? xAi "receive prompt attention. otp*,,} ig Kgerton building. M F 1101 * 11 CONTIUOTOIt and Bl ILDER Lnmsburg. N. ?ling agent (or alt kinds o building Hup.artistic Man tin* and |T lee. ArchitecI designs miiomitted. DR FORD -MwmU? Franllinton. f SC., E. A. R0( ERS Tinwork sr. Louisbtcrg, * . V. Will make estimate's on Wy job Work Guaranteed. C ,11 ? write w) an in noed of any! ling Vin y| N: v* '* *v / SUNDAY' SCHOOL. Lesson I.?Third Quarter, For July 2, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, lee. xxxvli, 21-36 Memory Vereee, 33-35?Golden Text, Pe. xlvi, 1?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. The story of TIezrklnh Is somewhat fnliy recorded not only In II Kings and II Chronicles, but also (n the prophecy of Isaiah. * A few weeks ago we were considering how he began his 1-elgn by"" repairing and cleansing the-temple and by keeping the Passover for all Israel, summoning the twelve tribes thereto. He wrought that which was good and right and trnt? before the Lord his God. and he sought God with all his heart and prospered (II Chron. zzxl. 20, 21). Such devotion to the living and true God was more thaa (be devil eoald stand for all who will tlve godly In CStrlst Jesus shall suffer persecution (II Tim. 1U. 12), so be stirred up the king of Assyria to fight against Jerusalem and by words and letters to meek and blaspheme the God of Israel and His people. Tojila blasphemy and rrvlHngs the people answered not a word, but held their peaee.~aa the king bad taught them (II Kings rvfli, 80). Thus did David, aeeordlng to Pb. xzzvlU. 13. and thus did: the Lord Jesus both before the high priest and Pilate (Matt. zzvl. 02. 03; xxvll, 14). "When' He was reviled He reviled not again; when He angered He threatened nor* (1 Feb 1L It). Heeeklah did with the wicked letter Just what we all ought to do with sucB things?op read them before the Lord and unburden our hearts to Him about all such. I have personally proved this a way of peace nsevv than once. If yon do not receive wicked lsttera yon will probably hear of wicked words that havebesn spoken against yon. Just tell all to tbe Lord Jesus and leave all with Him. Heeektah's prayer at thla time Is a most refreshing strwtv (TI Vt-M 14-19: Isa. xxxvlL 16-20). Note that his reason for asking dellrerance was that all the earth might know the Lord. The prophet Isaiah also joined him In prayer In this his time of difficulty (II Chron. xxxlt. 20). Hezekiah was thus able to speak to the hearts of the people because he was himself comforted by his trust In the Lord. "Be strong and courageous; be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria. There be mdre with us than with them. With him Is an arm of flesh, but with ns Is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles" (II Chron. xxxll, 7. 8). In the portion assigned ns today we have the Lord's answer to Hezekla'h through the propheHsalah. It becomes" us to be sure that God answers prayer and. having committed our affairs to Him. leave all with,Him In quietness even though we may not have as speedy an answer as the king had. There Is no resting place tike the words of the Lord God of Israel. The Virgin, the daughter of Zlon. hath despised thee and laughed thee to scorn (verse 22). When klngs'and rulers take counsel together against the Lord He that sltteth In the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have tbem In derision (Ps. 11. 1-5). When the Lord's people are touched In any way it is the Lord Himself who is tonched. When the king of Assyria reproached "and blasphemed the king of Judah he was really blaspheming the Lord, the Holy One of Israel (verses 23. 24). So It has been and shall be again and again until the last great blasphemer shall be cast alive Into the lake of fire (Dan. xl, 36; Rev. xill. 4-8: ill. 19). It la God Himself that tbe devil bates and would dethrone If be could and therefore shows his hatred toward t the people of God, but hear the Lord as He says to him. "I know thy abode, and thy going out, and thy coming In, and thy rage against me" (verse 28). Then note what follows as to His assurance of deliverance and mark well the words. "The rani of tho T orri of hosts shall do this" (verse 321. Compare Isn. lx. 7. and be assured that the zeal of the Lord of hosts will not rest till the king shall sit on David's throne and reign over the house of Jacob (Luke 1, 81-33). For His own sake and for His servant David's sake He will do It (verse 35). See how easily the Lord can overthrow His enemies and deliver His people. He has but to speak and It Is done. The angel of the Lord went forth that night, and by His power 185,000 of the Assyrian army died. Thus easily did He overthrow Pharaoh and his hosts In the Red sea. In Israel's last extremity, when the armies of antichrist shall be gathered against Jerusalem, He shall come In the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and shall consume with tbe spirit of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming that wicked one and his armies (II Theas. 1, 8-10: Isa. xl. 4; Rev. xlx. 19. 20). band came to arrest Hlip In the days of His humiliation and weakness He simply said. "I am," and tbey went backward and fell to the ground. Remember also that "by tbe word of the Lord were the' heavens made and [all the best of them by the breath ofdfls month" (Pa. xxxilL dt and ask what yen know of the power ef His word tn your own life?tbe power and wisdom ef (M May Ha grant ? a timing te the richse ef HIS glory te he strength en ?d wfth might by Hlfe spirit in the Inner man (Dph. m. m. | *' - ; - - , A TRAGIC MOMENT. Two Fomishod Mon and Thoir Last Fifty Cant Piaoa. A group of old time journeymen J printers the other night were de- c scribing their wanderings up and ^ down and across the map if the t United States and pointing the do- C scriptions of their, journeys tvith J little hard luck stories of their own f experiences here and there. A 0 little gray map with a high fore- ( head who hud been listening meek- c ly- all .evening to the reminiscences ' of the others finally was moved to J speech. ' - a "I've worked in newspaper offices c and priutshops in nearly every kind ' of a burg in this country from 0 Father Knickerbockers town to i the shacks in Red Gulch, and I 8 have had to 'batter gates' once in J awhile for a little broken grub," c said he. a "1 have been a. little more than e hungry at times, and I used the , side door Pullman in most of my c little journeys. But I believe the o saddest and most hopeless moment ' of my life was in Chicago late in t the fall of the year of the big Columbian exposition. Me and a pal of mine had drifted in there from I the wide southwest somewhere, and , we were both just about broke. Our clothes were getting thin, and the October breezes coming across the lake were begining to chill us to the 1 bone. But we clubbed together one e day and raised enough' to pay our ii admissions into tl^fair. We were t bound to see it.'although it left us * one lonesome half dollar between j, the two of us. s "All day we tramped, feasting t out eyes bri the marvels of tlie big j show, and late in the afternoon we t landed back uptown, with our heads e full of Venetian lagoons and white 4 palaces. We still had the half dol- J lar, and in the intervals of recalling 0 this and that exhibit to each other S we were planning how to spend the ^ 50 cents to the best advantage. >, or- : iv- n?i t* c n?o ueanujj LI1C 1\USD Street a bridge when we began to laugh p over the queer antics and manner- I isms of a "group of single eyeglassed a Englishmen we had run across that t afternoon in the British exhibit. t "My pardner was mincing along, ? giving an imitation of one of their a 'ludships,' and, suddenly thinking of c the fifty cent piece, ran his hand ? into his pocket and. lifting it to * his eye. began using it as a monocle Just at the height of his antics the ( half dollar slipped from his eye, 1 bounced and rolled a few inches ? and slipped tbnjugh_a .nrack-in?the- bYidgciTooFclown into the sluggish waters of the Chicago river. It was tragic. There .was nothing to be said, We just looked at one another for a minute and tramped on across the bridge."?St. Louis Republic. Startling Instance of Longevity. [ One of the most curious instances 1 of longevity is found in Miss Louisa * Courtenay's "Notes of an Octoge- 5 narian." A witness in a will case ] in which Bellenden-Ker, the great English conveyancer, was engaged was asked if he had any brothers or sisters. He replied that be had | one brother who died 150 years ago. The court expressed incredulity, . and documentary evidence was.produced in support of the statement. This showed that the witness' father, who married first at the age of nineteen, had a son who died in infancy*^ The father married again at the age of seventy-five and bad 1 a son who lived to appear in the J witness box at the age of ninety- J four and made the above 'startling t statement. J So Sudden: ~"r Vming Smith (mhn has mnstercr. _ courage at last to ascertain his fate) And VOU will hp mv hri^P rlmir Nellie ? * " ' """" Nellie?I will answer yon, Mr. Smith, when are alone. Young Smith ? When w$ are alone? Nellie?Yes. Eject my young brother. He is under the sofa. (The 1 young brother is ejected.) Now ^ open the cupboard and tell my sister, who is listening, politely, but J firmly, to depart. (The sister departs.) - ^ Young Smith (wiping his brow) ?Now, darling, the coast is clear. Will you be mine ? Nellie?No! (Collapse of Smith.) ?London Tit-Bits. J A Fatal Funeral. ^ An extraordinary series of fatalilady died suddenly, and when the J hearse cane to convey her body to , the graveyard the coachman fell frbm the box in a fit of apoplexy and died immediately. A woman among the mourners was so ypset " at this t?at sEe fell dead, as though struck by lightning, and a child in ' bar anas was dashed against tha ^ stones with such violence that its t skull sm fractured. Instead of one < death four had to be notified to the aifboiMeo. ? \ \ ' V ' ' . V ' V " A - >ALE OK VALUABLE STANDING TIMBER By virtue ot an order of re-sale made | >y the Superior court in that ex?arte proceeding entitled H. 6. Cop>edge and others, the undersigned ommissioner will,"on the 3rd day of uly, 1911, it being first Monday of sai nonth. offer for sale at public ant ion to he highest bidder,} for cash, at th? 3ourt bouse do<?r in Louisburg, at bout nckrn, the following standing tim >er together with the usual rights and privilege! incidental-to timber conHTeynces, vim: / All thebtandini: timber excel* the )ak tlrovb aboy the mansion house, if and above eight incbeB at the stump vh'en cut upon fthe traf't of land decribed as felloe's: That tract of land ?wned by VA Jp. Coppedge, deceased, it the time qahis death, and bounded in the north ?y Major Creekniove, on he east by J?> Privett and John Privitt, on the spAh by May Brothers, and in the West bA Joe Spiyey and Mrs. 'attie Mot is, Vontaining about 220 icress in th ^whW tract, the standing imber ther on, Hereby offered for safe mbraces a out 1&J across. Time for :utting anc removing three years from ind after d .te.of safe. with two years ixtension c ause thereafter. Purchase wi 1 be required to deposit ?ith the C ?rk of the Superior court, ir with thii commissionei7?yl0 per cent f the purcl ase price so bid, pending confirm ition of the sale as an evilence ot hit pood faith in the iriniacion. This Vune 1st, 1911 \ \ B. T. HOLDEN, Coh>. I&TICE OF SUMMONS AND ATTACHMENT Jorth Cart,Una, Franklin County, in the Superior Court. McKinne Bros. Co. vs H A. Mottier, trading a, H.A. Mottier & Co ""n thft HnfonWanf olv?"? ? J - ? ?-?..i?i m? awuT? nuiuru: You will take notice that ail action m titled as above has been commenced n the Superior count of Franklin counv by the plaintiff abovcd named gainst the defendant above named to ecover damages fat breach of Contract n the sale of four car loads of hay hipped by said defendant and received iv the plaintiff atLouisburg, N. C., on day 8th, 1911,'Apfil 17th, 1911, May 8, 911 and May 17t>, 1911, respectively, he said hay being short in weight and f quality inferior to that purchased by he plaintiff, and!you will further take lotice that you i re required to appear ,t the next term of the Superior Court f Franklin cour ty to be held on the iecond Mondav >efore the First Money in Septembe 1911, it being the 1st day of Augi st, 1911, at the court louse in Louis jurg, N. C. and anwer or demur t i the complaint of the ilaintiff in said fiction or the plaintiff rill apply to the cpurt for the relief lemanded in said /omplaint. You will ,lso take noticei fhat a warrant of at achment was iuued by the Clerk of he Superior C<Mrt of Franklin county n the 23rd daycof May. .1911, against he property of Eaid delendant based on foresaid cause of action and in the sum f $220.44, which warrant is returnable ,t the time and place above named for he return of the summons. This 23rd ] lay of May, 1911. J. J. BARROW, llerk Superior Court of Franklin county V-. H. Yarborough. Jr.. Attv. for Ptf. To The Public have purchased the interest of, J. D. fill in the firm of Garrett & Hill and vill continue the business at the same tand, where . will carry a full and complete line of groceries all the while HAVE FITTED UP AN UPATO-DATE Fr&h Meat Market tnd will be prepared a\ alt\ times to ook af(er the trade in Loqisbure. Phone 'our orders to No. 187 itbd they will eeeifre prompt attention. Nothing lut-the best meats will be\handled, I vjll also pay the highest market price or good beet cattle. Come-to see me. FC f n mm . j. uarren J. WJing Eeadquart^rs for uj v ci y utJLiiyg uuuu boi Eat \/, My M6tk JuicK Sale? and Small Profits A iuick delivery, (awt goods ftV the leant noney. Bring Ine your eggs\ chickens lens, butter and all country \produce. Vill give the hfcheet market price. \CE X rHE /YEAR ROUND am agen/ (or the KinsrWeeder, King rde Cultivator and Gufflo Distributors Tfiia maahine puts the guano around ka plana, where it does the most good tome tolsee me. ' \ ' JNO.W. KING "V >1 ; .... JA, jri^r anc* Finishes for^j \ \W Every Home Use^ttijrl |V*| Thisjd the time to freshen up the home by doing f?7^ the odd jobs of paintingVou hdie been planning. For the buggy, the furniture, flu tie floors and woodwork, for every/ paint purpose, we have the/right Finish. .arc each and] every one scientuically prepared for ^critic uses. . \ Remember?if it"i a surctce to be Runted, enameled,/ ^^tained, varnished or Slashed in any w^T, there's anX^ ^cme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. ^We^ca^^ THE VIRGINIA BAY ocean VIEW, VA. The most popular Summer Hotel on the Virginia Coast will be open for guesta . On June 154, 1911 Its fifth season under thesame management. \ Operated by a Franklin County boy. The Virginia Bay is headquaftersyor Franklin County people. Arrange to Spend Ydur Vacation With Us ? And we assure you that everything possible wiliVbe done for the comfort and pleasure of youiself awl family during your stay. For Rates and Other Inforrd^tion Write JNO. A. TUtkER, Mgr. CONSOLIDATED o/-\i_c_ ? R^MeS-TWFWRTTER CO., INC. C. D. WEEK J, TRU?STE?.- . AND r / / / THE JOHN S. RAMo?S^..XY PE WRITER AGENCY'J Stock of Typewritei4, Supplies and Office Furniture The following jure wBcTa's, if intererfed write us at once aa these pricos only last unti theXtOck is disposed of } Writer <?3 I No 3 Underwood, long carriage 53 75 \ Wolli^nnCewnteTriter III 1 No 7 ReZiS,' "bufl't % ^ ^ t^riV?r fi ? 1 N? 1 Victor, (elite) 62 50 1 Densmore typewriter, rebuilt, 37 51 { Wq 2 Victors (elite*" "0 00 ? ST?83SkSSSET"?-each ? s N as ? 2 1 No 5 Underwood 49 5C < No 2 \ ictor8j(p,ca) 8150 1 set of Edisons business phonographs, consisting of-dictating, transcribing, and shaying machines, also 1 dozen, cy inders. Regular price $210, our price $162.50 1 sef Dictaphones, same outfit, regular price $210, our price S190. $1 and 75c ribbons for all makes 60c. $3 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. Prices on office furniture quoted upon repuest. Terms?Express COD oi approved bankable paper. Order at once from JOHN S. .RAMOS Princess Building WILMINGTON, N. G. Box 54 v -. I Wending | . ... ^Presents i X If you are thinking oj gi^ng /a bridal X X present you should -pome to Johnsons x Jewelry SJor ".' I have /ust received a x x shipmejrfof rich Cut Ota ss and Solid x X Silvarfwear. Every pelce suitable for x X a bndAl present. My prices are very X \ X low considering the goods X V I can have all your engraving done by x ^ x an expert engraver in a few hours af- x ^ X RESPECTFUU.Y -X | J. H. JOHNSON |

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